Leather and Chrome Boxed Set

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Leather and Chrome Boxed Set Page 11

by Sky McCoy

  “Didn’t someone teach you how to navigate in this world of men?”

  “Yes but that was different. I never had a Daddy of that sort. I learned things on my own.”

  “You think you did because you are narcissistic enough not to recognize that someone had to have taught you things. You didn’t just become a Master by observation. It took years for this to happen. And if you feel the way I think you feel about him, then you should give him a try. Be the first man to claim his body.”

  I could see Daniels mind at work the way he smiled and looked passed me, then slanted his head, bit his bottom lip and rose from the chair.

  “I know what you’re saying to me makes a lot of sense, but I’ve never had any experience with a man that young. I could overstep my boundaries with him and fuck him up. I like him too much to do that to him so I told him to come back when he’s broken in. Well, I wasn’t that delicate. I told him to fuck off and come back when he’s no longer a virgin. I could have fucked this up for him and for me if I tried to bring him into my world too soon. Look what happened to you and Ethan and Ethan’s closer to your age. This boy is twelve years my junior.”

  I thought it was best to let Daniel talk it out and come up with his own conclusions. I couldn’t give him advice. Wasn’t he the master? He knew about things like this. I inhaled and leaned forward meeting Daniel’s eyes.

  “I have faith in you, Daniel, now get the fuck out of my office and let me call my sisters and see what they’re doing for the holidays. Not that I don’t already know. Why don’t you and what’s his name come too?”


  “No. I was talking about that eighteen year old. Not your thirty year old twink.”

  “Luca, didn’t you hear anything I said? Hayden’s poison, and if Sidney found out that I cheated on him, when I swore that I wouldn’t anymore then it would get ugly.”

  “You’re not cheating on Sidney. You and Sidney have been fucking around on each other for years. He’s probably fucking around too, unless you left out something. Hayden likes you doesn’t he? You can watch him as a friend, and when it’s time, you’ll know.”

  “He already said that he required all my attention because he needs a Daddy. And he would. And he wants us to be exclusive. That’s easy for Hayden. He’s never had a dick inside him.”

  “Then what’s the problem? You said you and Sidney didn’t have a committed relationship. I thought it was more of an understanding that when you found a permanent boy he was history and he pledged the same thing.”

  “It’s a little more complicated than that, Luca, you should know.”

  “Okay Daniel, this isn’t about me. Since when did this conversation swing to me? If you don’t bring Hayden, I will. He’s Ethan’s friend and Ethan will probably need someone to talk to while I have it out with my sisters and their spouses, and it’ll give Ethan and Hayden something to do, where my sisters and their husbands won’t be able to interrogate Ethan.”

  Daniel finally left me to complete the case I’d been working on. After I put that to rest, I called my sisters. They never answered my texts, so I’d been forced to talk to them if I needed to discuss my mother, or if they wanted me to send them money.

  The first one I called and got an answer was the oldest Claire who cared for my mother’s needs most of the time. Although all of them contributed to her being taken care of, Claire was the most dramatic one and took all of their punishments. Nothing Claire did was enough for them. She could have told them to go fuck off and would have, but she didn’t have any children and they threatened not to bring their children around on Thanksgiving and Christmas.

  My mother had put her in charge of her affairs, but I controlled my father’s money. When it came to my mother, she took her job serious. She didn’t have any children and now my mother was her child. Sophia and Abigale had two each.

  Sophia and Abigale had excuses why they couldn’t see my mother and Claire often, even though they both lived in the same area. My mother would instruct me to constantly hand over money to them because of the children, she’d explain to me. It was the only time she got to see her grandchildren.

  Therefore everything was left to Claire to do for my mother. I wasn’t surprised when Claire found her a beautiful senior apartment where they had on sight doctors, therapist and friends.

  “Claire, it’s your brother Luca.”

  “Wow, Luca. Hearing from you this soon is amazing. Is something wrong? You’re not sick are you?”

