Ariella and the Blood Curse

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Ariella and the Blood Curse Page 10

by Owen Crane

  Karlov wasn"t waiting for them. He was already walking toward a large

  open space to the right of the main entrance gate. It was marked by a low rope

  line, two feet off the floor.

  “This is the training area.” Karlov gestured “We only use the weapons in this

  area. Everybody get that?” There was a murmur of consent. “Great. Now get

  yourself warmed up and then we"ll take a look at you.”

  Inside the training area were various targets and dummies to practice on.

  Large, circular targets were positioned against the far wall to allow the archers to

  aim at. Scattered around were the dummies. They looked like simple

  scarecrows, stuffed with straw, perfect for aiming a sword thrust at.

  Ariella set to work on one of the dummies, going through the practice steps

  she had been taught. Every day back in the palace, Hakeem had made her

  practice. “Little and often” he had said. The rapier felt good in her hand. It

  swung effortlessly through the still afternoon air. She was soon lost in the pre-

  set moves that she had learnt. A loud clanging of metal snapped her

  concentration. She looked over to she Felix hastily retrieving his sword that

  appeared to have rebounded off one of the practice dummies and gone skidding

  across the courtyard. Theia and Eugenie were watching sniggering at Felix"s


  “Some family this Knot is.” Jaron spoke softly. Ariella hadn"t noticed him

  and Indio approach. They were both dripping with sweat from their exertions.

  “That"s enough.” Karlov waved them over to the edge of the training area

  where he was standing. “Joachim, you"re first. The rest of you, wait behind the

  rope.” Karlov walked into the training area, Joachim following behind.

  The two faced each other in the middle of the training area. Karlov drew his

  sword and beckoned Joachim with his index finger. He drew out his long sabre

  and lunged at Karlov, a look of glee on his face. Karlov side stepped with ease

  and slapped Joachim on his backside with the flat of his blade. Incensed, he

  rushed at Karlov, swinging his sabre with powerful strokes. Each time Karlov

  deflected the incoming blade; the sound of metal on metal rang across the


  Joachim kept up his attack, getting more and more desperate. After a few

  more swings, Karlov moved to the right, dodging the descending blade while

  simultaneously flipping Joachim on his back. The young Erestian yelled in pain

  and let out a string of obscenities that caused Esther to blush.

  “Powerful but out of control,” said Karlov standing over Joachim.

  “Definitely potential, once your learn to channel the aggression.” He reached

  down and helped Joachim to his feet.

  “Theia, you"re next.”

  The tall Darcian girl walked into the training area with a confident stride.

  Her hair pulled back as always and the same cocky sneer on her face.

  “Please be bad, please be bad.” Indio whispered, only just loud enough for

  Jaron and Ariella to hear. Jaron simply shook his head.

  “You know her?” Asked Ariella

  “Oh yes.” He replied.

  Theia notched an arrow to her long bow and pulled back the string in one

  easy movement. She tilted her head, looked down the shaft and released. The

  arrow slammed into the target, dead centre. She looked over at Karlov. His face

  was emotionless.

  “Do it again.”

  She notched another arrow and sent it flying into the target. Dead centre.

  “Do it again.”

  Ariella saw a flicker of irritation on Theia’s face as she notched her third

  arrow and pulled back the string. She looked down the shaft, taking aim. Out of

  the corner of her eye, Ariella saw a flash or movement and then a small stone

  thumped into Theia"s shoulder. She released the arrow and it flew high over the

  target and crashed into the stone wall behind. Theia whirled around, anger

  etched on her face.

  “Who threw that?” she demanded, her eyes on the other nine, trying to

  figure out where the stone had come from.

  Karlov spoke up. “The battles we fight are not on training grounds.” Karlov

  was tossing a stone up in the air and catching it again.

  He threw it!

  “You"re a good shot Theia, no doubt about that. But can you do it in the heat

  of battle when a Ghost Raider is trying to split your head open with his axe?”

  Theia didn"t respond as she glared at Karlov.

  “Eleazar, let"s see what you"ve got.”

  The others watched in silence as Eleazar advanced into the training area, a

  foot long dagger in each hand. Karlov stood still, waiting.

  “This should be good,” said Indio “Did you see him messing with those

  knives? He can handle himself.”

  “So could Joachim,” replied Jaron.

  Ariella nodded. “I hope Karlov puts him on his arse.”

  “That"s not kind Ari.” Said Indio with a grin.

  Ariella found herself grinning back. Only her brothers called her Ari.

  Eleazar looked tense as he faced off with Karlov, his knives unsteady, the

  tips wavering. He tried a lunge but it was weak and obvious, Karlov deflected it.

  Eleazar withdrew and tried again, but that lunge was equally weak.

  Indio was getting frustrated. “What"s he playing at? He"s not even trying.”

  “Watch.” replied Jaron

  Eleazar tried a few slashes, each time his knives met Karlov"s sword. Then

  he took a step sideward and slipped on the stones and went down on one knee,

  grimacing in pain. Karlov stepped forward, instinctively, drawn in by his fallen

  foe. Before anyone could blink, Eleazar was up, passed the swinging sword, his

  knives crossed over and pressed against Karlov"s throat.

