Betrayed by Truths: Truth or Lies Book 2

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Betrayed by Truths: Truth or Lies Book 2 Page 5

by Ella Miles

  And for the first time, I see the fear return. The anxiety is apparent in her eyes. She can tolerate touching me and having me touch her for brief moments, but not others. If she shakes his hand, she won’t be able to control her fear, and then he’ll see her weakness. He can’t see her weakness. He’d exploit it himself, or sell her weakness to the highest bidder to try and use it against me later.

  I can’t let them shake hands.

  I grab my drink that is filled and thrust it into his outstretched hand. “We don’t have time for any more pleasantries.” I stand and walk over to the bar cart to pour myself a drink before sitting again.

  Dallas seems perturbed but sits back and doesn’t question why my wife doesn’t shake his hand.

  “What are your qualms, Dallas? You know the rules. We protect you, but only if you follow our rules. You broke them; we can’t protect you if you don’t listen,” I say.

  He chuckles. “So I’m guessing what your lap dog said about there being ten million dollars in my account to replace the lost money is a lie.”

  My eyes turn devilish. Ten million is nothing to me, but I don’t give out money to the undeserving. Of course, it was a lie. I said it to keep him calm while giving Kai and me time to get our stories straight.

  “I want to get what I pay for,” Dallas says, his eyes heating as he turns to stare at Kai’s cleavage.

  I growl—low, menacing, and audible.

  Dallas doesn’t stop. He’s testing me. Trying to see if Kai is my weakness. He’s that kind of a son of a bitch.

  “Beautiful, will you excuse us for a moment? It seems that Dallas needs to be shown some manners,” I say. I expect a fight. I expect her to say that she has as much right to be here as I do.

  Instead, Kai shoots daggers to Dallas as if he wasn’t only looking at her but touching her. Her hate will be what allows her to put away her pride and leave.

  This isn’t your world, Kai.

  This is a world of sick, disgusting men. No woman belongs here. I’m all for equal rights, but there is a reason woman are better than men. They would never let such impure thoughts into their heads.

  She stands, peering down at him with disgust. “Hurt my husband, and I’ll hurt you. Understand?”

  Dallas chuckles in his disgusting way that makes his oversized belly laugh.

  “I would never hurt your husband.”

  She glares. “You did when you took his business and then didn’t follow his rules. You put his reputation and mine at risk by letting a breach happen. I may not know everything about this organization or world yet, but I’m a fast learner. I’m not his weakness; I’m his partner. And by being here, I was able to expose your feebleness. That you are a slimy man, who will hit on women giving them no respect. You’re lucky I’m letting my husband deal with you instead of dealing with you myself. I’m not as merciful as my husband. And he cares more about money than I do. Because if I dealt with you, you would be wishing you were dead.”

  Kai storms out swaying her hips and standing taller than I’ve ever seen her.

  This woman.

  She says she’s not my weakness, but she is. She’s my kryptonite. And as soon as she figures it out for herself, I’m a goner.

  As soon as the door shuts behind her, I turn back to Dallas.

  “Such a firecracker,” he says.

  “Don’t speak about my wife.”

  He smiles. “Fix your mistake.”

  “It wasn’t my mistake. It was yours. And I won’t be paying you back. You’ll be lucky if I let you leave intact.”

  He rolls his eyes. “You will because I have leverage now. Your wife is your weak spot.”

  My heart rumbles in my chest. “Katherine is anything but a weakness.” I struggle to call her Katherine instead of Kai, but it’s necessary. No one gets to know she’s Kai Miller. It would be too dangerous. I don’t know who among us is a snake and who is an ally. Who would take destiny into their own hands and kill her to ensure I win and keep my loyalty.

  “We will see.”

  “No, we won’t see. Because you’ve just sealed your fate. If you think I will let you walk out of here unharmed after threatening my wife, you’re deranged.”

  Color drains from his face.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Black. I didn’t mean any disrespect. I’ve been a long-standing client of your father’s and I mistook my place. Your wife is safe. I would never harm her or tell anyone else to harm her. I just meant I can see why you like her so. And I thought it would allow me to get more from our arrangement if I played on your weaknesses. I was wrong. Please show me mercy.”

  “Why should I?”

  “Because I will double your fee. I will pay you more to protect my assets, and I will play by your rules. I value our friendship.”

  “Ha, we don’t have a friendship.”

  “I value our relationship, and I would never want to become your enemy.”

  “Fine. You pay double, and I’ll let you leave here alive. But if I hear one whisper against my wife, I will hold you personally responsible for the rumors.”

  He sucks in a breath. “Thank you for your mercy, Mr. Black.”

  We both stand—our dealings done. I don’t keep him alive out of mercy. I keep him alive because he’s a weasel that may lead me to who is hunting Kai. I can track him and find out who he’s working with easier if he’s alive instead of dead.

  “Now, help a man out and tell me where you found a woman like Katherine. Who did you buy her from? It’s clear from the markings on her body that she was a whore you bought and then marked as your own.”

  I lose it.

  My full furry comes down on him as I punch him in the face. Then riddle him with more punches to every part of his body.

