Bullied by Her Mafia Man

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Bullied by Her Mafia Man Page 1

by Sam Crescent



  Copyright© 2019 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-0-3695-0094-6

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2019

  Chapter One

  “Hell no! This can’t be happening. There is no way in hell I’m ever marrying him.” Laura Davis wanted to scream. She couldn’t stop herself from speaking. The words kept tumbling out of her mouth as if they had a mind of their own. She had to shut up. In her father’s eyes she saw the fear, but there was no way she could be quiet about this.

  Marcus Giovanni was a monster. He was only three years older than she was, but all of her life he’d made her miserable. He was a bully purely because he was a mafia brat, nothing more. She hated the connection her family had to the local mafia, but she wasn’t part of it, nor would she ever be.

  Her parents assured her when she was old enough to understand the truth, she would always have her own choices. Never would she be made to follow in their footsteps, and right now, she was being told differently by The Boss. She didn’t know him by any other name.

  “Sweetheart, you have to do as they say,” her father said.

  “No. I don’t. You promised me. I’m not marrying him. Ever.” She turned to Marcus and wished there was some easy way to wipe the smug smile off his face. He was handsome, sexy even, and she hated him for it. The girls at school often swooned whenever he was near, and it always made her sick, because he knew with a click of his fingers he could have anyone he wanted, and always did. She remembered the times she would walk into the bathroom to see him either screwing a woman, or getting a blowjob. She would never marry him.

  “This is not up for discussion. This is why we offered you the right men to show how to put women in their place,” The Boss said. He gripped her father’s shoulder hard.

  “Where is her place, Marcus?” he said.

  “The bedroom, spreading her legs and producing children. Women have no other use than that. I’ll deal with this,” Marcus said.

  Laura cried out as he grabbed her arm, and without anyone stepping forward to stop him, not even her father’s bodyguards, she was pulled from the room.

  “Let go of me. Get off me. I hate you. Get off.” They entered the library, but Marcus wasn’t done. He pressed her up against the bookshelves, his hand wrapped around her neck.

  This was the closest they’d ever come to physically touching.

  She tried to claw at his wrist, but it was no good. He laughed at her.

  “Go ahead, darling. Scratch, bite, kick. You think I won’t do it back?”

  “I know you will. You’re an asshole, Marcus. I don’t know what kind of game this is, but you can stop even thinking I’m going to play along. I can’t stand you.”

  “You think I want this?” Marcus asked, laughing. “Please, I don’t like you at all. In fact, I’d rather kill you, but I can’t. You are far too valuable to me alive.”

  She glared at him. “Whatever it is you want, take it.”

  “Oh, believe me, I will. I intend to take everything you’ve got, Laura, but first, you’re going to go in there and place nice.”

  “Why the hell would I do that? Let go of me.” She tried to push his hand away, but he squeezed her throat a little tighter. She could still breathe, but the threat was there.

  “You think you have any power here? All of your life you’ve thought yourself apart from all of this, but in the end, you were always destined to be my bitch. One day, you’ll see that, and there is no getting away from it. You will belong to me, and believe me, Laura—my family, they won’t allow this union to split. You’ll be mine, and I intend to make sure you pay for all the years you thought you had control.”

  “I will never belong to you,” she said.

  Her heart raced.

  Even though her father had mafia connections, she knew he wasn’t directly part of the criminal organization. She’d been present when cops had searched the house, looking for stuff. She never knew what. Never in all the years they’d gone to parties or dinners had she been encouraged to be around the women or girls, all of whom were placid, scared little women. One glance at them always terrified her, because she never wanted to become like them. Her life was her own, but right now, her very existence was crumbling all around her, and she couldn’t stand it.

  Marcus laughed. “I find it so cute and funny you think there’s any way around this.”

  “No priest will ever marry a woman who denies her husband, who refuses to say the right words. I will never marry you. I will never be yours or your family’s. I’m not one of you.” She had a life planned. She was already attending college, but at her father’s request, she didn’t use a dorm on the campus grounds, but returned home every single day. His driver, Harry, was always waiting, and whenever she wanted to go for a drink, or to hang out with friends, she always had to tell them no.

  It was the first time in all of her twenty-one years where her life had been controlled. Was what Marcus said the truth? Her life had never been her own?

  She couldn’t believe it, didn’t want to even think about it.

  Her life was her own.

  She cried out as Marcus put a hand directly between her legs. Even though she was wearing jeans, she felt the heat of him through them, and she nearly went into a panic.

  “You think this won’t belong to me?” he asked. “I’ll own every single inch of you.” He leaned in close. “And I look forward to breaking you in. You’ll be my wife, Laura, and all those times you saw me with another woman, I’ll make up for it, I promise.”

  Before she knew what was happening, his lips were on hers.

