The Checkpoint, Berlin Detective Series Box Set

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The Checkpoint, Berlin Detective Series Box Set Page 5

by Michele E. Gwynn

  She turned around, grabbed the soap, and began washing him the way he had washed her. She hesitated only a little when her hands reached his penis, but she overcame the weird feeling and lathered it, making sure to reach lower and roll his testicles around, manipulating them in her sudsy fingers. He groaned. To her amazement, he grew erect. Under the heat of the warm spray, they indulged themselves.

  Sarah was very happy. Not only was he a wonderful lover, but he was a patient teacher. Anthony pulled away from their kiss and turned off the water.

  Together, they dried each other off, brushed their teeth, and got dressed.

  “Anthony, I’m starving!” Her stomach rumbled. She felt like she hadn’t eaten in days.

  Laughing, he pulled on a fresh pair of underwear and shorts that he always carried in his bag. “Well, let’s feed you, then. You’ve more than earned an Olympic-sized breakfast.”

  “There’s a café in the hotel. I think I get a Continental breakfast with my stay here.”

  “Whenever you’re ready. How long are you staying here, anyway?”

  Sarah looked at him. “Five days, then I’m traveling to Berlin.”

  “Berlin? Why Berlin?” He pulled on his socks and boots, admiring the sight of her in light blue panties and bra as she put on her makeup.

  “I don’t know. I’m visiting there, then taking a train across country to England. I just wanted to see a little bit of everything, you know?” She didn’t tell him about her initial plans to visit and explore the infamous Berlin underground sex clubs. At this moment, it was the furthest thing from her mind. All she could think of was him and the powerful attraction she felt every time she looked into his eyes and saw him smile. He was her first, something very special in a woman’s life. Today, she just wanted to get to know as much about him as she could. She knew better than to think it could ever be anything more than a vacation fling—at least her head knew that—but her heart was beating happy little beats just being with him. Enjoy the moment, Sarah. It will be gone too soon.

  “Huh.” Anthony eyed her.

  “Well. I’ve been to Berlin recently and taken the trains across Germany, so maybe over breakfast I can tell you all about it, help you out so you know what to expect.”

  Sarah smiled, finishing up her light makeup. She combed out her hair and pulled the courtesy blow dryer from the drawer in the vanity. Anthony watched her flip her head down and blow out her long, blonde hair. He’d never watched a woman get herself ready before despite the multitudes of women he’d been with. It was fascinating and damn sexy. She was fascinating and sexy.

  With her hair dry, pulled up loosely on the sides with jeweled clips, and her blue and white floral sundress sliding over her curves, Sarah stepped into a pair of canvas flats. Together, they left the room to eat. It was going to be a beautiful day spent in the company of her first amazing lover. She refused to think about leaving him here in Barcelona. Heck, he might not even want to see her beyond today, so she was determined to make the most of it. But secretly, she hoped he’d spend all five days with her.

  Breakfast passed in a whirl of conversation and flirting. Anthony told her everything he knew about Berlin; the best places to visit, to eat, even how to successfully get her train tickets from one of the many automated kiosks so she wouldn’t have to wait in line. “You have to check out Fassbender and Rausch in the Gendarmenmarkt. It’s on Charlottenstrasse. It’s the best-smelling place on Earth, seriously! When you walk in, there’s just candies, chocolates of every kind, everywhere. When I was there, there was a giant chocolate teddy bear in the display window. I felt like a kid in a candy store!” Anthony’s eyes were lit up with such joy describing the German chocolatier, that Sarah laughed.

  “You were a kid in a candy store, obviously!” She clapped her hands together, laughing, and waited for him to continue.

  “Upstairs, they have this amazing restaurant. You can sit at a table by the window which goes all the way from the main street around to the side street. From there, you can watch everyone come and go. There’s an awesome building across the street. Great architecture.”

  “It sounds like Willy Wonka.” Sarah sipped her coffee, staring at Anthony’s face. She wanted to remember every detail of this amazing, sexy, and gentle man.