  “Nothing like that. I was wondering if you were having Thanksgiving at your house this year.”

  “Don’t I always?”

  “Yeah, but it will be the first year I take you up on your invitation.”

  “Do you mean it, Luca? I knew something was wrong. You must be sick.” I chuckled because when I came out as gay she thought I would get sick or die but nothing like that happened because I always used condoms and I’d been careful in my choice of men. That’s why I’d been thrilled when I met Ethan and he’d gotten tested and we were into a monogamous relationship.

  “I wanted you and the family to meet my fiancé.” There was a long silence.

  “You’ve never brought anyone to meet us before. You know I’m a free thinker, but my husband, Abigale, and Sophia may have a problem with everything. But what the fuck, Luca, I don’t give a rat’s ass how they feel. It’s Thanksgiving and if they don’t want to eat my fabulous turkey with stuffing, they can stay where they are, and eat chicken and what’s that stuff Sophia cooks and we used to gage over every year when we were teens...?”

  “Green beans casserole.”

  “Yuk. That’s right,” Claire chuckled and then laughed out loud. “And as far as Abigale, she and that unemployed husband of hers can stay home. But I will miss the children.”

  “I thought Luke was trying to get a reality show on that fishing channel?”

  “Have you ever seen him fish anywhere,” Claire joked.

  “So it’s okay with Erik if I bring someone?”

  “Sure. It’s my house. The family house. My brother should be able to come to his home and bring his fiancé. You can stay with us.”

  “I think we will be more comfortable at a hotel, and Ethan’s bringing a friend. Oh and one of my employees.”

  “Not Daniel?”

  “Yeah Daniel. Is that a problem?”

  “No. Daniel was the first of your friends you brought to see your family. He taught me things and how to get control over Erik. When you see Erik this time, he will be eating out of your hand. All he needed was a little discipline. I’ll tell you about it when you get here. Everyone is welcome.

  It’s good that you called, Luca. I hope to see you more often and you visit more. Whenever you’re around, mother brightens up, and has more life in her. You’re her only son and you’re her favorite. You know how some mothers are with their daughters. But their sons are special, like all the girls were with dad.”

  I felt tears pooling in my eyes. I’d been my mother’s pride and joy as she liked to say. That was probably because she was a woman and had three girls. I think she was more of a boys’ kind of mother, if there are such things. She’d expressed her preference to me, which I never told my sisters. She even said she wasn’t fortunate enough to have more sons.

  “I will visit more often. I’m happy now for the first time in my life and I have the person for me. I hope everyone will be happy for me, Claire.”

  “I don’t know about everyone, I can only speak for myself, but mom and I will be more than happy to meet the man you chose to spend your life with. See you soon little brother.”

  It was bittersweet speaking to my sister. I’d remembered when I first told her of my sexual persuasion. She cried and then she laughed all because she knew all along, but had to hear it from me first.

  Then I text Ethan.

  Luca: Can I see you after work?

  Ethan: Sure. Is anything wrong?

  Luca: Why does something have to be
wrong if I want to see the man or boy of my dreams?

  Ethan: I just started at this firm and I have loads of work.

  Luca: Are you trying to avoid me?

  Ethan: Heavens no, Lou. I love you so much but I want to make a good impression on my first week.

  Luca: Why don’t you stay with me tonight and I’ll drop you to work in the morning?

  Ethan: If you promise me that you won’t be inside of me all night. I have to be able to walk tomorrow.

  Luca: I can’t promise you anything, baby. You know what you do to me.

  Ethan: Then I have to say no. It’s my job on the line.

  Luca: When we’re married you won’t need to work.

  Ethan: I will always need to work. It’s what I do. I’m a lawyer like you. I have to go now Lou. The boss just walked into the office.

  Chapter 4


  “Ethan, you will be an asset to my company,” Mr. Clausen said with a tight smile. He strolled around to my desk. “What are you working on?” I pointed to the files on my computer.

