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Ignite Page 19

by Bliss, Chelle

  She stares at me for another minute before launching herself against me, almost knocking me over. “Oh my God. Yes,” she says, kissing my face repeatedly.

  I laugh, wrapping my arms around her, still holding the ring in my hand. “You made me the happiest man in the world.”

  She pulls back, giving me her eyes. “You have to make it official,” she says, wiggling her fingers between us.

  I slide the ring on, and it’s a perfect fit, thank fuck.

  “Ask me again.”

  “Tamara Gallo, will you marry me?”

  Tears stream down her cheeks, and she smiles as she says, “Yes.”


  One Year Later


  “May I have a moment?” Anthony says, standing only a few inches inside the room, holding the door open.

  Pike nods and stands. “You got it, boss man.”

  “Good luck,” Jett mutters over his shoulder as he follows Pike out of the room.

  “Want me to stay?” Nick asks, not moving from my side.

  “We’ll be fine,” I reassure him, motioning toward the doorway with my head. “Go with the guys.”

  Once the room is empty, Anthony closes the door and stares at me and I stare back. Neither of us says anything at first, and I wonder if I should’ve sent the guys out.

  “Max is with Tamara,” he says, running his fingers through his hair, with his other hand in the pocket of his tuxedo pants.

  “Okay,” I mumble, absolutely confused on exactly why he’s here. Her father and I have always gotten along, but I’ve never felt like he’s my biggest fan.

  He steps forward and sighs. “This isn’t easy for me to say, so I want you to let me say what I need to without interrupting me.”

  I wave my hand between us, staying quiet like he asked.

  “When I met you, I did not like you. Didn’t like you one bit.”

  This isn’t news, nor is it a surprise. He wasn’t rude, but I wasn’t his first choice for his little girl. I’m pretty sure no one would’ve been good enough in his eyes, but I certainly didn’t even make it one step up the ladder to worthiness.

  “As I got to know you,” he pauses, and I hold my breath, “I still didn’t like you.”

  That’s not exactly where I thought he was going with the conversation, but I don’t say another word, because he probably still doesn’t like me based off what he’s just said.

  “But—” he raises his index finger, tilting his head “—over the last year, I’ve watched you closely. I see the way you love my daughter. I see the way she loves you. Even when you don’t think I’m paying attention, I’m paying attention.”

  And if he isn’t, someone in the Gallo family is, and they’re all reporting back, especially since none of them can keep a secret worth a damn.

  “Tamara isn’t easy, just like Max is no walk in the park either. It takes a certain type of man to handle them without overstepping. Being with a strong woman takes an even stronger man.”

  I nod, staying quiet, because the one thing I know about Anthony is once he gets talking, he doesn’t stop. When I went to him, asking his permission to marry Tamara, it was a three-hour long conversation.

  “I gave you my blessing when you asked for her hand in marriage because I knew you were the only man for my little girl.” He moves closer, his eyes trained on me. “When I walk my baby down the aisle today, I’m trusting you to keep her safe and make her happy.”

  “I will.”

  He holds up his hand, silencing me. “I know you will. That’s not why I’m here.”


  The hand again, but this time it’s almost in my face when he keeps talking. “Today, as you marry my daughter, I want you to know you’re not only marrying her, but you are also marrying us. Who am I?” he asks.

  I raise my eyebrows, more confused than I was when he first walked in the door. “Anthony.”

  He shakes his head. “You’re marrying into the family, and while your last name isn’t Gallo, you’re one of us now.”

  “Okay,” I mumble, drawing out the word.

  “I know you didn’t have a father growing up. I can’t imagine what that was like. I know you took care of your mother, always looking out for her and being the man of the house. But today, as you take my daughter’s hand, I want you to know, you’re not only gaining a wife, but I’m gaining a son.”

  My mouth opens and closes, and I blink, confusion gone and replaced by shock.

  “I know I can’t make up for all the years you grew up without a dad in your life, but I want you to know I’m here for you now and will always think of you as a son.”

  My nose tingles and I grunt, pushing back whatever sappy emotions are bubbling under the surface. “You sure about that?” I ask, thinking he’s somehow fucking with me.

  “Completely sure. It would be my honor if you called me Dad,” he says, smiling a genuine smile.

  “How about Old Man?” I tease.

  His lips twist. “That’ll take some time. I may be older than you, but I’m not too old to try to beat your ass.”

  I laugh, running my hand across my lips, trying to hide my amusement. “Pop?”

  He nods. “Pop works for me. But—” he pauses and moves closer, placing his hand on my shoulder “—I want you to know you can come to me for anything. I will refer to you as my son in public and private. I will do everything in my power to keep you safe when needed, happy when you’re sad, and give you solid advice when asked. I take my role as a father very seriously, but you can tell me to fuck off too.”

  I shake my head, placing my hand on his arm as he squeezes my shoulder. “No way, Pop. I’ve gone long enough without a dad, and I’m not turning you down when you’re offering me something I’ve always wanted.”

  When I was younger, I dreamed of having a father. As the years ticked by, I knew it would be nothing more than a dream. My mother never allowed another man in, devoting herself to raising me, more than making herself happy.