  “It’s way better. Well, there are no Oompa Loompas as far as I could tell, but you can sure satisfy your sweet tooth there! And that was one of my fave movies as a kid, the original one with Gene Wilder, not that Johnny Depp remake crap.”

  “What do you have against Johnny Depp” Sarah teased.

  “Oh, come on. He’s a pretty boy!”

  Sarah couldn’t stop laughing. “So are you.”

  Anthony did that slow, melting smile that flipped Sarah’s insides like a troupe of acrobats. “And you like it.” He sipped his coffee without taking his eyes from hers.

  Sarah blushed, having been thoroughly dumbstruck once again by his dimples. Anthony watched pink tinge her cheeks, loving the way she could still be easily embarrassed even after last night, and this morning.

  “You ready to head out and see some sights, princess?” Sarah melted just a little bit more at the term of endearment. It was way better than ‘baby’ which she was sure he probably called every woman he bedded when he couldn’t remember their names. Calling her ‘princess’ seemed special. She didn’t know if it was or if it was just part of his easy charm, but she wanted to hold on to this moment, keep it like a treasure in a box that she could take out some day in the future and reminisce over this time when this wonderful man made her feel this way.

  “Whenever you are.” She started to get up. Anthony rose quicker, offering his hand to her, and together they left. He was determined to show her a great time, take her around to all the sights he’d already photographed. He’d make love to her again, all kinds of ways and maybe in a few unique places, and tomorrow, he would leave for home. He thought about telling her that he was set to head back to New York the next day, but he didn’t want to bring her down or spoil the day, or the night for that matter. Four days after tomorrow, Sarah would be leaving for Berlin, and he would never see her again. Why does that suck so much? He thought. No attachments, de Luca. Sure, you were her first, but she’s still just another woman like all the rest. Just go enjoy the day, and tomorrow, no regrets.

  Barcelona offered so much in the way of culture, architecture, shopping, and more. They visited Gothic churches, markets, and shops. Anthony took pictures of her everywhere they went, sometimes including himself in the shots. They laughed and had fun. He made her write down her email address so he could download the images and send them to her. She added her mailing address and cell number, insisting he might need it. After four hours of exploring the city, Anthony suggested they find a café and grab some lunch.

  “There’s a good place near the marina that has amazing seafood. What do you say?” Anthony held Sarah’s hand as they walked back to his rental car.

  “Sounds good.” Sarah was game for anything, especially if it included Anthony. She looked over and found him watching her. He stopped and tugged her hand, pulling her close. Sarah willingly allowed herself to be drawn into a deep, sensuous kiss. His tongue swept the inside of her mouth, teasing, and taunting. His arms wrapped around her waist, hands gripping, caressing. She felt him harden against her, and her own body responded with heat and moisture pooling low in her belly. Sarah buried her fingers in the soft waviness of his hair, kissing him passionately as they stood against the side of the car. Finally, Anthony pulled away, leaving her breathless and wanting more.

  “If we don’t stop, I’m going to be eating you for lunch!” Anthony held on to her hips, rubbing his erection against the juncture of her thighs.

  “That sounds good too” she purred.

  “Get in the car, you nymphomaniac!” He turned her toward the passenger side and swatted her ass. He climbed into the driver’s seat after closing her door. Anthony reached over and pulled her seatbelt around her, securin
g it. He kissed her again, unable to help himself. He liked seeing her on fire for him. The sexy look in her eyes made him want to strip off all her clothes and lick every inch of her, and he knew she’d let him. Worse, he knew what she was wearing beneath that skimpy sundress since he’d watched her get ready that morning. While he’d watched, he knew he would be taking those little bits of lacy blue scraps off of her later.

  Sarah was high on life. Staring into Anthony’s eyes as he drew away from their kiss, she let her mind wander to all the wonderfully wicked things he had done to her that morning, and that she had done to him. Her thoughts were reflected in her eyes, causing Anthony no end of sweet pain.

  In a low, deep voice, he told her, “Lady, I’m so going to fuck you later. And in case you’re wondering where I’ll start, it’s going to be tongue-deep licking you until you cum all over my face!” Sarah turned red, but her body caught fire.

  Trying to hide her blushing cheeks, Sarah half-scoffed. “Promises, promises!”

