A Rising Tide

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A Rising Tide Page 26

by Ross Buzzell

  “Sir our weapons have no effect. They are just absorbing the attacks!”

  Jil’s voice echoes to Konner as he closes the gap that Bara was unable to make. Once safely inside the shield bubble; Konner sets down Bara’Helor. There he notices one of the mercenary’s smaller guns. Quickly the prince grabs the weapon and tosses it to Jil’Thorin.

  “If a small splash can burn me it can hurt them, use these. Na, get over here, I need you to maintain this field. Make sure the pressure does not let up or she could easily bleed out until I can figure out, a way to get us out of here.”

  Bara groans in agony as Na’era takes over and holds her hands against the energy field, she looks up at Konner. Her beautiful almond eyes filled with fear and concern.

  “Will she be all right?”

  Konner nods. He turns and stands up as fire pelts the field from all directions. They were surrounded. “There is no time to think or hold back. It is act or die Konner.” Konner strains himself and peers into the further most reaches of light; his vision pierces the darkness as he sees both Cryptea squads completely surrounding him and his team. “Please work.” Konner thinks to himself before he focuses on his shield as hard as he can. Small blue disks leave his contribution to the shielding directly above him and shoot out into the darkness. Each small disk finds its mark and plants themselves on each Cryptea member which gives his team visuals to their locations.

  “Power 195%”

  The concentration of splitting his shielding drew more power than he had wished but having eyes on the enemy is well worth it. Konner draws his hilt weapon; two curved limbs of azure energy slowly form from either side with a soft hum which is hardly audible over the snaps of incoming fire. Konner reaches forward. He wraps his fingers in the air between the two limbs. Drawing back, an energy string and arrow both gradually form from light. Konner lines up a shot, aiming it at one of his azure blue markers. Ripples course throughout the shielding as it protects him, his men and the locals from the attacks. The sound of his team-mates unleashing the entirety of the arsenal at hand fills the soldier’s ears. Na’era’s voice echoes in the background giving updates on Bara’Helor’s gradually worsening condition. Konner’s heart pounds in his chest like a hammer. Not in fear of death, death was something that never held sway over the prince, but the fear of failing his friends and comrades on their first mission.

  In between the torrent of heartbeats, Konner releases his first arrow. It tears through the air like a bolt of lightning. With a deafening crackle, the arrow finds its home in one of the Cryptea soldier’s center mass. The arrow dissipates as the energy courses over the traitorous Boronian and is then absorbed. Hardly stunning the soldier. Konner crouches and fires another few shots with the same results. Konner looks back at Na’era. Pulling his earpiece out, he tosses it to the unflinching princess.

  “Use your back channels to call for evac. My line has been cut off and we need the full support of our military if we are going to get out of this!”

  Na’era catches the earpiece and places it in her ear; Konner notices how she places her finger on the technology and recalibrates it to fit her frequency. Her lack of fear, unflinching dedication to her movements and sheer tenacity to do what must be done. These are admirable traits to Konner, especially for one who had never been in battle nor officially trained for battle per the request of her mother. A loud crack catches Konner’s attention once more; he turns and continues to shoot into the darkness with the rest of his squad as they send out molten and energy projectiles in all directions from their surrounded position.

  “Blue light to the house of ‘Era. I have been betrayed by the Cryptea. Konner and his Off World Squadron are in a surrounded shielded position. Our transport has been destroyed and we have a wounded soldier. Mother, father, send the fifth fleet to extract us. I do not believe our High Prince can hold this position much longer.”

  Konner hears the concern in the princess’ voice. It was the same concern that he felt deep down, one of the failure of his mission and the loss of not only his men and the princess but the death of the innocents as well.

  “Shields down to 85%.”

  Konner’s bracer calls out as he fires a few more arrows into the darkness.

  “Bracer power at 190% and falling.”

  “Bracer, mute.”

  Konner growls as he continues to fire before the deafening sound fills his ears, a hollow echo, ‘CLICK’ followed by the words no soldier wants to hear.

  “I’m out!”

