A Rising Tide

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A Rising Tide Page 31

by Ross Buzzell

  “Struggle breeds greatness Konner. There are few in this planet’s history that are greater than you. Vlad’Drac the Great was like you and I, the great X’Lor, and every single wielder of Starfall. Every single one of them fights, like you, like me and all do great things.”

  There is a moment of sobering silence between the two as shock strikes Konner. He always figured the Emissary and himself were not the only ones to suffer senseless bouts of unexplainable crushing hopelessness. Konner’s brow furrows before he looks over at the Emissary as an amused smirk tugs itself into existence on his face. The weight that had been pressing on the prince slowly dissipates as he feels peace overtake him once again.

  “So you are saying we are not the only ones who struggle?”

  The Emissary shakes his head.

  “By no means. In fact, far more are like us than you would think.”

  “Then why do we not join together and support each other through our struggles.”

  The Emissary shrugs before looking back out over the city.

  “It could be that in cases like ours, where it is one on one and we can share, openly with each other, that it helps greatly; in big groups, however, we could find each other’s struggle far too burdensome and depressing which would then make matters worse.”

  This Emissary is more than Konner’s friend. The prince views him as an advisor of sorts, always aiding the prince in crisis of both the physical and emotional levels. Due to this Konner is able to see the clarity in his advisor words. With a nod Konner readjusts his sitting position. The rock floor is beginning to become far too uncomfortable for him.

  “I see your point my friend, thank you, as always you have helped bring me peace. Now to the far more daunting task at hand; it seems I am to be married to Na’era of the fifth kingdom, which is something I do not wish to do.”

  The Emissary looks at Konner in astonishment. The prince gives a soft laugh as the jaw of the regal wielder of knowledge is nearly on the floor and his face holding a look of total shock.

  “Why not? She is by far the most beautiful woman in all of Boron or her allies! Royalty from across the stars have been lining up for her hand once she became of age. Why do you not find her agreeable?”

  His voice has become slightly shrill to Konner’s ears. This causes him to wince slightly and withdraw from the Emissary.

  “I am not disputing her beauty. She is easily the most aesthetically pleasing woman I have ever met. I just do not have those feelings for her. For unknown reasons I can only view her as a friend, a fellow noblewoman and nothing more.”

  The Emissary shakes his head. A horn blasts faintly through the air and echoes from the mouth of the cave behind them. The Emissary pulls himself to his feet. He brushes himself off and looks down at Konner with an unrelenting grin on his mouth.

  “I must go Konner, but before I do all I can say, as a friend and your Emissary is, she will make a good wife. You will make a good husband, but most importantly, you both will make an heir to continue on your family line and ensure that Boron does not fall into darkness. So my question is this: is being bound to a woman of such high quality a bad thing when the fate of our people is at stake?”

  The Emissary turns and walks back into the cave before he disappears out of sight. Konner hears the faint ‘whoosh’ of a wormhole opening and closing for him. Konner nods in agreement with the Emissary, although his agreement is to no one but himself.

  “You make a good point Emissary. Thank you.”

  The prince, with new vigor overlooks the city once again. He gives a nod as a sense of satisfaction washes over him. The prince stands up and turns around, facing his back to the city. Outstretching his arms, Konner leans back with all his weight. Instantly weightlessness consumes him as the draw of gravity rips him from the ledge and down the face of the cliff. Konner looks down toward the rapidly approaching ground still a very long way off. Pursing his lower lip the prince lets out a deafening whistle. The wind surges past the prince as he gains speed in his freefall to the ground. His hair is torn back out of his face and forced around the curve of his skull and his cape flapping violently in the wind. The prince’s armor automatically adjusts itself to fit the prince in a more snug fashion which allows Konner to become more aerodynamic.

  A black and white blur blasts past Konner as if her were standing still. A loud unfurling of leathery flesh brings a smile to the prince’s face. He looks up to see Drakesjäl slowing down before him. The dragon grows ever so closer to Konner as they plummet ever so closer to the ground. Within a few seconds, Konner’s mount is within grasp. Swiftly the invigorated prince grasps the dragon, pulls himself onto the beast and gives him a gentle kick. Instantly Drakesjäl’s direction changes; he begins a controlled dive that angles the two just above the ever increasing rock face, just barely skimming the surface. Konner throws out a hand to either side as a force field appears to reinforce his pet’s wings. Such force is being enacted on them vapor that trails begin to form off the wings. After a few moments they begin to slow enough for Konner to lower the force fields and Drakesjäl to take to a gentle glide. The rock face they were just skimming goes for another steep drop off, leaving them to soar peacefully over the city. Konner looks below and sees the streets filled with people, all celebrating, dancing and singing; it is this time during the cycle that the Boronian people celebrate the Festival of Life. To Konner it never really meant much. The Festival of Life always seemed to take place during his training missions causing himself along with the other soldiers of Boron, Cryptea and otherwise, to miss it.

