A Very Alien Christmas

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A Very Alien Christmas Page 28

by Skye MacKinnon

  He nodded, but kept standing beside me, holding me close to him.

  “Yes,” he said, gently. “I will go.”

  I nodded, holding back a fresh onslaught of tears. I didn’t want his last look at me to be all weepy. I forced a smile for him.

  “I will go,” Jaxar repeated, staring deeply into my eyes. “But not tonight. Tonight, you and I will be traveling the world together while we help Santa deliver presents.”

  “Wh-what?” I thought perhaps my ears were frozen from the chill wind that picked up. Had I heard him correctly?

  Jaxar’s smile deepened at the collective gasp coming from behind me.

  “It’s the only thing that makes sense, doesn’t it?” Jaxar held his finger beneath my chin, forcing me to keep my gaze focused on his face. “This is important to you, so it’s important to me, too. And it gives me time to get to know you better which is exactly what I wanted since the first moment I set eyes on you in that sleigh.”

  “Do you mean it?” I asked, my voice breathless with wonder. “Really?”

  “What better first date than saving Christmas with a trip around the world on my spaceship?” His grin widened at the look of shock on my face. Then he wrapped an arm around my shoulders again, holding me close to him. He looked over my shoulder, and said, “Santa, I’d like to introduce you to your new sleigh. It might not be red, and it’s a little worn down, but it’s fast and it’ll get the job done.”

  “Thank you, my boy!” Santa’s voice boomed behind me as a cheer began to rise in the air from the crowd of elves. “Thank you!”

  I felt Jaxar nod, then looked down at me again.

  “You don’t mind if I stick around for a while, eh?” A flash of uncertainty crept into his eyes. “I won’t be able to go home for another six months. I’ll need a place to stay.”

  I smiled. “My place is big enough for two. I think we can make arrangements for you to stay with me.”

  His head dipped down, capturing my lips in a gentle kiss.

  Then I leaned back, gazing into his eyes. “I wonder if maybe you could help me install a new shower at my place, too. Something similar to the one on your ship.”

  “I think that can be arranged.” He whispered, his voice deep and his breath hot on my cheek. “But we’ll need to test it out together.”

  I nodded, my toes curling in my boots. “Agreed.”

  The End

  Enjoyed Jaxar and Noelle’s story? Be sure to leave a review! Love Christmas romances? Grab your FREE copy of Curse of Christmas: A Collection of Paranormal Holiday Stories! Love alien romances? Pre-order Alien Embrace: A Limited Edition Collection of Sci Fi Alien Romances.

  About the Author

  Tricia Schneider is a multi-genre romance author. From werewolves, vampires and witches to wicked pirates and sexy aliens, she weaves sensual stories where happily-ever-after is a guarantee. She believes there is a book for everyone. A sentiment she gained after years of working as Assistant Manager and bookseller at Waldenbooks. After the store closed, she turned to writing full-time, publishing paranormal, historical, fantasy, sci-fi and gothic romances.

  Tricia lives in Pennsylvania with her four children and two rescued cats, Harley and Cassius. When she’s not typing away on her laptop, she’s riding shotgun in a ’67 Impala while keeping her eyes open for a madman in a Big Blue Box.

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  Read More of Tricia’s Books

  The Merriweather Witches

  The Witch and the Wolf

  The Witch and the Vampire

  The Witch’s Thief

  The Witch’s Kiss

  Cougar Shifters

  Loving Boone

  Tempting Benjamin

  Claiming Cody

  The Pirate’s Lady

  Ice Princess

  The Mermaid

  Her Haunted Valentine

  Anthologies & Collections

  Pirates: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology

  A Wink and a Smile Anthology

  A Kiss and a Promise Anthology

  Stolen and Seduced

  Captured and Captivated

  Falling for Shifters

  A Cursed All Hallows’ Eve

  A Winter Kiss

  Curse of Christmas

  Holidays Bite

  Love Bites

  Winter Tails

  Alien Embrace

  A Zexian X-Mas

  Featuring Rianne and Xavir

  Luna Wren

  About A Zexian X-MAS

  "It's my first Christmas away from Earth. What do I have to do to bring the holiday spirit to a Zexian warship?"

  Rianna met her fated Zexian mate Xavir after a crazy mix up last summer. Since then, she's been living on the Zexian mothership with him and loving every moment of it. She adores her mate more than anything, but Christmas has a special place in her heart. Can she and the other Earthling brides bring some much-needed Christmas magic into orbit?

  A Zexian X-MAS features characters from the Zexian Tribute Brides but can be enjoyed independently from the main series.


  Every time I woke up beside Xavir, my mate, I knew that I would have a good day. I still used the word day to define the time between when I woke up and went to sleep; several months had passed while living in space, and I still hadn't gotten the hang of any other measurement of time.

  The Zexian mothership completed a wide path around the Earth, scanning the local area for any threats that might come along. Their dedication to providing hundreds of warriors was part of the strict agreement that the United Nations had with the Zexians. They protected us from danger and we gave them supplies and females.

