Alfie Goes to Uni

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Alfie Goes to Uni Page 2

by Rosemary J. Peel


  Alfie blinked in the bright sunlight. Where were they? The small room seemed to be full of people. Everybody looked very busy. Charlotte’s Mum and Dad were taking her clothes out of her case and hanging them in the wardrobe. Other boxes and bags were being pushed out of sight at the bottom of it or else under the bed. Charlotte picked him up and put him on the bed.

  “Oh good,” he thought, “not on a shelf.”

  There were a lot of folk he didn’t know, mostly girls and boys of about Charlotte’s age. They seemed to be introducing themselves to each other. It must be some sort of Youth Hostel - he’d stayed in one of those before - and yet it didn’t feel quite right. He was certain it wasn’t a hotel either, or a caravan. Where could they be?

  After a lot of coming and going, including the departure of Charlotte’s Mum and Dad, Alfie found himself alone. Charlotte had gone off somewhere with a group of young people. Even though he was alone, it wasn’t very quiet. All around him was noise; heavy footsteps and voices talking and laughing. He wished Charlotte would come back. It seemed hours before she did and then she went straight to bed. Alfie was delighted when she tucked him in beside her under the duvet. It was a long night. Charlotte tossed and turned. He could tell that she was finding it hard to sleep. The noise around them continued until the early hours. The bed felt strange. He didn’t know about Charlotte but he would be glad when it was morning.

  However when morning came he found himself alone again. Charlotte was up and out almost as soon as she had washed and dressed. Wherever they were Alfie wasn’t happy to be there. He was lonely and wanted to be back home, even if he had to live on the bedroom shelf. At least that was somewhere filled with sights, sounds and people he knew. He was homesick and lonely.

  Eventually Charlotte came back, but she brought a group of people with her. They seemed a friendly crowd, but also very noisy. Alfie wondered if they were some of the ones who’d disturbed their sleep last night. After a while they drifted off and, at last, Alfie had Charlotte to himself. However, she didn’t seem to notice him as she began pulling things out from inside the wardrobe and under the bed.

  “I wonder what Grandma and Granddad put in these boxes,” she said, more to herself than him.

  She opened the smaller of the two boxes; it seemed to be full of sweets, chocolate and nice things to eat. Then she opened the second one and squealed with delight. Alfie strained to see what all the fuss was about. She pulled out the jumper that was on top and hugged it. Then she squealed again and, to Alfie’s surprise, lifted up a funny looking knitted toy. It didn’t look new, but he’d never seen it before. After doing a little dance with it, all around the room, Charlotte picked up Alfie in one hand, whilst still holding the knitted toy in the other,

  “Meet G.O.D., Alfie,” she said making him shake hands with the new arrival. Then she placed the two of them next to each other on the bed.

  “You nearly ready? We need to be off soon. What you going in?” It was one of the girls who had been there earlier.

  “This.” Charlotte held up her all in one ‘bunny’ sleeping suit. It was pink with fluffy white ears and tail.

  “Better hurry and get it on then. I’ll see you upstairs in about ten minutes, ok?”

  Alfie and the strange toy were soon left to themselves. He didn’t know whether to be pleased or not. At least he had company of sorts. What had Charlotte said his name was? G.O.D. - surely, he wasn’t called God!”

  “It stands for Grand Old Duke,” Alfie heard a voice answer his thoughts. He heard it inside his head. “Haven’t you ever talked to another toy before? It’s easy, try it. Just think the words and I’ll hear you.”

  Alfie thought, “Where have you come from and why was Charlotte so happy to see you. How long have you known her?”

  “Longer than you, I’ll bet. I was given to her when she was a baby.”

  “Then why haven’t I seen you before?”

  “Because I’ve always lived at Grandma’s house. Charlotte used to play with me as a baby, and later, so did Alex and Annabel.”

  Alfie didn’t know whether he was pleased or not to hear this. He had always thought that he was one of the oldest of Charlotte’s toys, and definitely the most special. Now this strange toy, which looked like some kind of soldier, seemed to be taking his place.

  “No I’m not.” G.O.D. read his thoughts, “I think we should be friends. I have a feeling that we will be spending a lot of time together.”

  “Where are we? How long will it be before we go home again, do you know?”

  “A long time, years probably. This is a University; Charlotte’s come to study for a degree.”

  “Oh no, not more studying - she did enough of that at home. It makes her moody, cross and tired.”

  “It will be different here; wait and see.”

  Grand Old Duke turned out to be right. Alfie knew he was, later that night when Charlotte got back. She was different; sort of giggly and squishy. Alfie didn’t know what to make of her.

  “It’s all right, Alfie, she’s a bit merry, that’s all. She’s been to a party. It’s nothing to worry about. She’ll be back to normal the morning.”

  Charlotte snuggled into bed next to them, Alfie was just about to ask what had made her so giddy, when she suddenly leaned over and gave them both a big kiss, before breaking into song,

  “Oh, the Grand Old Duke, he had ten thoushand men, he marshed them up to the top of the hill and he marshed them down again....” The singing ended abruptly. She rolled over and was instantly fast asleep.

  “Goodnight, Alfie. I think we’ll be the best of friends whilst Charlotte’s at Uni, don’t you?” said G.O.D. There was no reply. Grand Old Duke smiled a knowing smile. The tired little bear had fallen asleep too, cuddled contentedly in Charlotte’s arms.

  By the author

  Animal Tales : (5 books)

  A Prickly Problem

  Honk the Donk

  A Squirrel Called Cyril

  Pretty as a Picture

  Holiday Blues (see also Families, Feuds & Friendships)

  Creature Features (2 books)

  The Blackbird That Couldn’t Sing

  The Butterfly That Lost a Spot

  Toy Fantasies: (3 books)

  They’re Not Real, Grandma

  Just Joe

  Alfie Goes to Uni

  Fluff Gang Stories: (2 books written in verse)

  Fluff Gang Tales

  The Fluff Gang and the New Neighbour

  Families, Feuds & Friendships (2 books - for 12- 15+ readers)

  Time Line (a time shift fantasy)

  Holiday Blues

  Octinnia Adventures

  Octinnia, Book One: The Adventure Begins (The 1st in a proposed series of 8)

  Rosemary also writes; Adult Fiction (full length romantic saga), Non-fiction (autobiographical work), and Astrological books

  Connect with Rosemary Peel at:





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