The Ne'er-Do-Well

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The Ne'er-Do-Well Page 29

by Rex Beach



  That was not a pleasant interview for Anthony. His surroundings werenot such as to lend him assurance, and Garavel's grief at hisdaughter's disgrace was really distressing. Moreover, the unequivocalthreat to annul the marriage filled him with alarm. His onlyconsolation came from the fact that Gertrudis had made known the truthwithout the slightest hesitation. That showed that she was loyal, atany rate. Kirk tried to assure his caller that he would have no troublein proving his innocence, but Garavel seemed very little concerned withthat phase of the affair, and continued to bewail the dishonor that hadfallen upon his name.

  Kirk's pride arose at this, and he exclaimed with some heat:

  "My dear Mr. Garavel, if you are so blamed sure that I did all thesethings, why did you come to see me?"

  "It was to learn if she spoke the truth."

  "Oh, we're married, right enough. And you'll have some difficulty inbreaking it up before I get out."

  "You expect, then, to prove your innocence easily?"

  "I do."

  "But I hear there are other serious charges."

  "It is quite the same with them."

  "But--suppose you should not clear yourself of this--murder--would youwish to drag down my daughter's name?"

  "Of course not."

  "I understand you have not spoken of this marriage. Perhaps you mightconsent to remain silent. If by any chance you should be convicted ofguilt, what satisfaction could you derive from injuring me and mine?"

  "None at all, sir."

  "I am rich," Garavel went on, meaningly. "If you are acquitted, Imight, perhaps, arrange amply for your future--upon conditions."

  "In other words, if I am to be hanged or shot or whatever it is they doto people down here, you'll expect me to keep my mouth shut on generalprinciples, and if I'm acquitted you'll pay me well to disappear. Isthat it? Well, there is some family pride to that." He laughed lightly.

  "My political future may depend upon it."

  "If I can help you in that way I'll gladly keep silent as long as youwish, but I don't think I care to make any further terms."

  "Make sure of this," snapped the father, "your marriage will beannulled, no matter what you prove or fail to prove. Already Chiquitais repentant, and I shall not rest until she is free. You have done mea great injury, and I shall not forget it."

  On the following morning the leading American attorney of the citycalled at the jail, announcing that he had been retained as counsel,but refusing to tell who had employed him. Supposing, of course, thathe had been sent by friends who wished no publicity in the matter, Kirkdid not press him for information. Together they outlined their defenceas best they could. With characteristic optimism, Kirk insisted upontreating the charge against him as of little consequence, and it wasnot until he had undergone his preliminary hearing that he fullyrealized the gravity of his situation.

  To his unspeakable indignation, the officer who had discoveredCortlandt's body swore that he had seen the deceased pass him shortlybefore the time of his death, evidently taking a walk along the water'sedge for relief from the heat, and that immediately afterward--perhapsa minute or so--the prisoner had also passed, going in the samedirection! There was a street light close by, he said, and there couldbe no possible mistake as to Anthony's identity. A few moments laterthere had been a pistol-shot, muffled, but unmistakable, and thepoliceman had hastened in the direction from which it came. Theprisoner had appeared suddenly out of the darkness and hurried past. Inthe politest manner possible, the witness declared, he had questionedhim regarding the shot, but Mr. Anthony had neither stopped noranswered; on the contrary, he had broken into a run. The officer hadconsidered this strange behavior, but, being at all times mostrespectful toward Americans, he had made no effort to detain him.Passing on, he had found the body of the dead man. A revolver wasbeside it. It was shocking! It had quite upset the witness. He hadblown his whistle, and seeing a light in the Governor's mansion closeby had called there for assistance. Soon afterward another officer hadarrived upon the scene.

  When this amazing testimony was translated to Kirk he was astounded;but his indignation was as nothing to that which swept over him when aservant in the Alfarez household swore to having actually witnessed themurder.

  This fellow declared that he had been troubled greatly with atoothache. Toward morning of the night in question, too restless forsleep, he had gone out upon the sea wall. Even now, his face wasswollen, and he made a determined effort to show the court theparticular tooth which had made him an unwilling beholder of thetragedy. Overcome by exhaustion, he had fallen asleep after a time, andhe was awakened by the sounds of a quarrel. On opening his eyes, he sawtwo Americans, one of whom was Senor Cortlandt, and the other KirkAnthony. Being utterly ignorant of their language, he had no means ofknowing what was said, nor did he consider the altercation seriousuntil the large man shot the Senor Cortlandt. Then, beingterror-stricken at what he had beheld, he had run away, entirelyforgetting his toothache, which, by the grace of God, was quite gone.That was all he knew of the matter. He recognized Anthony as the manwho had done the shooting. He was troubled greatly with toothaches.

