A Rising Tide

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A Rising Tide Page 19

by Ross Buzzell

  Turning, Konner keeps his steps forward on his path; anticipation and nerves build with each mounting step. Reaching the end of the hallway he turns left, taking a few steps he looks to his right to see the vault he and his sister had raided that one night of fun they had years ago. And, the night Konner found out about his condition. He gazes at the door as the memory of their little adventure comes flooding back, their arguments, their freak outs. The entire thing makes him begin to chuckle a little to himself. His chuckle turns into a soft laughter as he continues his walk, shaking his head with the amusement of that evening. As Konner rounds the final corner a guard catches him off step. The prince glances up at the guard who is confused by the laughing prince. Konner regains his composure and with a smile Konner walks past the guard placing a friendly hand on his shoulder. With just a few more steps the corridor opens up into the Greeting Hall of the palace. Near the front door stands the High King, the Queen and a pair of twin siblings Tal’lak and Fi’ran. The female, Tal’lak was known for her cunning and strategy in battle while her brother Fi’ran was known for being the hammer dedicated to his sister’s cause without question. By themselves they were warriors and strategists not to be trifled with but together they had never been defeated. No matter how outnumbered or out gunned, the twin siblings would see victory in every scenario from diplomacy to sparring and especially in war. Konner approaches his parents. He salutes his father, who returns the favor, before embracing his mother.

  “Father, Mother you rested well I hope.”

  The Queen nods with a smile as the High King approaches Tal and Fi, placing a hand on each of their shoulders. It was not until his father, who was not a small man, stood next to them that Konner took note of the physicality of the twins. They stood taller than the High King himself. Their eyes are a piercing golden yellow and their hair deep brown. Tal’s hair is pulled back tightly as her ponytail falls down her back, not a strand out of place. While in contrast Fis hair is messier, draping onto his face, highlighting his animalistic eyes. Konner feels a knot in his gut begin to form as the two stare at him, trying to hide their disgust for him in front of their High King and Queen.

  “Konner, this is Tal’lak and Fi’ran. They are responsible for your Cryptea training I want you to listen to them as if they were Ti’Zellor or Ja’Sanfur herself.”

  “Yes Father.”

  With a friendly smile Konner salutes Tal and Fi. The twins look at each other for a moment and Konner’s smile fades as he realizes they are displeased with the situation. Reluctantly they salute him back. As the three break the salute, the twins turn and leave the Greeting Hall without a word. They move out to the patio at the palace’s entrance. Konner looks at his mother and father with a wide smile on his face.

  “I guess that is my cue.”

  Konner takes a few steps over to his mother. Knowing this would possibly be the last time he sees her in four years, he embraces her tightly. The feeling of his mother’s arms wrapped around him brings back memories of every time she held him to let him know his world was not ending and now he is doing the same for her. Pulling back he looks into his mother’s bright eyes.

  “I will see you when my training is done mother. Thank you for helping me grow strong. I would not be who I am without you.”

  With a smile that would light up a city and pride beaming from her face, Konner’s mother places a kiss on her son’s forehead.

  “You will do great things my son. Make me proud.”

  Konner breaks his grasp with his mother. Moving over to his father, he goes to salute him only to find the High King’s arm outstretched before him. Konner grasps his father’s forearm as his forearm is grasped as well.

  “Thank you father, for making me kind and fair; I would not be who I am without you.”

  “A father could not be prouder of his child. I love you son. Now go forge a new future for our people and remember, keep your eyes forward and your mind clear.”

  he releases his arm. Without another word Konner turns and begins to walk out to the patio leaving his mother and father for quite possibly the last time for the next four years. As the Prince leaves the palace, the doors close behind him with the help of two royal guards. Stepping between Tal and Fi, Konner looks at the pair who tower over him. Fi places his index finger and thumb on either side of his Adams apple. Looking to the sky he speaks as if to someone right next to him.

  “The package is secure. Begin decent for extraction.”

  Konner allows his gaze to follow Fi’s to the sky where out of nowhere a ship seems to phase into view from thin air. The ships exterior is black as the depths of space with the exception of four circular disks that seem to form out of each of the four rounded corners of the ship’s base. Electric blue energy flames and sparks from each engine as the ship begins its descent. Konner notes the bulbous rear section of the drop-ship and how it gradually dissolves into a rounded point near the front for the pilot. As the ship touches down, kicking up dirt and dust as it lands the side of the ship slides out toward the three. Ever so slightly before sliding back, it reveals the interior of the drop-ship with a bench, two rows of handles that run the length of the interior and two weapons lockers, one on either side of the ship.

  Without hesitation, Tal and Fi both step onto the ship. Konner quickly follows suit as he steps inside the completely silent machine and grasps one of the handles above his head. For a moment he stands in silence as the ship begins to take off, figuring they would brief him on their way. After several moments of not only silence but avoided gazes, Konner decides to speak up.

  “Why don’t we just use an electron displacer to get to the facility?”

  Tal looks down at Konner in disgust, almost laughing at him as she speaks.

