Ascension Vision- The Levels of Ascension Box Set

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Ascension Vision- The Levels of Ascension Box Set Page 86

by Amy Proebstel

  “No, it’s Vinia.”

  Disappointment passed through Chelesa as her hopes had been for naught.

  “But, my grandmother’s name was Jinya. Did you know her?” Valentina asked innocently.

  Optimism returned, and Chelesa turned to Debbon and said, “It’s possible, don’t you think?”

  “What’s possible?” Willian asked with total confusion. He looked from his mother to his father without comprehending the silent conversation happening between them.

  Debbon leaned forward on the table, ignoring his plate of food as he formulated his question carefully. “Did your mother ever say anything about an incident with you as a toddler?”

  Valentina shook her head slightly, not understanding what he was asking. “She’s told me a lot of things about my childhood. Is there something specific?”

  Thinking there was no better way to ask but plainly, he said, “Were you abducted by Petre MacVeen as a toddler? Did you almost drown and then get bit by a beetlesnatch on the cheek while you were with him?”

  Valentina’s hand flew up to her cheek where there was a slight divot. Her eyes grew wide as the memories of falling into the dark water and not being able to breath brought back her reoccurring nightmare. Now she knew, the nightmares were based on truth; it made total sense. “I don’t know, but it would explain my fear of water. I don’t remember, but it certainly could be true.”

  Chapter Forty-One

  DEBBON PUSHED HIMSELF away from the table. The food remained mostly untouched as nobody seemed to have much of an appetite. “I can do some research. It would be simpler if I could contact your mom, but the Roanoke Colony has always refused outside help, I’ll have to…”

  “There’s a patil in my mother’s house in Roanoke. She asked for one as one of the conditions for becoming a leader of the community,” Valentina volunteered. She still did not understand what Elder Debbon wanted to confirm, but she was still trying to be helpful nonetheless.

  “Really? Your mother is the leader there now? There must have been some serious changes out there…anyway, I’ll be right back.” Debbon was troubled by the changes in the backward community and because he had not heard anything about it. Even as he walked to his own office, he had to let go of the anger surrounding the community considering it was not in his own District but in Elder Daven’s. The Districts were autonomous, so it was unnecessary for Daven to have to report on any changes.

  Once seated at his desk, he spent a few minutes searching out the call code of the patil in Roanoke. It was certainly easier to make contact with his intended recipient since it was in her own home. He entered the number on a video call because he wanted to see if Valentina’s mother was the same person he thought she might be.

  The call was picked up by an unknown man. Debbon was slightly thrown as he had only expected a woman to answer. He hurriedly recovered and said, “This is Elder Debbon. I’m looking for Vinia. Is she available?”

  “Certainly, I’ll have to run outside to get her. Hold on, please.”

  Debbon could hear a lot of commotion through the connection and a muffled exclamation of a woman’s voice. Several more seconds passed before he saw a woman’s chest on the screen as she sat at the table in front of the patil. His eyes grew wide as he looked upon the face of the woman he had known so many anons before as Jinya.

  “Jinya? Is that you?” he asked before he could stop himself. He watched intently as her complexion turned a bright red and she could no longer look at the screen.

  “Elder Debbon, I’m sorry to have lied to you so long ago. You’ll have to know I was trying to protect my identity from Petre at the time. I never expected to see you or hear from you ever again; otherwise, I would have informed you before of my deception.”

  Even as he continued to stare, he could see the resemblance of this woman to Amanda even though there were many anons difference in their ages. “I’m sorry I keep staring; is your name actually Vinia then?”

  “Yes, Elder Debbon.”

  “Did you know your daughter is here at my estate with my son, Willian?”

  “No. What are they doing here in Tuala? She’s not in trouble: is she?”

  “No, no trouble at all. She’s been telling us about her strange upbringing. She is the same child who Petre claimed was his own, yes?”

  “Yes, she is the same child, but Petre is nothing to her!” Vinia protested vehemently.

  “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to imply...I just wanted to make sure it was the same child. I can’t believe she’s almost grown and I imagine you can’t either!”

