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Jack Page 5

by J. Paul Cooper

  "Big trouble," replied Jack, as he tried to catch his breath, "John just tried to drown me!"

  "I'll tell Sergeant,” Chelsea said, “he'll know what to do."

  As Jack rushed downstairs to find a hiding place in the basement, Chelsea set off to find Sergeant. Jack hid behind the hot water heater in the basement. It was warm there. He started to lick the soapy water off of his fur coat. It tasted terrible.

  Jennifer and John walked through the house calling his name, but they couldn't find him. Jack wasn't going to come out of his hiding place and give John another chance. Jack could hear John talking to Jennifer in the kitchen. “It was an accident. All I wanted to do was pet his fur,

  and the next thing I knew, he was in the water.”

  Jack didn't believe a word of it.

  A few minutes later John walked down to the basement and carried a garbage bag

  upstairs. This was his chance. He quietly followed John up the stairs and waited. When John took the garbage out, Jack raced through the open door and hopped off the deck.

  Chelsea was waiting for him. “Follow me, we have to hurry.”

  “Hurry where?" asked Jack.

  Chelsea sat up straight and held her head high in a dignified manner. "I have been ordered here by Sergeant, Supreme Commander of the Split River Cat Patrol. You have been formally requested to appear at the meeting tonight, to state your case against John."

  “State my case? Is it some type of court?” Jack asked.

  Chelsea smiled. "Follow me and you'll see."

  Jack followed Chelsea through several backyards. When the two cats arrived in the backyard of a large green house, they slipped through a small hole in wood trim beneath the deck. As Jack entered the dark space, he was overwhelmed by the scents of several cats. The only scents that were familiar were those of Bethany, Chelsea, and Tiger. As his eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness, he could see the cats sitting in a circle around a large cat with brown and grey fur.

  At first Jack was intimidated by the piercing stare of the older cat, but he soon sensed that he wasn't being challenged. The scars in his fur coat told his story. He had

  been around, and he had nothing to prove.

  The big cat addressed the others with a deep meow that demanded respect. "I, Sergeant of Cornwallis Street, Supreme Commander of the Split River Cat Patrol, call this meeting to order." Sergeant turned to an older black cat. "Mr. Stubbs."

  The cat named Mr. Stubbs walked forward and sat down next to Sergeant. "Our first order of business is a problem faced by a new cat in our neighbourhood."

  Mr. Stubbs looked at Jack. "Do you wish to apply for official membership in the Split River Cat Patrol? We can help you."

  "Definitely,” Jack replied, “I need some help.”

  Bethany stood up and walked over to Jack. "Meow," Bethany began, "this is Jack of Yorkshire Street. I believe that he is a cat worthy of respect. I move that he be accepted as an official member of our feline fellowship."

  Chelsea spoke next. "I second the motion."

  "Are there any objections?" Sergeant asked the cats.

  Chelsea glared at her brother Tiger. He didn’t say a meow.

  Sergeant looked at Fluffy. "Bethany has spoken well of you Jack. She is a wise cat and a good friend. If she believes that you are a respectable cat, then so do I. I accept your membership in the Split River Cat Patrol." After he spoke, Sergeant stood up and walked over to Jack. After stating his formal name, Sergeant of Cornwallis Street, he rubbed his whiskers against Jack’s face.

  In turn, all the cats announced their formal names and rubbed their whiskers against Jack’s face as well.

  "Bethany of Yorkshire Street."

  "Mr. Stubbs of Cornwallis Street."

  "Rocky of Dunn Avenue"

  "Chelsea of Yorkshire Street."

  "Tiger of Yorkshire Street."....

  When all the cats had finished their formal greetings, they formed a circle around

  Sergeant, swished their tails once, and loudly called out: "MEOW!"


  In the house above, Colonel MacFarlane, was enjoying a visit from an old friend. They were playing chess.

  The Colonel's friend, Dr. Janice Frazier, looked up at him. "Did you hear that?"

  The Colonel didn't look up from the chessboard. "It’s the neighbourhood cats."

  The Doctor shook her head. "Quite loud, aren't they?"


  Sergeant nodded for Mr. Stubbs to make an announcement.

