A Rising Tide

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A Rising Tide Page 11

by Ross Buzzell

  “Konner, the High Council will see you now!”

  Konner turns toward the portal and walks straight toward it. Slowly he steps through, leaving the massive hall empty and alone once more. As Konner steps through the worm hole the air changes. It is no longer crisp and clean as it was on the far side of the portal. The air is stale and damp; its moldy scent burns Konner’s lungs. He had never breathed such air before. Konner looks up at one of the Triad Generals.

  “General Sal’Der, where are we?”

  Sal’Der is silent as he begins to lead Konner down the dark tunnel. It is only by the light of Konner and Sal’Der’s illuminated family crests that Konner notices that the floors, walls and ceiling were all stone. Rapidly Konner puts the pieces together. They were underground, somewhere deep for the air to be this damp. Konner moves to speak again but restrains himself. Nothing he had to say could bear any weight in comparison to meeting the High Council, Konner stiffens his spine as he stands tall while he continues to follow his general.

  “General, I was reading the walls back there; I came across Ja’Sanfur, in her mural it speaks of a man by the name of Xero. Do you know who he is?”

  The General pauses for a moment at the question of the prince. He looks over at the cadet and speaks in a firm and solemn tone.

  “Xero is not a subject that you should ever bring up again Konner.”

  The response throws Konner for a loop at the starkness of Sal’Der’s response. Sal’Der begins to walk once more down the corridor; Konner follows once more in dead silence. They walk for what seems like an hour in silence with only the crunching sounds of their footsteps echoing through the long stony corridor to keep them company. Many times Konner had utilized his enhanced hearing to discover if he could pinpoint where the High Council was, each time to no avail. The urge of impatience begins to build within Konner. “Why nominate me for the Cryptea only to make me wade in the darkness for an eternity.” These thoughts are swiftly quelled by the young prince. A soldier had control and a Cryptea had complete control. Konner clears his mind and expels all negative thought and emotion from himself as they continue to wade through the thick, palpable, darkness. After what feels like another hour of walking in silence a faint sound echoes up the cavern tunnel. The sound of a crackling fire; this catches Konner’s attention, which must mean that they are close; the urge to shove past Sal’Der and sprint toward the fire almost overcomes Konner. He quells his excitement. Konner bites the inside of his lower lip so hard the iron, salty, metallic taste of blood fills his tongue. The anticipation of finally standing before the High Council is almost more than he can bare.

  The crackling grows louder and louder with each step they take until finally a blue lick of flame is visible in the distance. The corridor gradually widens and Konner quickens his pace to move alongside Sal’Der. With each rapid step, Konner’s heart begins to race faster and pound harder within his chest. Finally the two exit the corridor which opens into a massive cavern supported by giant pillars of stone. A fire pit sits in the center of the opening ablaze with a blue flame that burns but feeds on nothing and leaves no smoke to billow from it. A large slab of square metal sits next to the fire which is overlooked by the High Council. Sal’Der leaves Konner’s side and ascends the steps which lead to his seat. Konner’s eyes follow Sal’Der as he takes his seat next to Ja’Sanfur whom is seated beside Ti’Zellor. These three form the Triad General. Konner lets his eyes wander to the far side of the bench to see the Council of the Emissaries which consists of three strong golden haired women adorned in their black garb with their family crests aglow in yellow and their leader known as the High Emissary. In the middle seat sits a familiar face; a man with an old face yet young eyes, with white hair and a scar near his left eye, his father, the High King. On either side of the High King, between the generals and the Emissaries, sits the remaining kings of Boron adorned in military armor and scholarly robes, two on either side.

  Konner’s heart begins to pound so hard it shakes his body with each powerful beat. Adrenaline and excitement course through the young prince’s veins. Containing himself, Konner shows none of the storm raging within him in an external fashion but only stands firm and keeps his eyes locked on his father’s. After what feels like an eternity the High King finally breaks the silence and speaks.

  “Konner Lorian, the Triad Generals have unanimously brought your case before the High Council in overwhelming favor of you joining the Cryptea, Boron’s most elite fighting unit. Being of such a young age and under normal circumstances this case would usually be dismissed. But your skills in the field of battle, even at your young age have been noted, your proficiency with not just a blade but any weapon you wield is of the highest caliber. The Battle Master has even stated that you have ‘The greatest speed and dexterity that (he) has ever seen and while his stature may be small his strength is rivaled by none.’ That is quite the recommendation.”

  The High King looks at his son with pride glistening in his eyes but holds back as to be impartial. After a moment of silence, the king continues as Konner’s heart swells with pride. The High King rises to his feet, looking down at his son.

  “With this being Konner, do you accept the nomination to be integrated into the Cryptea?”

  Konner looks up at his father; making a fist he places it against his chest with a hard ‘thud’ as excitement fills him.