  “It was quite a shock to which I’m still adjusting. Elder Debbon, I’m sorry about the betrothal. I hope you don’t blame my daughter for it; after all, Willian kissed her and not the other way around. Jena saw it happen, but she already knew she wanted to end things. It just worked out Elder Daven was here with me, and she requested the dissolution immediately.”

  Debbon hid his anger at the knowledge of his son messing up his relationship with Jena and replied, “Don’t worry, Jin…I mean, Vinia. Valentina is not in any trouble. Thank you for taking my call and clearing up the mystery for us. I’m going to head back to dinner now. Have a nice evening.”

  “Good evening, Elder Debbon.”

  He tapped the screen and ended the call. The conversation left him with several things to think about, some of them not entirely pleasant; others were possibilities to be checked out. Tapping his fingers on his desktop a couple of times, Debbon promptly made up his mind and pushed himself up from his chair. It was time to make some plans.

  When he got back into the dining room, he noticed the meal had not progressed in his absence. He leaned over to make it look as though he were going to kiss Chelesa’s cheek only to whisper in her ear, “Read Valentina’s aura.” He did kiss her and then took his place at the head of the table. “Mystery solved, Valentina. You were the child kidnapped by Petre. Your fear of the water is warranted since you almost drowned while he was busy stealing a cargo shipment and not watching you. It’s good to have the details cleared up.” He picked up his fork casually, stabbed a chunk of foxl steak and brought it up near his mouth. “What’s this I hear about Jena catching you kissing Valentina just before she ended the betrothal? Do you think it might have sealed the deal with Jena?”

  “What?” Willian sputtered.

  Valentina dropped her head low and could not bear to look at either of Willian’s parents through her humiliation. How could her mom have told Elder Debbon such a thing? It had to have been her; the timing was too perfect to be anything else.

  “No, it wasn’t what ‘sealed the deal’ with Jena. Yes, she was angry about it, but it was only a matter of time before she knew there was no future for us. As soon as she calmed down and she felt the connection which Val…entina and I share, she calmly requested the dissolution without fault or blemish on either part. Jena has declared she is happy for Valentina and me. They are still friends. If you don’t believe me, then ask Jena. This was mutual, and it’s final.

  “Dad, I’m disappointed you haven’t followed your own advice you’ve given me so often about getting all of your facts straight before you open your mouth and say things you’ll regret later!” Willian abruptly stood up and reached for Valentina’s hand. Giving up on trying to appease his parents, he declared, “C’mon, Val; we’re leaving!”

  “Willian! You will apologize to your father this instant!” Chelesa said sternly, also standing to address her errant son.

  Debbon remained sitting and said, “No, Chelesa, he won’t be apologizing because he’s right to point out my error. At least I know he’s been listening to me all of these anons.” He stood slowly, gathering all eyes to him and he turned to Willian and said, “I’m sorry, Willian. I’m sorry, Valentina. I’ve been the worst possible host as Willian has so eloquently reminded me. I don’t have all of the facts, and I’ve been speaking out of turn because of it.”

  Valentina was mortified because this was not th
e first impression she wanted to make on Willian’s parents. There was no way to rectify the mess which had been created. More than anything, she wished she had stayed at home on Earth today rather than have everything turn upside down so swiftly and irrevocably. She still held Willian’s hand, yet they had not moved away from the table, it was almost as if they were in limbo, not knowing what their next move was going to be.

  Debbon spoke again, softly this time, “Can we go back to the meeting room and you can tell me everything. I promise not to interrupt.”

  “Hmmph!” Chelesa sounded with an amused expression on her face. “That’ll be the day!”

  Willian chuckled at his mother’s amusement, effectively diffusing the tension in the room. The tightness in his hand lessened, and he nodded. “I’d like that very much, Dad. I’ve had the most amazing past few days, and I’ve wanted to share them with you, but time and circumstances have prevented me before. We’re here now, so let’s go talk.”

  They returned to the meeting room which was no longer filled with tension. As promised, both parents remained silent as they listened with fascination as Willian recounted his whole adventure since arriving on Earth. When he got to the part about the electricity, he touched Valentina’s hand and asked, “Don’t you feel the difference when we’re in physical contact? I mean, it’s still there even when we’re near one another, yet touching makes it so much stronger.”

