Forever Together

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Forever Together Page 39

by Naughty Aphrodite

  He nodded and walked around to the back of his truck. He pulled out a length of rope and walked to the front of my car. He crawled underneath it.

  “I’m just going to tow you and we’ll see what this baby has under the hood.”

  Oh, God. I glanced at Drake. He had a grin on his face that suggested he enjoyed my distress. It wouldn’t surprise me. His smirk was just as annoying and just as handsome as it had always been. He folded his arms over his chest and his muscles bulged, stretching out the shirt.

  I looked away. I was not going to ogle.

  “If you could just keep it for me for the day, I’ll arrange for it to be picked up, later,” I said. “You don’t have to... check what’s under the hood.” I cleared my throat.

  “Let him help,” Drake said. “He knows what he’s doing.”

  I was willing to debate that point. Michael – Mouse – looked like he had crawled out of a hole. Maybe that was where his nickname had come from.

  When my car was hooked up I sat behind the wheel again, steering. Drake followed us on his bike. We weaved through traffic until we reached the first cross road when Mouse turned right. I didn’t have much of a choice but to follow him. We made our way through neighborhoods further and further away from the business district. The further we drove, the more my heart sank to my shoes. I wasn’t going to be able to get into work easily without calling a taxi. Taxis cost money. The money would only come at the end of the month, assuming I could retain this job that long.

  I sighed and kept steering.

  The workshop was an old warehouse with a parking lot full of cars that needed work. Some of them had their hoods up like they’d just been looked at. One or two were covered with so much dust it was evident they’d been here a while.

  Mouse unhooked me from his truck and drove around the warehouse to park it somewhere. I got out of the car and marched to Drake who leaned against his bike, lighting up another cigarette.

  “Is this funny to you?” I asked. I was angry. I was frustrated. “You think you can just waltz back into my life and pretend like nothing happened?”

  Drake looked at me with a calm face. He dragged on his cigarette and blew a cloud of smoke away from me.

  “Baby, don’t be like this.”

  “Don’t you baby me! This is bullshit.”

  He grinned. “You’ve always been cute when you’re angry.”

  I was ready to slap him.

  “You’re an asshole,” I said. My hands were balled into fists. If I swung now he would get my palm across his cheek – rather a fist in his eye.

  “Hey, I helped you out when you were stuck.”

  “That doesn’t trump the fact that you left without a word like I was a toy.”

  His face softened when I said it. God, now he pitied me. There was only one thing worse than being disposable, and that was being pitied.

  I hadn’t wanted to bring it up again. I hadn’t wanted to tell him that it had gotten to me. This wasn’t how I’d envisioned us meeting again. I had wanted to be a successful lawyer with expensive suits and no time at all for the likes of him. I had wanted to be someone he would regret losing. Now, I still felt small and insignificant in his eyes, and I had nothing in my life to counter that.

  “That’s not how it was,” he said.

  His voice was deep, low. God, I remembered that voice. It brought back memories of my skin against his, his lips against my ear. He used to use that voice on me when he was serious, when he told me how he would catch the sun and moon for me if he could. That was the voice I used to trust in, the voice that had been a dream, and then a nightmare.

  “I don’t want to hear it. You left me. You left when I did nothing wrong. I’m not interested in your excuses now.”

  Drake lifted the cigarette to his lips again. His eyes were like ice. I looked away.

  Emotions that had been building all morning threatened to break through the wall I had in place and I swallowed hard. I forced myself to take a deep breath. This wasn’t about him, I told myself. This was about my future, my job, my life, money. He only triggered me. He was nothing. He meant nothing.

  If I told myself that enough times I could start believing it.

  Mouse appeared and I took a step back. He looked from me to Drake and back.

  “Let’s have a look,” he said. Drake walked away, flicking red hot ash off the tip. The ember died out before it hit the ground. I shook my head and looked at Mouse.

  “I just need to leave the car here for a while,” I said. “I didn’t budget for a service.”

  That was diplomatic enough, wasn’t it?

  Mouse shook his head. “No worries, lil’ lady. Any friend of Drake’s is a friend of mine. I’ll do it free of charge.”

  I looked in Drake’s direction. He leaned against his bike again, smoking like he didn’t have a care in the world. It had to be easy when you were hot as hell and didn’t invest in anything emotionally.

  “We’re not friends,” I said.

  Mouse shrugged and opened the hood. “Sure,” he mumbled.

  I rolled my eyes and checked the time. I had to get to the office.

  “Do you by any chance have the number of a taxi service?” I asked. “I can’t access my contacts.

  “In the office. I have a phone directory on my desk.”

  I looked around. A sign over a small door read ‘office’. I walked to it on my kitten heels, feeling out of place dressed up in this dump. I pushed the little door open. The desk was piled with papers and receipts. It took me a while to locate a directory. When I did, it was outdated.