  “Sod off!” said Indio and he started clapping

  Jaron smiled and Ariella shook her head.

  Where did he learn to do that? Micah said his dad was a merchant.

  Karlov let out a deep belly laugh and joined in with Indio"s clapping.

  “Well done, I didn"t think you had that in you.”

  Eleazar bowed and returned to the group.

  “Esther, you"re next.”

  The Erestian girl still had her tribal feathers in her hair as she walked into the

  training area. She carried a tall spear with a long blade. It was at least a foot

  longer than she was. She advanced on Karlov, the spear tip pointed low. She

  circled him, up on the balls of her feet, prowling. Suddenly she leapt forward,

  driving her spear at his head. Instinctively he flicked his sword, deflecting the

  incoming blade and with his free hand caught Esther"s wrist and twisted,

  spinning her to the floor.

  “Good start, but there"s work to be done.” Karlov lifted his sword to Jaron.

  “Your turn.”

  Jaron dropped his long bow from his shoulder and stepped past the rope


  “Go for it Jay!” Indio called after him.

  He stopped in the centre of the training area and focused on one of the

  empty targets. He paused and cast a wary eye on Karlov, checking to see if he

  had any stones in his hands. Karlov smiled back and turned both his palms up,

  showing Jaron they were empty. He turned back to the target, notched an arrow,

  breathed out and fired. The arrow struck the target just up and right of cen

  Theia gave a snort of derision. Ariella shot her a filthy look.

  Jaron took another arrow, checked on Karlov and fired. This time the arrow

  was just below the centre. Theia and Eugenie were whispering to each and

  laughing behind cupped hands.

  Indio started to mutter under his breath. “I"m going to smack my fist into

  her face, I swear I am.”

  Ariella gripped his forearm. “Easy Tiger.”

  Jaron took a third arrow and notched it.

  Karlov called over to him. “Who taught you to shoot?”

  Jaron smiled. “My father.”

  “Did he teach you shoot at straw targets?”

  Jaron shook his head “He taught me to hunt.”

  “Then hunt.” Karlov walked over to the nearest training dummy, tore off

  the straw filled head and threw it high in the air above Jaron"s head. Jaron lifted

  his bow, pulled the back string and fired. The dummies head fell to the floor,

  Jaron"s arrow stuck right through the middle.

  “Yes!” cried Indio, punching the air

  “Good instincts,” said Karlov. “Your turn Eugenie.”

  “Really, is all this absolutely necessary?” asked Eugenie

  “Excuse me?”

  “Isn"t it a little, well…?”

  “A little what?” Asked Karlov

  Eugenie smiled “Infantile. It"s a little infantile.”

  Karlov smiled. “Eugenie, if you don’t get in here with your sword drawn in

  the next five seconds I’m going to have you cleaning out the toilets for a month.

  Is that infantile enough for you?”

  Eugenie’s eyes went wide and she dashed into the training area. Tentatively

  she raised her sword and before she could make another move Karlov had

  slammed down his sword into hers. Her sword smashed into the ground, her

  hand stinging from the impact.

  “Pick it up.”

  Eugenie scooped up the sword and took a step backwards, sword raised.

  Karlov stepped in and slammed another blow at Eugenie’s sword. This time she

  deflected his blow and raised her sword again. Karlov came again, and again

  Eugenie deflected. He launched a flurry of slashes at Eugenie but each time her

  sword deflected his blows.

  Karlov paused, examining Eugenie. He reached to his side and drew out a

  short sword in his left hand.

  “This should be good” Indio grinned

  Jaron shook his head, “she’s better than she’s letting on. I think she’s hiding


  Karlov raised his two swords and charged at Eugenie, his swords become a

  blur as they flew at the girl. To the amazement of the watching Knot each of

  Karlov’s blows were met by Eugenie’s parrying sword or thin air as she side


  Karlov stopped; sweat was dripping from his forehead. “Good Eugenie, very

  good. Maybe you won’t be on toilet duty for a while. Indio, get in here.”

  Jaron slapped the red head boy on the arm and Ariella gave him a smile. He

  winked at them.

  Indio strode into the area with his head held high. He carried a massive

  battle axe with a pair of heavy blades. He swung it around his head, the blades

  making a whooshing sound as they cut through air.

  “That’s the weapon you want?” Karlov asked, with one eyebrow raised.

  “Of course. It’s the biggest axe I could find.”

  Karlov raised his sword “bigger is better is your theory?”

  Indio nodded “Absolutely. Especially when it comes to axes.”

  Karlov shrugged, “okay, lets see how that works out for you.”

  Indio leapt forward and brought the axe crashing down, but Karlov had

  anticipated the attacked and dived out of the way. Indio’s axe bounced off the

  stone sending sparks flying through the air and a shooting pain up his arms.

  Ariella shot Jaron a look. He just shrugged his shoulders.

  Indio aimed another blow at Karlov but it was painfully clear that his axe

  was too heavy and his blows too slow. Karlov was able to dodge each blow with

  ease. Indio was getting tired and frustrated and with each strike the axe looked

  heavier in his hands.

