Leather and Chrome Boxed Set

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by Sky McCoy

  Leather and Chrome Boxed set

  Sky McCoy

  Published by Sky McCoy, 2019.

  Leather and Chrome Boxed Set

  By Sky McCoy

  Copyright 2019 by Sky McCoy

  Book 1 Leather and Chrome

  Leather and Cuffs Book 2

  Leather and Bound Book 3

  Leather and Bound Collar Book 4

  Leather and Bound Christmas Book 5

  This boxed set does not contain book 1

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Coming in 2020 | Club Leather Bound

  Leather and Cuffs | By Sky McCoy | Copyright 2019 by Sky McCoy

  Copyright 2019

  Chapter 1 | Ethan

  Chapter 2 | Ethan

  Chapter 3 | Luca

  Chapter 4 | Ethan

  Chapter 5 | Luca

  Chapter 6 | Ethan

  Leather Bound | By Sky McCoy | Copyright 2019 by Sky McCoy | Edited by Ann Attwood

  Chapter 1 | Luca

  Chapter 2 | Ethan

  Chapter 3 | Luca

  Chapter 4 | Ethan

  Chapter 5 | Luca

  Chapter 6 | Ethan

  Chapter 7 | Luca


  Leather and Bound Collar | By Sky McCoy | Copyright 2019

  Chapter 1 | Ethan

  Chapter 2 | Ethan

  Chapter 3 | Luca

  Chapter 4 | Ethan

  Chapter 5 | Luca

  Chapter 6 | Ethan

  Chapter 7 | Luca

  Chapter 8 | Ethan

  Leather and Bound | Christmas | By Sky McCoy | Copyright by Sky McCoy 2019

  Chapter 1 | Ethan

  Chapter 2 | Luca

  Chapter 3 | Ethan

  Chapter 4 | Luca

  Chapter 5 | Ethan

  Chapter 6 | Luca

  Chapter 7 | Ethan

  About the Author

  Coming in 2020

  Club Leather Bound

  Leather and Cuffs

  By Sky McCoy

  Copyright 2019 by Sky McCoy

  If you want to read more from Sky McCoy click here.

  Contact me at [email protected] if you want to chat or review my books. You can sign up for my newsletter to get advanced information for free books. And check out my website for upcoming books. The Summer Heat Series is published and you can get it in boxed set too. All four books in the Boys with Toys series are published in eBook and paperback. If you haven’t read Book 1 of the Leather series click here.

  To keep up with Sky McCoy’s books published, visit my website. And please leave a review so I can keep bringing you books you enjoy reading.

  Copyright 2019

  Copyright © 2019 by Sky McCoy

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. Please do not participate in or encourage the piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. No reproduction of this book part or whole is permitted. This book should not be scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without the author’s permission.

  Chapter 1


  My initial shock came when I strolled into the law office of Summer & Healy where I’d been hired earlier without a face to face interview. I didn’t expect to see the man I’d dreamed about since I last saw his face by moonlight, felt his hard body, smelled his skin, tasted his sweat as he lay over me entering me when he whispered in my ear, “You belong to me.”

  We had parted on a cool morning, then, after I’d gotten some rest I’d been desperate to find Luca, but I didn’t know where to look and I’d resigned myself to never seeing him again. The tall imposing figure turned and our eyes met.

  It was him.

  I’d been in shock ever since I realized that the head of the firm, now my boss, was the man I’d had a brief affair with in the back of a seedy bar in the desert, and with whom I’d fallen madly in love with.

  Now I had to decide if I wanted to stay at that job. Fuck yeah, the pay was great, a prestigious firm, a hot boss who happened to be gay, however, there was one thing that nagged at my conscience. Luca was fucking hot, giving, and handsome. He was everything I thought I wanted. Luca was just the way I liked my men—tall, muscular, gorgeous looking with a heavy cock.

  I could spend the entire day, maybe a year, covering up a painful hard on every time I came near him. I’d probably eye fuck him in front of clients, which would do nothing for his business, probably sabotage our relationship, and get me fired by his partner whom I had yet to meet.

  That wasn’t how I saw my future, being fired for fucking the boss. I’d strutted into that office confident in my skills and to wow the boss with my intelligence and ability to get the job done, not fuck my way to the top like an insecure twink who could bring Luca to orgasm instead of bringing in new clients, and spend my days giving Luca a blow job, instead of the job I was hired to do, which was to be the best corporate lawyer in San Francisco.

  It was indeed a Catch-22. I’d wanted to meet a man like Luca who would make me want to settle down for so long, but I never had the time, opportunity, or desire to meet someone I wanted more than a one-night stand with.

  That did it. I would have to find another job, and then I would put in my resignation. If I didn’t do that, it would probably be the end of our relationship and my career. I wanted him. I wanted that handsome hard body on top of me, making my cock swell, but not like this.