  "Congratulations to Chelsea and Tiger. Their friend Tammy has passed grade four with excellent marks. “

  Bethany nodded to Chelsea and Tiger. "Tammy is a smart little girl with a bright future. She doesn't mind staying in her bedroom doing her homework, when she knows that you're there with her. You help her to relax and study. In other words, you are helping her to reach her full potential. Bravo!" Chelsea and Tiger swished their tails in delight.

  Sergeant waited until Bethany had finished. "Cats continue to play an important role in human history. People from all walks of life rely on their cats to help them relax: carpenters and cab drivers, prime ministers and professors, actors and athletes. Each of you has someone special."

  Jack couldn't hold back his frustration. "I have someone special, but John is trying to get rid of me. He tried to drown me today!"

  Bethany turned to Sergeant as she spoke. "I prefer to avoid conflict, but this John does not appear ready to listen. I believe, Sergeant, that this situation is now in your paws."

  Sergeant stood up, pacing back and forth. "Did you say he tried to drown you?"

  "I saw him,” Chelsea meowed, “he was soaked!"

  Sergeant turned to Mr. Stubbs. "What do you say Mr. Stubbs?"

  The Cat Patrol’s legal advisor considered the question thoughtfully. "It would

  appear that he has committed an assault against an official member, which would definitely require a response from the Split River Cat Patrol. I believe the best course of action is to send him an official warning."

  "When your write the warning" replied Sergeant, "make it clear that we mean


  Mr. Stubbs sat at attention. "Yes Sir."

  As Mr. Stubbs slid through the hole in the side of the deck, Sergeant turned to the remaining cats. "This is a serious situation. We have to act quickly." “Tiger and Rocky,” Sergeant continued, "You are both on scout duty. I want

  you to watch Jack’s house and keep an eye on this John."

  Tiger and Rocky both sat at attention. "Yes Sir." The two cats went through the hole in the side of the deck and raced towards end of the yard. Rocky’s fur was a mixture of white, grey, and black. He had a hard time keeping his fur clean, because he lived with his friend Harold at the Split River Junk Yard. It was full of old cars, where people went to find spare parts. It wasn’t easy to keep all that rust and grease out of his fur.

  Sergeant looked confidently at the remaining cats. "We have a tough job ahead of us, but I know that I can count on each of you. Dismissed."

  Before Jack could leave, Sergeant put his tail around his shoulders. "I'm glad that you have joined us Jack. I sense that you have great potential."

  Jack held his head high. "Thank-you Sir."

  With that, Jack followed the other cats out of the hole in the side of the deck. Sergeant remained behind for a few minutes to contemplate the situation at paw. He had to make some important decisions.


  The Colonel and the Doctor were outside on the deck as the cats left through the hole. The Colonel turned to his old friend. "Every few days they meet under the deck. They stay for about twenty minutes, and then they leave. Sergeant always comes out last. I've never seen anything like it."

  Dr. Frazier shook her head. "I was a Vet for forty years before I retired, and

  I’ve never saw anything like it either.”

  "Here kitty," the Colonel called out as he saw Sergeant coming out of the hole. Sergeant ran up the stairs a
nd began purring, as he rubbed against the Colonel's legs and walking cane.

  "What were you up to tonight Sergeant?" asked the Colonel.

  "Meow: Just taking care of the troops Sir."

  While Sergeant was following the two old friends back into the house, Jack was following Chelsea back to Yorkshire Street. Chelsea was in a hurry, because she had heard Tammy calling her name. As they reached Chelsea's home, Jack could see a little girl standing by the backdoor next to her mother. "There's Chelsea!" she called out as the grey and white cat came into view. The little girl ran over and picked up Chelsea in her arms. Chelsea purred as Tammy held her close.

  Tammy's mother immediately noticed Jack. "Who's your kitty-cat friend Chelsea?"

  "Meow: This is Jack."

  Tammy's mother was very impressed with Jack. She knelt down and stroked his fur. "You have a beautiful fur coat."

  Jack swished his tail with delight. "Meow: Why thank-you, I always try to look my best."

  Chelsea rolled her eyes in disgust. "Meow: Tomcats, nothing but fur and ego."