  It all seemed like some grotesque, practical joke, and Kirk at firstcould not believe that the evidence of these witnesses could haveweight. But he soon became convinced that this was no laughing matter.Since they had perjured themselves so readily, it was evident that somedetermined influence was back of them, and how far that influence mightcarry it was hard to tell. The reason for it was all very simple, ofcourse, and yet he was at a loss how to combat it. Wade was called nextand told the story of that damning incident at the supper-party, beingcorroborated by the others. Then there were several witnesses who sworeto inconsequent things, such as waiters at the Hotel Central, and thedoctor who had examined Cortlandt.

  For once in his careless life the young man realized that he was faceto face with something bigger and stronger than his own determination,and it daunted him. He began to see that he had underestimated theseforeigners, for it seemed an easy matter to convict an innocent man inthese Central American courts. He recalled certain ridiculous storiesof Spanish justice which he had laughed at; he remembered Mrs.Cortlandt's vivid tale of an execution she had once beheld in thecourt-yard of Chiriqui prison; and suddenly he decided to cable forDarwin K. Anthony--the one man who was strong enough to save him.

  When it came time for him to speak, he told a straight story about hisown actions on that night, and he was corroborated by Allan; but heknew that their words had little weight against that other testimony.Of course, he was remanded for trial, and that night the newspapers ofthe city were crowded with columns of sensational reading-matterbearing upon the crime.

  Anson, the lawyer, gave him a ray of encouragement as he left.

  "Don't go too much on this hearing," he said. "I think we'll pull youout all right."

  "You THINK! I dare say Ramon Alfarez can get a dozen men to perjurethemselves as easily as he got those two."

  "Exactly. But I have a little coup that I intend to spring at the rightmoment."

  "For Heaven's sake, tell me what it is."

  "I'm sorry, but I can't just yet. In the first place, one must handlethese people exactly right or they explode."

  "But give me an idea at least. I'm really interested in the outcome ofthis case, you know."

  Anson smiled. "Of course you are, and I'll tell you as soon as I can,but not now."

  "These Spiggoties would enjoy standing me up against a wall with myhead in a rag--they'd make it a holiday and ring all the bells in town."

  "I can't assure you that it isn't serious," Anson acknowledged,gravely, "for it is--any time an American goes to court in this countryit is serious--but that doesn't mean that we'll lose."

  "You may be a good lawyer," said Kirk, ruefully, "but you're a blamedpoor comforter. I--I wish my dad was here; he'd fix it. He wouldn't let'em convict me. He's great, my dad is. He can swear--like the devil."His voice
caught, and his eyes were unusually bright as he turned awayto hide his emotions. "I like him better than any man I've ever met,Anson. And you watch him come when he hears I'm in trouble."

  He wrote a lengthy cablegram, which the lawyer, with a peculiar smile,agreed to despatch at once. He spent a sleepless night. In the morninga message came signed by Copley--Kirk's heart leaped at the familiarname--saying that Darwin K. Anthony had left Albany for the West onSunday night, and could not be located for a few days.

  "He was never gone when I needed money," the son mused. "He'll beworried when he hears about this, and he has enough to worry him as itis. I'm mighty sorry, but--I simply must have him."

  Anson brought in the day's papers, which alluded, as usual, toCortlandt's death as a murder, and printed their customary sensationalstories, even to a rehash of all that had occurred at the stag supper.This in particular made Kirk writhe, knowing as he did that it wouldreach the eyes of his newly made wife. He also wondered vaguely howEdith Cortlandt was bearing up under all this notoriety. The lawyerbrought the further news that Allan was in captivity as an accessory tothe crime, and that henceforth Kirk need expect but few visitors.Somebody--probably Ramon Alfarez--had induced the officials to treattheir prisoner with special severity.