  If I could’ve picked a dad, he would’ve been like Anthony. He’s chill…sometimes, but also strong, caring, and doesn’t hesitate to show his love to his kids.

  “Good, son,” he says, making my eyes water as he smiles at me with pride.

  “We’re ready,” Pike says, peeking in the door, his eyes moving between us. “You guys okay?”

  “We’re fine,” I tell him, ticking my chin for him to leave us be, which he does. “Thank you for this.”

  A second later, Anthony’s hugging me. “Thank you for making my little girl happy and becoming a part of our family today.”

  “Thank you for wanting me,” I tell him, squeezing him tightly, never feeling more loved by another man than I do in this moment.

  * * *


  I shake out my hands as the nervous energy gets the better of me. We’ve been planning this day for so long, I thought it would never get here. Gigi, Lily, my mother, Jessica, and the grandmas have been hard at work making sure every last detail has been taken care of. I’m not sure I could’ve pulled off anything this grand by myself—or at least, still been sane by the end of it.

  “Relax,” Mom says before licking her finger and adjusting my edges. “You’re absolutely stunning. Mammoth is going to be speechless when he sees you.”

  “Were you nervous when you married Daddy?”

  She laughs, nodding slowly. “I was a hot mess. I was a bundle of nerves the entire morning, but once I started down the aisle and saw him at the altar, everything else went away and nothing else mattered.”

  “It’s good to know I’m not alone.”

  “Every bride is nervous. It’s natural, sweetheart.” Mom grabs my shoulders and takes a step back, drinking me in. “I’m proud of you and the woman you’ve grown into.”

  My nose tingles. “Mom, so help me God, if you make me cry…”

  “We can’t have that. No ruining your makeup.”

  The door opens, and Dad wa
lks in, stopping as soon as he lays eyes on me. “It’s official,” he says with a sad smile. “You’re all grown up and the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  “Daddy,” I whisper, choking back the tears that are still threatening to fall.

  Dad runs his fingers through his salt-and-pepper hair, unable to take his eyes off me. “My precious baby girl,” he says so sweetly, just like he used to when he’d kiss me goodnight every evening when he put me to bed.

  “Do not make her cry,” Mom warns him.

  He nods, eyebrows raised. “We ready?” he asks, changing the subject. “Mammoth’s at the altar, waiting for his bride.”

  My belly flips and my hands shake. “I’m ready.” I inhale deeply, closing my eyes, trying to clear my mind.

  “Take your bouquet, sweetie,” Mom says, placing the bundle of flowers in my hands.

  I curl my fingers around the ribbon tied around the stems, holding together the most calla lilies I’ve ever seen in one place.

  Dad reaches out his hand, waiting for me. “Let’s do this before you get cold feet.”

  “I’m not getting cold feet, Dad. I love Mammoth. There’s no one else I’d rather spend the rest of my life with than him.”

  “Good, baby girl. That’s exactly how you should feel today. I’m proud of you, and I love you more than anyone, besides your mother,” he says, glancing at her as she watches us.

  “I’ll meet you two out there,” Mom says, giving me a small kiss on the cheek before leaving us alone.

  I move toward my dad, careful not to trip over my dress and break my neck in my ridiculously high heels. “Are you doing okay?” I ask him because he’s my dad and I know he had mixed feelings about Mammoth at first.

  “I couldn’t be better,” he says, patting my hand as I place it in the crook of his arm. “I know how much Mammoth loves you, and he’ll treat you the way you deserve to be treated. And if he doesn’t…” his voice drifts off, and he pauses for a second “…he’ll have to answer to me and your uncles.”

  I smile, holding back the laughter because, at this point, anything could make me cry. “He will. No one has ever treated me better.”

  “I love you, baby.”

  “Love you too, Daddy,” I tell him, trying to memorize this moment for eternity. This is the last time I’ll only be Anthony Gallo’s daughter and not Josiah Saint’s wife.

  I’ve spent my entire life watching my father love my mother and being loved by him too. He taught me how a man should love his wife. He taught me about devotion, adoration, and never giving up.

  We barely speak as we make our way through the small, dark hallway of the church to the closed doors outside the chapel.

  Gigi is there, standing in front in her black dress, holding her bouquet of yellow and orange lilies. “You look great,” she whispers, winking.

  The music starts, and my dad fidgets with his bow tie. “I never liked these damn things,” he grumbles, making me laugh.

  When the music starts and the doors open, Gigi, my maid of honor, starts down the aisle, followed by Lily with Celeste holding on to her hand.

  Celeste wobbles at her side, throwing rose petals from a basket Lily holds for her. She is so damn cute. A perfect mix of Jett and Lily with all her hair, big eyes, and pale white skin. She eats up the attention of the guests, all smiling and laughing as she makes a spectacle of herself and her flower girl antics.

  When they make it to the end of the aisle, the music changes, and I know it is our cue to start down the aisle.

  “Last chance to run,” my dad whispers.

  “Dad,” I warn before drawing another deep breath and taking my first step.