  “To protect from unwanted guests the entire facility is designed to prevent the use of Quantum Entanglement technology and with its remote location that means the only way in or out is by using one of our drop-ships…”

  Fi smiles as he finishes his sister’s thought.

  “No one can come or go without our say. Not even the High King.”

  In almost a taunting tone Tal picks back up the conversation.

  “Just remember that during training, your daddy won’t be coming to save you.”

  This strikes a nerve with Konner as their cold demeanor becomes painfully clear. They do not feel he belongs. Konner wishes to lash back but something deep inside him tugs at his core. It nags him not to say a word; that it would be unwise to do so. Clenching his jaw Konner stairs at the door as the ship shakes in its flight. He could feel the eyes of the Cryptea trainers on him, judging him. But he would give them nothing. Right then and there in that ship Konner swears to himself to not only prove Tal and Fi wrong and show them he deserved to be a Cryptea but to also best them in combat one day.

  Konner says nothing for the rest of the flight; he goes inside himself recalling every lesson, every training session that he had ever been taught. He even goes so far as to tap into the memory of Starfall and what the weapon had done to him. Becoming so introspective, Konner hardly notices the whispers about how to run him ragged. Had he been listening, perhaps he would be forming a strategy against the heavily one-sided hell he was about to be put through. The ship begins to slow after what feels like hours of flight time. The sensation of descent captures Konner’s gut and snaps him out of his trans-like state. Looking around for a moment, he lets go of the handle as the ship comes to a gradual stop. The doors slide open with a soft hiss and wind rushes into the cabin with such force the Prince has to brace himself. As he becomes accustomed to the strength of the wind, Konner takes a step forward, looking out of the ship he could see a structure below them, far below them. Konner turns to see Fi leap from the ship; Tal leans from the other side of the drop-ship and yells over the rushing air.

  “Your first test, you want to be a Cryptea, prove you aren’t afraid of death!”

  ‘The fall?’ He almost laughs to himself, he had ridden dragons,
he had fought beasts beyond most people’s comprehension and he had withstood the draining power of Starfall before he was ten. If this was a scare tactic it would not work, for Konner had faced down real terror at a far younger age. Without a moment’s hesitation he leaps from the ship entering freefall before even Tal does. He turns and looks up as wind rushes over him whipping his hair violently into his face. The deafening howl of the wind fills his ears as almost ten seconds later Tal frees herself from the ship as well. Turning, in freefall, Konner sees the facility rapidly growing larger, Konner enters a diving position, his cape waving wildly in the wind behind him. Putting out his arm he attempts to open a wormhole. It fails just as Tal and Fi said it would. Being who he is Konner thinks of a loophole in their theory. He was not even sure the other two had a plan to land safely. As he passes through clouds Konner bides his time. The sound of two small engines cuts through the scream of the wind. He glances to his left to see his two would be trainers utilizing a small jetpack retrofitted onto the back of their armor to slow their decent both of whom are staring at Konner.

  As the ground nears, Konner feels himself pass through something. It was intangible and for a brief second he could have sworn he felt something move through his body, like a wave. Without a second to lose, he throws out his bracered arm once more. This time it works and he opens a wormhole on the ground which he falls through a mere second later. Konner bursts from the other side of his wormhole which he had opened up against the side of a wall thus turning his vertical momentum into horizontal momentum. It takes no time at all for Konner to catch his bearings and right himself, landing in a violent slide on his feet. Facing backward he leans forward and digs his hand into the ground causing three small ditches to be formed as he slides to a stop. Konner right himself. Looking over to the twins as they, land he smirks at them. Standing up he opens up his arms defiantly.

  “Is that the best you can do!”

  Konner yells out at the twins. Self-admittedly he realizes that he may have overreacted in his response to their goading, but if he were to give in now, the only thing perceived by his cold teachers would be weakness. Although he is young, Konner realizes he must deal from a position of strength whether he likes it or not. Whipping his cape behind him, Konner begins to walk to the only inlet in the courtyard that seems to be hewn out of the dark grey, almost black ashy stone in which the compound has been carved.

  As Konner approaches the stone inlet, the hexagonal spires withdraw into the earth like a wave revealing dark metallic hallways illuminated by glowing blue orbs, reminiscent of small stars. The prince looks in all directions. Both hallways go as far as the eye can see making it clear that the compound was built into the mountain ranges in which they now set. The crumbling sound of stone on stone fills the crisp air of the corridor; Konner turns to see Tal and Fi standing behind him. Fi points to Konner’s left. Tal speaks up.

  “The barracks are this way. Follow us.”

  Without another word the two walk past Konner. He follows suit and the three walk in silence with only the sounds of their boots to keep them company in the dimly lit hallways of the Cryptea Training Facility. Konner’s eyes scan the cold hallways that have no life to them, no personality, not like on Caelum where the history is scribed in monoliths on nearly every wall. Here the only personalities the walls have are small, wire-like grooves that snake around where the elements used to make the structure are fused together. In the distance a low hum of voices rings in Konner’s ears. As they begin to grow louder, Konner hears Fi begin to speak and his words are directed at the Prince.

