Prayer & Praise

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Prayer & Praise Page 18

by Shannon Winslow

  How is this happy ending to be attained? Contrary to what today’s petition seems to imply, it is in no part by our conduct on this earth. No, of course not. There is nothing we can do, say, or think to achieve our own salvation, or even to add to it in some way. Jesus has already done it all. It is a completed work. As he said from the cross, “It is finished.” Jesus did for us what it was impossible for us to do for ourselves. And now he holds each believer safely in the palm of his hand, that not a single one should be lost (John 10:27-29). With Jesus, our happy ending is secured; without him, it is completely out of reach.

  Just one more observation before we close. It occurred to me as I read the above passage that, like every Jane Austen tale, God has designed his story to end with a wedding – the most glorious wedding of all time, the marriage of the Lamb, Jesus, to his bride, the church, after which they will live together in perfect harmony always.

  Are you eagerly looking forward to that day? Have you invited all your friends to be there as well? Are you doing your best to make sure no one is left out in the cold when the wedding takes place? Remember, everyone must wear the proper wedding attire to be admitted to the celebration (Matthew 22:11-13), the garment provided by the King of Kings. All clothed in the saving blood of Jesus may go in.

  God bless you on your journey to your personal happily-ever-after in Christ! Amen. Come Lord Jesus.

  Let Us Pray

  Heavenly Father, we thank and praise you that you provided a way of salvation for us, that you desired and planned for us to spend eternity in heaven with you. Let us never take that gift of grace for granted, but instead, cherish it properly and share it with others in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  Let Us Praise

  “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear.” …“Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” (Revelation 19:6-9)


  Thank you for allowing me to share these messages of faith with you. I hope you found them helpful or uplifting in some way, giving you a larger view of our great God and his unfailing love for us.

  Perhaps you are one who has never made a definite commitment to Christ (or one needing to renew a commitment long neglected). If you now feel your spirit stirred to do so, please don’t put it off. Pray your own heartfelt words, or you may wish to use this sample prayer:

  Heavenly Father, you deserve my love, worship, and obedience. And yet so often I have ignored you, broken your laws, and tried to run my own life, deciding for myself what rules to live by. I now acknowledge that I am a sinner deserving your wrath. I would be lost forever without your help.

  Thank you for loving me enough to send your Son, Jesus Christ, to save me. I believe that he died to pay the price for my forgiveness. I believe you raised him from the dead and gave him authority over my life. With an open heart, I now accept Jesus as my Savior and Lord, and I put my trust in him.

  By your Holy Spirit, teach me how to turn from sin, and give me the strength to serve you faithfully all my days for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

  If you pray in sincere faith, you can trust that Christ will come into your heart and life. You will be saved and sealed with God’s Holy Spirit, whether you feel any different or not. Remember, salvation is founded on the solid promises of God as recorded in His Word, the Bible, not on inconstant human emotions.

  “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off – for all whom the Lord our God will call.” (Acts 2:38-39)

  Don’t stop there, though. Christians are not meant to go it alone in a hostile world, especially newborn baby Christians. We all need the strength, wisdom, and encouragement of other believers around us. Pray first for God’s guidance, and then seek out a church where your faith will be nurtured – a place to worship, fellowship, and be fed by the accurate teaching of God’s Word.

  God bless you as you grow in your relationship with Him!

  About the Author

  Shannon Winslow is an established author who specializes in writing for the fans of Jane Austen. In addition to this devotional (her first non-fiction work), she has eight published novels to her credit:

  The Darcys of Pemberley

  Return to Longbourn

  Miss Georgiana Darcy of Pemberley

  The Ladies of Rosings Park

  For Myself Alone

  The Persuasion of Miss Jane Austen

  Leap of Faith

  Leap of Hope

  Her two sons now grown, Ms. Winslow lives with her husband in the log home they built in the countryside south of Seattle, where she writes and paints in her studio facing Mt. Rainier.

  Learn more at




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