  She’d never been kissed by a man, and now, her first had been taken by a man she despised. For a few seconds she didn’t know what to do. His lips were hard, and as he slid his tongue across hers, she opened up on instinct, and he dived in, deepening the kiss.

  Closing her eyes, she couldn’t believe she was kissing him back. She kept her hands at her sides, trying not to interact with him.

  Marcus broke the kiss, not that she had any say in it whatsoever.

  “See, now I know how to shut you up.”

  “Get off me.”

  Her face was on fire, and as he chuckled, he didn’t let her go.

  “Was that your first kiss, Laura?” he asked.

  The way he said her name, it set her teeth on edge. She wanted to attack him for getting too close to her. Instead, she kept her hands at her sides and glared at him.

  “Of course it was. You see, Laura, you seem to think you’ve got a say in what happens to you. All along, you never had any say. We decide what your future is.”

  “I won’t marry you.”

  “You think you’re going to stop this? You’re wrong.”

  “Why?” she asked.

  He tilted his head to the side.

  “Clearly, we’re marrying because you get something out of it—what?”

  Marcus smiled. He put his hands either side of her head, closing her in, trapping her. At least they were no longer wrapped around her neck. Small mercies.

  “Do you rea
lly think I’d tell you our plans, Laura?”

  “You could have any other woman. You’re stuck with me.”

  Marcus chuckled. “You’re so naïve. If you think I’m going to have a wife and no one else, you’re mistaken. No woman will ever have control over me. You’re a means to an end. Now, when we go back in there, you will stand at my side, not say a word, and look somewhat happy, got it?”


  “You’ve got a dog out back, Lucas, you call him.”

  “So?” She frowned at him.

  “How much does Lucas mean to you?”


  “If you don’t do as I say, I will go out there and slit your dog’s throat. I’ll make you watch him suffer while I do it, and you’ll know it’s because you couldn’t do one simple thing for me.”

  “I hate you.”

  “Believe me, the feeling is mutual.” He held her arm tightly. “Shall we?”

  With tears in her eyes, she followed Marcus back into the room, hating every single man in sight. One day, they would all pay, and when they did, she’d be watching them. Her father, he didn’t even look at her.

  He’d lied to her.

  Now she was nothing more than a pawn in Marcus’s life.

  He made a big mistake threatening her and her dog. She would make sure he lived to regret it.


  In order to assure himself of Laura’s cooperation, Marcus agreed to spend the night until his father Antonio could find a suitable replacement guard.

  He poured himself a large glass of whiskey and took a seat in William’s office. Laura’s father had made quite a life for himself, but then with a fortune being passed down through the sons of the Davis line, he would have. This was the same fortune The Boss wanted back. Originally the Davises’ wealth had been attached to the mafia, going back nearly a lifetime ago, at least according to The Boss. Only, two generations ago, a deal had been made which took the Davis fortune and all of their connections, and removed them from the mafia line.

  Each Will said the same. The inheritance would pass down from son to son, keeping it a Davis. Only in the event of a daughter, and only a daughter, would the inheritance be handed over to her husband. Rather archaic, but even if Laura’s mother was to have had a son, his soon-to-be-wife, wouldn’t have seen a cent of the money. The Will was locked tight for all loopholes, so The Boss had to get creative.

  After Laura’s birth, he made sure her mother had an accident on the operating table, which took away her ability to have children. As per the Will, Davis would have forfeited his inheritance if he divorced, and so, within a matter of days, the wealth would be back where it rightfully belonged.

  He sipped at his whiskey and glanced over at his father, who was once again looking over one of the files they had on Davis. This would keep him in line. They were keeping a close watch on Laura’s parents to make sure there wasn’t another loophole with which to keep the prize from them.

  “She was always a sweet girl,” his father said.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I remember Laura’s birth. Her parents were so frightened. Isabella knew the terms of the Will, and had already figured out something would happen to her.” Antonio put down the picture he’d picked up.

  Marcus had seen it many times during his visits with his father to the Davis household. The image was of the small family, Laura and her parents. She had to be around five in the photo, no more. Her hair was pulled back in pigtails at each side of her head. He’d hated her on sight, even as a boy of eight.

  “Well, once I marry the bitch, we can bring everything back into the family, and then Laura will die.”

  Antonio laughed. “You were always a stubborn boy. Not seeing the truth even as it stared you in the face.”

  Marcus looked at his father.

  “The Will is everything, Marcus,” his father said, coming to sit opposite him. “Did you even take a look at it?”

  “Of course. I know what I must do.”

  “Then you know that no matter what, Laura cannot die, not before she has given birth, and not from any suspicious activity either. No gunshot wounds or poison.”

  Marcus hadn’t read that tiny little detail. “Given birth?”

  “You really thought this marriage would be in name only? You have to prove you’ve consummated the marriage, Marcus, and you will have to get her pregnant, and soon. None of us want this to go badly. This fortune will become yours, and in doing this, it will cement the rightful heir, you and your sons.”