  During the days which followed, Kirk suffered more than he chose toconfess even to his attorney. In the first place, it was hard to bedenied all knowledge of what was going on--Anson would tell him little,except that he was working every day--and, then, too, the long hours ofsolitude gnawed at his self-control. Runnels managed to see him once ortwice, reporting that, so far as he could learn, Chiquita haddisappeared. He took a message from Kirk to her, but brought back wordthat he could not deliver it. Kirk wondered if she could really believethose frightful half-complete newspaper accounts, or if she had beenunable to withstand the combined weight of her whole family, and hadgiven up. It was almost too much to hope that a girl reared as she hadbeen could keep her mind unpoisoned, with all those lying tongues abouther. And, besides, she had the Spanish ideas of morality, which wouldmake the actions of which he was accused seem doubly shocking. The morehe speculated upon the cause of her silence, the wilder grew hisfancies, until it became a positive torture to think of her at all.Instead, his thoughts turned to Edith Cortlandt in a curiouslyuninterested way. Her attitude was a problem. Perhaps she would leavehim to his fate. Reviewing the circumstances coldly, he could hardlyblame her.

  It was on Sunday, a week after his arrest, that she came to him. He wassurprised to see the ravages that this short time had made in her, forshe was pale and drawn and weary-looking, as if from sleeplessness.Strange to say, these marks of suffering did not detract from herappearance, but rather enhanced her poise and distinction. She was noteven veiled. On the contrary, she had driven openly to the policebarracks, and ordered her coachman to wait in the street outside, thendemanded to be shown to Anthony's cell.

  "I'm awfully glad to see you, Mrs. Cortlandt," he said, as she extendedher hand. "But do you think it was wise for you to come?"

  She shrugged. "People can say no more than they have already said. Myname is on every tongue, and a little more gossip can make matters noworse. I had to come. I just couldn't stay away. I wonder if you canrealize what I have been through."

  "It must have been terrible," he said, gently.

  "Yes, I have paid. It seems to me that I have paid for everything Iever did. Those newspaper stories nearly killed me, but it wasn't thatso much as the thought that you were suffering for my acts."

  "I'm very sorry. You never thought for a moment that I did what theyclaim?"

  "No, no! It has all been a mistake from the first. I was sure of that."

  "You heard what those two men testified?"

  "Bah! That is Ramon Alfarez--but he can do nothing."

  "Nothing! I don't call a week in the Bastile 'nothing.' Why, he hasperjured two witnesses already, and I dare say he'll have the wholenative population swearing against me when the trial comes up."

  "Never mind. I have had no time to do anything as yet. There were--somany things to be attended to." She shuddered and sank down upon theedge of his cot. "Stephen had a great many friends in various parts ofthe world; I have been swamped with cablegrams."

  "If my dad were here he'd have me free in a jiffy; he can do anything."

  "I don't think we'll need him," she said, in a way that comforted himsomehow, though the feeling shamed him. She laid a soft hand upon hisarm, and, looking up eagerly into his face, exclaimed: "You willforgive me for what I said that night at the hotel, won't you? I didn'treally mean to injure you, Kirk, but I was half hysterical. I hadsuffered so these last few months that I was ready to do anything. Iwas torn by two great desires, one to remain what I am and have alwaysbeen, and the other--well, the other was the stronger, or would havebeen if you had allowed it. I never dreamed there was a way out of mymisery, a way so close at hand; but somehow even before GeneralAlfarez' voice on the 'phone told me what had happened, I knew, andI--I felt--"

  "I know you had a great deal to put up with," he said, "but for bothour sakes I wish it had come in some other way."

  "Oh, I don't care," she cried, recklessly. "The one thing I can graspin all this turmoil, the one thing that rings in my ears every moment,is that I am free, FREE! That is all that matters to me. You showedyour loyalty to Stephen more than once, and, though your scruplesangered me, I honor you for them now. I can see, too, that you had nochoice but to put me off even that night of the dance. But my chainsare broken, and it is all different now."

  "Your husband's death can make no difference with us, Mrs. Cortlandt,"he said, gravely.

  "We have talked openly before, and there is no need to do otherwisenow. You mean by that that you don't care for me, but I know better. Ibelieve there is a love so strong that it must find an answer. Althoughyou may not care for me now as you care for--some one else--I KNOW thatI can make you forget her and put me in her place. I know men, and Iknow you. I came here prepared to be honest--shameless, if you like. Iam young, I have money, I have power; I work for the love of doingthings, and you are learning to do the same. I can help you, oh, somuch! We can win happiness together just as easily as we can winmaterial success, and that is ours now for the asking. It dazzles me tothink of it, Kirk. It is like a glimpse of paradise, and I can show itall to you." She was bending forward, her lips parted, the colorgleaming in her cheeks, her whole face transformed by a passionateeagerness.

