Forever Together

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Forever Together Page 36

by Naughty Aphrodite

  “Well, let me ask you this: when I unzipped your dress if I’d pulled it to the ground instead of treating the stain, would you have given in to the moment?” His eyes are probing her now.

  Any good negotiator knows not to ask a question he doesn’t already know the answer to, and Samantha knows this.

  She blushes brightly like the sun has burnt a stripe across her nose and cheeks. She looks away shyly.

  “Mmhm. Exactly,” Connor seems very satisfied with himself. “I count that as a meeting, even without the names.”

  “Fair enough,” she answers and looks like she has just been beaten in a game and loves it.

  “And, I’ve seen you negotiate when you had zero bargaining chips on the table.”


  “Have you forgotten the details of our first date already,” he jests, enjoying their banter more and more.

  “Ah, the interview,” she replies.

  “Yes. I couldn’t believe I offered you such a generous compensation package, and you tried to negotiate me up! Your boldness, your confidence…” his voice trails off, and he takes another sip of brandy like he’s trying to hold his words in.

  “Tried? I feel like I was pretty successful,” she says with a self-satisfied expression.

  “Damn straight you were. Because you have the instinct. And it’s so fucking sexy,” he says, holding her eyes with his and not letting them go.

  With this directness, Samantha loses her position of power in the conversation and feels Connor step back into that role. She likes it. The way he commands a room, the way he seems to always know exactly what he wants and goes for it single-mindedly...the way he looks at her like it’s only his incredible self-control that keeps him from taking her right there.

  There’s a knock at the door, and Margaret enters. She sees them relaxing together in the library, brandy snifters in hand, and quickly hides her quiet surprise. An important call from Hong Kong has come through. Connor apologizes, bids Samantha goodnight, and quickly exits the room.

  Samantha takes the last of her brandy in one shot and then rests her head back on the chair. In a month, her life has gone from struggling on the edge of ruin, to late-night brandy with the founder and CEO of a multi-billion dollar company. Replaying the way he looks at her, the way he seems to truly see her for who she is, sends her whole body into a flutter.


  After an hour putting out fires in the Hong Kong office, Connor retires to his room, but finds himself full of electricity.

  Tiger-like, he paces the sizeable sitting room that adjoins his bedroom. His body is tight, muscles ready to pounce, and all he can think about is Samantha. He feels the magnetic pull of her being only a few yards away. It’s as if a switch inside him has flipped, and now when he is away from her part of him is missing. This makes him uneasy. He tells himself he just needs to get laid. That’s all it is. Between work and Marla, and taking every extra minute to be there for Arabella, it’s been a while since his body has known the intimate touch of another. But deep inside, he knows the truth. He is falling in love with this young woman. When he lets this truth float up to the surface, where he can no longer deny it, it stops him in his tracks, and he stands in place, stunned.

  Should he try to keep his distance? Should he tell her they can’t encourage their connection? Just the thought of this feels like an impossibility, like he’s trying to rewrite the laws of physics.

  How did this happen so fast, he asks himself and falls into a chair. He runs his hands through his hair. Rubs his hands over his face. And finally, begins to accept his fate.

  A moment later there’s a knock at his door. He told Margaret he’s not to be disturbed for the rest of the night. He marches to the door, and swings it open with annoyance, but it’s not Margaret standing there. It is Samantha, in a simple white cotton chemise. They don’t say anything, just stand looking at each other in the doorway for a moment. The heat between them pulses. Connor feels a primal hunger for her run through his body. Unable to restrain himself a moment longer, he pulls Samantha in by the waist. The door slams behind her, and he suddenly has her against the wall, his open mouth locked with hers, and the taste of strawberries and brandy drawing him further in. His hands search her body, hungry to touch every part of her. She moans softly as his tongue dances in her mouth. And then, he pulls away. They are breathless.

  He holds her face in his hands, taking in every inch of her face, and they break into joyful laughter at the relief of touching. She pulls away, walks over to his desk and leans against it, trying to catch her breath.

  “Maybe we should talk about this,” she starts, chest still heaving.

  “OK. What shall we say?” He plays with her from across the room.

  “I don’t know. You’re my boss. I love Arabella so much.”

  Her love for his daughter almost makes him want to propose right in this moment.

  “Look, I’m not the kind of guy who sleeps with his employees. I’ve actually never done it. As a policy.”


  “So, I don’t know what is happening other than when I’m away from you I feel caged in this body,” he says and scratches at the tight t-shirt on his chest. “I want to kick the ass of anyone who would even think of hurting you. And yes, I am your boss.”

  Connor slowly walks toward Samantha, cups her cheek in his hand, and she melts into him. When she looks up at him again, her expression has changed. The doubt and hesitation are gone and has been replaced by something innocent yet wanting. Like she’s submitting to him and daring him at the same time.

