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Ignite Page 17

by Bliss, Chelle



  “You’re being ridiculous and, frankly, a little insane.” I stare at Mammoth.

  He fluffs the pillows on the guest bed. “I’m not sending her home tonight. It’s way too dark for her to be driving.”

  The her is his mother. And she’s driven on these roads for eight months and dark roads in general her entire life. This has nothing to do with her ability to drive, but the fact that she’s sitting around the fire outside, chatting with Morris, touching him every so often.

  I drop my shoulders and cross my arms, keeping my eyes pinned on him. “Do you believe your own bullshit?”

  He glances up, nodding, and keeps fluffing. “It’s not bullshit, and they’re calling for rain.”

  I laugh, shaking my head. “Is she going to drown? I’m pretty sure the car will keep the rain off her.”

  “You didn’t see the radar. Lots of red and you know what that means.”

  I roll my eyes. “That you’re seriously losing your mind.”

  Mammoth straightens and pins me with his gray eyes. “I’m thinking clearer than I have in years, princess.”

  I walk toward him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and tipping my head back. “I was really looking forward to a night alone.” I waggle my eyebrows. “Know what I mean?”

  He slides his hands to my ass. “We can be quiet.”

  “I don’t want to be quiet. This is our house, and your mom has a perfectly nice place ten miles away. I really wanted to try out that new swing we bought.”

  His fingers tighten against my cheeks. “Princess.”

  “Come on, sparky.” I kiss his neck, loving the softness of his skin and the coarseness of his stubble. “Imagine all the fun we could have. All the orgasms I could give you,” I whisper into his neck.

  His body shakes with laughter. “You mean the orgasms I’d give you.”

  “Same thing.” I smile, kissing him more and using my teeth because I know it’ll give him shivers. “Don’t ruin our first night here.”

  “It’s not our first night,” he argues, but his voice cracks, and I know I’m getting to him.

  “It’s the first night I don’t have to ever leave again.” He stares down at me as I peer up. “Pretty please,” I beg, giving him puppy-dog eyes and pressing my tits against his chest.

  “Fuck,” he growls, almost lifting me off the floor with the grip he has on my ass. “Fine. She can go home.”

  “I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to hear you’re going to allow her to go to her own house.”

  He pinches my ass cheek, and I jump, instantly laughing.

  “Such a smartass.”

  I throw him a wink. “It’s why you love me.”

  “It’s one of the reasons why I love you.” He bends and presses his lips to my neck now.

  I close my eyes, soaking in the warmth of his mouth on my skin, tangling my fingers in his hair. “Think they’ll notice if we don’t go back out?”

  He turns me, moving me back toward the bed until my legs bump against the mattress. My belly flutters, and my eyes dart toward the door.

  “Don’t worry. They’re all busy, and no one knows where we are,” he tells me, pushing me back onto the bed. He kneels quickly, reaching for my jean shorts. “Lift up.”

  I don’t hesitate as I lift my ass from the mattress, letting him pull my shorts down my legs. The material is barely away from my feet when his mouth is on me and I’m moaning out his name, tangling my fingers in the top of his hair. “Right there.”

  He hums his approval and slides his hands under my ass, giving him full access. I press my legs against his head, almost suffocating him, but locking him in place as my toes curl.

  The man can eat pussy like he was put on this earth for that purpose alone.

  He knows every spot on my body that drives me wild and brings me pleasure.

  He can torture me, drawing out my orgasm for what sometimes feels like an eternity or have me panting in under a minute before the waves of pleasure crash over me, stealing my breath.

  He isn’t wasting his time now, with too many people outside and a party still in full swing. He doubles down, sucking harder, flicking that damn tongue faster, driving me closer to orgasm. I curl my fingers, clawing at the comforter and squeezing my eyes shut, gasping for air.

  “Oh my God. Oh my God,” I call out, pushing my pussy into his face as my legs start to shake.

  Seconds later, he’s pulling his face away, and I lie there like a giant puddle of happy goo. “That was…”

  “Fuckin’ fast,” he says, wiping at his lips. “I promise later I’ll take my time and worship your body the way it deserves.”