  “I do accept this great honor.”

  The High King continues

  “You must then demonstrate your resolve, son of Lorian.”

  Konner’s excitement is quickly replaced by confusion; he lets his arm drop to his side as he searches the faces of each of the High Council members for anything that would inform him of what his father meant. A sensation of cold strikes Konner’s feet. The prince looks down to see the water drain from the river toward him. Slowly it begins to rise up his legs. Konner freezes for a moment as a mild panic sets in. The young prince closes his eyes as flashbacks of the Training Grounds begin to plague his mind. The icy sensation of the water gradually climbs the legs of the young prince, the Titan’s attack, Ja’Sanfur’s relentless barrage of sword and fist. Konner flinches as the image of a Nelaka charging at his face flashes in his mind. Konner’s heart begins to race even faster with each inch the water rises; he stands. His muscles twitch in strain as images of the most traumatic experience in his life flashes before his eyes. Once the water rises to his waist Konner’s memories leap to the image of him draining the electricity from the Nelaka. Konner’s mind clears and he immediately regains control of his body. His eyes lock onto the brilliant blue flame a few inches above the water’s edge. Konner wades as fast as he can toward the fire and plunges his hands into the blue flame.

  The fire does not burn him but instead begins to grow dim even before the water raises to it. Konner’s focus is so intense on drawing the heat radiation from the fire that he does not notice the silent intrigue and cheering from the High Council. The light fades to a dim flicker before it goes out. The second the fire is extinguished by Konner pulling all of its heat into himself, the icy water bursts upward into a pillar and lifts the boy off the ground, encompassing his entire body. Afloat in the grip of the icy water, Konner forces his mind to be clear as his gaze is locked upon the now risen High Council.

  Within the icy cold Konner’s fingers curl into a fist in each hand. Konner searches within himself and discovers a bout of enormous heat that dwells within his gut. Konner’s mind is silent, his vision clear. He feels the ball of scalding blue flame expand and encompass his body. Every inch of Konner’s skin begins to burn as he summons the blue flame’s heat. He concentrates on the pain, amplifying it. The water around Konner begins to bubble slightly. Small licks of steam whip free from the pillar of water encompassing the boy. Konner’s lungs begin to burn as he feels himself begin to run out of air. In one final push Konner draws every degree of heat he had absorbed from the fire to the surface and into the pillar of icy water. Instantly the pillar begins
to boil violently. The licks of steam turn into billows as the cold liquid begins to evaporate. Konner feels the blue flame well up within him like a balloon filled with too much air. The dam breaks. Konner expellees so much raw heat from his body the icy pillar explodes into a torrent of scalding liquid.

  Konner drops to the ground as steam rises off of him. His skin and cloak dry almost immediately due to how hot Konner’s skin it. Konner rises back to his feet and stands tall as the last of the fire’s heat leaves his body, unable to be tapped into again. A smile forms on the High King’s lips as Konner salutes them once more.

  “Cadet Konner Lorian reporting for duty!”

  The rush of adrenalin that courses throughout Konner’s body is unlike anything he had ever felt before. He had passed the test. He had faced his greatest fear and overcame it through sheer force of will. The High King turns and begins to walk behind the High Council toward the steps on either side of the platform. He descends the steps to Konner’s right and approaches his now dry son.

  “After much deliberation, this council has decided that you are to be taught under the Battle Master and the Emissaries, that you are to forge your own weapon and armor and furthermore, that you, Konner Lorian, High Prince of Boron, without favor or special treatments, are to be the youngest soldier to enter the Cryptea. Congratulations son.”

  Konner smiles and throws his arms around his father in a tight embrace; the High King wraps his own around his son, embracing him. The High King leans down and whispers into Konner’s ear, his voice hushed yet as inspiring as always.

  “I am so proud of you my son!”

  Konner tightens his grip around his father.

  “Thank you father.”

  The pair release each other and the High King addresses the High Council. His hands rest firmly on Konner’s shoulders

  “Ladies and gentlemen of the council, I present to you to the newest member of our elite forces, the culmination of the very best. I expect under your tutelage he will aid the Cryptea to glory.”

  Konner scans the kings of Boron, the Triad Generals and the Emissary leaders. The High King drops his hands to his side.

  “Triad Generals, he is all yours. It is up to you to show him how to forge the Cryptea armor and how to wield its power. After he completes his armor please escort him to the mountains of the Emissaries so that he may be taught the virtues of the Cryptea. Kings and Queens of Boron, oversee his training. As I am his father I cannot. It would be too much of a conflict of interest.

  The High King turns back to his son and looks him straight in the eyes.

  “Return home after you are finished here. This way we can speak further.”