  Breaking the silence, Chelesa admitted, “I did feel it earlier when I touched your cheek. I even mentioned it to your father.” She turned and nodded at him to confirm her statement. Satisfied when he dropped his chin slightly in reply, she turned back and said, “I’m sorry. Please keep going.”

  Willian grinned at their receptiveness, this is what he had wanted all along and never really expecting to receive. Maybe he had learned a few more things on his adventure than he had initially realized. Or maybe it was the death of Elder Wilken which had made him learn to stand up for what he wanted before it was too late.

  He told the rest of the story, only omitting the parts where he and Valentina had been intimate, and then he sat back and declared, “And that’s all there is to it. We are forever bonded in perfect harmony, and I can’t possibly be any happier!” As he said the last part, he had turned to face Valentina with a silly grin on his face. He gave her hand another squeeze for emphasis before he turned back to his dad, awaiting his approval.

  “You’ve given us a lot to think about. It’s getting pretty late, we should probably get you back to Manzanit so you can take Valentina home,” Debbon declared.

  “What? That’s all you’re going to say about it?”

  “You said yourself ‘that’s all there is to it.’ What more can I say at this point?”

  “Oh, I don’t know…maybe congratulations or I’m happy for you, son.”

  “I am happy for you.”

  “Oh, goodness! Don’t listen to him, Willian. I’m thrilled you’ve found happiness! Let me give you both a hug in congratulations!” Chelesa cried out and crossed the space between them to lean over and put her arms around both kids sitting so closely together.

  At first contact, she immediately began to see visions of future events and feel energy coursing through her in ways she had never experienced. She jumped back from them and straightened her tunic in confusion. “I’ll have to remember not to do that while you’re holding hands! Whew!” She stepped back another step and looked away from them uncomfortably.

  Now it was Willian’s turn to be anxious to leave. He did not enjoy seeing his mother flustered and at a loss for words. He stood up and was pleased when Valentina did as well. “You’re right, Dad, we should be going now.”

  “Go ahead and start without me. I’ll be out in a minute,” he told his son with a dismissing wave of his hand. He went to his wife and murmured, “Are you okay? Do you need anything? You look flushed; what happened?”

  “I don’t really know, although I can tell you, it was powerful!”

  “Did you read her aura?”



  “She’s only half-Tualan. I could tell by the odd white shimmering around the edges which I usually associate with the old souls. Do you think she knows?”

  “No, but I mean to get to the bottom of this!” He kissed his wife on the forehead, patted her shoulders hastily, and then left the room to meet the kids outside by the telepod. His mind was reeling with ideas and possibilities, so much so that he suggested Willian take the controls of the telepod to get them back to the Residence.

  They had just gotten to the Gate at Elder Island’s Residence when Willian asked, “Why didn’t we just take your telepod to Manzanit and skip the Gate trip?”

  Debbon chuckled and replied, “Because I didn’t think of it! It would have made more sense, but you’ve muddled my brain with all of your revelations this evening. There that does it!” He had finished tapping the final sequence to shift the Gate to take them to Manzanit. He stepped into the large circle, careful to keep himself from touching either of the kids for fear it would make him lose focus on the transfer coordinates in his mind. He activated the Gate, and they were on their way.

  They materialized in the secured room in Manzanit and stared in wonder at the mess all around them. Debbon was the first to step up and away from the Gate’s energy field. “What’s wrong, Rasa? What happened in here?”

  “Elder Debbon! I thought I was going crazy, but I’m not, and the worst thing ever has happened!”

  “What is it?”

  “Someone stole my samara!”

  “That’s impossible, Rasa. Once you’ve claimed your samara, nobody else can possibly steal it.”

  “Ooooh, I know! But I hadn’t claimed it yet! So, yes, it was still vulnerable to theft!”

  “What? How could you be so careless?” Debbon accused.

  “All of the facts, Dad, remember,” Willian whispered to him from behind. He moved around his father and asked reasonably, “Where were you keeping it, Rasa?”