  I blink up at the ceiling, still gasping for air. “It was perfect, but I’m not sure I can walk for a few minutes.”

  He collapses on his back next to me, leaving my bottom half bare. “I’m in no rush to get back.”

  “The party is really great. You didn’t have to go to so much trouble.”

  His fingers tangle with mine. “I wanted the day to be special, and it wasn’t any trouble. Even if it were, you’re worth every second.”

  I turn my head, looking at him with a stupid grin on my face. “I don’t know what I did to get so lucky to get you.”

  “It was that sass, princess.”

  “I thought it was my ass.”

  He laughs. “Definite bonus points were given for that ass.”

  I smack his chest before rolling to my side. “We should go out there.”

  “Yeah,” he whispers, moving his face closer and kissing me gently.

  “No Ma tonight, right?” I ask.

  “No Ma,” he repeats, but I can tell it’s killing him to give in.

  A few minutes later, we head back outside, finding the family just as we left them. The guys from the Disciples are sitting at one table, but they aren’t alone. Pike and Gigi have joined them and are deep in conversation as Gigi sits on Pike’s lap with her arm draped over his shoulder.

  As soon as Morris spots us, he gets up and heads our way. He fishes a white envelope out of his cut and holds it out to me as he gets closer. “The guys got together and wanted to give you a present.”

  I pluck the envelope from Morris’s fingers and smile up at the big guy I didn’t even know just a few short years ago. “Thank you, Morris. It’s very sweet of you guys.”

  “Don’t get too excited,” he says, running his fingers through his hair. “We’re shit at buying gifts. It’s just cash.”

  “Y’all didn’t have to get me anything at all. Just you guys being here means a lot.” I step forward, wrapping my arms around his middle, and he tenses for a second, probably exchanging a heated gaze with Mammoth before hugging me back.

  “We’re going to take off in a bit. I just want to say goodbye to Jessica, and then we’re heading back. Call if you two need anything, or else I’ll see you—” he directs his gaze toward Mammoth, giving him a chin dip “—in a few weeks.”

  I twist my body, peering up at Mammoth with wider eyes. “A few weeks?” I mouth, but silently, because I know he isn’t going to answer me until the guys have left, if even then.

  “See you then.” Mammoth holds out his hand to Morris, pretending to be civilized.

  For a second, Morris stares at Mammoth before finally taking his hand and shaking. I breathe a sigh of relief because these two are intense, and Mammoth leaving the MC hasn’t made things any less stressful.

  They’ve rarely called him back to the compound, but when they do, Mammoth’s in a shit mood for a few days afterward. Not because he hates being around the guys, but it puts his work at the shop behind schedule, and he has to work twice as hard to make up the lost time.

  I wrap an arm around Mammoth as Morris stalks across the yard, making a beeline for Jessica.

  “Relax,” I remind him, resting my head against his chest. “He’s leaving and without her.”

  As Mammoth grunts and watches Morris carefully, I let my gaze t
ravel around the yard, taking in the kids and people who make up my big, crazy family.

  Uncle Earl is holding court near the center, talking to both my grandmothers and has them both in hysterics in true Uncle Earl fashion. I’m not sure there’s ever been a time when the man took much in life seriously, but I wouldn’t have him any other way.

  Aunt Clara walks over with Denzel holding her arm. “We’re so proud of you, baby,” she says, smiling up at me with so much love.

  “Thank you, Auntie.” I reach out and wrap my arms around her, squeezing her softly so as not to hurt her. “It means a lot coming from you.”

  “Your uncle’s proud too, but he’s too busy keeping the women company.” She twists her lips, glancing over her shoulder at Uncle Earl. “He’ll never change.”

  “Men never do,” Uncle Denzel tells her. “Brenda’s tried for years.”

  “There’s no changing someone like you,” Aunt Clara tells him, tilting her head and shaking it.

  “Like me?” Uncle Denzel touches his chest. “What’s that mean?”

  “Hardheaded and set in his ways,” she replies.

  He laughs. “You just described yourself.”