  "Where's Tiger?" Tammy asked her mother.

  "I think that he wants to stay out tonight," she replied. "He'll be all right."

  "Meow: He better pay attention," added Chelsea," he's on scout duty!"

  As Tammy carried Chelsea inside, the cat looked back at her furry friend. "Meow: I'll see you tomorrow Jack. Right now I have an appointment with a belly rub, and I hate to be late for appointments."

  "Meow: Good night Chelsea!"

  When Jack arrived at his backdoor, Jennifer was watching television. As far as she knew, Jack was still hiding after falling in the tub. To her surprise, she heard Jack’s familiar meow calling from outside.

  “Meow: Let me in!”

  Jennifer ran into the kitchen. Opening the backdoor, she couldn't believe her eyes.

  "Jack! Where have you been?" Jennifer picked him up and held him in her arms. For the next half-hour Jack enjoyed cuddling with his best friend. When she started to get ready for bed, he tried to follow her upstairs, but she carried him back to the kitchen.

  Jennifer looked into Jack’s eyes. "I know that you don't like sleeping downstairs."

  "Meow: Got that one right."

  "Just between you and me, I'd rather hear your purr, than his snoring."

  Jennifer placed him lightly on the floor in the kitchen. Before she left to go upstairs, she stroked his fur coat one last time. "I'll see you in the morning Jack."

  Jack watched Jennifer as she closed the door to the kitchen. He could tell that she wasn't happy about leaving him downstairs by himself. At least he had a comfortable cat


  Jack heard a faint noise coming from the driveway. Hopping up onto the windowsill, he could see the outline of a black, pressing muddy paws against the side of the house. It was Mr. Stubbs. Sitting nearby were Tiger and Rocky. .

  When Mr. Stubbs had finished writing the official warning to John, he turned to Tiger and Rocky. "This is a very important assignment, and Sergeant has placed his trust in you. No fooling around you two!"

  "No problem Mr. Stubbs," replied Tiger, "you can count on us."

  Just before leaving, Mr. Stubbs looked directly into Rocky's eyes. "Keep your claws in Rocky, no one does anything until Sergeant gives the meow. I have to get going before they close the office."


  Mr. Stubbs hurried to the end of Jack’s backyard and disappeared over the fence. In a few minutes he had crossed through several backyards, arriving at the law firm as Mr. McCormick was leaving to go home.

  "Meow: Don't close the door!"

  "Mr. Stubbs? That certainly was a loud meow. Kelly’s working late tonight, she’ll be glad to have some company."

  Mr. Stubbs liked Kelly, because she always brought him a treat. The ambitious young lawyer had recently joined the firm, and she was anxious to impress the senior partners. Mr. Stubbs was responsible for making sure that no mice were ever found in the

  offices of the law firm. He had been living there for several years, and he had a perfect record.

  Walking through the hallway, Mr. Stubbs followed the sound of typing to Kelly's office. She was busy preparing notes for an important case. Mr. Stubbs hopped onto the desk and walked over to Kelly's computer.

  "Well, good evening Mr. Stubbs."

  "Meow: Good evening Kelly."

  "You know Mr. Stubbs, I have a lot of work to do tonight. I don’t know how long I’ll be, so I brought some snacks. Do you mind helping me out?”

  "Meow: My pleasure Kelly."


  As the sun went down, two pairs of eyes pierced the darkness on Yorkshire Street. Rocky and Tiger were sitting in a tree near Jack’s house, waiting for John. Tiger did not like the idea that Rocky was sitting in a tree, in front of his house.”

  Tiger turned to Rocky, "This is my territory. Don't get the idea that you can prowl here any time you want to, without my permission."

  Rocky swished his tail. "I prowl where I please."

  Both cats hissed and showed their claws.

  Just then, Bethany hopped onto the hood of a nearby car. She looked up at the two male cats. "If I tell Sergeant that you're fighting, instead of paying attention, you’ll be in trouble!”

  Tiger and Rocky sat closer to each other with innocent looks on their furry faces.

  Rocky slipped his tail around Tiger’s shoulders. "Why Bethany," Rocky began, "I wouldn't dream of having a disagreement with my best buddy Tiger."