  "Wait!" he said, harshly. "You force me to break my word. I don't wantto tell you this, but--I am married."

  She rose slowly, her eyes fixed in bewilderment upon his, her handclutching at his sleeve.

  "You--never told me that! It was some mad college prank, I suppose."

  "No, no. I married Gertrudis Garavel that night at the Tivoli."

  "Oh, that can't be. That was the night of the dance."

  "It is quite true."

  Mrs. Cortlandt stared about the squalid cell dully.

  "Miss Garavel! Why didn't you tell me? Why isn't she here? Why does sheleave you alone? No, no! You hardly know each other. Why, she's not oldenough to know her own mind--"

  "But I know my mind, and I love her."

  Her white hands strained at each other as she steadied her shakingvoice. "Love!" she cried. "You don't know what love means, nor doesshe. She CAN'T know, or she'd be here, she'd have this prison tornblock from block."

  "I suppose her father would not let her come," said Kirk, slowly, butEdith did not seem to hear him. The realization of her broken hopes wascoming home to her poignantly.

  "My happiness!" she exclaimed. "I have been unhappy so long! And Iseemed to see it just within my reach. Oh, Kirk, she thinks you areguilty, she hasn't faith."

  "You have no right to say that."

  "See! I came to you when I was married and asked you to take me; I'lldo the same with you now."

  "You don't know what you're saying. You're hysterical, Mrs. Cortlandt.I love Gertrudis so deeply that
there's no room in me for anythingelse, and never will be. Heaven only knows what they have made herbelieve about me, but I don't care; I'll upset this little plot ofAlfarez's, and when she learns the truth she will come back again."

  "This little plot!" Edith cried, in distraction. "And I suppose youwish me to give you back to her?"

  They confronted each other a moment in silence.

  "But I won't help her," she went on. "I'm not that sort. I'm a selfishwoman. I've always been selfish because I've never had anybody to workfor. But I have it in me to be generous."

  "I'm sorry," he said. "You have suffered, I know. Don't trouble anymore about me--please."

  She stared at him defiantly, although her whole frame was shaking as iffrom an ague.

  "Oh, I'd rather face the gallows as you face it than what is before me,and I'm not sure I could help you, after all. You are in Latin Americanow, remember, and your enemies are strong."

  "I am Darwin K. Anthony's son," he protested. "He won't allow it."

  "Bah! He is an American, and these are Spanish people. You have seenhow they like us, and you have seen what Alfarez can do. He's rich, andhe'll perjure more witnesses, he'll manipulate the court with hismoney. Yes, and I'd rather he succeeded than see you--No, no! What am Isaying? L-let me go; let me get away from here!" She broke down, andwent sobbing out into the corridor. The iron door clanged to behind her.

  On the same afternoon, Mr. Clifford, accompanied by Anson, the lawyer,took the 3.20 train for Colon. As soon as he arrived, he called upColonel Jolson, to request that the Commissioner's motor-car should,without fail, await him at ten o'clock sharp on the next morning, withan open track ahead of it. Strangely enough, the Colonel agreed veryreadily.



  About noon on Monday, Edith Cortlandt received a caller. The name sheread on the card her maid handed her gave her a start of surprise, andset her wits whirling in speculation.

  "Show him into the drawing-room," she said, at length. "I'll be rightdown."

  As she descended, a few moments later, she was greeted by a giganticold man with a rumbling voice, who, instead of seating himself in thedrawing-room as he had been requested, had flung open the carefullyclosed shutters to admit more light, then kicked aside whateverarticles of furniture happened to be in his way. He was now pacing backand forth with the restlessness of a polar bear.

  "How do you do, Mrs. Cortlandt?" he began, at sight of her, his bigvoice flooding the room. "I'm sorry to disturb you under thecircumstances."

  "You are Mr. Anthony?"

  "Yes, madam. You'll pardon my intrusion. I knew your husband slightly,and I've heard about you. I extend my sympathy."

  She bowed. "When did you arrive?"

