Ascension Vision- The Levels of Ascension Box Set

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Ascension Vision- The Levels of Ascension Box Set Page 84

by Amy Proebstel


  Rasa woke up with the sunlight caressing the side of her face. She stretched and rolled over out of the bright light wishing she could continue the dream which was slipping away even as she tried to recall it. Her thoughts suddenly turned dark as she recalled a nightmare as well. She shook her head and sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she did so.

  She blinked a few times before she could clearly see the white garment draped across the foot of her bed. Shaking her head in confusion, she crawled across the top of the bed and touched the cloth. “No!” she groaned out loud as she realized the nightmare had been real. Elder Wilken was dead, and she was the new Elder for Manzanit. Fresh tears poured from her eyes as she pushed the clothing away from her and sat hard, rocking back and forth to comfort herself from the pain.

  The chill of her nakedness made her come back to her senses. She scooted off the side of the bed, picked up the ceremonial robe, and walked over to the wardrobe. The fabric was badly wrinkled, and she hung it up, hoping it would smooth out over time. Her hand caressed it lightly and reverently, recalling the ceremony making her the Elder and changing her life forever.

  Her jaw began to shake with the cold which was now seeping up her legs from the cold floor under her bare feet. Slightly embarrassed, she also recalled this was the exact spot she had stood the evening before when Riccan had walked in. She had not even considered her nakedness as she had clung to him for comfort. She wondered what Riccan had thought about the whole thing and if she had made him uncomfortable. Hopefully, their relationship would not be affected by the whole incident.

  She grabbed another outfit, also white, which was indicative of her new status. The fabric was perfect; she had never even tried them on before, as there had been no need. She draped the items over her arm and crossed her room to take a warm bath. From the angle of the sun, she determined there was still time for herself before she had to face the day.

  After a satisfying soak, thoroughly warming her body to the core, she pulled the plug on the drain and sighed as she pulled herself out of the tub and began drying herself off. She braided her hair and looped it up to keep the long locks out of her way. Knowing she was stalling, she finally picked up her new clothes and put them on. Turning first one way, and then the other in front of the mirror, she was impressed with the perfect fit. Her seamstress was an absolute wonder with her invisible stitches and attention to detail.

  With one final look to make sure she looked the part of her new position, she turned and left the room. She only paused slightly as she passed the sitting area where just the day before, she had been visiting with Amanda, enjoying her company, and living carefree. Today was a different matter altogether. Her first task of the day was to go back to the conference room to gather any documents left behind by Elder Wilken so she could review them and begin where he left off.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  WILLIAN RAN DOWN the halls until he reached Elder Wilken’s rooms. The doors were open, and people were coming and going carrying laundry, clothes, and cleaning supplies. Any personal touches of the previous occupant were gone, the room was just that: a spare suite of rooms.

  His last hope died thinking it might have been a terrible mistake. He turned and sauntered, his eyes shifted toward the last place he had spent with the old Elder. Motion caught his attention, and he realized the white-robed figure was who he had been searching for. “Rasa?” he called out.

  She turned rapidly and looked over to him, clearly not expecting to see him. Willian thought she looked tired and wondered if she had slept at all the night before. He rushed forward to catch up with her and to offer his condolences.

  “I just heard about Elder Wilken. Are you okay? Do you need anything?”

  “Thank you, Willian. I’m fine for now, but I may take you up on your offer once I start getting into all of the details.”

  “Anytime. Really.”

  “What are you doing here so early?”

  “Early? It’s already noon. Did you just wake up?”

  “Noon? Seriously. Yes, I got up a while ago, but I thought it was rather earlier. Why are you here?”

  “Oh, I offered to tutor Val and Gevena together to get them both up to speed in their lessons.”

  “Val…oh, Willian, I think I might have messed up.” She guiltily looked away from him as she recalled her conversation with his father.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Your father was here last night for the ceremony. I asked him how he was doing since the betrothal was dissolved…”

  Willian groaned, feeling physically ill as he realized what she was telling him.

  “I’m sorry, Willian; I thought you already told him. I had no idea…I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault, Rasa, I should have told him already. I actually promised Val I’d call him today, but it’s going to be a little more difficult getting a word in edgewise since he’s drawn his own conclusion.”

  “I could talk to him for you if you want. Amanda told me the circumstances…” Rasa stopped talking once Willian began shaking his head.

  “No, this is my mess to clean up. Do you think I could use the patil in your office? I should take care of this right away.”

  “Sure, yes! You remember where it is, right?”

  “Yeah, but I wish I could lose myself along the way. I’ve been dreading this conversation. You know, I’m not sure who’ll be more upset, my father or my mother.”

  “Good luck, Willian. I’m sorry I made it more difficult for you.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll let you get back to your work. If you need me later, I’ll be with Gevena.”

  “Okay, thanks. Talk to you later.”

  Willian watched her walk away; her carefree spirit seemed diminished. He felt the same way himself since he knew his father was upset. He turned around the corner and dragged his feet more as he got closer to the office. This isn’t going to get easier with any more delaying, he scolded himself.