  Disa’ani yells as he drops the fifth mercenary weapon he’d cycled through. Two more of those hollow clicks fill the air.

  “So am I.”

  Jil and Man’Sanfur call out in unison. Konner looks over his shoulder as Disa’ani draws his spears; Jil’Thorin pulls her mace from her hip as Man’Sanfur’s massive sword is drawn from his back. Konner ceases fire; he places his weapon on his hip as the energy arms of the bow retract back into the hilt. Konner takes a step back and holds his arms out before him. Konner could feel the fear emanate from the locals as he reinforces the shield with his own power. Konner looks at his bracer; he reads the charts as they begin to fluctuate. “Shield integrity 100%. Bracer power at 175%.” A soft flicker catches Konner’s eye. It was the dance of the bond fire which lays outside the shield. The soldier notices something terrifying. The flames are not dancing in an upward motion but rather out toward the edge of the town’s small clearing. Konner watches in horror as the fire is slowly pulled from its bed and into the darkness to dance around two ominous figures in the forest. For a brief moment the whistles, pops and snaps of the incoming projectiles grinds to a halt. Konner feels a collective sigh of relief emanate from the locals while his team clams up.

  “Konner what is going on?”

  Na’era asks. Konner looks over his shoulder to the princess. He sees his team all facing the same way as Konner, their weapons stuck in the ground and their hands forward to reinforce the shield in the direction the fire had escaped to. Konner takes a deep breath as a blindingly bright light begins to glow before him followed by the deafening sound of a massive blaze.

  “Close your eyes Na’era!”

  Chapter 11

  Fear, the only emotion visible on Na’era’s face, engulfed the faces of everyone behind the shield as well. Konner’s eyes scan the faces of the natives. Mothers hold their children, husbands their wives, a few had even turned away, all wrought with fear. Konner turns forward to see a tsunami of fire crashing down before them, white with heat.


  Konner screams as the heat within the shield begins to grow; the flames hadn’t reached them yet and the heat behind the protective barrier had already grown as hot as the lava pit Konner had fallen into as a child. Konner’s focus sharpens as he dumps more energy into the shielding, as do the rest of his team. The heat continues to increase as the wave of seemingly living white flame crashes around them. The force of the moving ridge slams into the protective barrier with such force Konner feels his feet dig into the dirt.

  “Warning, massive drop of energy detected. Bracer energy at 65%. Shield integrity failing. Shields down to 40% and falling.”

  The initial wave strikes with such force Konner feels himself drained of energy just to maintain the shield. The heat outside sets the forest ablaze dozens of meters away from the fire itself, the rising temperature within the shield causes sweat to bead on Konner’s brow.

  “Shields failing sir! We need to do something!”

  Jil’Thorin’s voice rings out over the roar of the inferno; Konner attempts to look into the light spectrum once more, to no avail. The heat from the fire masks even the negative signatures producing the flames behind it. The soldier allows his vision to return to normal as he attempts to peer through the blindingly white flames. For a millisecond, Konner sees the outline of one of the Cryptea, hands out as they generate the inferno tide.

  “Energy stores down to 50%, shields at 20%.”

Konner screams back to Man’Sanfur over the growing cries of agony from the locals and the deafening roar of the inferno that surrounds them.


  The soldier drops one hand. His concentration sharpens to sustain the only thing between him and an agonizing death for everyone behind him. Konner’s spare hand reaches down and finds its place on the hilt of his weapon. Konner looks over at Disa’ani who had fought against the inferno’s tide. He nods for him to stand by Konner’s side and maintain the shielding.

  “Disa, I stole Energynium for you. Now let’s have it pay off.”

  Without a word Disa’ani nods as his spears float from the earth behind him and off of his back. All three line up around him, one on either side with the third hovering over his head.

  “Shields at 10%.”