  "Yes," added Tiger, "and I couldn't be happier to have Rocky as a VISITOR on my territory."

  Bethany raised an eyebrow. "I just dropped by to see how you were doing. I have to go home now; the professor is starting a new course, and I want to hear what the lectures will be like. I'll see you tomorrow." "Good night Bethany," replied the tomcats.

  "That figures" Rocky snorted.

  "What are you meowing about now?" asked Tiger.

  Rocky looked at Tiger with a big grin on his face. "People spend years in school, to learn how to get through life; learning how to be people. When I was born, it didn’t take me long to figures things out. A cat doesn’t have to spend years studying, to learn how to be a cat; just goes to show how much smarter cats are.”

  Tiger thought about it for a moment. "I thought that humans had

  larger brains."

  Rocky looked around to make sure no one would hear him, and winked at Tiger.

  "That’s what they want you to believe."


  The next morning started the way Jack liked it. When Jennifer opened the kitchen

  door, she picked up Jack in her arms and rubbed his fur against her face.

  "How's my handsome guy this morning?"

  “Meow: Just fine. How’s my pretty lady?”

  After opening a new can of cat food for Jack, Jennifer ate her own breakfast at the kitchen table. A few minutes later, as Jennifer was leaving for work, she leaned down and rubbed Jack behind the ears.

  "You won't be alone today, John will be home from the night shift soon. You know, he really didn't mean to push you into the tub yesterday. It was an accident. He really likes you."

  "Meow: An accident! You actually believe him?”

  Jack was still convinced John was plotting to get rid of him. John would try and make it seem like an accident. He could almost hear John explaining to Jennifer what had happened to her cat. “I'm so sorry Jennifer, I didn't see Jack jump into the dishwasher before I turned it on. I didn't intend to spill rat poison into Jack’s water dish. Honestly, I have no idea how that dynamite got into Jack’s litter box."

  After Jennifer left for work, Jack settled down on the living room sofa for a

  nap. A half-hour later he heard John's pick-up truck in the driveway.


  Tiger and Rocky were relieved to see John driving his truck up Yorkshire Street. At least now they would have something to report to Sergeant. Rocky turned to Tiger. "Target in sight, all systems go."

  Tiger stood and swished his tail. "Let's see what John does."

  John was exhausted. He had just finished a busy night shift, and all he wanted to do was sleep. As always, he had left his pistol locked in the weapons room at the station.

  "We should get him now," Rocky whispered to Tiger. “He's not carrying his gun, and we have our claws. We’ll teach him a lesson for threatening a member of the Cat Patrol.

  "Sergeant said to wait,” Tiger replied, “he’s the senior cat.”

  "Alright," Rocky sighed.

  Rocky nudged Tiger with his tail, "John’s reading the warning that Mr. Stubbs wrote."

  John noticed muddy paw marks on the side of the house. John rubbed his head as he mumbled to himself. "Stupid cats."

  “Did you hear that?” asked Tiger.

  “I most certainly did,” Rocky answered, “and I found that remark very insulting.”

  The message written by Mr. Stubbs read: "It has been brought to the attention of

  The Split River Cat Patrol, that you attempted to drown Jack of Yorkshire Street, one of our members. We are responsible for Jack’s safety, and we will take every action necessary to protect Jack. You have been warned.

  Signed, Mr. Stubbs

  Legal Advisor

  Split River Cat Patrol

  John picked up the water hose lying next to the house and turned it on. A couple of minutes later the message was gone.

  The cats in the tree were not happy. "Did you see what he just did?" demanded Tiger.

  Rocky swished his tail in anger. "He treated the official warning, written by Mr. Stubbs, like it was mud! Just who does he think he is?"

  "You stay here and keep an eye on John,” Tiger said to Rocky. "I’m going to talk to Sergeant, and I don't think he’s going to like what I tell him.”


  The Colonel was sitting at the kitchen table, closing his laptop. He looked down at Sergeant, who was rubbing against his pant leg. "It’s my grand-daughter Sasha’s birthday today; I was just talking to her. Since she won’t be able to visit until later this summer, I promised we’d have out own celebration for her birthday, right here in Split River. What do you think Sergeant? How about I open up a can of sardines later tonight?”


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