  I giggle, loving my family and their insanity.

  “I need a drink, Denzel,” she tells him, taking a step away from me as Lily and Gigi head my way.

  “Okay, don’t freak out,” Lily says, holding her stomach and wobbling toward me with Gigi at her side, clutching her arm.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, bracing myself for the worst news ever.

  Nothing good ever happens after the words Don’t freak out. I know this. They know this. Everybody knows this, and yet, they still say it, expecting people not to lose their shit.

  Lily sucks in a large breath, leaning to one side. “I’m having contractions.”

  My eyes widen and my stomach flutters. “You’re what? You’re not due yet.”

  “The baby is coming,” Gigi explains, moving her hand over Lily’s stomach like I’m a freaking moron.

  “Fuck,” Mammoth mutters, looking around the crowd and homing in on Lily’s other half. “Jett!”

  Jett jogs over as Lily leans forward, doing her Lamaze breathing. “The baby?” he asks, touching Lily’s back with one hand and her stomach with the other. “It’s too early.”

  “I fucking know that. What else would it be? Do you want me to just hold it the fuck in?” Lily snaps, going back to breathing deeply and wincing.

  Well, all right then. Lily isn’t one to bite someone’s head off and she doesn’t often use profanity, but I’m guessing the human trying to pry its way out of her vagina is going to make us see an entirely new side of her.

  Aunt Mia hears Lily’s colorful language and glances over, seeing her daughter bent over in pain. Mia is on her feet, running toward us, but she doesn’t look panicked in the slightest. “Okay, baby. How many contractions have you had?” Mia asks, kneeling in front of Lily so she can look her in the eyes.

  “A few. They were light at first, Mom. I thought they were just cramps, but now…” Lily squeezes her eyes shut, holding her breath.

  “Breathe, Lil. Holding it in won’t make it better.”

  Lily snaps one eye open, glaring at her mother as she inhales.

  “Let’s get you to the hospital,” Aunt Mia says and pushes herself up.

  “Oh God,” Uncle Mike says, always being a drama queen. “Is my baby having a baby? What do we do?”

  Mia turns, leveling her husband with her gaze. “You’re going to go to her house and grab her bag that they prepared for this and meet us at the hospital.”

  He nods, but there is nothing but sheer terror in his eyes. “I can do that.”

  “I’m sorry I ruined your party,” Lily says as she stands straighter, holding on to Jett.

  “Sweetie, you didn’t ruin anything. We’re having a baby,” I announce, lifting my hands in the air, happy as fuck it’s coming out of her body and not mine. “Go.” I shoo Jett and her toward the front of the house. “We’ll meet you there.”

  The entire family is in an uproar, starting to move around, probably all ready to head to the hospital too. I hope the waiting room is large, because there’s no stopping the Gallos from attending the birth of the first grandchild of this generation.

  “Should we send everyone else home?” Mammoth asks, rubbing the back of his neck.

  “Let who wants to stay, stay. It’s no big deal. You can stay here if you’d rather. I can go with Gigi and Pike.”

  “No way. I’m going. This is Lily, and I want to be with you,” Mammoth says to me, touching my cheek so softly, my belly flutters.

  “Rain check on the hot fucking, then?” I ask him.

  He nods. “We have all the time in the world, princess.”

  Jessica walks toward us, holding a glass of wine. “You two going to the hospital?” she asks, glancing back and forth between us.

  “Yeah.” I nod.

  “Give me the keys, and I’ll stay here. I’ll keep everyone company as long as they’re here, and then I can lock up before I go.”

  “You can stay the night if you want,” Mammoth offers.

  She shakes her head. “That’s sweet, Josiah, but I really love my place. I’ll be fine. I know how to entertain.”

  “We’re taking off,” Morris says with Tiny, Eagle, and Ginger behind him.

  Jessica’s eyebrows rise. “Really? So soon? They were just leaving, and I was hoping to have some company until the party thins out.”

  Morris looks over his shoulder at the other guys. “You okay to head back without me?”

  Mammoth’s entire body goes rigid.