  "Just now; came across in one of those damned joy-wagons--fifty milesan hour. We hit a nigger on the way, but we didn't stop. I knoweverything, madam. What I didn't know before I landed, I learned on theway across the Isthmus, so don't let's waste time. Hell of a positionfor you to be in--I understand and all that--and I'm sorry for you. Nowlet's get down to business, for I must get back to New York."

  It was impossible not to feel Darwin K. Anthony's force; it spoke inhis every tone and action. It looked out from his harsh-lined features,and showed in his energetic movements. He was a great granite block ofa man, powerful in physique, in mind, and in determination. He hadKirk's eyes, Mrs. Cortlandt noted, except that they were deeper set,more fierce and eager.

  She was not used to being overridden, and his masterful air offendedher.

  "In what way may I be of service to you?" she inquired, coldly.

  "I want my boy," he said, simply, and she began to see that underneathhis cold and domineering exterior his heart was torn by a greatdistress.

  "You know all the circumstances, of course?"

  "I do. That's why I came straight to you. I know you're the keystone ofthe whole affair, so I didn't waste time with these other people.Kirk's a damned idiot, and always has been; he isn't worth the powderto blow him to--excuse me--I mean he's just a ne'er-do-well; but Isuppose I'll have to do my duty by him."

  "I understand that has always been your attitude."

  "Exactly! I got sick of his performances and cut him off; couldn'tstand for him any longer. I tried my best to make a man out of him, buthe wouldn't have it, so we severed our connections absolutely. I justkicked him out. Sorry I didn't do it sooner."

  "If you have cut him off, why do you care what becomes of him?"

  Darwin K. Anthony's eyes dimmed, but his voice rose fiercely. "He's myboy, and I've a right to treat him any damned way I please, but nobodyelse is going to abuse him! These Spaniards can't do it! I'll teachthem to lay hands on my--boy." He tore a handkerchief from his pocketand blew a blast into it. "I'll tear their little Republic to pieces,"he shouted. "I'll buy the whole works and throw it away. I'll buy theirPresident and their courts and their whole infernal population, and ifthey won't sell I've got enough men to take it. Hell's bells, madam, doyou think these little black people can shoot MY son? I don't care whathe's done, they've got to give him up. And he's going back with me.He's going home; I--I--want him."

  "Why have you come to me?" she queried.

  "Because you must know the truth, if anybody does, and I want yourhelp." His voice softened suddenly, and he regarded her with a gentlekindness that was surprising. "I've heard all about you and Kirk. Infact, I've known what was going on all the time, for I've had a man onhis track night and day. You may know him--Clifford? Well, he followedKirk that night after the supper to your husband, but Anson didn't darecall him to the stand at the hearing for fear this Alfarez wouldperjure more of his black-and-tans." He ground his teeth in rage. "ByGod! I'll get that Ramon, if it costs me a million--they can't standfor such things even here. But I want MORE proof; I want to snow himunder absolutely, completely."

  "So Clifford is your man?"

  "Yes! I took him off my system and sent him down here as soon as I gotKirk's idiotic, impudent letter--" The old man began to sputter withindignation. "What d'you think he wrote me, Mrs. Cortlandt? He had theimpudence to turn down a good job I offered him because 'his wife mightnot like our climate!' Imagine! And I had positively begged him to comeback--on any terms. Of course, it gave me an awful scare, and I lost notime in learning if it was true. Thank God, he had sense enough not todo that!"

  "Then you don't know?"

  "Know what?"

  "That he is married."

  "DAMNATION!" roared Anthony, furiously.

  She nodded. "A Miss Garavel. They were married a--week ago." She brokedown miserably and hid her face in her hands. He strode to her with alight of understanding in his eyes. Laying a great hand upon herdrooping head, he exclaimed with wonderful softness:

  "My dear Mrs. Cortlandt, I'm very sorry for you, indeed I am. How theboy ever let you go for any other woman I don't see, but he's alwaysbeen a fool--that's why he never cared for me. Now, now, try to face itsquarely--all good women are brave, and you're a good woman. We bothlove him, and I know we can save him if we pull together."

  "Yes, yes!" She raised her drawn, white face eagerly to his. "It willonly take a word, but I have been like a mad woman. I couldn't bear togive him up, and when I learned the truth I thought I could lethim--suffer. But I couldn't. Oh, I couldn't, and I knew it all thetime. I was distracted, that is all. You see I have no shame in tellingyou this, for he is the first and only man--"

  "I know." He patted her in a way that said more than words.