  With a final smile of pride, the High King turns and begins to walk away. He presses a button on his belt and a wormhole opens revealing a hallway of white marble. Konner’s father walks through the portal which closes behind him. Konner wished his father would stay. At the same time he realizes that in matters of education and training being the High King’s child is no easy task. In public both parents had to go out of their way to show they did not play favorites. Over the years Konner and Lei had conversations, hours on end, about the distance intentionally created by their parents in regard to training. At moments like this his sister’s voice would echo in his mind to remind him why his father was so distant. “In times of war father will not always be there to hold your hand Konner. He allows the Sol’lor Academy to train you just as hard as the others so that you can stand on your own. Mom does the same with me and politics. They do this because they love us Konner, because they want us to succeed. Now dry your tears.”

  The Triad Generals approach Konner as his sister’s words echo from his mind. The Emissaries leave through a portal as well leaving the four alone in the High Council chambers; all three are fully armored with their weapons strapped to their backs; Ja’Sanfur and Ti’Zellor slowly approach Konner as Sal’Der moves toward the fire pit. Konner notes how Sal’Der stands over the pit, hands extended, and a blue lick of flame sparks from his forearms before jumping from his hand to the pit, reigniting the fire. Ja’Sanfur speaks first which brings Konner’s attention to her.

  “Konner you are a great pupil. I have taught you everything I know. There is nothing more I can teach you. For this, I pass your training on to Ti’Zellor, the leader of the Cryptea. He will show you all you need to know about being the soldier Boron needs you to be.”

  Konner bows slightly toward his old teacher; she places a hand on his shoulder, a symbol of releasing him from her care. Sal’Der looks over at Ja’Sanfur. He calls out to the general whose heart is just as full of pride for Konner as his own father’s was. Had she not been a military leader, she would not hold back the tears of joy that she so clearly dams from rolling down her cheeks.

  “Ja, come, you must choose a new pupil and I must attend to mine.”

  Ja’Sanfur turns to her fellow leader and nods; she turns her attention to Konner once more.

  “Listen to Ti. He is wise and powerful. He will shape you into a great leader.”

  Ja turns and joins Sal’Der who, by pressing a glyph on his bracer opens a worm hole to the Sol’lor Academy. On the far side Konner sees Jil’Thorin jolt to attention as she salutes Sal’Der. The portal closes behind the two generals leaving only Konner and Ti’Zellor in the dimly lit cavern with the blue fire to illuminate them both. Ti’Zellor draws Starfall; the presence of the blade makes the fire flair brighter and burn with more intensity. With a single swift thrust Ti embeds the blade into the ground. He releases the handle and allows the blade to stand on its own. Ti walks over near the flame to the square mass of metal that sits beside it.

  “Konner you did very well in your test. You overcame your greatest fear tactically, intelligently and most of all quickly. In the Cryptea you will face some of the worst this universe has to offer, some of the most terrifying beings in existence. To face them and survive one must be able to suppress all fear. Do you know why?”

  Konner stands at attention, his eyes locked into the blue blaze. The dancing flames nearly as memorizing as the words of Ti’Zellor echoing through his head. There was but one clear answer to his question and Konner belts it out with stark confidence.

  “Because fear prevents you from taking action and if you do not take action not only will you fall, but those you protect will too. The Cryptea never fall!”

  Ti nods at Konner’s response.

  “This is true; the lack of action on the battle field will mean your downfall. Battle is not just won by offense. Victory can also be achieved by defense and today you shall build yours.”

  Ti’Zellor pats the metal block in front of him. Konner’s eyes widen as he realizes the element before him, Konner immediately charges forward and places his hands on the smooth, warm metal. The element was so smooth that Konner’s hands nearly slid off of it; a small hum of electricity vibrated from the metal into Konner and back. Konner draws his hands away and looks up at Ti’Zellor and says.

  “This is Energynium, one of the rarest substances on our planet. How did you find this?”

  A warm smile forms on Ti’Zellor’s face. He sits down on the elevated ledge of the fire pit and looks over at Konner.

  “Any time our miners come across this element, it is handed over to the High King. He then places it in the armory vaults deep below the palace where only a Lorian can enter. And only a select, very trustworthy, few are able to have access to the contents of that vault. The Cryptea is a group of those select few, and today we are going to use this to make your armor.”

  Chapter 5

  Konner’s eyes travel from Ti’Zellor back to the Energynium. A sense of bewilderment gradually takes hold of the young prince. Questions fill his mind mixed with confusion. He had never built armor before. He was never taught how to and only once in his life had he even witnessed standard armor being forged, and never of such a rare and unruly element. Konner looks back to Ti’Zellor, confusion distorts his face. The general notices this.

  “General, I was never trained to forge armor before; how will I know what to do?”

  Ti’Zellor walks over to Konner and leans against the block of smooth metal. He looks down at Konner with a kind smile on his face; his words are reassuring.

  “You will know what to do. I will guide you as you work but this is an honor only a Cryptea has, the opportunity to forge your own armor.”


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