  Maybe I was wrong. Maybe he’s worth more dead than alive. At least my conscience will survive another day. At least I can protect Kai from one more monster. Because this bastard deserves to die.



  I shudder as I storm down the hallway, not able to get away from Dallas fast enough. He’s a vile, disgusting man. And as much as I wanted to show my strength, that I’m Enzo’s equal, I was happy to have Enzo deal with the wretched man by himself.

  Enzo—my fake husband.

  I thought we were done with the lies, but at least this time, I’m in on the lie. Everyone else is left seeking the truth.

  The ring feels heavy on my finger. The metal frosting against my cold skin as if molding to the temperature of my body.

  The ring could ensure my future, even if I lose.

  But I won’t accept it. I don’t need money to survive. To flourish. Not even to live.

  I may forever hold hatred and pain for Enzo, but I won’t cause Enzo the same pain. I might hurt him, but not by taking the only thing left that reminds him of his mother.

  Why would I want any part of this life?

  Even if it could provide me with security.

  I would lose myself, go mad, if I had to deal with disgusting men like Dallas every day. No wonder Enzo has darkened until there is nothing left but his fiery exterior that is ready to burst every second with a temper that can’t be calmed.

  I envy the fire in him. It keeps him warm and ensures he never backs down. Never loses himself. Never gives up.

  I need to leave.

  I need to run.

  I need to be free.

  I usually wouldn’t go back on my word. But after feeling trapped in a room with a man that makes Enzo look like a saint, I have to get to air.

  I don’t think.

  I just go.

  My legs moving quickly through the hallways in the shadows. When I pass a group of men, I walk boldly, like I’m their queen.

  “Katherine, would you like me to pull the car around for you?” Zeke asks.

  I pause realizing he is one of the men in the group. I clench my teeth trying to figure out how to avoid a confrontation.

  “Who is the broad?” one of the men asks Zeke.

nbsp; My eyes tighten into dark holes where only demons can exist as I stare at the group of men. “My name is Katherine Black.”

  A collective gasp shakes the hallway as every man realizes what it means. One by one they turn their gaze to my hand, searching for the ring I wear.

  I purse my lips and stand as proud as possible when they take in my scars trying to determine what they mean.

  “I’ve lived with the devil before I defeated him. And I’ll do the same to any man who crosses me or my husband,” I say, knowing I can’t show fear or weakness in front of these men. Even though I’m only one woman and they are many. They could hurt me before Enzo ever came to protect me. I have to show my own strength.

  I turn to Zeke. “No, Zeke. I won’t be needing my car. See that these men return to work.”

  Zeke eyes me curiously, knowing my claim of Black is a farce. But as Enzo said, Zeke will play along here. Enzo trusts him, so I have no choice but to do the same.

  I walk, leaving the men behind to no doubt stare at my ass.

  I reach the door that Enzo and I entered the club through. I open the door and let the brightness blind me. I usually seek the dark, but for now, I need the light—something to burn the ickiness from my meeting with Dallas.

  “You shouldn’t be out here.”

  The voice sends blood boiling shivers through my body.


  I turn and see my father smoking a cigarette while leaning against the brick wall.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask.

  He drops the cigarette, putting it out.

  “I should ask you the same question.”

  “You don’t get to ask me anything. Not after you’ve hidden everything from me for my entire life!”

  His eyes turn cool. It’s where I get my own iciness from—my father.

  And suddenly I want to be nothing like him. Because I can’t imagine lying to any child of mine for their entire life.

  “You don’t understand anything, Katherine.”

  “Then explain to me!”

  He shakes his head. “You aren’t ready for the truth. You never will be.”

  “Fucking coward!”

  He doesn’t flinch as he walks to the door leading into Surrender.

  “Wait, you work at Surrender?”

  My father doesn’t answer, but it’s clear from his non-answer that he does.

  “You work here. Your whole life is here, yet you never prepared me once for the life I was fated to live in. Enzo’s father prepared him his entire life for this life. He prepared him to win. I have no chance. I have nothing because of you!”

  My anger overtakes me, and I charge.

  “You were supposed to protect me, and you didn’t!” I scream as I throw my arm back to punch him.

  His hand grabs my fist, stopping me from making contact.

  Shooting pain rips through my palm, down my forearm, and into my chest.

  My father, a man I should love. The man who raised me. Fed me. Clothed me. Now with his touch wreaks havoc in my body. My body responds like he’s the enemy instead of my protector.

  Tears water in my eyes, but my father still grips my fist.

  “Leave Katherine.”

  I close my eyes.

  Fear, hatred, rage. All of the emotions fill me as my father controls me with his touch. I can’t break free.

  How can I ever win against Enzo when I can’t even tolerate my own father’s touch?

  I can’t.

  At least not now—and I don’t know how long I have until the first task, but I will find a way to at least tolerate touch.

  I will not be held captive by another man’s grasp ever again.

  “Let her go,” Enzo’s voice booms.

  My father turns in Enzo’s direction, but his grip doesn’t loosen.

  “I said. Let. Her. Go.”

  My father lets go, and I can breathe again.

  Enzo walks toward us. Each step breathing more life into me with his calm fierceness.

