Hit the Billionaire Jackpot

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Hit the Billionaire Jackpot Page 11

by Misty Evans

  Through a shuddered intake of breath, she whispered, “They helped me stay hidden.”

  Jacob kissed her deeply again before leveling his gaze on hers. “No more hiding.”

  She nodded “You keep touching them like that and I will never hide them again. Not even a bra.”

  His cock throbbed against her thigh. “You know how to make a man's dreams come true.”

  Suddenly Jenna dragged him down to her, ratcheting the heat up another degree. “Jacob, please make love to me.”

  So much for control. Those six words shattered any remaining control he had left. He snagged a condom from the nightstand, making quick work of the latex. Before long he was settled against her silken warmth.

  Jenna closed her eyes, biting her lip like she always did when she was determined. He stroked inside with just the tip of his erection and his eyes crossed. She was so snug. “Sweetheart, look at me.”

  But instead of looking at him, she scored her nails on his back and tried to bring him deeper with the her silken heat.

  “Oh no you don't, look at me.”

  Jenna dragged her lids open. The moment their gazes locked, he slid home. Her mouth fell open and his name rolled off her tongue in a gasp.

  Jacob slipped his hand into the hair at her nape and dropped his forehead to hers. “I want to see your eyes when you come.”

  Thrust for thrust she met him. On his slow incremental retreats, she would sigh and beg. Making love to her was like hooking his dick up to a live wire. When he felt the quiver around his cock, he gritted his teeth and tried to hold back the impending orgasm.

  He wanted this moment to last forever. But her body gripped him tight and she moaned through another. With stroke after stroke, he knew he couldn't hold back. Couldn’t stop the inevitable. As the orgasm tied him down and made him love's personal bitch, the final thought he had was, mine.


  Jenna lingered in Jacob’s king size bed and listened to the shower running. The most amazing sex of her life had left an incurable smile on her face. She still smelled like Jacob’s expensive cologne and her body tingled everywhere in the aftermath of his lovemaking.

  Like everything else in her life, her sexual escapades had been limited. Mostly involving a lot of alcohol and the backseat of a vehicle. Questionable choices, but desperate times called for desperate quickies.

  Jacob’s cell phone buzzed on the nightstand. Jenna stretched and yawned. After their crazy day yesterday and hours of sex last night, she’d fallen asleep in Jacob’s arms only to wake up to him in the shower and soft sunlight coming through the curtains.

  The phone stopped buzzing, the call probably going to voicemail. She was tempted to jump in the shower with him. Wasn’t that what confident, wanton women did? But a part of her still felt a touch self-conscious. She ticked off the reasons mentally.

  They had to work together.

  Did their one-night stand mean anything to him? Because it kind of did to her, although that could be the sex talking. Sex does not equal love, she reminded herself, and then felt silly for even considering love.

  The phone started buzzing again.

  Had he run off to the shower without waking her because he felt as awkward as she did and hoped she be out of his bed by the time he got out?

  She needed a Van’s Rules of Engagement for the Morning After.

  The vibrating phone had worked its way over to the edge of the nightstand. Boy, he got a lot of calls. Way more than she did as president of 3 Wishes, but that was to be expected she guessed. The Swinton Endowment was huge.

  She reached over and saved the phone right before it fell. She couldn’t help but see the caller ID.


  Hmm. Who was Ruth?

  None of my business. Still, she toyed with the phone, watched as the caller disconnected, not waiting for voicemail.

  Her good mood diminished and she tried to get it back. She had a full day ahead. She had to check on the Hawke donation, go through the last of the paperwork for the dinner, and meet with the florist and party planners Jacob had lined up to make sure the decorations for the dinner were first class. Maybe she and Jacob would have more fun.

  She also had a whopping deposit check to write out to the caterer. A last-minute dinner event with three hundred guests? She was paying for her previous head-in-the-sand avoidance tactics. And there was no way she was letting Jacob foot the bill. Since she’d taken over as president she’d made sure Larry was tucking away an emergency fund out of their operating budget. She’d reduced spending in several areas, including toilet paper and postage. Every little bit added up. Now that emergency fund was going to have to cover the extra expense of the dinner bills. The foundation did little for its board and volunteers. She wasn’t skimping on this one annual event for them.

  Of course, the paparazzi and media would have to pay for their own plates. The caterer had quoted her $50 a plate. She could charge the press $100 and cover some of the additional expenses.

  Who knew she’d be such a clever businesswoman?