  Once he got to the office, he carefully closed the door behind him. He crossed the room and sat at her desk, shifting the chair until it was the right angle, and pulling the keyboard out to use. Taking several deep breaths, Willian tapped the screen of the patil, selected the video call button, and then typed in his father’s personal code, used only for immediate family.

  His hopes that his dad would be away from his desk were soon dashed when his face filled the screen. He did not look happy to see his son.

  “So you finally got around to calling me, huh?”

  “Sorry, Dad, it’s not very easy to do on Earth.”

  “I talked with your mom last night; she’s pretty upset. What do you have to say for yourself?”

  Willian closed his eyes, wishing all the more he had found an opportunity to present his case to his parents before they learned on their own. Too late for that, he thought. “As you know, I went to Earth to work things out with Jena. Well, things were going really well, and I thought I was going to make her want to stay with me. Then I found my soul-mate and everything changed.

  “There was no way Jena and I could be together once that happened. It wouldn’t be fair to either of us. Jena saw it was true, and asked for the dissolution.”

  “And Daven just happened to be there and all-too-happy to oblige? I had a few choice words for him last night as well. This matter is not going unpunished for him or for you, Willian. I hope you understand.”

  “Dad, please listen. Elder Daven had no choice; he’s not to blame. Blame me if you have to, but don’t do anything to Elder Daven. Please!”

  “Don’t worry, Willian; you’re in plenty of trouble and don’t try to tell me how to handle the other Elders. You’re not one of us yet, so you don’t get a vote.”

  “Dad! Will you let me explain?”

  “Yes, you can do it in person. Your vacation to Earth is hereby canceled. Plan on returning home today by dinner. Your mother has something she’d like to sa
y to you.”

  “No, Dad, I won’t be doing that. I will come home to talk with you, but I won’t be coming alone, and I won’t be staying.”

  “Willian, watch your tone with me. If you value your place in our family, you will do as you’re told. I see you’re in Manzanit; it won’t take you long to get yourself here.”

  “I’m sorry, Dad; but I have other obligations for my time today. I’ll let you know when I can arrange a trip home. I’ll talk to you soon.” He disconnected the call and almost hyperventilated because of his brazen act of defiance.

  Still a little shaky in the knees, Willian stood up and had to hold himself up against the edge of the desk as he took several deep breaths. Never before had he openly been defiant with his father and he was certain this was going to have some negative repercussions. He wished he had handled the situation better, if not for himself, then for Val or Elder Daven. They were going to get punished for him being a coward, and it just was not right.

  Feeling self-righteous, Willian returned to Gevena’s suite of rooms and sat across from the girls. He could see the two had been keeping themselves busy talking. He wished he would have stayed with them rather than going off to find Rasa.

  “Are you ready to begin?” he asked.

  “Are you?” Valentina asked back, leaning forward and searching his face for any indication of how the conversation had gone.

  “Yes. I need a distraction right now. Gevena, why don’t you show me what you know already? Once I get a base-line of your skills, I’ll know how best to move you further along.”

  Gevena proceeded to demonstrate her skills in the order they were traditionally taught. She sat back on the couch and closed her eyes to concentrate as she pulled energy out of her birth crystal, moved it over in front of Valentina, and then put the elemy back into her birth crystal. Once completed she sighed with satisfaction and opened her eyes, hoping to get approval before continuing.

  “Well done, Gevena. Please keep going,” Willian offered, correctly interpreting her look.

  She smiled shyly and then closed her eyes again.

  Willian felt a breeze blow by him and nodded with satisfaction of the fourth skill properly performed. “Keep going,” he encouraged.

  She opened her eyes and said, “I need to get a glass of water to continue.”

  “I’ll get it,” Willian offered and then pointed down at the table in front of them where the needed glass suddenly appeared. “It’s your turn now.”

  “You made it look so easy! Will I be able to do it someday, too?”

  “Absolutely. Are you stalling?”

  “Maybe a little.” She took a dramatic breath and leaned forward to concentrate on the water in the glass. Nothing seemed to be happening, and she suddenly stopped trying. She turned to Valentina and asked, “Can you do this already?”

  “Yes, I just learned. You’re doing great. Try again.”

  “Oh, fine!” She returned her attention to the glass until small bubbles appeared on the bottom of the water. They floated to the surface and more formed until all of the water contained bubbles, and the steam was rising from the hot liquid. “I did it!” She looked up with a satisfied grin over at Willian and then at Valentina.

  “Great, Gevena. Now make it freeze,” Valentina suggested.

  “Oh, I should wait for it to cool down first. It’ll make it go faster.” She sat back, fully prepared to wait for as long as it took. Her skills were getting sketchier, and she hated showing people how miserable she was at it.

  “Actually, hot water turns to ice much easier than cold,” Willian contradicted her. “Try imagining the molecules moving and sticking to one another to form a solid block.”