  The cries of pain fade behind the roar of the inferno once more; Konner throws the hilt of his weapon which instantly disappears into the bright inferno. Although the weapon leaves his line of sight the prince still feels it soar through the air as if it were a part of his hand while throwing a punch. Konner feels the hilt jerk for a micro second telling him he had struck an object. Moments later the torrent of flame flickers just enough to allow Disa’ani to locate three targets. Within the flicker, Konner notes there are another five Cryptea members holding the flame. With a flick of his wrist, his weapon soars through the air and collides with the skull of another traitor knocking them all to the ground. Disa’ani’s spears shoot through the shield with tremendous speed. One of the weapons finds its mark. Being made from the same material as the Cryptea armor but moving at such a high speed one of the three spears runs all the way through the traitorous soldier, ending his life. The other two spears are deflected but with four of the six generators of the flame distracted, unconscious or dead the wave of fire dissipates dramatically.

  Man’Sanfur takes advantage of this moment. Now that the shield can hold its own, he drops his hands and grabs his blade. With a primal roar Man’Sanfur leaps into the air and passes through the flame untouched. Upon witnessing his team mate soar through the skies, Konner tightens the muscles in his legs as he prepares to leap forward as well. Out of the corner of his eye the soldier sees the rest of his squad lining up with him ready to engage as well. As Man’Sanfur lands, the flames grow even dimmer as his blade finds its mark where the traitor’s neck meets his shoulder. Through the light of the fire Konner sees Man’Sanfur spin and deliver a powerful kick to the final sustainer of the flame, rendering him unconscious. As the final of the six falls, Konner and his team drop their shields and charge forward, Disa’ani pulls his spears back to him as Konner leaps forward and moves toward his ally as if on the coat tails of the wind.

  Konner throws his hand out and draws his weapon back to himself. Emerging from the darkness, Konner sees the other members from the traitorous Cryptea squads move in on Man’Sanfur. Konner notes how their numbers have increased as he charges forward to aid his ally. Holds off four of the best trained soldiers on Boron with relative ease, meaning that they had changed their position from surrounding to something more reinforced; Man’Sanfur staggers back as the numbers grow against him and he begins to lose his footing. Konner’s feet touch the ground and with one more powerful leap Konner launches himself, like a cannon ball, through the air. Just as Man’Sanfur is about to be overcome, Konner uses his body as a weapon and slams into the onslaught sending them falling back like bowling pins. Konner catches his footing as his weapon finds its home within Konner’s grip; Konner stands as the rest of his team takes up positions behind him. A straight sword forms from the hilt of Konner’s weapon as the Cryptea, shocked at the resilience of Konner’s team, re-group in the darkness.

  Out of the shadows emerge two of the physically most daunting Cryptea members; the burning forest around them illuminates the faces of twin brother and sister and leader of the Cryptea, Tal’lak and Fi’ran. Both stand head and shoulders above Konner, even slightly taller than Man’Sanfur. Their strong, intimidating forms lording over Konner and his team. Ever since Konner had joined the Cryptea, these two had caused problems for him, not finding him ‘fit for duty’ due to both his age and size. Konner aims his blade at Tal and Fi as the rest of the Cryptea emerge from the darkness behind them.

  “Tal’lak, Fi’ran, why have you betrayed us?”

  Konner asks in shock. The adrenalin coursing through his system masks the devastation he would feel at the knowledge that his brothers and sisters in arms have betrayed not only him, but their planet. Confusion manages to slip past the near impenetrable wall of epinephrine that has consumed both him and his team.

  “Your branch is not the rightful heirs to Boron, it belongs to another. We of the Cryptea have been sent to ensure you do not return home.”

  Tal’lak’s voice is cold. Her demeanor frigid; Konner notes her hand grips the hilt of her Energynium weapon tightly. Her brother does the same. Konner notices their family crests are not aglow on their chests, not even an outline is set within the armor. As the level of treachery becomes clear, Konner’s mind clouds; the gravity of the situation sets in like a boulder being pressed upon his chest.

  “The Lorian line has always been the ruling family. According to the foresight of the ancient Emissaries if a Lorian is no longer on the throne, our world will be washed over by a wave of darkness that will consume the universe.”

  Fi’ran peers at Konner from behind his long dark hair, his eyes blackened with rage and envy as his weapon forms into an axe of black light.