  “As you know there is nothing allowed to be brought into this training facility unless you can carry it on your back. Your cloths, your food, even your weapons will all be provided to you by us. The barracks are right up here. At the foot of your bed will be the uniform you are to wear. It is your responsibility to keep it clean and tidy.”

  As Fi finished his little speech, the three stop at a large double door that is slid open. Inside are nearly two dozen Boronian soldiers working out, speaking with one another or playing holo-games in, around and on their beds. Bunk beds, line both walls of the room and as Konner becomes visible everyone stops what they are doing and stares at the prince. Konner lets his eyes scan the room. The youngest person there aside from him appears to be at least four years older than he with the oldest being almost ten. Konner’s heart pounds in his chest with nerves; he takes a deep breath. Taking a few steps forward, he places a closed fist against his left breast.

  “My name is Konner Lorian it is….”

  he is interrupted by one of the soldiers playing holographic games.

  “We know who you are your majesty, but here you’re not royalty. You are just a grunt. Your bunk is at the end.”

  Konner pauses for a moment. The cold, taunting tone of the soldier is reminiscent of Tal and Fi. Konner lets his gaze scan to the last bunk which has been tossed. The cloths are in the corner of the room soaked in water. His mattress is torn to shreds and there are no sheets on his bed, like the others. Without a word Konner begins to walk toward his bunk. As Tal and Fi enter the room everyone stands at attention. Konner falls in line too out of custom and a desire to learn.

  “Tomorrow we begin survival training. You will be dropped randomly in the vicinity of the compound and you must find your way back without detection. Both Fi and myself will be hunting each and every one of you and believe me when I say this simulation will not be fun. There are no weapons or armor allowed. That means you Mr. Lorian, that bracer of yours has to come off.”

  Without turning his head, as if speaking with the wall; Konner belts out in a soldier’s tone to Tal’lar.

  “Ma’am, the bracer cannot be removed ma’am. It is a part of me just as your hand is a part of you but I can, and will, deactivate it to comply.”

  Fi’Ran storms up to Konner as he speaks, getting in his face, so close Konner could smell his breath, feel the heat on his skin. Fi stares down Konner who does not flinch. He keeps his fiery blue eyes locked in on the golden yellow hues of the soldiers who so clearly hate him for unknown reasons. After a few moments it became clear to Konner that Fi would not stop until Konner blinked or looked away to show weakness. Never being one to back down from a bully, he could not help himself and winked at Fi, followed by a quick flash of a smile. This enrages Fi who begins to yell point blank into Konner’s face.

  “What is your problem Lorian?! Just because your daddy is High King do you think you get to be cute? This is the Cryptea. We don’t do cute. We do dead! Do I make myself clear?!”

  Konner nods as he resists the urge to wipe the saliva from his face as it spews from the mouth of Fi like the lava from an active volcano. He fights the urge to be sarcastic but loses that battle and responds with the tone of a soldier.

  “I do not believe so sir, but if you keep staring at me in such a manner, sir, you will have to ask my High King father for his blessing to take me to dinner, sir!”

  The tension in the room immediately breaks as everyone aside from Tal’lar erupts in laughter; Konner keeps his eyes locked on Fi as his opponent’s face turns bright red; making a fist, Fi draws back ready to unleash his frustration on Konner who sees the blow coming. Konner holds his ground and does not flinch as the massive fist begins to fly toward his face.


  Tal’lar’s voice rings out, Fi’s fist stops less than an inch from Konner’s unflinching face. Fi’Ran lowers his hand; placing them behind his back he regains his composure.

  “You, Konner Lorian, will have an especially hard time tomorrow.”

  Turning, Fi’Ran storms out of the barracks with his sister. Everyone returns to what they were doing, leaving Konner to clean the mess up. Without a word or so much as a glance at the other soldiers, Konner begins to pick up his uniform, hanging it on the metal bars on his bed. He places his hand on his cloths. Channeling heat energy from the night sun the cloths begin to heat up and steam as Konner displays control of an
ability most in the room are just starting to understand. Within moments his cloths are dry and pressed. Pulling them down Konner begins to fold them. Placing them on his trunk, he notices it is eerily quiet in the barracks. The Prince turns to see everyone staring at him, some confused, others impressed and a few more than upset out of jealousy. Seeing an opportunity to build bridges, Konner steps forward and addresses everyone in a respectful tone as he would have to be living with them for the next four years.

  “I know my presence here is not welcome. I know that most of you think that I am here just because of who my father is. But I will tell you now; I am here because of who I am and what I am capable of. Yes I am younger than most of you but I learn quickly. I am still learning and if you are willing to teach me, I want to learn from you. I will have your back one hundred percent of the time… I just ask that you have mine.”

  After Konner says his peace, he turns back to his bed. He could still feel the eyes of almost everyone on him. Reaching over to his uniform on top of the trunk, he goes to the hem and pulls at the seam. Tugging a bit he eventually gets the hem loose and takes the thread from it. Using immense concentration and channeling his power through the bracer, Konner is able to form a small pen made of blue, hard light. Threading the needle Konner takes the next few hours to sew up his bed, repairing the damage done by his so called ‘brothers in arms’.


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