  “Okay, I think I can do it,” she said with less enthusiasm this time. Using his direction, she found it was much easier than ever to get the water to form ice, effectively completing the sixth skill. “Hey, it was pretty easy! I’ve always thought cold water would be faster, but you’re right, having it hot was even better. You know, I’ve always wondered why we learned these things in this order. Do you know why?”

  “Yes, the skills build on one another. Each one teaches you a new aspect of either the elemy or the object you’re working with. Once you get to the really advanced levels, you will be using both at the same time as well as your imagination instead of a physical object.”

  “Oh, my, I don’t think I’ll be up for anything so innovative. What level have you achieved, Willian?”

  “I’m only on the twenty-fourth level, but I know others who are beyond any of the numbered skills, creating their own levels with their imagination. I hope to get there one day myself.”

  Gevena shook her head in awe, “Only level twenty-four, he says!” She looked over to Valentina and rolled her eyes. “Where are you?”

  “I’ve gotten through the first eleven levels with relative ease. I’m still working on mastering the creation level. My brothers and I are pretty competitive, so we keep helping one another to move along.”

  “That would be nice,” Gevena said wistfully. “I don’t have anyone here to compete with. The little kids in my class only laugh at me when I mess things up. Nobody has offered to help me get better until you two.”

  “I know it’s not easy, but you need to ignore what others think about you and your skills. They each learn in their own way, much as you do. We all have unique talents, and I think you’re base skills are done very well. We just need to polish them up a little, and then you’ll find them easier and faster to achieve.”

  “Do you really think I can do this? I’ve had so many doubts!”

  “Belief in yourself is the first step to success,” Willian quoted his father’s favorite saying.

  All of them turned around in surprise when a male voice spoke from the doorway. “It’s good to know you’ve heard something I’ve told you, Willian.”

  “Father!” Willian said as he jumped up from the couch and turned to face him.

  Gevena also jumped up and dropped her head in submission to the Elder. Even though she had never met him before, his clothing and stance indicated his position.

  Valentina remained sitting on the couch, wondering what she should do, concerned for Willian’s confrontation with his father. Belatedly, Valentina stood up and awkwardly mirrored Gevena’s pose while she tried to keep watching the scene unfolding before her. This powerful-looking man was the one person she needed to impress if she planned on having a future with his son. She was terrified of failing.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  “IT’S GOOD TO see your ‘prior obligation’ is using your talents to help others here in Tuala,” Debbon remarked sarcastically. He had been furious when Willian had hung up on him, but he also had a grudging respect for his son’s ability to stand up to him in the face of his anger. Willian had come a long way in the past few mesans, and he was proud to see he was using what he had learned to help others rather than just helping himself. This was progress, but he was not going to let his son know.

  “Yes, Father. I had promised Gevena I would tutor her until her skills were equal to the other kids our age. She has been treated poorly and has not been allowed to attend school in several anons.”

  “I see. That explains one of these girls. What about the other one?”

  Willian looked back at Valentina and knew this was his opportunity to introduce his future wife to his father. He walked around the table and held out his hand to her. When their hands touched, the electricity between them flared with the emotions they were both feeling.

  Gevena gasped beside them and hastily stepped aside.

  Debbon’s eyebrows rose as he also felt the spike in power. He had never experienced anything like it, and he was instantly curious as to its source. He watched his son’s expression change from timid to determined as he brought the girl forward to him.

  “Father, it is my pleasure to introduce to you Valentina, my future wife.”

  Expecting a simple introduction, Debbon was caught
off guard at his son’s declaration. He immediately inspected the girl to see what made her so special to capture his son’s interest so rapidly and fully. The hair on his arms had risen when they approached, and he noticed the hair on the back of his neck was also beginning to move. “What’s the meaning of this, Willian? Why do you two practically spark with energy? Who is this girl and where did she come from?”

  Valentina took her hand out of Willian’s and offered it to Debbon. She saw he was reluctant to touch her, but he mastered himself enough to touch her fingers in greeting. “I was born in the Roanoke Colony to Vinia. I’m pleased to meet you, Elder Debbon. Willian has told me a lot about you.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, as well. Unfortunately, Willian has told us nothing about you.” He looked pointedly over at his son and said, “When you are through with your lesson here today, then the two of you will come home to have dinner. It will give us a chance to learn all about you.”

  Valentina’s head swiveled immediately to Willian, and her eyes were wide with fright.

  “We won’t have time, Father. I promised Valentina’s parents she’d be home for dinner.”

  “We have all the time in the world, Willian, and you know it. Now, I won’t take no for an answer. Your mother wants to see you.”

  Knowing when to back down, Willian nodded and said, “As you wish, Father.”

  “Good! Since we’ve settled the matter, I’d like to see Gevena’s crystal skills for myself.” He moved past where Willian and Valentina stood over to the frightened girl. She looked like a scared foxl, ready to bolt in an instant.

  “I’m sorry, Val. This was bound to happen at some point.”

  “I’m scared.”

  “Well, at least you have an outfit to wear for dinner.”

  She rolled her eyes and quipped, “That’s not much comfort!”

  “It’s all I’ve got for you. Come on; we need to rescue Gevena from my father.”


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