  My cock and I needed Luca and it didn’t help that he was drop-dead gorgeous with a body out of a men’s health magazine. The way he dressed with those expensive dark-blue suits had me out of my mind from the day I walked into his office. He had his back to me, and let me tell you, he was impressive with his tall stature. My dick throbbed even when I had no idea he was my Luca. I called him mine before I knew about him.

  Luca was mine the night he claimed my body, sending me into a tailspin out of control where I’d ride with him into the desert not knowing who he was, not caring, just wanting more of what he gave me in the back of a bar, and I’d let him fuck me under the stars.

  If I’d seen him in the light, instead of my first meeting with him in that dim-lit bar, and he’d lived where I had previously, Phoenix, I would have probably stalked him and ended up in jail. Maybe I wouldn’t have left Arizona. It was a good thing I did leave, however, because now I felt as if I belonged here in San Francisco, but not in this building.

  Not anymore, I thought.

  AS I DROVE INTO MY garage, I could see that there were too many straight men and couples with children for my taste. The signs were all around me. The minivans parked next to my convertible, and not enough motorcycles for my taste, left me baffled. What the fuck was I doing in here?

  That’s right, I told myself. I had to get the fuck out of this place, but then I’d just rented the apartment with a lease for one year, and if I’d spent my time doing my research in person instead of renting sight unseen from the internet from a company that touted how it specialized in apartment rentals, I’d have been able to see that the apartment was way too small for the price, and the building was filled with married couples.

  Now I questioned if I should have found a place in Emeryville. I could get on I-80 and get into San Francisco. Yeah, right, another dream. Who went to live in Emeryville when you had San Fran
cisco and a hot lover there? I had to question myself. A loser that’s who, and I was no loser nor was I a quitter, but I had to leave this apartment and my job I’d wanted for a lifetime, to be with a man I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

  After parking in a spot away from the mom cars just to keep from getting a dent on my beautiful white Porsche, I climbed out and looked around. This parking space wasn’t assigned to me, but what the hell, who would deny me this space?

  I rushed into the elevator with a handful of groceries when I spotted two men talking at the back who looked up at me, then began whispering to each other. When I first walked in, I caught them on the tail end of laughing and discussing football teams.

  However, when their eyes rose to meet mine, the laughter and sports talk stopped. They didn’t say anything directly to me, it was the way they raised their eyebrows and glared at each other before glancing over at me. When I nodded and aimed a closed smile their way, they didn’t reciprocate. They both ignored me as if I wasn’t there.

  That left me feeling as if I was an outsider, and maybe I was, because it looked like I didn’t fit into their straight lifestyle.

  What gay man was an outsider in San Francisco? I asked. I’d posed that question to a friend who begged me not to leave Phoenix. On trying to get me to stay in Arizona, he’d said that San Francisco had changed with all the new tech companies and startups coming in and buying up apartments for their peeps with families.

  I looked over at the two ordinary-looking guys who didn’t spend time at a gym, but with their wives and children on the weekends at parks and maybe the beach, wearing dark grey suits, and I guessed I didn’t fit in today. I never liked wearing suits on my day off, because I had too much of that with my job, and especially coming from Arizona.

  Today, I had on a pair of tight jeans that Luca insisted looked hot on me. I wore my expensive jeans and a leather jacket on my days off, and the family men were standing there dressed in moderately priced suits, not the expensive ones you saw single men wearing.

  There was no way I’d ever fit in if I had to dress in those cheap suits their wives picked up at a clothing warehouse. These men wore the kind of suits their price-conscience wives shopped for with their white shirts and blue ties that looked like junior had gotten a hold of and sucked on before they left that morning for the office.

  They had the nerve to judge me by their expressions and lack of neighborly etiquette.

  When the door opened, I turned and smiled nodding that I was getting off here. They didn’t give a fuck. They were happy, because it appeared I’d made them nervous, and the two of them raised an eyebrow at me, turned and whispered something to each other about fruit, and they weren’t talking about the bananas or apples in my grocery bag. Then the two men laughed and the elevator door closed behind me without a see you man.

  Not that I expected it.

  When I placed the key in my lock, I turned to see someone bounding up the stairs. The guy looked as if he was spaced out, eyes wide and disheveled. Quickly, I turned the knob, and pushed the door open and rushed into my apartment.

  Before I could kick the door behind me, a foot pressed between the doorjamb preventing me from closing it. Dropping the bags on the side, near the door, I turned and asked, “What do you want?”

  Chapter 2


  “I live next door to you. My family owns the building. I just wanted to know if there was anything I could do to make you feel welcome,” he uttered in a throaty hoarse voice as if he’d been smoking too many electronic cigarettes.

  The man standing in my doorway, about twenty-three or four looked like he didn’t own this building or anything else. Maybe he’d rung all the bells and someone got tired and opened the door for him. I didn’t know what it was, but I didn’t feel safe the way he approached me with dirty clothes, and his thin smelly brown hair. He had a desperate unkempt look about him.