  I was not one of the Tribute females that was given during a pompous ceremony once a year. I found my mate a little differently. I hadn't meant to stowaway on a supply ship. Still, my drunk-ass fell asleep amongst the Tributes' belongings during the last ceremony and found myself here on the mothership.

  Xavir, the head of the security department, was the one who decided my fate. Admittedly, he wanted to get rid of me at first until we realized we were made for each other. In only a short time, I decided to stay with him here on the Zexian mothership and live with him as his mate.

  As a girl who'd dreamed of living a life of adventure, I was happier than I'd ever been, even if I did miss Earth sometimes.

  "Is everything ok, Rianne?"

  I glanced over at Xavir. He was getting ready for his shift, dressed in a black uniform that was perfectly tailored over his muscular body. He was nearly seven feet tall, an average height for a Zexian warrior, with purple scaled skin, short black hair, and golden eyes.

  "I'm fine," I said.

  "You sighed," Xavir said.

  I let my eyes wander up and down his body again, squeezing my legs together, ignoring the heat that was beginning to spread. I couldn't take him again, we'd already fucked twice this morning, and he had to get to work.

  "Fine," I repeated. "Just thinking."

  Xavir tipped his head at me. He was trying his best to be an attentive mate and he second-guessed almost everything I said. All he wanted was to make me happy and although I was, he never thought it was enough.

  "I'm fine. Promise," I said. "Just … happy."

  Xavir smiled. "One day, I'll understand human females.

  I couldn't help but laugh. "Earthling men still claim that they can't understand us," I said.

  Xavir's communicator beeped.

  "Duty calls?" I asked although I knew the answer.

  My mate worked twelve-hour shifts these days, leaving me with lots of free time to wander the mothership.

  "Yep," Xavir leaned down and kissed me. "I'll be back as soon
as I can," He said.

  The sliding door hissed as he left and clicked behind him. His living quarters were deadly silent when I was alone.

  I stretched, enjoying the softness of the silver bed sheets one last time before forcing myself up. Living on the mothership was a far more luxurious experience than I would have expected. I had plenty of delicious food and beautiful clothing; I got to sleep in my mate's quarters, which were huge, thanks to his rank. I even got to enjoy hot baths every day. The Zexian mothership technology allowed me to live like a queen, even while floating through the dark abyss of outer space. In fact, I'd hardly notice that I was on a spaceship, except for when I looked out the portholes and saw nothing but blackness and stars.

  Traditional Zexian clothing was by far the most comfortable and versatile clothing I'd ever worn. The fact that undergarments were optional only made it better. Today, I wore long layers of lilac purple and mint green, tying the thin fabric around my waist and letting the excess fall around my hips. The loose layers were airy but kept me warm on the ship, which was always air-conditioned.

  With the next twelve hours to myself, I decided to go for a walk to the great hall to eat and catch up with the Tribute Brides.

  I wasn't a Tribute; I'd found myself on this ship when I fell asleep in baggage. Realistically, I shouldn't have been allowed to stay but my mate was the captain of the security team, and he convinced them to let me live with him on the mothership.

  Just as I was entering the great hall, I ran into a tall brunette. She was a tribute from Canada.

  "Marie!" I exclaimed.

  "Rianne!" She beamed with her French-Canadian accent. Her chestnut-brown hair bounced when she spoke. "So good to see you!"

  She was definitely the nicest Tribute I'd met so far. She was incredibly social and probably spent more time in the common areas than with her mate.

  I was always happy to see her. In fact, it was because of her that I met my mate to begin with. If she and Miss Mexico hadn't got me drunk, I would have never passed out in the luggage and would have never ended up on the mothership.

  Marie kissed both of my cheeks.

  "Just the girl I wanted to see," She said.

  "Me? Why me?" I asked, following her towards the buffet.

  There was an assortment of Zexian dishes to choose from, most of them including roasted meat and colorful root vegetables. Everything came to the ship freeze-dried but the kitchen staff did a fabulous job bringing it back to life. Zexian spice blends were to die for.

  We filled our plates and found a spot for us to eat and chat together.

  "Your mate works long shifts, huh?" Marie asked.

  I nodded.

  "Mine too," She sighed. "I can't believe we've been here for so long. I mean, I'm not bored but it would be nice to shake things up a bit, don't you think?"

  "What do you mean?" I asked.

  Marie paused to take a sip of coffee. Out of all the Earthling imports, coffee was probably the one that the Zexians loved the most. Aside from the Tributes, that is.

  "I was thinking," She said. "It's almost Christmas on Earth. Wouldn't it be nice if we did something here?"

  "Christmas?" I repeated.

  Had that much time passed already? It was summer when I left Earth. Time seemed to lose all meaning when there wasn't a dependable sunrise and sunset.

  "I know, crazy, right?" Marie laughed. "I talked to my mate about it but he doesn't seem interested." She fidgeted. "I thought, with your mate being higher up the chain, maybe he could approve some sort of Christmas thing?"

  "Hm, " I hummed. "I bet the other Tributes would like that, too."

  Marie's eyes lit up. "So you'll ask?"