  "I couldn't have stood out much longer."

  "Then you have proof?" His face was wild with eagerness.

  "This. Take it quickly. I only found it last night. It had been mislaidin the confusion. I meant to give it up, I really did." With clumsyfingers she drew from the front of her dress an unsealed letter andhanded it to him. "Stephen was not a bad man, you see, and he had nointention of wronging an innocent person."

  Darwin K. Anthony's pallor matched hers as he read the sheet, then
heexclaimed, weakly, "Thank God! Something told me to come straight toyou. Something always tells me where to find the heart of things."

  "Quick! You must lose no time," she exclaimed. "He is in prison, andthe place is frightful. I will go with you to the Mayor. Ah, I'm veryglad he will get his freedom from your hands. I was so weak. When thisis done I shall go back North and try to live it out. But I love himvery dearly, Mr. Anthony." Her lip trembled piteously. "And I couldhave done so much for him."

  Grim-faced and scowling he re-read the letter in his hand during themoment it required for Edith to make ready. The injustice that had beendone his blood roused every passion in him. He had himself well inhand, however, and he restrained his yearning to burst forcibly intothe police barracks and take his boy to his heart. He determined thereshould be no possible slip--and he longed ferociously to meet RamonAlfarez.

  Kirk was considerably surprised that afternoon when a sergeant and twopolicemen came to his cell, signifying that he was to accompany them.He could not make out where they were taking him, and, despite theirunusual politeness, they were dense to all inquiries. It was a bright,hot afternoon, and the city seemed very beautiful and desirous as hewas driven through it; but the whole procedure filled him withuneasiness. He was sure that it had nothing to do with his trial, orAnson would have posted him, and he began to fear that it might concernhis marriage. Perhaps Chiquita was ill, dying, or perhaps they weretrying to annul the bond. The smiling little officer only shook hishead, shrugged, and chattered unintelligibly at his questions.

  The coach drew up at last before a large, white building, and he wastold to descend. Up a flight of stairs he was escorted, his pulsesquickening with apprehension, down a long corridor, and into a largeroom, where he saw Runnels, Colonel Jolson, Anson, Clifford, a dozen ormore Panamanian officials, and--he stopped in his tracks as his eyesfell upon a huge, white-crowned figure that came to meet him. His heartleaped wildly, a great drumming set up in his ears, something grippedhis throat with agonizing pressure and robbed him of speech.

  A certain harsh yet tender voice pronounced his name. He felt his handscrushed in his father's palms, found the old man's arm about hisshoulders, and saw the deep-set, steel-blue eyes he loved so well wetand shiny. Then, for once and for all time, he realized that in thewhole wide world there was but one man who really mattered, one man forwhom he honestly cared. A sudden sense of security swept over him,banishing all his fears. The room with its smiling faces became blurredand distant; a thousand words of endearment sprang to his lips. What hereally said was:

  "Hello!" And even that he pronounced as shyly as a girl.

  "My kid!" the old man said, shakingly. "H-how have they treated you,Buster?" It was a nickname he had given his son when he was a sturdy,round-faced urchin of eight, and which he had laid away regretfully inlavender, so to speak, when the boy grew to manhood.

  "You came, didn't you?" Kirk said, in a voice not at all like his own."I knew you'd come."

  "Of course I came, the instant Clifford cabled me that these idiots hadarrested you. By God! They'll sweat for this. How are you anyhow, Kirk?Dammit, you need a shave! Wouldn't they give you a razor? Hey!Clifford, Colonel Jolson, come here! These scoundrels wouldn't give hima shave." Darwin K. Anthony's eyes began to blaze at this indignity,and he rumbled on savagely: "Oh, I'll smash this dinky government--tryto convict my kid, eh? I suppose you're hungry, too; well, so'm I.We'll be out of here in a minute, then you show me the best place intown and we'll have a decent meal, just we two, the way we used to.I'll pay the bill. God Almighty! I've missed you, Buster."

  "Wait, dad." Kirk was smiling, but his heart ached at his father'semotion. "I'm a jail-bird, you know. They think I--killed a fellow. ButI don't care much what they think now."

  "That's all over," Clifford broke in. "We've squared that, and you'llbe discharged in ten minutes."