  The festival is a relatively new celebration that is barely older than Konner himself. It is designated to honor those who had been lost to the Great Plague and to the survivors who had been sent away for the safety of the planet. Joyous shouts and singing bursts forth from the heart of Caelum and fills Konner’s ears. Never having experienced the festival before, the intoxicating songs of joy call to Konner; they pull on his heart as if to say “Join us our Prince, celebrate life with your people.” The prince, unable to pull himself away from the uplifting voices of his people, locates an open square; Konner leans forward. Drakesjäl gently begins to descend toward the square. Soon they land on the crystalline streets of Caelum. Konner climbs off his mount and lands on the streets. The prince gives his mount a gentle pat.

  “Sorry boy but you can’t come with me. If they were to see you, fear would undoubtedly be struck in their hearts.”

  The dragon gives Konner a very real look of disappointment. The prince’s heart is pulled at by his pet’s desire to go with him.

  “I know buddy but they aren’t use to Dragons around the cities.”

  Drakesjäl groans at Konner before nudging him with his snout. The prince laughs some and pats the top of Drakesjäl’s head.

  “Of course I’ll be sure to bring you a snack when I’m done here. Now you go havesome fun. Chase some Naga. I will call you if I need you ok?”

  Being given permission to chase Naga Drakesjäl clearly becomes excited. A smile forms on his face. His wings open and begin to flap violently sending torrents of wind down into the ground and Konner. The prince puts up his arms to shield his face from the wind and earth being kicked up by his pet. Konner laughs at the excitement of his mount as he shoots off into the skies and rapidly disappears behind the surrounding buildings.

  Konner turns to the source of the music that washes over him like a breaking wave of celebration and joy. With a smile forming on his lips, Konner begins his steady, relaxed walk toward the festivities. Konner walks the empty crystalline streets; he scans Caelum in awe of its beauty. The prince recalls the other worlds he has been to, other places exotic and breathtaking but none compare to the purity of Boron or her capital. As Konner takes in the boundless beauty of his people, his eyes make their way to the sky as the night sun rises on the horizon while the day sun sets behind him.

  The music begins to grow louder as the sounds of singing and laughter intermingles with the u
p-beat melodies. Konner’s eyes continue to take in all the beauty around him. He begins to see citizens, sporadically at first but the groups gradually begin to grow larger and larger until the prince enters the main square of the city where twenty years ago on this night Boron was saved through the sacrifice of the sick being teleported to Sol 3. A massive orange blaze burns in the center of the square where vendors cook an assortment of meats to sell to those willing to pay. A wide grin crafts itself onto the prince’s face as he takes in the sight of his people singing, dancing and congregating with one another. Every man, woman and child dress in their finest robes, only a handful have their family crests aglow, those of which are military. For a brief moment Konner feels invisible, like he is just part of the crowd. This sensation embraces the prince as a pined over lover. Konner relishes the sensation of being an enigma, just another face in the crowd, as opposed to THE face in the crowd he has been his entire life. Before Konner has a chance to insert himself amongst the horde of people before him, the music comes to a grinding halt. He hears a singular man’s voice cry out above the roar of the fire.

  “Behold our prince!”

  At that moment Konner realizes every eye in the square is upon him. The man cries out once more.


  In a singular voice everyone else raises their glass to Konner and repeats the lone voice’s words.


  Their voices rise so loudly, Konner could swear he feels the ground quake beneath his feet. Within moments everyone in the square is kneeling before their prince. As usual a mild discomfort sets in. Konner looks down at his family crest, then over to a vendor, he saunters to the booth before fumbling through his armor to find a singular coin forged of diamond. He drops it on the booth before climbing upon it himself. “If they are going to make me address them I will make it worth it.” Konner thinks to himself. He holds the cup in his hand out before the crowd.

  “You give me praise because my father is your High King; I tell you now, kneel not before me, for I am not God!”

  Everyone is silent. Their eyes locked onto Konner as he speaks.

  “My purpose as prince is to serve each and every one of you to the best of my abilities. It is you whom I should be kneeling before. You, the citizens are what make our people great and on this day I pray you, allow me to celebrate life with you by elevating myself from prince to citizen!”

  With that Konner slams his fist against his chest. His family crest is instantly whisked out by the force of the blow. Konner takes a step forward and holds his glass forcefully out before him as he yells with such passion he could see it stir the hearts of his people.


  Instantly everyone erupts in a roar of celebration as they echo Konner.


  Konner puts the glass to his lips and takes a large swig. The liquid inside hits his lips like a small wave and washes over his tongue as the tide does to a beach. The sweet flavors of fruit erupt within the prince’s mouth like volcanoes with a slight burn of alcohol quickly chasing. Konner drinks the entire cup before dropping it back onto the vendor’s booth and lets out a satisfied roar to join that of the crowds. A surge of energy shoots through the prince from head to toe, something he has been missing his entire life. Free excitement, something that can only be found when one is a part of an event as pure as the Festival of Life.