  The way this apartment building appeared on the outside, the hallway clean, well-lit with crystal lighting fixtures, and not to mention the amount of rent I had to dole out each month, I suspected that he had overstated his ownership of this place. If I had to compare him to someone whose family owned anything, I doubted that he was being truthful with me, and my first thought was he saw me and decided to follow me looking for money to support whatever habit he had at the moment.

  I decided to play along until I could get him out of my doorway and slam the door.

  “Everything is okay, except I parked in a space that didn’t belong to me. I hope you don’t have rules where you tow people.” He raked his fingers through his hair, brushed his hand under his nose as if he had a cold, then aimed two glassy half-lidded eyes at me, and not in a good way. Looking at him, I came to the conclusion that he needed sleep like last week, or the week before.

  “You okay man?” I questioned as he staggered in and out of my doorway grasping the doorjamb to keep from falling. I stepped back, holding on to the door because I didn’t want him grabbing my shirt and falling inside my apartment.

  “I’m fine. I’ve got to get some water.” I didn’t offer him any, because I wanted him to go away. “If there’s anything I can do for you. I know you’re new and by your clothes the jeans and all, you’re not from this area.”

  “I’ve just relocated from Arizona, but then you should know that if you have my application.”

  He went on to verify that he knew me and the only way he could know that was if he had my information. I resigned myself to realizing that I had a bum, or worse, a druggie living in the building. I was sure the straight guys would approve of him more than me.

  “Yeah. I mean if there’s anything I can do for you.” He placed his hands in his pockets and stared into my eyes. I gave out a closed smile wondering when he would remove his foot and I could close the door and relax.

  “If you need anything?” He continued with that question.

  “Yeah, I heard you man,” I growled in my most pissed-off voice.

  “Did you really hear me?” He stepped closer almost into my apartment and he looked around and then he whispered, “I’d like to suck your dick.”

  I didn’t want to ask him if I’d heard him right, I was pretty sure I had.

  “I have a boyfriend,” I shot back.

  “Well if you’re in between boyfriends, maybe we can hook up? Or we could do a threesome. I could fuck both of you, or you could fuck me. I’m not choosy.”

  “I’ll let you know. I have to get some rest now.” I shot him a closed tight smile. “Just came from the grocery store and I’m hungry.”

  The ragged-looking druggie stepped back and shot me a wide smile. He had one tooth missing, no doubt from propositioning the wrong man.

  I didn’t ask him any questions like his name, because I didn’t want to get familiar with him. I wanted him gone.

  He stepped back lowered his head and I closed the door. Looking through the peephole, I saw and heard him open the door next to my apartment. That did it. I had to get the fuck out of here as soon as possible. But where could I go? The rent was extreme even for here, and it wasn’t even in the best and safest part of town. Now I had a cock-sucking drunk, or worse, a cock-sucking druggie living next to me who just propositioned me.

  I inhaled then exhaled, and lay my head on the closed door, then gathered my bags in my arms, and headed down my hall to the small kitchenette.

  Looking around and taking in my surroundings with my furniture from my old apartment which had been spacious and cost a lot less in Phoenix, than the one I found myself in now, I realized for the final time that it was too fucking small, but that wasn’t the one thing that made me know that this apartment wasn’t for me.

  I tramped into the kitchen, plopped the grocery bag on my large table, it was then I heard footsteps running overhead and children laughing and screaming. That did it. I had to look for a place and a job tomorrow. But how could I afford to leave? I didn’t know how, but I would try to get out of
here as soon as possible.

  After relaxing, pouring a glass of wine, which I needed like yesterday, I sat and thought about what I’d just done. Moved to San Francisco, fallen in love with a man I’d known for a second, and too excited to think about anything including the move I’d just made, only to get here and realize that I couldn’t afford it. I had some savings, but it would be eaten up if I had to move to a different place.

  I poured another glass of wine.

  These thoughts were having a profound effect on my nerves and I took another drink, and another.

  Teetering on being drunk with one more glass of wine standing in the way, I decided to call Luca. For some uncanny reason, I felt secure and at ease when I was around him talking to him. How could I tell him that I couldn’t remain at his company, though? I stared at my phone until I decided that I should just call and ask for advice not overthink this shit to death.

  “Luca, this is Ethan.”

  “Yes, handsome what can I do for you? I’d like to do something for you and soon, Ethan. Now what can Daddy do for you now?” Luca’s voice sounded sexy and throaty. I felt as if I could go to my knees at the very sound of his voice. It was the way he whispered Daddy which suggested that I should call him that.

  “I’m calling because I need time to find another apartment. I find I’m not comfortable here. It’s too small, overpriced—”

  He cut me off. “I can raise your salary.” I was afraid he would say that. I’d never been afraid of my salary being raised before. That was one of the reasons I left Phoenix. I didn’t get a raise, but I didn’t want Luca to give me something I didn’t earn.

  “I don’t want to impose on you. Doesn’t your partner have to approve those salary raises?”

  “Yes,” Luca admitted, “but I have the final say because I have greater ownership in this company. That’s why my name is first,” he chuckled.


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