  "Certainly," said the old gentleman. "Cortlandt shot himself. Anybodybut a blithering Spanish ass would have known it at the start. We havea letter he wrote to his wife an hour before he did it. She just foundit and turned it over. She left here a moment ago, by-the-way, allbroken up. She's a great woman, Kirk. That's not all, either. Cliffordfollowed you that night, and knows you didn't go near Cortlandt. Oh,you should have seen 'em jump when we flashed it on 'em all at once andthey learned who I was!"

  "But those men who swore they saw me?"

  "Bah! We've got that little Dago with the mustache, and both hiswitnesses. If they don't send him up, I'll run in a shipload of mybrakemen, and we'll push this Isthmus overboard and him with it."

  "I knew you could fix things."

  "Fix 'em! Fix 'em! That's EASY! Say, how have you been getting along,anyhow?"


  "And you married one of these Panamanicures, eh?" The father scowled."Lord! I can trust you to make a fool of yourself."

  "Say, dad. She's only--so big." Anthony Junior indicated his wife'sstature, smiling rapturously.

  "Dwarf, eh?"

  "Oh no!"

  "Love her?"

  "DO I? It's fierce."

  "Humph! You'll have to get over it. I'll pay your debts and take careof you, but I can't stand a mulatto around me."

  "There aren't any debts, and she's not a mulatto. She's a--dream."

  "They're waiting, Mr. Anthony," Clifford made bold to say. "I thinkwe'd better get this over with."

  Kirk paid little attention to the formalities of the next few minutes.He was too busy with thoughts of his amazing good-fortune, his mind wastoo dazzled by the joy of freedom. Allan appeared from somewhere andclung to him in an ecstasy of delight. Colonel Jolson, Runnels, Anson,even the Panamanian officials shook hands with him. He accepted theircongratulations mechanically, meanwhile keeping very close to hisfather's side.

  Some time later he found himself out in the open sunlight a free manonce more, with Darwin K. Anthony and Runnels on either side of him.But before he had gone a block, he halted suddenly, saying:

  "Williams! I'd forgotten him and his warrant."

  "He's fixed," Runnels explained. "While your father and Mrs. Cortlandtand Colonel Jolson were getting you out of jail, Clifford and I toldhim the truth. He's rather a decent fellow. They have caught the realJefferson Locke, or whatever his name is."


  "Yes; a week ago. He landed in Boston; couldn't stay away from his owncountry any longer. Williams hadn't heard of it."

  "What has become of Higgins?" Kirk inquired of his father.

  Anthony Senior exploded:

  "Oh, he's back scorching up the Tenderloin as usual, but you'll have tocut him out, or I'll leave you here. That's final, understand?"

  "I intend to stay here, anyhow."

  "Huh?" The old man turned with a start. "I'm damned if you do." Then,savagely: "What do you suppose I came down here for? I'm lonesome. Iwant you to come home."

  Kirk smiled craftily and looked at Runnels. "Well, what can you offer?I'm doing pretty well as it is, and I can't afford to lay off."

  His father in turn appealed to the Acting Superintendent. "See! It'snothing less than blackmail. Is he any good, Mr. Runnels?"

  "If there weren't so much politics in this job, he'd be Master ofTransportation of the P. R. R. That's doing pretty well, isn't it?We're both going to quit and look for new work."

  "Do you drink, Kirk?"

  "I haven't even had an alcohol rub since I left New York. But, dad, ifyou place me, you'll have to take care of Runnels, too. He knows moreabout railroads than--you do."

  Mr. Anthony grunted a trifle sceptically at this and murmured: "He mustbe a bright young man. I suppose what he doesn't know, you do. Well,how would you both like to come North and give me some lessons?"

  "Do you mean it?" they cried in chorus.

  "I do."

  "Oh, there's Allan, too, he'll have to go."

  "Any cats and dogs you'd like to have drawing salary from me? Now let'sgo somewhere and eat. I haven't tasted anything to speak of sin
ceClifford's message came."

  "If you don't mind, I--I'd like to stop at the Garavels' for a minute,"Kirk said, longingly, and his father scowled.

  "I'd forgotten this--wife of yours."

  "She's not there," Runnels hastened to say. "I've tried to find her,but I was told she was out at the country place."

  "Then I think I'd rather drive out there than eat. Won't you go withme, dad?"

  "Well--yes! I want to see this banker fellow, and--I'm not so damnedhungry, after all. We'll settle this thing right now."