  Eventually Karlov had seen enough. He stepped into one of Indio’s blows,

  past his blade and flipped him on his back, leaving him in the same state as


  “I think your theory needs some work.”

  Karlov looked over to the Knot. “Three left. Ariella, let’s see what they

  taught you in Lightharbour.”

  Jaron gave her thumbs up as she walked passed him in to the training area.

  Indio limped back to the Knot, “Take him down Ari.”

  Karlov had sheathed his short sword and stood facing her with his long

  sword, poised.

  Remember. Remember everything they taught you. Defence, guard, parry, move,

  footwork. And breathe…don’t forget to breathe!

  She exhaled sharply, realising that she’d been holding her breath. Theia


  Don’t worry about her. Focus. Focus on him and not getting hit with that sword.

  She lowered the tip of her rapier, right foot forward as she had been taught,

  her left hand outstretched behind her to help her balance, the classic stance of a


  Karlov copied her, adopting her stance. He smiled and lunged, driving his

  sword at her chest. Ariella parried and stepped backwards as Karlov came

  again. They sparred skilfully together, exchanging blows, neither gaining the


  Indio gave Jaron a wide grin. “She’s good.” He called over to Theia. “Don’t you think so Theia, she’s good isn’t she?” Theia ignored him as he and Jaron


  The duel in the arena was getting quicker and quicker, the two fencers were

  moving at a blur. Strike after strike was exchanged and each time the blow was


  Karlov withdrew a step and nodded in respect. “Excellent Ariella. You’ve

  been trained well and you’ve learnt well, orthodox, organised and diligent.

  You’ve clearly been a fine student of the rules of fencing.”

  He lifted his blade, stepped forward and stabbed at her chest. As each time

  before Ariella blocked his strike, but this time Karlov bent his sword arm,

  twisted his body and slammed the open palm of his left hand into Ariella’s

  sternum. She cried out in pain as the wind was blasted from her lungs and she

  dropped to her knees gasping for air.

  Karlov reached down and pulled her to her feet and gave her a long hard

  look. “We don"t do orthodox fighting here, it"s not a playground. The world we

  live in doesn’t play by the rules Ari. It’s mean and dirty. There are ghosts that

  will tear your heart out in a moment if you let them. We are Guardians. We are

  all that stands between Dawnhaven and the shadows. We don’t play by the

  rules. Got it?”

  Ariella nodded.

  He squeezed her shoulder. “Good. Now, get out.”

  She walked back over to Indio and Jaron.

  Theia called over as Eugenie laughed. “Did you see that Indio? Wasn’t she

  soooooo good?”

  Indio’s face went red. “Come on Jaron, let’s go, we can take those two.”

  Jaron rolled his eyes, shook his head and pointed at Phoebe who was easing

  herself into the training area. “I want to see this.”

  Phoebe carried a long sword almost i
dentical to Karlov’s. For a girl so large

  she moved with grace and handled the sword as if she had done so for years.

  Karlov looked wary as he approached her. He took an opening swing with his

  sword, aiming at Phoebe’s side. The tall girl barely moved. She blocked the

  incoming strike with her sword and instantly swung a massive fist into the side

  of Karlov’s face sending him spinning to the floor.

  The Knot let out a gasp as Karlov lay face down on the stone. Phoebe didn’t

  move, her face expressionless. After a moment Karlov pushed himself up and

  back onto his feet, an ugly welt developing over his eye.

  “Bloody hell,” said Indio

  Nervously the Knot watched and waited, trying to figure out how Karlov

  would react. The Knot leader rolled his shoulders and flexed his back. Phoebe

  still hadn’t moved. He walked towards her stopping only when they were close

  enough to touch.

  “Phoebe Montecorde. That is the best strike I have ever seen from a first year

  Sojourner.” His face broke into a smile and raised his sword and bowed to her. “I salute you. You get served first at dinner tonight.” Phoebe gave him a half smile and retreated back beyond the rope.

  Ariella caught her eye. “Phoebe, that was amazing. Where did you learn


  She shrugged her shoulders but didn’t reply.

  “Did your Father teach you?” As Ariella asked the question she saw a

  moment of pain in Phoebe’s eyes as she shook her head.

  “Well, I think you’re brilliant.”

  Phoebe gave her the same half smile she have Karlov but said nothing.

  “Last one!” Called Karlov. “Felix, let’s get this over with shall we?”

  Ariella looked over at Felix and her heart sank. He was terrified. His hands

  were shaking so badly he could hardly hold the sword he was carrying. Indio,

  Jaron and Ariella exchanged looks trying to think of some way to help him.

  Indio whispered. “This is going to be painful. How did he make it past the


  Eugenie and Theia starting sniggering again as Felix tripped on the rope and

  dropped his sword.

  Before anyone could respond, Esther had walked past them and put her

  hand on Felix’s arm. She didn’t say anything, she just smiled. Felix looked at

  her, swallowed and picked up his sword. The shaking in his hands had stopped.

  “Wow” said Indio.

  “Indeed” replied Ariella.

  Jaron nodded. “It’s amazing what happens when the right girl smiles at


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