  I tried the number of a taxi service and by some miracle managed to reach them, anyway. I checked one of the receipts for the address and ordered a car. When I walked out, Drake and Mouse were talking. They stopped mid-sentence like they’d been talking about me.

  “I took a card from your office,” I said to Mouse, ignoring Drake completely. “I’ll check in a bit later.”

  He nodded. I turned around and walked to the gate we’d driven through when we’d arrived. I didn’t look at Drake once. My back was the best side of me he would ever see.

  Chapter 3

  By the time I finally got home, it was almost ten. I’d put in the hour I owed Sonya despite my unfortunate morning. Sonya had forgiven me but she hadn’t forgotten.

  “You’re home late,” Mama said when I walked in.

  “I had to work my hours,” I said.

  Mama sniffed. “Is this what it’s going to be like?”

  I sighed. “Yes, Mama. This is what it’s going to be like if I want to get anywhere in my career.”

  I sat down and kicked off my heels, rubbing my feet. If I was going to spend so much time on my feet I had to invest in better shoes when I had the chance. My feet were killing me and this was only day one.

  Mama came to sit next to me and patted me on my leg.

  “We’ll figure it out, honey,” she said. I nodded. Somehow there had to be light at the end of the tunnel. Mama was a hard woman because we had to make it work. We were a team, though, taking care of Lydia and Cindy, of all of us, together.

  I considered telling her about the car but I didn’t want her to worry about it this late. Instead, I cut to the thing that bothered me the most. “I ran into Drake today,” I said, not looking at her. I felt her draw a breath next to me. She’d seen the mess I’d been when he’d disappeared. It was her shoulder I’d cried on.

  “And?” she asked carefully.

  I shrugged. “And nothing. I’m long over him.”

  That wasn’t exactly true. Sure, I wasn’t completely head over heels for the man anymore but there was still something about him that I found irresistible. He was more attractive now, in fact, than the last time I’d seen him. That didn’t change anything, though. I still harbored a hell of a lot of resentment over what he did to me. I wasn’t over that, at all.

  “That’s good,” Mama said and pushed
herself up from the couch. “I’m going to bed. I have a long shift tomorrow. I left food in the microwave for you.”

  I nodded and watched her leave the room. When she was gone, I walked to the kitchen and reheated the chicken and veggies she’d left for me. I’d had my lunch in the taxi on the way to the office. I hadn’t had anything to eat, since.

  The thought of Drake popped into my head because I was alone for the first time that day. We had been magic together. He’d been the most popular guy in school, the one everyone wanted to date or be friends with. And he’d looked at me.

  “You’re something special, Joanna,” he used to say to me before kissing me like it was my uniqueness that drew him to me. It was only after he left that I realized what it had really been about. I’d never been an easy girl – I didn’t just let anyone into my pants the way some of the other girls had when I was at school. By the time Drake and I were close enough to talk about it,he was shocked to learn I was a virgin. He hadn’t pushed for it then, the way I’d thought he might.

  Drake had waited it out. He’d been kind and gentle, caring and respectful, a gentleman. He’d been everything a boy should be in my eyes. He’d been the man my daddy would be proud of if he hadn’t died when I was eleven.

  I gave a part of myself to him that I was sure he would keep safe. I slept with him because he convinced me he loved me. And I loved him. God, I loved him.

  I’d started dreaming about Drake, about where our future would take us after school. I’d considered running away with him and not going to college, no matter what Mama said about his lack of work ethic. He’d been my everything.

  And then, one day, he’d followed through on his plan to run away. Without me. He’d left me behind to realize for myself that it had never been about love. I had given him what he’d wanted and that had been enough for him. Nothing else had mattered.

  I took a deep breath and finished my food. It didn’t taste amazing but I finished it. When you had next to nothing you didn’t let one little bit go to waste.

  My phone rang in my handbag in the living room. I jumped up from the table and sprinted to silence it before it woke Mama up.

  “Yes?” I asked, answering it after I didn’t recognize the number.

  “I was hoping you would still be up,” a deep voice said on the other end of the line. My body ran cold.

  “Drake? Where did you get my number?”

  “Mouse had it on file.”

  I closed my eyes. Son of a bitch.

  “What do you want?” I asked. I was irritated. I was flustered. I hadn’t been expecting a call, I hadn’t thought he would be able to reach me.

  “I want to talk to you. It’s been too long, Joanna.”

  “And who’s fault is that?” I asked.

  “I know,” he said. “And I wish I could go back and change the way things were, Joanna.”

  I closed my eyes. I wanted him to stop saying my name. It sounded good when he pronounce it and I hated that I felt that way. I hated that there was still something left inside me, a small part that yearned for him to care. Of course, all he would want from me now, was sex, just like before.