  “That’s why I hired you. You’re the youngest lawyer in my firm and you know your technology, and I see you have a digital platform, too. I’m depending on you reorganizing my company, Ethan. I hope you don’t mind traveling because we need software for analytical research. I want you to purchase software that will be able to analyze language of the judges who have our cases and software specifically for litigation analysis. It will save money and cut down on the number of paralegals we should hire and I can pass the money on to my lawyers.”

  I’ve seen that before. Bring in money so the head of the firm can spend more trips in his island in the Mediterranean. Why the fuck did I leave Luca’s firm? I could be bent over the boss’s desk as he rams his heavy cock inside me. I catch myself daydreaming again and realize I have to focus.

  “I’ve been going through the software and you have all of that in your system, and it’s up to date. However, no one has bothered to use it.” He leaned over and I could smell his expensive aftershave. I wanted to compliment him on it, but I didn’t think it was appropriate to do that.

  Since William hired me, he must have realized that I’m gay, however, we never discussed that part of my life. It wasn’t professional and he could get sued. It was something about William that gave off signals that perhaps he was gay, or he was bisexual. I tried not to give myself away this early. I needed a paycheck and I didn’t want to stir the hornets’ nest because you never knew what may come out.

  However, he leaned close to my right side, one hand on my shoulder, and the other picking at the keys on my computer as if he was concentrating on the screen. When I gazed to my right, I was eye to eye with his zipper. I prayed it wasn’t unzipped, and it wasn’t.

  Finally he straightened up and said, “I expect you to make a presentation no later than tomorrow. All the lawyers in the firm who’s not in court will be present. Please stress how important it is to learn how to use the software we have in house, and they shouldn’t rely on old simplistic software. That should shake them up,” William noted, and then straightened his tie.

  It would probably shake up the older men at this firm and there appeared to be many. They probably thought that William brought me in to get rid of one of them, and he probably had. I’d have to watch my back if I planned on working here.

  As if William read my mind, he added, “Those lawyers who want to keep the status quo will resist and probably complain about you, but understand one thing, you’re my boy and I won’t allow them to touch you.” He ran his finger across my hand and a chill sprinted through me.

  The chill had nothing to do with his finger sliding across my hand, but the comment about being his boy. It told me everything and yet it said nothing. But one thing that was sure, he was gay and he was looking for a boy.

  What-the fuck?

  William walked away from me and faced my desk. “I expect great things from you. Why do you think I hired you, Ethan?”

  “I don’t want to guess. I might guess wrong. Why don’t you tell me? It will save a lot of time and I can get on with doing what you hired me to do.” He chuckled.

  “Spoken like a lawyer. I hired you because you were available and worked for Luca Summers. He has been taking business from me for years and I just discovered why.” I waited for him to elaborate and he didn’t disappoint me. “He hires the smartest tech savvy young lawyers and they are handsome too. How can anyone say no to a face like yours? You must have all the girls after you?”

  “As a matter of fact I don’t.” I wondered if he was testing me. There was no way in hell I would satisfy his curiosity. He glanced at me and chortled, and then walked to the door, turned facing me with the same tight smile, turned back, opened the door, and left.

  I sat back in my chair relieved that he’d gone. What the fuck did I put myself into, I thought. I need Lou. I reached for my phone and hit his private number. He’d said no matter where or what he was doing he would always answer my calls and so he did.

  “Lou, I was abrupt with you and I apologize. Mr. Clauson came into my office without knocking first...

  “That’s Clauson. He’s a dick if ever I knew one. I hope he knows to keep his hands off you.”

  “Why would I tell him that? He’s only behaved in a professional manner.” Yeah right. But as possessive as Lou is, I can’t tell him anything if I want to keep my position for a few mornings. At least until I can get a paycheck and build up my savings.

  “If he knew you belonged to me, he wouldn’t flirt with you. He’s a known flirt with the young men he hires.” I’ll tell him but now didn’t seem the right time.