  "I'll see what I can do," I said.

  I couldn't promise anything, but I was sure that Xavir would at least be open to the idea of Christmas.

  "Christmas?" Xavir asked.

  "Yeah, it's a holiday that a lot of people celebrate on Earth. It's sort of a big deal," I said with an earnest nod.

  Xavir leaned back in his chair. His uniform was unbuttoned, giving me the perfect view of his muscular chest.

  I focused on the conversation, trying not to be hypnotized by his purple skin. "Another Tribute mentioned it to me, and I think it's a great idea."

  "I'll mention it to the General," Xavir said finally.

  Something in his tone told me that it was going to be a long shot but it was worth a try.

  "Thanks, Xavir," I said.

  "Anything for you, my mate," He said with a grin.

  His black tongue flicked out over his lower lip. Hunger shone in his eyes—hunger for me.

  “Do you want me?” I asked, batting my eyelashes innocently.

  “Always,” Xavir growled. “I thought about you for my entire shift. It kills me to be away from you. My body aches for yours constantly.”

  I took his hand and walked back to the bed.

  “Me too,” I said, trailing my hand down his chest to the bulge straining in his uniform pants.

  Xavir’s cock twitched in response, pushing against the fabric.

  I was the luckiest woman in the world. Before coming to the mothership I had fantasized about finding a Zexian male for my very own. He made me crazy with lust.

  Xavir growled again and laid me down, carefully removing the layers of my dress's gauzy fabric until I was naked in front of him. He spread my legs and knelt down, flicking his tongue up and down my slit.

  I watched his long black tongue work its magic over my most sensitive spots. The heat rose in my cheeks as he devoured me until I was a trembling, wet mess. He brought me to the edge but didn’t let me cum, teasing me with his fingers until I was practically begging for it.

  My thighs trembled as he pulled away to catch his breath.

  “Xavir,” I gasped. “What do you do to me?”

  “You’re delicious,” He said.

  “I want you. I want more,” I begged.

  Xavir was happy to see me begging and writhing on the bed. He unzipped his uniform and let his giant Zexian cock free. It was about as thick and long as my forearm, the head glistening and dripping out of two holes.

  I quivered as the tip of his cock pushed against me.

  Xavir took his time to tease me, easing in and out, passing over my clit and downwards until he was slick with my wetness.

  Every time he entered me it felt as good as the first time. Such a massive, thick member that slid all the way into me. I never thought I’d be able to take him all the way, but I did.

  Xavir grunted as his pelvic area touched mine, bringing us together and beginning to pump like a machine. He bore down on me, his hands on either side of my head as he pushed in and out.

  I gasped, letting the pleasure take over my body. I was stretched to my limit but felt no pain, only the ecstasy of being with my fated mate.

  Our bodies moved together, faster and faster until the climax was near.

  I closed my eyes, wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

  Xavir hauled me up onto his lap, pushing me down on him and thrusting upwards at the same time.

  The wetness was dripping from me now, making a mess of his pants, which still hung on his hips.

  “Rianne,” He hissed. “I’m close.”

  Zexians could control when they wanted to mate and when they only fucked for pleasure. His orgasms were always huge and left me dripping for hours.

  “Take me, Xavir,” I whispered back. “I want to feel you explode inside of me.”

  Xavir grabbed my ass and thrust up one last time. His cock twitched and the ridges along the base became engorged, locking us together. His breath hitched and his cum exploded inside of me. Long spurts of hot seed filled me until it leaked out between us.

  My eyes rolled back and my toes curled. I came with my mate, quivering against him until he gently laid me back down.

  Xavir pulled the sheet over me to keep me warm.

  I was breathing hard, my body numb from the pleasure.

“Xavir,” I panted.

  Xavir leaned down and kissed my forehead.

  “My perfect mate,” He purred. “You make me so happy. I swear, I’ll do anything to keep you here with me.”


  Christmas? It was a celebration that I hadn't heard of before, but if it was important to Rianne, then it was important to me.

  The hard part would be convincing the General. He hadn't exactly been my biggest fan lately. In fact, he hadn't cared much for me since I threatened to quit because of my mate. It wasn't a bluff. I would have left the mothership if she wasn't allowed to stay. Very few Zexian warriors would have been forgiven for such an act of disloyalty, but I knew that my mate was worth it. In the end, the General agreed to let her stay, but it was only because I was the best security captain that he could have asked for.

  Since then, I had played it safe. I kept to my duties and tried not to make a splash. Whenever the General was around I maintained perfect behavior. Surely enough time had passed for me to ask for another favor without being scrutinized for it? Especially something as harmless as a human holiday.

  My twelve-hour shifts were normally uneventful. During the Tribute presentation the security crew had to be on high alert. When shipments came in or went out, the security team would inspect the cargo vessels. Not much went on right now because we were at our furthest distance from Earth. The mothership did a wide circle around the planet, taking nearly a year. We were at our closest to Earth when the Tributes were claimed; now, almost six months later, we were so far from Earth that it was uneconomical to make supply shipments unless absolutely necessary.


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