  “We do not question that, only your branches legitimacy.”

  With a growl, Fi’ran lunges forward with his axe held high. Konner blocks the weapon with his blade. The scream of Tal’lak rips through the air like a banshee as she strikes at Konner as well. A second blade forms out of the far side of his hilt and blocks Tal’lak’s mace.

  “You’re outnumbered five to one Lorian. Relinquish your throne and our master will spare you.”

  Konner quickly scans the area. He was outnumbered severely. He looks at his team, all of whom are ready to fight and die, if need be for their prince. A smirk forms on Konner’s face as the connection with his team is still strong. He speaks inside their minds using Disa’ani as the conduit. “They were trained to fight as a unit, not one on one like you, divide them up, use that to your advantage.” Konner notes a unison nod come from each of them.

  “Paladin, attack.”

  Konner’s words are soft yet commanding. His voice is unwavering and steady as his azure blue hues are locked with the seemingly endless pits of darkness of the two most strongest Cryptea. With a powerful thrust Konner shoves the traitors backward. His three remaining team members lung forward and engage their fellow Boronian’s in a vicious battle. Each of the Cryptea members utilize their Energynium weapons. Konner notes that all of the light that emerges is dark, revealing to what level each member was corrupted. Konner feels a jolt in his chest that rocks his body and sends him sliding backward. The prince looks forward as he places his eyes back on his target. Fi’ran drops the foot he had planted firmly within Konner’s chest back to the ground.

  With his double bladed weapon ignited, Konner brings his focus back to his battle. Many times had he sparred with Tal’lak and Fi’ran, and while in their fights he was just sparring, them, they would actually attempt to bring harm to the prince. Having never fully unleashed on the siblings Konner has a secret edge his opponents know nothing of. Konner charges them as the sound of clashing metal and low hums of energy weapons fills the air. The soldier engages the traitors, his blue blades spinning through the air with great speed. Beginning on the offensive, Konner makes the twins back pedal defensively to prevent Konner from immediately striking both down. A field of blue light consumes Konner’s vision as he moves so quickly in attacks on them it appears only a wall of light floats before him. The twins hold their own against Konner with some effort; they block and parry his attacks as Konner pushes forward with unrelenting f
orce. The idea of the entirety of the Cryptea being corrupt burns within him like the flame that was used to try and kill him; this fuels Konner to push forward against them. Holding nothing back, sparks fly as his blades contact theirs. A few strikes land against the twins’ armor but glance off as the Energynium deflects the highly advanced weapon.

  They quickly recover from Konner’s blows, turning their inferior defensive position to their advantage. As Konner charges forward, Fi’ran steps in front of his sister, a shock reverberates through Konner’s foot and up his leg as he feels himself make contact, with Fi’ran. Fi’ran flies back toward a tree but before making contact Tal’lak opens a portal for Fi’ran. Konner watches as his opponent disappears. A soft ‘whoosh’ of air gasps behind him. Konner turns around to see Fi’ran appear behind him, knee held high. Before the prince can react Konner feels his entire body shake as if being struck by a boulder center mass. The sheer force of the surprise attack rattles Konner but his armor absorbs most of the blow. Weightlessness grips the prince as he soars through the air, while Fi’ran lands on his feet. A flash of white consumes Konner’s field of view, not externally but from within; a sharp pain shoots through Konner’s skull as it emanates from the back. The force of Tal’laks’ attack, forces Konner’s upper body forward and with a violent and jarring jerk Konner slams face first into the dirt. Konner tries to look up but his vision is speckled with both dark spots covering most of his vision and bright pulsating light covering the rest. Stunned, Konner tries to get up as the sound of the raging battle around him fills his ears, Jil’Thorin exerting herself with powerful attacks is evident, the whistles of Disa’ani’s spears catch his attention, but all is drowned out by the screams of Man’Sanfur’s victims as he does what he does best, behave like a wrecking ball with a massive sword; few who faced him were victorious. The sound of him working his way through even the Cryptea is evidence of that.


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