  “Is he gay?” I questioned.

  “You could say that, but he’s married.”

  “Does his wife know?”

  “She’s known for years, but she doesn’t care, and at his age she lets him do his own thing.”

  “He’s still a handsome man to be in his late fifties,” I added.

  “I hope I don’t have a problem with my newly engaged partner working there around all those hot men.”

  “Lou. You will never have a problem with me. You’re the hottest man I’ve met.”

  “I know Ethan, but it’s all the men you come into contact with that will give me problems. Do you know how fucking cute you are?” That didn’t matter. It wasn’t who wanted me, but who I wanted, and I only wanted Lou.

  “You have nothing to worry about especially with Mr. Clausen. He’s not my type.”

  “What married?”

  “No. He’s bisexual, he’s my boss, and he’s not my handsome sexy Lou.” I heard a breath of relief from Lou’s mouth.

  “You make me so happy, Ethan. I have something I want to give you. Can I see you tonight?”

  “If it’s a hard dick you’re giving me, you’ll have to wait for the weekend.” I needed his cock inside of me as much as he wanted to place it there. But I worked for someone and Lou was his own boss and he could come and go as he pleased. I couldn’t tell him that because he’d remind me that this was my choice, and he would have been correct.

  Right now I’m having buyer’s remorse about taking this position, and realizing that I might be hated around here.

  No one likes the new young guy who thinks he knows everything, where most of the men in this firm are over forty.

  “Are we having phone sex?” Lou questioned. The speakers in this phone are so acute I could hear Lou unzipping his pants. Well he has the luxury of doing that because no one is going to barge into his office.

  With me new here, all I need is for one of the female secretaries to come barreling through that door just as I had my fist tight with my fingers wrapped around my cock with my cock ready to explode. I’m sure that would be awkward.

  Lou has a way of arousing me when he whispers, and says the filthiest things that could ever come out of a man’s mouth. It wasn’t just his large cock inside me as he stood behind me, cock in, balls deep in the back of that bar w
hen I first met him that got me off, it was that, plus his filthy mouth murmuring into my ear, telling me what he would do to me, how and when he’d fuck me if I belonged to him.

  Well now I belonged to Lou, and he belonged to me.

  “I’m going to be too busy today even for phone sex, Lou. But I’ll try to get it in tomorrow.”

  “I can’t wait until the weekend,” Lou said with a pleasurable moan. I could visualize what he was doing as I talked to him. He probably stood and walked to his private bathroom to get privacy and to be close to the shower. Breathless, he groaned, “You know I’m a man who likes to fuck often, baby.” I could hear his breath hitch.

  “I know and that’s why I have to place a restriction on our visit tonight. Come to my apartment and give me that present, but not the one that will take up my entire night.” Lou snorted.

  “I think when you see it, I’ll get a free blow job.” I chuckled. “I know it will be a two second one the way my cock is hard and needy, can’t wait to be in that impeccable little hole of yours, baby. It’s a perfect fit for me.”

  “Yes. But not tonight, okay?” I heard his sexy voice, I almost caved to my desire for Lou, but thank God I’d developed control and discipline because of my years as a lawyer.

  However, with Lou wearing down my resistance every day that I heard his sexy voice. If he’d insisted for one more second, I’d greet him tonight on my knees, harness on my legs, and ass in the air ready when he walked through the door.

  And I can’t forget the collar around my neck, oh yeah, I went out and bought one just to test it out to see how I’d look in it for my Daddy, which would be a surprise on our wedding night.

  “Okay, baby, anything you say.”

  Chapter 5


  I’d been nervous all day but I feel better after I spoke to Ethan and was able to jack off and relieve myself so I wouldn’t be so anxious and resort to begging him to let me fuck him tonight. A man has his limits and pride. I didn’t want Ethan to see how out of control I could be if I didn’t have him in my bed every night.


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