  “I don’t want to talk to you,” I said. “Don’t call me again.”

  I hung up and threw the phone on the couch. My eyes were burning with held back tears. I swallowed down a lump in my throat. I was not going to cry over this man. Not again.

  Why was he doing this to me? Why wouldn’t he just leave me alone and let me live my life in peace? It had taken me a long time to accept what he’d done to me. Why did he have to bring all that back?


  A good night’s sleep and a lot on my plate the next few days at work distracted me enough from the emotional strain Drake had brought back into my life. I could fetch my car two days later without having to pay a cent. I didn’t have to take a taxi or a bus into town and I was early every morning for the remainder of the week. I learned a lot as Sonya’s assistant. It would be a while before I worked myself up to the top, but I was on my way.

  Friday afternoon Sonya came into the office looking sour.

  I didn’t dare ask what’s wrong, not yet. I didn’t know her very well and as far as I could see she was on the warpath often.

  “Joanna, I have some things to take care of. You can go.”

  I blinked at her. I’d been working on a file she’d asked me to go through.


  She looked at me, irritated. “This type of thing doesn’t happen a lot around here, so when I tell you to leave, you jump at the opportunity. Go home.”

  I nodded. I didn’t need her to tell me twice. I’d been working overtime every day for the past week. Monday’s shift until ten o’clock hadn’t been because I’d missed the morning, it was apparently a standard around here.

  “Thank you,” I said, packing up my things. “I’ll see you on Monday.”

  I left without further questions. It was still early – the sun was only inching closer to the horizon now – and it was a beautiful day.

  When I arrived home, no one was in. Lydia and Mama were still at work. Cindy probably had some school thing. I unlocked the front door and walked inside. It was strange having the whole house to myself. It hadn’t been so in a while.

  I walked the room I shared with Lydia and pulled my clothes off, getting into slacks and a tank top. I let my hair loose and hung up the blazer I’d been wearing. The rest of the clothes I put in the washing machine along with more clothes. Someone had to do it and I hadn’t been able to help around the house lately.

  In the kitchen, I made food and sat down on the couch. I closed my eyes and tipped my head back.

  A banging on the front door snapped me out of a light sleep. I must have dozed off. My sandwich was untouched on a plate next to me on the couch. The banging on the door persisted and I got up. When I opened it, Drake stood in front of me.

  My blood ran cold. I looked like shit – my clothes were as close to pajamas as they could get – and Drake looked put together in that rugged way as always.

  “Did you get my address from Mouse, too?” I asked.

  Drake flashed me a lopsided grin that made me feel equally unbalanced.

  “It’s not like I forgot where you lived,” he said.

  We’d stayed in this house since I was a little girl. Of course, Drake had known where to find me. I had been sarcastic with my question.

  “What do you want?” I asked. I didn’t have the energy to deal with Drake. I didn’t want him to ruin the one afternoon I had to myself.

  “I had to see you again,” Drake said. “You know the effect you have on me.”

  His eyes traveled slowly down my body and I could almost feel his gaze like a physical touch. Something familiar woke up deep in my core. I shoved it away.

  “Yeah, I’m aware what happens when you get like this,” I said stiffly. “How many other girls have found that out, too?”

  Drake frowned. “Come on, Joanna, don’t be like this. You know you’re the only girl for me.”

  He’d said those same words to me over and over when we were younger; when I still saw my future in his eyes.

  “Don’t do that,” I said but I didn’t sound as assertive as I’d meant to. My voice was breathy and I was starting to melt. Dammit, this man still had the magic that reeled me in. Drake stepped closer to me, taking a step into the house. I shook my head, backing up. He got closer and closer, so close I could smell a hint of his cologne. Drake lifted his hands, cupped my cheeks, and kissed me.

  I froze against his lips. For a moment, the world stopped and we were teenagers again, making out behind the bleachers. Everything rushed back to me – the way he made me feel like a princess… and the way he made me feel like rubbish.

  I yanked back, breaking the kiss, and slapped him.

  Drake’s eyes were wide, surprise riddling his face. We were both breathing hard. Neither of us could believe what I’d just done.
My body was reeling. I wanted Drake. I wanted him the way I’d wanted him back then. So, help me, I wasn’t over him at all.

  I was the one that made the move. I stepped forward, pushing my body against his and kissed him. Hard. Our lips mashed together. I pushed my hands into his messy hair and closed my fists, holding onto him like he would disappear into thin air.

  My urgency was contagious. Drake reacted almost immediately, like he felt it, too. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling my body against his so hard it was like he was trying to consume me. I felt his erection through his leather pants, pressing against my hip bone. We stumbled toward the couch and collapsed on it in a tangle of limbs. Drake pushed his hands under my tank top and shifted his body a little so there was space to pull off my top. He inched it up my waist bit by bit, his big hands on my bare skin.


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