  He laughed as he reached across to touch her still flaming face.

  Anthony started the car, put it into gear and pulled out onto the road, heading toward the Passeig de Colom. They spent the car ride listening to music, laughing, and with Anthony’s hand upon her thigh.

  Chapter Four


  Amsterdam was finally warming up, though the nights were still cool. Summers were short in Holland, and Paul Christiansen was ready to enjoy every moment, knowing all too soon the chilling temperatures would return, ruining his fun. He loved the outdoors. The freedom he associated with summertime was priceless in his mind. No walls, no darkness, and no bone-chilling cold. It was the only time of year he didn’t have nightmares—at least, not so many. The sunshine worked its magic all around him, stirring up his creative juices. Color seeped into his soul. It was during summer he could paint canvases with inspiring hues and subjects rather than dark, depressing, and tragically nightmarish imagery. Paul also looked forward to the influx of female tourists wearing itty-bitty sundresses, seeking brief but intense affairs. He was happy to provide these fantasy seekers with unfettered exploits of every kind. Paul would happily lose himself between the legs of a willing woman and for just a little while forget the early years and the monster that haunted his dreams. For those hot moments when he was in control, lost to ecstacy, hearing their moans and sighs, he could drown out the raw screams that still raked his soul and dragged him from fitful sleep in the middle of cold winter nights. His summer exploits often found themselves translated through broad and bold brushstrokes onto massive canvases that littered his loft. They reminded him of blissful moments. For that alone, he considered them his treasures.

  Two lovely ladies walked by the café where Paul sat sipping a glass of Merlot. He slipped his sunglasses down the tip of his model-straight nose with his middle finger. The women eyed him as they passed by, smiling when they saw the wicked gleam in his bright blue eyes. He winked at the blonde. She giggled and blew him a kiss. They looked Parisian. He liked Parisian women; no inhibitions. Standing, he threw a few bills down to pay for his drink and took off after them. He couldn’t decide which one he’d rather have, so he figured why not both?

  Adjusting the lapels of his gray sports coat and smoothing back his black hair, he caught up to them. Putting his arms around their shoulders, he began his practiced pitch. As expected, they were both charmed by his easy manner. Being both tall and overly handsome never did hurt his cause. Wasting no time, Paul threw down the gauntlet.

  “What do you say, ladies? I'll show you around the city, and we'll dine on good food, drink the best wine, and then, we'll make love,” he said, eyeing the lovely woman on his right. A similar line had worked for Javier Bardem in Vicky Cristina Barcelona. He gave a smolderingly suggestive look to the other. “Or will the Gods bless me and you both grant me the enchantment of your lovely bodies? I would be happy to rise to the challenge and pleasure you two sexy ladies for hours.”

  Both of the women laughed as if unimpressed, but they put their arms through his offered ones and set off together. Paul knew women, and he was confident that he would persuade these beautiful tourists to grace his bed that evening. They like to pretend they’re not here to get laid, but they are definitely here to get laid. Everything about them screamed ‘take me,’ from their hairstyles and makeup to their short skirts and tight jeans; the way they moved, flirted, retreated, then advanced again. They wanted it, but they wanted to fool themselves into thinking it was not their idea. They needed some kind of mental scapegoat to get through the Puritanical guilt ingrained into their psyches by their families, society, the church. If that meant he must be the bad guy, the seducer, the one to blame for charming them into bed, then so be it. What does it matter as long as everyone gets what they want? Sometimes, though, it became tedious. Sometimes it felt as if he were on a strict diet, eating the same food all the time, over and over again. It would be nice to sample something new, someone new; someone not so jaded. ‘What am I thinking,’ he chided himself, ‘I’d just corrupt her. Hell, I’d enjoy corrupting her.’ Paul laughed to himself and then turned his attention back to the two tasty French pastries at his sides. He would definitely not be dining alone tonight.