  “Relax, sparky,” I whisper, grabbing on to his hand. “Nothing will happen.”

  “We’ll meet you back there,” Tiny tells Morris, slapping him on the shoulder. “Call if shit goes sideways.”

  “You can stay the night,” Jessica offers, digging Morris’s grave without even knowing it.

  “That’s mighty sweet, Jess, but I have some business to take care of early. I’ll hang out a few more hours and then head back to the compound.”

  Mammoth’s fingers curl around mine, almost painfully. “Better go the fuck back,” he mutters under his breath, “if you want to keep breathing.”

  “Did you say something, honey?” Jessica asks her son.

  “Nope,” Mammoth says in a clipped tone.

  “Now, go. Lily needs you guys. We’ll be fine here.”

  Mammoth stares at Morris for a moment, and there’re words not said aloud but clearly spoken between the two.

  Touch my mother and die.

  That is the gist as far as I can tell.

  I yank on Mammoth’s arm, dragging him toward the house. “Get the house keys and give them to your mom, and I’ll grab my car keys. Hurry. I don’t want her having this baby without us.”

  “Princess, I think it can take like twenty freaking hours or something ridiculous before that kid’s going to pop out of her.”

  I stop moving, a look of horror on my face. “That’s some crazy shit. Can we just adopt?” I ask, and I’m dead serious. There’s no way I’m going to allow myself to scream in agony as a baby squeezes its way through one of my most favorite parts of my body, giving no fucks about the damage or pain the little thing is causing me.

  “We’ll talk about it later,” Mammoth says, taking the house key off his key chain. “Go get your keys, babe. Time’s a wastin’.”

  I move, hauling ass upstairs to grab my purse and keys so we’re not too far behind the rest of the family.

  We’ve been waiting what feels like forever for Lily to have the baby, and the day is finally here. My graduation is nothing compared to a new life.

  Things are changing, but this time, it is for the better.

  * * *

  “Breathe,” Jett tells Lily as the doctor buries his face between Lily’s legs.

  Gigi and I look at each other, the horror clearly evident in both our eyes.

“Yeah, I think an episiotomy is needed.”

  Lily’s been in labor for hours, and I’m exhausted being a bystander. I can’t imagine how Lily’s feeling.

  “You’re not cutting her,” Aunt Mia tells the doctor.


  “No.” Mia’s voice is louder this time. “Lily and I talked about this a lot before tonight, and she doesn’t want to be cut, and I have to agree with her. Only if it’s absolutely necessary, and we’re not at that point yet.”

  The doctor squares his shoulders, clearly annoyed by Mia’s words and telling him how to do his job. “If that’s what she wants.”

  “I want the fucking baby out of me!” Lily yells between breaths, legs open, holding Jett’s hand.

  I’m exhausted and running on adrenaline, swaying a little as I stand off to the side next to Jett and his mother, while Gigi is beside Mia. Uncle Mike refused to come into the room, stating he couldn’t see his baby in pain. Mia told him it was best if he stayed out of earshot so he wouldn’t get upset because, no doubt, there was going to be a lot of yelling.

  Gigi motions for me to come stand next to her, but at first, I shake my head. I’m frozen to the spot, too scared to walk past the end of the bed, worried I’ll catch a glimpse of Lily’s lady parts all busted and bleeding.

  “Come here,” Gigi mouths, glaring at me.

  “No,” I mouth back.

  “Yes.” Her eyes narrow. “Hurry.”

  I throw back my head, careful not to make any noises that may set Lily off or cause worry from the others in the room. Slowly, I make my way down the bed, being extra careful to stare at the wall opposite Lily’s spread legs as I make the turn. I breathe a sigh of relief when I’ve made the short journey without seeing something I’ll never be able to unsee.

  Gigi grabs my hand, squeezing. “This is awful,” she whispers, leaning into my personal space.

  “Worst shit ever,” I grumble. “Who thinks this is beautiful?”

  “Not fucking me.”

  “On the next contraction, I need you to push really hard, Lily. Give it everything you got,” the older doctor says, moving his little stool closer and placing both hands between her legs.


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