  The afternoon sun was still an hour high when Kirk Anthony camedown the hill from the Garavels' home and crossed the meadow toward theforest glade he knew so well. The grateful coolness of evening wasstealing downward, and Nature was roused from her midday lethargy. Itwas the vibrant, active hour when odors are freshest and spirits rise.The forest was noisy with the cry of birds, and flocks of shrill-voicedparoquets raised an uproar in the tallest trees. The dense canopy ofgreen overhead was alive with fluttering wings; the groves echoed tothe cries of all the loud-voiced thicket denizens. The pastured cattle,which had sauntered forth from shaded nooks, ceased their grazing tostare with gentle curiosity at the hurrying figure. Of course theyrecognized a lover speeding to his tryst, and gave him passage, shakingtheir heads at one another and wagging their ears in knowing fashion.

  He faltered a bit despite his haste, for this nook had grown sacred tohim, and even yet he felt that it was haunted. The laughter of thewaterfall helped to drown the sound of his approach, but he surprisedno dancing wood-sprites. Instead, he saw what filled his heart with agreater gladness than he had ever known.

  Chiquita was there, huddled upon the seat where they had restedtogether, one foot curled beneath her like a child, her head bowed downdisconsolately. From one brown hand, now drooping listlessly, a fewwild flowers had scattered, and her slim figure was clad once more inthe stiff, coarse denim dress of blue. Her other hand was toying withher beads mechanically, as if the fingers had learned their task fromlong practice. Her dusky eyes were fast upon the lights that wavered inthe pool.

  As if to prove that the spot was really peopled by kind spirits, agentle voice seemed to whisper the news to her, and she turned to findhim smiling at her. She rose and met him with her hands outstretched,her face transfigured.

  After a time she leaned backward in his arms, and said, gravely: "Yousee! When one says many, many prayers, the good saints always answer.The padre told me that I should never cease until you came, but I grewvery tired, senor."

  "And you never doubted me?"

  "Oh no!"

  "I'm free, you know."

  "Of course! What else were my prayers for? Had my father allowed, Iwould have gone to your prison, but he forbade it, so I had no choice.But every hour I prayed that he might give me leave, and I think hisheart was yielding."

  "I'm sure of that," he told her, "for I have just come from him."

  It was some time later, when the sun was dipping, that voices soundedoutside the wall of verdure, and Kirk heard Andres Garavel saying:

  "Of a certainty I shall try that experiment, senor, for the ticks inthis country are a pest to cattle. A little to the right, and you willfind the path--So!"

  An instant later the two white-haired men appeared.

  "Hello! There you are, eh?" Darwin K. Anthony exclaimed, gruffly."Where's that girl?" He paused and let his hostile eyes rest uponGertrudis.

  She saw a great, forbidding giant of a man scowling down at her witheyes like Kirk's, and she came forward timidly, holding out her hands.She was smiling up at him faintly.

  "You are Keerk's father, yes? You are the Senor Antonio."

  Mr. Anthony uttered a curious, choking exclamation, and gathered hergently in his arms. When he looked up, his eyes were wet and hisdeep-lined face was working.

  "I couldn't wait any longer," he apologized humbly to his son. "I hadto come and see her."

  "Ah, then I hope you will like me," she said in her grave, quaint way.

  "Your father has told me everything"--Garavel laid a hand upon his newson's shoulder--"and we have become good friends already. I fear I oweyou a great apology, my boy; but if I consent that you take my littlegirl away to your country, will that be reparation?"

  "Then you WILL let her go with us?" Kirk cried, happily.

  "If she doesn't go, I'll stay," Anthony Senior rumbled. "I--I don't seehow you ever did it, you're such a blamed fool. Now let's go back tothe house, it's sundown."

  "We'll be along directly," his son assented.

  "There are chills in the evening air," Mr. Garavel protested.

  "I'm sorry, but we were waiting for the fairies. They were almost insight when you frightened them away."

  Gertrudis nodded. "It is quite true, Senor Antonio. We heard them allabout, everywhere." She placed her little hand in Kirk's, then checkedher father's remonstrance, saying:

  "Oh, it is quite proper for us to walk home together, even in the dark;we are married now, you know."

  "Come on, Garavel," exclaimed Darwin K. Anthony. "You understand how itis." Together they went out through the fragrant path a little way,then old man Anthony paused and called back to his son, wistfully:"But, I say, Kirk, don't stay too long; we're lonesome."



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