  She pointed miserably to an open niche in the stone wall. “Elder Wilken put it in there for me and wove a protective ward around it just last night. I was going to claim it this morning when I was rested, but then, Elder Wilken died. We had the ceremony, and I was too tired to do anything other than fall asleep.

  “I was so drained I even imagined the Gate itself had been diminished. I just got through all of the matters which required immediate attention, and I came in here to take care of the samara. But it’s GONE! It wasn’t my imagination after all!” She whirled around, eyes wild with fright and anger and declared, “One of the Elders stole it!”

  Follow Amanda’s amazing adventures in


  Dear Reader,

  Thanks for watching out for Amanda as well as her friends and family, even if it were a little stressful.

  This may seem like an understatement…until you delve into Ruling Ascension. This time, one of Amanda’s daughters finds herself in need of help.

  Although it’s dangerous, Amanda’s need to fulfill Jehoban’s prophecy cannot be denied. It feels like fate has conspired against all of them. What will be revealed in this next chapter?

  You’ll love this next installment in the Levels of Ascension fantasy series, because the stakes have never been higher.

  Get it now.


  Amy Proebstel

  P.S. Reviews are the easiest way for people to know a book is amazing. Please spread the word by leaving a great review. I am very appreciative and I read every review. I love to hear what parts of the story speak to you.


  Agetha – / ay gah thuh / – Resident of the Roanoke Colony. Mother of Romen.

  Ahn – / ah n / – Husband of Barla. Father of Gravin and Rasa. Harbor Master at the Port of Cresdon in Thulen. Former shipping captain.

  Alena – / ah leyn a / – Born Ab 26, 3417. Maiden name: Bellen. Marriage Date: Tishri 16, 3436. Wife of Bryon Ke
sh. Mother of Justan and Kyelon. Former adoptive mother to Jena and Juila as known in Amanda’s coma reality. Trained as a wise-woman.

  Amanda – / uh man duh / – means ‘beloved’. Born September 28, 1972, in Florida. Maiden name: Covington. Daughter of Chris and Diane. Wife of Riccan Stel. Mother of Juila and Jena. Sister to Carrie and Deanna. Cousin to Gravin and Rasa. Aunt to Emily and April. Former fiancé of Nealand.

  Andera – / an dair uh / – Born Tishri 12, 3439. Daughter of Zeka. Betrothed to Justan. First-daughter of Bryon and Alena.

  Andy Brun – / an dee broohn / – Neighbor friend of Riccan’s on Earth. Involved in rock throwing trouble.

  Angie – / an jee / – Nealand’s girlfriend in Amanda’s coma reality. Maiden name: McFarland. Daughter of Billy. High school classmate of Amanda’s.

  April – / ay pril / – Daughter (6yrs) of Carrie. Granddaughter of Chris and Diane. Niece of Amanda.

  Barla – / bahr luh / – Born January 21, 1945, in Wisconsin. Maiden name: Silnack. Birth name: Barbara. Nickname on Earth: Barla. Sister of Diane. Aunt of Amanda. Wife of Ahn. Mother of Gravin and Rasa. Raised Jena and Juila until they were six anons old. Birth crystal color: bright blue.

  Behn – / ben / – Earth Surname: Wilson. Triplet brother to Valentina and Jon. Sent to Earth by mother, Vinia, from Tuala when he was eight anons old. Tall with brown hair and brown eyes. Crystal color: smoky grey. Boyfriend of Juila.

  Billy – / bil ee / – Surname: McFarland. Father of Angie. Owns his own towing company in Southern Florida. NHRA enthusiast and fan of Riccan Stel.

  Bistea – / bis tee uh / – Vendor at the marketplace in Kirma. Patient of Alena’s.

  Bruce – / bru s / – Man in the hotel room in New York City to confront Petre.

  Bryon – / brahy uh n / – Born Heshvan 2, 3416, in Kirma. Surname: Kesh. Marriage Date: Tishri 16, 3436. Husband of Alena. Father of Justan and Kyelon. Former adoptive father to Jena and Juila as known in Amanda’s coma reality. Manager of Kirma Shipping and Receiving.


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