  Enzo’s eyes run up and down me, looking for any sign that I’m hurt. I’m sure from the expression of terror on my face he thinks my father hurt me.

  He did, but not in the way Enzo is imagining. My father hurt me by never protecting me. He was never a real father. True fathers don’t lie to their children.

  When Enzo is satisfied I’m not truly hurt, he turns back to my father. “Clean up the mess in my office, Miller.”

  I should cringe at the cruel way Enzo treats my father. But I don’t. My father deserves it. And if I can’t dish it out, then I’ll let Enzo.

  My father looks at me one last time. And I see blankness in his eyes. No emotion. No caring. I’m not sure if he ever truly cared about me. Or if I was just the stupid girl who thought her father was different than all the rest.

  And as much as I want to feel nothing back, I do. I still feel hope. Hope that the reason my father never told me of this world was for my protection. That he tried to hide me from this world to keep me safe and now that I’m here in it, it hurts him so much that he turned off his emotions.

  “Yes, Mr. Rinaldi,” my father says, using Enzo’s real name.

  Enzo frowns, his lips tighten into slits ready to order my father around.

  “We aren’t done,” I say as my father begins to walk inside. My voice has more hope than I wanted to convey. Hope that my father does really love me; he just doesn’t know how to protect me now that I’m no longer a child.

  My father nods in agreement before disappearing inside to clean up the mess Enzo ordered him to clean up.


  “What mess is my father cleaning up?”

  I stare at Enzo, and that’s when I see the cuts on his knuckles. The blood splatter on his jacket.

  He killed Dallas.

  There is no doubt in my mind.

  I can’t handle this. Not now.

  I turn and start walking away. Where to, I don’t know. Just away.

  “Wait,” Enzo says his hand brushing against the same wrist my father gripped before Enzo realizes what he’s doing and begins to pull away.

  I place my hand over his, stopping him from letting me go because unlike the pain I felt with my father touched me, I feel something different with Enzo. A feeling I’ve only ever felt with Enzo. A feeling I can’t even describe. I feel weightless, floating through the air above my body. I’m no longer weighed down with grief and anger. I’m flying. I’m free of my past when Enzo touches me.

  Every time he does I feel more alive than before. Even when he purposely hurt me with his touch, it wasn’t the same as when my father touched me. Enzo’s touch calmed me even if it was too much at the same time.

  His eyes widen as he looks at us touching.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to touch you. You just can’t run off. Our enemies could be lurking nearby. It’s not safe to leave without protection,” he says.

  I barely register his words. All I feel is our bodies connecting in a way that is bigger than the flesh contacting. It’s more than emotion or feelings. It’s like his presence is bringing me back to life.

  I lick my lips.

  Why does Enzo’s touch save me, when even my own father’s hurts me?



  I touch Kai and my world stills.

  All of my focus, energy, everything becomes hers.

  I’ve claimed her as mine, but I am just as easily hers. I’m captivated and engrossed in her body. And I would worship at her feet for a chance to be with her.

  Despite my desire that grows more restless in my body with each passing second, my lust isn’t my focus. My body may be hard and growing harder having her in my clutches. But the calmness on her face covering the pain that was there a moment ago is what has me fascinated.

  I shouldn’t be able to calm her.

  She should tremble every time I touch her. But it seems after I gave her my mother’s ring, giving her security for the rest of her life, she no longer fee
ls panic at my touch. By protecting her, I gave up my greatest strength against her. I can no longer control her with a simple caress.

  “Does everyone lie to me?” she asks, her hand still holding mine to her wrist in the same place her father was grabbing her when I came out.

  Zeke warned me he was concerned Kai would run. He saw the look in her eyes as she wandered through the hallways.

  I knew she needed air after our meeting with Dallas. But I never expected what I saw when I chased after her. I expected her to run as soon as she tasted fresh air. I expected to chase her through the city. Instead, she stood terrified by the grip of her father.

  I’d known that he had worked for my father and then me when I took over. As he’s a ship captain, I’ve rarely seen him. He’s almost always at sea. But I pay him well as I do all of my men. He shouldn’t be living in a trailer. His daughter shouldn’t have had to steal to survive. Even if he did owe a debt for his wife’s medical bills. He shouldn’t have been living with nothing.

  And Kai should have had plenty.

  Instead, they lived in destitute. Her father lying to her every day about the money he has, who he works for, and even her own destiny.

  Seeing him grab her, and the pain it caused her, took every drop of self-control in my body not to attack him. The only thing keeping me from doing so was knowing that he is still Kai’s father. That she still loves him despite the pain. And I don’t understand his intentions.

  My father was the devil. That was clear from the moment I was born. There was no question who he was or what he wanted.

  But Kai’s father is a mess of contradictions. Does he love her? Is he trying to protect her by lying? Keep her out of this world? Or is he hiding his demons inside?

  I don’t know the answer, but I will find out.

  Because if her father is her ally, then I need to keep him away to ensure he doesn’t help her win.

  And if he is her enemy, then I need to keep him away to protect her.

  Either way, Kai needs to stay away from her father.

  “Men lie, Kai.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me my father worked for you?”


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