  The prince drops down from the booth. He looks over at the owner of the booth who gives him an excited wave and Konner reciprocates before walking into the crowd. A song of past heroes begins to be sung. The song resonates with Konner. It is a more upbeat and alcohol infused version of a lullaby his mother use to sing to him. Without a moment’s hesitation; Konner joins in on the song. The prince sings as boisterously as his lungs will allow but through the rising tide of hundreds of other voices, Konner is unable to hear his own, only the vibrations of his song that resonate through him. Euphoria engulfs the prince as the fire engulfs the wood. He truly experiences his people for the first time in his life. After five verses of song, the singing voices fade back to a loud in-cohesive bustle of people talking, laughing, toasting and eating. Konner begins to move through the crowd, being bumped into and shoved around just like everyone else. This causes a wide smile to form on Konner’s face as this is the first time he ever truly felt like one of his own people.

  “If it isn’t Konner Lorian come to dwell with us common folk!”

  The strong female voice stops Konner in his tracks. A smile forms on his face. The voice is that of Jil’Thorin. Konner turns to see his soldier cleaned up and dressed in exquisite robes. Her hair hangs pinned up to the back of her head only to fall in long lazy curls down her back and shoulders. Konner hesitates for a moment; never having seen her out of her armor, the sight stuns the prince ever so slightly.

  “You clean up well Jil.”

  he calls out with a smile and a soft chuckle. Quickly Konner approaches Jil’Thorin and the two embrace. As Jil pulls back Konner notices her look him up and down before retorting with a laugh of her own.

  “And it seems you only have one thing to wear.”

  “I was not planning on coming.”

  Jil pats Konner’s shoulder.

  “I’m glad you did. Come, I have someone I wish you to meet.”

  she yells over the crowd before leading Konner to a seating area not far from the fire where he sees a sight that brings a pure joy to his heart. Sitting before him, just as dressed up as Jil, sits Bara’Helor wielding a bone fattened at one end by a bulb of meat, riddled with large bite marks. Bara swings the food around like a sword as children sit in a semicircle in front of her as she tells the story. They get close enough to hear her just in time for the story to come to an end.

  “…and that is how he saved my life and the lives of all of my friends.”

  Bara looks up at Konner and gives him a smile. The prince nods back to her. Within moments Bara has a mouth full of meat. As she swings her food wildly in all directions, she calls out to the children before her.

  “Now all of you scamper off. Enjoy the night and let your parents know where you are!”

  Immediately the children scatter laughing and squealing as they do. Konner smiles to himself. The sounds of the children fall on his ears like the most joyous of music. Konner looks back over at Bara, who by now is mostly done with the leg.

  “I am assuming you escaped Bara’Helor?”

  With the bone now empty of meat, Bara throws the empty piece of carcass into the fire where sparks fly with a sizzling crackle as the bone itself is consumed by the heat.

  “I had a little help, but the whole ‘stuff your bed’ trick seems to work rather well.”

  “I am happy to see you out and about.”

  Konner walks over to her before they kiss each other on the cheek. Konner looks back at Jil’Thorin who attempts to behave as if she is innocent. The prince laughs and shakes his head.

  “In any case, thank you for aiding her Jil. You all deserve a night off.”

  Konner looks around for a moment in slight bewilderment. He cocks one eyebrow up as he scans the immediate crowd only to see no familiar faces.

  “Are Disa’ani and Man’Sanfur present tonight?”

  Bara’Helor shrugs.

  “I have not seen them.”

  Jil’Thorin shakes her head.

  “They are not. Disa’ani said they had work to attend to. It is their loss. I am going to go get some more Schinus. Do you want any?”

  Konner shakes his head as he sits down next to Bara. Never having been one for drinking, the prince preferred to have one or two drinks over the course of an evening as means of enjoyment as opposed to intoxication.

  “Thank you but no. I prefer to have all of my faculties about me tonight.”

  Bara instantly throws her hand into the air. Konner notices her wince ever so slightly before she calls out to Ji
l, who by now has begun to walk away.

  “I will take some!”

  she exclaims excitedly. Jil turns around and shakes her head at Bara.

  “You are recovering. Nothing enters you that could impede your progress.”

  Jil turns and continues to walk away. Bara yells out loudly after her.


  The soldier waves without turning around to note that she has heard Bara’Helor’s statement. Konner looks over to Bara’Helor.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?”

  Bara nods. Growing up she was known as the life of any party that she attended, for the sole fact that she was so social after having a drink or two, and being noted to get people riled up in the best of ways.

  “I am, very much so, I just wish I could have one glass Schinus but Jil is ruining my fun.”

  Konner laughs. He shakes his head as he looks around at the children who weave in and out of the adults legs.


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