  “And if I have daughters?”

  “Then you fuck Laura until she gives you sons. Sons make our family strong, not women.” Antonio got to his feet. “I will be leaving you now. I’ll have a guard posting in the morning. Saturday Laura will be yours.” Antonio shook his hand. “Have a good evening.”

  His father had never been the comforting sort. He often preferred his belt and gun to hugs.

  Growing up into the made man he was, Marcus never had it easy, not like the Lauras of his world, who never had to do a day’s hard work in their lives. She’d had it easy until now. He would make sure she knew what being a made man’s wife was all about.

  Getting to his feet, he made his way outside and saw her, walking around the large yard with her dog, Lucas. He was a cocker spaniel, incredibly cute, and not any kind of guard dog. He loved attention, and in the short time he’d been at Davis’s house, the dog showed his love way too easily.

  The moment Laura spotted him, she paused.

  Her face didn’t change, but she hesitated as she took the next step. There was no way to avoid him unless she walked around the front of the building, and seeing as there were guards everywhere, she wasn’t getting away that easily.

  “Can I even walk in my garden now?”

  “It’s a beautiful night,” he said.

  She tilted her head back, looking up at the sky. It was warm, one of the last days of summer before the chill of fall began to hit. He stared at Laura. She wore a pajama T-shirt without a bra, and she had on a pair of ducky bottoms, and fluffy boots. In a weird way, it was sexy to see her like this. All the time he’d seen Laura in the past, she’d been cool, calm, collected.

  “If you’ll excuse me.”

  She didn’t have a leash for Lucas.

  He whistled and bent down to the dog, who came to him instantly.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m saying hello to your friend. You did sacrifice yourself for him after all.”

  “Don’t hurt him.”

  He ran his hand down the dog, who tucked himself against him.

  “He’s a good boy. He’s no guard dog.”

  “I don’t need a guard dog.”

  “As my wife you will always need one.”

  “I don’t want another dog.”

  “I’ll be making sure your guard is very much human and can’t be bought with a few treats and a couple of steaks.” He pulled a treat out of his pocket, and Lucas took it without hesitation.

  “Did you intend to harm him?” Laura asked.

  He stood up, seeing her folded arms and attitude.

  Laura never backed down from him, and he loved the fight she often brought toward him.

  “You think you can sass me around?” He stepped up close to her. She stepped away. He grabbed her around the throat and pressed her up against the wall. There was no space for her to move or complain.

  He had her within his grasp and smiled as she tried to struggle. The hold he had on her didn’t harm her in any way. This only allowed her to realize he was in charge, not her.

  “You can fight me all you want. It’s pointless to do so.”

  “Don’t hurt my dog.”

  “Would you rather I hurt you?”

  “Yes. Never my dog.”

  “Good for you I have no intention of hurting him unless you step out of line. I now know what will make you do as you’re told. I don’t want a bitch for a wife. Whenever you try to piss me of
f, Lucas will be the one responsible. He’ll be coming home with us.” He tilted her chin up so she had no choice but to look at him, and he ran his thumb across her lips, sliding the tip just inside her mouth.

  “Lick it,” he said.

  She shook her head.

  “You want to test me now. I’m being kind here.”

  He saw the anger in her eyes, and he needed that. Laura wasn’t designed to be part of his world. She should have run away when she had the chance. There was no backing out now.

  The tip of her tongue pressed against his thumb, and he pushed it into her mouth. “One day, you’re going to be sucking on my cock like this.”

  She made to pull away, but she had nowhere to go. Sliding his thumb in and out, he cupped her pussy, and clearly, she didn’t expect it as she released a teasing moan. He loved the sound and wanted to hear it again.

  The pajama bottoms did nothing to hide her from him or his touch.

  Stroking her pussy, he felt the heat of her against his fingers and stared into her eyes, knowing fucking her, his enemy, would be a lot of fun.

  Letting go of her neck, he slid his hand inside her pants and touched her.

  She gripped his hand, and he found her already wet for him.

  “Well, well, well, I didn’t expect this.”

  “Let me go.”

  “You belong to me, Laura. You’re not free anymore. In the eyes of our parents, my family, the world, you won’t have anything. You’re my possession. My toy. My property.”

  “Fuck you.”

  He chuckled against her neck. “Oh, believe me, I intend to fuck you. I’m going to fill you with my child, and you’re going to spread those thighs for me, accepting my dick and my kid.” He slammed his lips down on hers, biting her lip, and growling in the back of his throat as she tried to back away. “You will always be mine from now until you die.”

  Chapter Two

  Ten years ago

  Laura picked up her doll. She didn’t like playing out in the back yard anymore. When the bad men came to their house, her mother always sent her outside rather than to her bedroom, and it was cold today. She’d have been safer in her bedroom because Antonio had brought his son, Marcus, for a visit, and he was so mean. He would pull on her hair or push her down.


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