  My gaze travels down the church to the altar. Mammoth stands stock-still, staring at me with the warmest and most loving smile. His chest pulls in as he soaks in the sight of me in my gown.

  I can’t look away from him, with his hair pulled back and the contrast of the tattoos on his neck against the crisp white dress shirt. The man can wear anything and look amazingly hot. It should be criminal, but in the end, he is mine and mine only.

  Our eyes stay locked, and with every step I take, the nerves from earlier fall away. Nothing else matters except for the love we have for each other. I never feel safer than I do at his side. I never feel more loved than I do in his arms.

  I’ve never believed in fate, but I know he was placed in this world to walk by my side for eternity.

  No one else would have the strength to put up with me or the patience to deal with my shenanigans.

  “You look beautiful,” he whispers as I step onto the altar with my father’s help.

  “Who gives this woman to this man?” the priest asks.

  “Her mother and I do,” my father says, and I turn to him, holding back the tears that are again threatening to fall.

  Dad smiles and releases my hand with a wink. He only pauses for a second and stares at me before moving back toward the pews and my mother’s side.

  Mammoth takes one of my hands as Gigi pulls the bouquet from my other. We stare at each other again, transfixed, as the priest starts talking and the guests sit.

  I have no idea what the man is saying. I’m too busy staring at my future husband, seeing nothing but possibilities and love in his eyes.

  The ceremony passes in a blur. Prayers, readings, and words of wisdom delivered from the man of God, and not a second of it will I ever remember. But I will forever have etched in my brain the way my husband stared at me during those passing seconds.

  “Josiah, repeat after me,” the priest says. “I, Josiah Saint, take you, Tamara Gallo, for my lawful wife.”

  My future husband nods and repeats the words, making my heart swoon. “I, Josiah Saint, take you, Tamara Gallo, for my lawful wife.”

  The priest continues, “To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I will love and honor you all the days of my life.”

  Mammoth repeats the statement word for word, without even stumbling once. He squeezes my hands, staring at me with those stormy gray eyes that pulled me in from the very first moment.

  “Tamara,” the priest says, getting my attention, and I nod. “Repeat after me,” the priest says. “I, Tamara Gallo, take you, Josiah Saint, for my lawful husband.”

  I take a deep breath, but this time, I’m unable to hold back the tears. “I, Tamara Gallo, take you, Josiah Saint, for my lawful husband.”

  The priest continues as he did before, and I repeat.

  Mammoth reaches up, wiping away my happy tears with the pads of his fingers as I finish my vows. I close my eyes, letting the warmth of his skin dry my face. “I love you,” I mouth.

  “Love you too,” he whispers back, ignoring the priest.

  “The rings,” the priest calls out, and Pike and Gigi step forward, handing off the rings to be blessed.

  Mammoth doesn’t let go of my hands as the priest says the prayer over the rings, doing the sign of the cross. “Josiah,” he says, holding out the bible with the rings in the crease.

  Mammoth takes my ring and holds it in front of my shaking hand.

  “Repeat after me. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, take and wear this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness.”

  Mammoth slides the ring onto my finger, staring straight in my eyes, and says the words perfectly.

  “Tamara,” the priest says, and I do the same, repeating the words, unable to take my eyes off my husband.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride,” the priest tells Mammoth.

  A moment later, one of Mammoth’s arms is around me, and the other is on my cheek, holding me steady. His lips crash down on mine, stealing my breath.

  The catcalls from our friends are immediate, but I block them out because my husband is kissing me.

  “Dear family and friends,” the priest says, lifting his hands into the air, still holding the bible,
“I’d like to introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Saint.”

  Our friends and family filling the church cheer and clap, rising to their feet. We both turn, and for the first time, I allow myself to take in the guests.

  There are so many people. More than I ever imagined, who have touched our lives in so many ways, making this day happen.

  I don’t know what I did to deserve this, but I am the luckiest girl to ever walk the earth because I am blessed to have a man as good as Josiah Saint to call my own.

  * * *

  I hope Ignite left you with a big smile and all that warm and fuzzy Gallo goodness. But don’t worry… The family saga isn’t over.

  Looking for a little more Mammoth and Tamara?

  Visit menofinked.com/mammoth for the special and exclusive bonus chapter.

  Spark Sneak Peek

  Chapter 1 - Nick

  I love tacos.

  Not just any kind of tacos, but the type where you sink your teeth into that crispy shell and the grease runs down your chin, puddling on the paper.

  There is only one place in town where I can get my fix. It doesn’t matter that it is after midnight, I am getting the damn tacos, the grease, and all the goodness.

  I park my bike and stalk up to the window outside the converted ice cream joint which now serves the most slammin’ Mexican within fifty miles. I’m behind a drunk guy who’s ordering a shitload of food and swaying back and forth like the ground is moving underneath him.

  I glance around, crossing my arms, and zero in on a pretty girl, jamming nachos into her mouth, crying in between each bite.

  Not my chick. Not my problem.

  Besides her, me, and the workers, the only other person here is the drunk guy. He’s leaning against the counter at the closed register window next to me, talking to himself in tongues.


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