  Coyly, she says, “I just don’t know how I'm supposed to say no to such a sexy daddy.”

  He grips her grabs her and says, “You’re not. You’re to say, ‘Yes please, Daddy,’ and show me what a good little girl you are.”

  Her smile deepens and she plays with the hem of her chemise like a schoolgirl. “And what do good little girls do, Daddy?”

  Connor turns her around and bends her over the desk, runs his hand down her back and over the soft roundness of her ass. He pulls the fabric up to her waist revealing nothing underneath. Samantha moans with his touch. Her body throbs with want. He presses his erection against her, leans down and whispers, “Is this what you came for tonight, baby girl?”

  Samantha arches her body into his and turns to give him an innocent-looking nod and bites her lip. He sweeps her up into his arms and carries her to his bed. He strips and then pulls the chemise from her body. Laid out before him, she is glowing with a flush. He yanks her down to the edge of the bed and begins to kiss her again, hard. He pins her hands above her head, runs his mouth over her neck, her collarbones, down until it finds her nipples. Their firmness in his mouth sends his erection into overdrive. Samantha is vocally enjoying the tease of his tongue and teeth.

  Under her breath, she whispers, “Daddy, please, please!”

  His mouth lunges up to silence her delicious begging. After a moment, her head cradled between his enormous hands, he looks into her big eyes with a sudden stillness. They’re both beaming, chests rhythmically pressing into each other with each breath.

  “You are the most gorgeous thing I think I’ve ever seen,” he says earnestly and runs his thumb over her parted lips. “I want you to be mine. All mine.”

  Before she can even think about it, Samantha responds, “But, I am yours. Why do you think I had to knock on your door?”

  He smiles, and she cups his face in her hands and pulls her knees upward. As he enters her, she lets out a little gasp and pulls him tighter to her. Her face melts into pleasure.


  Before she is fully awake in the morning, Samantha hears something lightly clinking near her. She works her eyes open and blearily sees a tray laid out with an elegant breakfast. She looks around. Connor is opening the curtains. In the light of day, she sees how sleek his bedroom is.

  “Good morning, Sunshine,” he g
reets her.

  Samantha sits up. She feels the subtle ache of where he took up so much space in her body last night, and the memory of it fully awakens her.

  “Hungry?” Connor kisses the back of her shoulder.

  “Starving,” she answers with a giggle.

  “Well, now you get to learn about something else I’m good at,” he says proudly, and takes a spoonful of golden soufflé and feeds it to her.

  She moans with delight. “Oh my God, that’s amazing,” she says with a half-full mouth.

  “I aim to please.” He winks at her.

  “You certainly do,” she laughs.

  They eat in partial silence, rarely taking their eyes off each other, smiling in the haze of their bodies’ many hungers. When they’re almost done, Connor begins, “So, I have a question for you.”

  “OK,” Samantha replies while sitting up straighter and pretending to be official in some way.

  “I know you were planning to go home this morning, but how about you stay here for the rest of the weekend?”

  “At the house?”

  “Sure, at the house, too. But, really I mean right here,” he says and pats the bed.

  Samantha’s face transforms into a shining smile.

  “Yes please, Daddy,” she says in a flirty voice and leans in for a kiss.


  The next few months feels like a series of stolen glances, sizzling encounters, and weekend trips all divided up by bouts of work and responsibilities. Though she surely knows what’s happening, Margaret never betrays she has any knowledge of them, let alone any judgments. Samantha is thankful for this. Dating her boss is definitely on her life list of things not to do. What surprises Samantha the most is how lovely it is when she, Arabella, and Connor are just hanging out together. The only tarnish on the situation is occasionally Connor receives calls that noticeably stress him. He always leaves the room when he receives these calls, even when Arabella isn’t around making noise. Something about this slightly unsettles Samantha, but she tries not to pay attention. But, these calls increase in frequency. Eventually, Connor seems worried most of the time.

  “Hey, are you OK,? Samantha asks Connor over lunch one Saturday afternoon.

  “Yeah, sure, why do you ask,” he tries to put on a relaxed face for her.

  “You seem...upset.”

  “I’m not. It’s just the work. Things are really busy,” he says and plucks a flower from a plant for her.

  Samantha takes the flower and stares at it for a moment, trying to find comfort. She senses he’s covering something, but she doesn’t know how to call him out on it in this moment. It’s more than the odd calls. He is slightly distant--less holding hands under the table or running his fingers over her back as he passes by. Just enough difference to make her feel a touch of insecurity, a feeling she’s been trying to avoid most of her life.