  His phone vibrated in his coat pocket for the third time in the last hour. He knew who it was and refused to answer, refused to be drawn into the pit. The fact that he’d changed his phone number twice, and still this did not seem to deter the unwanted phone calls made Paul angry. He knew he would need to have words with his mother again about respecting his privacy and not giving out his number to anyone, with emphasis on ‘anyone’. The only reason she even had it was because she was older now with deteriorating health issues. Paul still felt the loyalty of a son to his mother despite his internal grudge against her. If anything happened to her, if she needed him, he would be there, but this did not extend to any other family members, especially the one calling now. Quite the opposite. The vibration stopped and Paul shook off the awful feelings that he immediately associated with this intrusion into his day.

  “What do you think, Paul?” The blonde French woman seemed to be waiting for him to speak. Somehow, he’d missed whatever it was she said so he covered by throwing her wink and asking a very personal question. She giggled and they moved on. His mood restored once again, Paul allowed himself to become immersed in their charms. Under the umbrella of their smiles, flirtation, and innate softness, he felt safe and warm. Nothing bad could happen while in the company of a beautiful woman, and when multiplied by two, he was certain Utopia beckoned.

  Chapter Five

  SARAH WAS IN MIND-BLOWING ecstasy. It was wonderful. Amazing.

  A few more strokes and they both flew over the edge. Together, they collapsed onto the sweat-soaked bed, panting. Anthony enjoyed the feeling of this sweet young woman in his arms as he memorized the curves of her body and the taste of her skin. Her smile was already etched in his mind. Even so, he was scheduled to fly home tomorrow and he didn’t know how to tell her; then decided he wouldn’t. She was young and looking for adventure. He was older and had been there, done that. It was probably arrogant of him to even think she would consider more when she was clearly just now sampling life. Plus, he wasn’t ready to settle down. So, what’s the point of trying to drag this out? What will we do, exchange numbers? No. That would just be a waste of time. Better that he just go back to his hotel, pack, and then leave. This would be their goodbye; one without words. He touched her face and turned her toward him. Gently, he kissed her already kiss-swollen lips. He knew he’d miss this sweet, open and brave young woman, and each time their lips met, he was telling her just how amazing he thought her to be.

  This feels like goodbye, thought Sarah. She looked at Anthony. His eyes, those sexy, sweet brown eyes looked at her with something...affection? Love? No! It can’t be that. We’ve only known each other for barely two days. Whatever it was, it made her feel all gooey inside. For the millionth time, sh
e felt grateful that this was the man who was her first. One last kiss and they curled up in each other’s arms allowing the post-coital lethargy to drag them under. When Sarah next awoke, Anthony was gone.

  Sarah looked around the room. The sunlight slanted through the cracks between the heavy hotel curtains, telling her it was already late morning. “Anthony?” No reply. She looked on the floor and toward the chair where he’d laid out his clothes last night. They were gone, and so was the duffel bag he carried around. She got up and checked the desk and dresser to see if he’d left a note. None was found. She reached for her cell phone to call him and realized she didn’t have his number. He’d never given it to her. The only thing she knew was where he was staying. She went to the nightstand to use the hotel’s phone. It was a local call, after all. She picked up the receiver and realized she didn’t know the name of the Pensión where he was staying, only knew where it was located since he’d driven her by there to pick some things up yesterday. That didn’t really help.

  She headed to the bathroom. Maybe he went to get some breakfast, she thought. Sarah showered, dressed, put on makeup and waited. An hour and a half had gone by and Anthony had not returned. Grabbing her purse, she walked out the door, making her way down to the lobby to grab some breakfast. If he came back, she’d see him passing the café to get to the elevators.

  The café was crowded. Sarah found a seat and ordered eggs and toast with orange juice. The juice was brought over immediately, and she sipped it while her eyes scanned the sidewalk up and down the street. Ten minutes later, the waitress brought her breakfast. It was difficult to both eat and be on the lookout for Anthony. Her food grew cold before she could finish it. Downing the last of her juice, Sarah stood and took her ticket to the counter. She paid her bill and took off in the direction of his hotel. She didn’t like this; this feeling that he would just leave without saying a word. She was working herself up into a solid anger, practicing what she would say when she got to his room. How dare you just leave? If you don’t want to see me anymore, just say so, but to just up and leave, no note, nothing...that’s just rude!


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