  Reading the paper one morning when Arabella is with Marla, Samantha sees a story about SpaceMark’s newest advertising campaign. Two of her favorite topics, Connor and her career field, joined into one. Samantha excitedly asks Connor questions about the campaign--how it’s going, what was the process to create it, how did he feel about it--and then asks if she could possibly meet the person in charge of this effort. Connor’s face goes emotionless.

  After a moment, he says, “I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” and goes back to eating his eggs.

  Samantha is shocked. He’s always been so supportive of her wanting to follow her dreams. She sees she can’t ignore the changes in him any longer, but she doesn’t have a plan forward. That afternoon, she tells Connor she’s going back to her apartment to have an evening of catching up with Cheri. Though this is absolutely her plan, she is heartbroken when he just looks at her for a moment and replies with a casual nod.


  “I don’t want to freak you out,” Cheri says with her mouth half full of popcorn, “but there are definitely some red flags here.

  “I know! And I don’t know what to do about them. That’s what I’m telling you. Like, none of it makes sense!”

  “But, Sweetie, I think it does. Let’s look at the facts: he’s uncomfortable with you being at his office. He gets stressed around you after he has certain phone calls.”

  “And he gets those calls day and night,” Samantha interrupts.

  “Yes, day and night. He’s been a little distant, touching you less and such.”

  “Oh, God,” Samantha says as the pieces fall into place. She doesn’t want to say it aloud.”

  “Honey, I think he’s got someone else.”

  These words are a hard slap across the face. Samantha’s heart doesn’t want to believe it.

  “I don’t know,” she is searching for something, anything, that can counter this. “I mean, maybe it’s…” her voice trails off. Her mind is racing. Tears start to stream down her face, “Maybe it’s because I’m still so focused on advertising. I mean, I talk about it, ask him questions. He did get really weird when I asked him to connect me with his advertising department.”

  “Aaah, yes. I mean, that would make sense. He is technically your boss, after all.”

  “Yes! And, as his nanny, I’m nearly always available for him. My whole life is focused on him and his daughter.”

  “And that would change if you were off working in some big shot office, wouldn’t it.”

  Samantha can’t confirm or truly deny either of these scenarios. And, she can’t decide which is worse: the idea that he’s been dating someone behind her back or the idea that he’s been lying this whole time about supporting her bigger hopes and dreams. Both are huge betrayals.


  Sunday morning, Connor answers his phone in a mixture of excitement and worry.

  “Hey! How was your night with Cheri?”

  “It was just what I needed, thanks,” she says a little formally.

  “Great, I’m glad to hear it. Are you coming back today?”

  “Actually, I was wondering if you can meet me in the city for lunch.”

  “Sure. Saison at 1?”

  “Wow, Saison. Yeah, that’d be lovely.”


  The drive in from the country house is nerve-wracking for Connor. Not only does he have the feeling Samantha is going to deliver bad news, but Marla is calling him every 15 minutes to scream at him about Arabella’s hair needing a trim and that the alimony she gets isn’t enough for a pauper to survive on though she receives enough to live comfortably in the most expensive part of San Francisco. He takes deep breaths. But finally, on call number five, when she is badgering him about what an absent father he is and that Arabella doesn’t love him, he loses his composure.

  “Marla! I don’t have time for your crazy shit right now. I’m going to hang up and enjoy Saison, and we will talk later!” And, with that, he ends the call.

  It feels so good. He never pushes back with her so directly. He spends so much energy trying to keep her inner beast quiet, not raging, for Arabella’s sake. But, her beast has been wide awake for months now.

  Samantha is standing outside the restaurant when his car pulls up. He steps out to greet the stunning woman waiting for him. She looks a little tired, but no less lovely in a bright blue dress and sunshine yellow heels.

  Seated at their table next to the window, they chat about the restaurant. It’s Connor’s favorite. He’s friends with the chef. It’s been too long since he’s been here. Samantha loves the details of the decor, the wild game on the menu, the beautiful plating she sees at the other tables. Abruptly she changes the subject.

  “Are you upset that I want to be more than a nanny? That I have other goals?”

  Connor looks at her with genuine surprise.

  Samantha fills the silence. “Because I’ve been clear from the very beginning what I’m about, and if that’s a problem for you--”

  “No! Of course not! Why on Earth would you think that? I mean--”

>   “I keep asking you if something is wrong. You keep saying no, and I keep feeling the unshakeable truth that something is. And you got uncomfortable the other day when I asked to meet the person in charge of SpaceMark’s latest ad campaign. You know I wasn’t asking for a job, right? I just want to ask some questions. And I’m not trying to leave Arabella.”

  Connor’s face shifts into loving comfort. He takes her hands in his across the table and leans in to say, “Sunshine, no. No, of course not. I told you it’s your drive and focus on your dreams that drew me to you.”

  “Yeah, but just because it drew you to me, doesn’t mean it keeps you here.”


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