  Her mind went back to joining Jacob in the shower when a blaring noise next to her made her jump. The room phone, on her bedside table, was ringing.

  “Hello?” Jenna answered. Probably the maid service wanting to know when they could clean.

  There was a strained pause, then a sultry woman’s voice said. “Is Jacob there?”

  Jenna sat up, catching her leg in the twisted sheets and nearly toppling out of bed. “He’s, uh…in the shower. May I help you?”

  Another strained pause. “I’m sorry to bother him, but I really need to speak with him before he leaves Vegas. Could you ask him to call Ruth? He left something at my house yesterday. I need to return it.”

  Ruth. The woman who’d been trying to reach Jacob on his cell. How did she know his number? How did she know he was staying here? “He was at your house yesterday?”

  “Yes, for a brief visit. He’s friends with my son.”

  She had a son. That Jacob was visiting. She knew about his penthouse room in the Swinton Hotel.

  A woman and son.

  Jacob wasn’t exclusively hers. They’d had sex once. Yet Jenna’s stomach fell. She felt slightly sick. “I’ll let him know you called.”

  “Thank you. He’s so good to us, and I didn’t notice his money clip had fallen out until this morning when I was cleaning. It must have happened when he gave my son the tickets to the racing event. I’m sure he’ll want it before he leaves town.”

  “Racing event? Which one?”

  “An exhibition with Alex McIntyre in a few months. My son is nuts about him.”


  “Yes, but look, if Jacob doesn’t have time to drive out and pick it up, I can always mail it to him. I know our house is out of the way.”

  An idea struck. “I’m helping Mr. Swinton today with a few errands. Perhaps I can pick it up. What’s your address?”

  The woman rattled it off and Jenna wrote it on the hotel pad of paper she found in the nightstand drawer. The two women said goodbye and disconnected.

  Okay, so Jacob had a past. So did every person on the planet. Maybe Ruth was an ex-girlfriend. Maybe she wasn’t. Maybe her son happened to be Jacob’s son as well.

  But that really wasn’t Jenna’s business at the moment. Jacob didn’t owe her anything.

  Getting up, she stuck the address in her purse and padded naked across the floor. Ruth wasn’t here with Jacob, she was. Just like yesterday with the bank VP, it was time to be a little demanding and take what was rightfully hers. This might be the only time she had him at her disposal.

  Dammit if she wasn’t going to take advantage of that.

  The bathroom was filled with steam and matched the one on her side of the penthouse. Marble sinks, beautiful tiled floor, elegant vanity. A shower that could fit four people.

  Behind the wide glass doors, Jacob was washing his hair. Jenna let her gaze drift south and, yep, there was that amazing piece of male anato

  Even better? It was standing at half-mast.

  She licked her lips and opened the door.

  Jacob sluiced water from his face and grinned. “I was just thinking about you.”

  Stepping inside, she touched him, stroking him with her fingers. Teasing. “Would you like help with this?”

  His partial erection went full Pinocchio. “I most certainly would.”

  She smiled, wrapping her fingers around what she considered hers and leading him over to one of the corner seats. He ran his hands over her as she sat, but she knocked them away, not wanting to be distracted.

  Looking up to meet his eyes, she guided him into her mouth. Her tongue danced over his tip, then stroked underneath. He was big and fat in her mouth, wet from the water.

  He moaned, digging his fingers into her hair, but he continued watching her, his eyes half lidded as the multiple showerheads sprayed water on him.

  Taking him fully into her mouth, she cupped his balls and studied his perfect face as she worked him over. The cheekbones, the light scruff on his jawline, those dark eyes that looked even darker in the steam of the shower. He was sucking wind, those cheeks hollowing and blowing out as he gasped in time with her mouth’s rhythm, and she pulled him closer, took him deeper, over and over, and…

  His hips jerked, his back arched, and she lost eye contact as he lost his control. His hands tangled roughly in her hair as his voice caught on her name. Jenna. Echoing in the shower in his gravel-rough voice.

  Exclamation point, anyone?

  Control. God, it felt so good. Having it herself. Watching him lose it to her.

  And then he was hauling her up and pinning her against the tiles. They were cool, the water hot, his lips on her breast scalding. He kneed her legs apart and sucked on her breasts, sending his long, tapered fingers between her folds.

  A moment later, he sent her flying, and she lost all control back to him.


  Jacob was a planner. A thinker. Always had been. It was what made him an excellent businessman. He never deviated from the plan. So what the hell had that been about last night—and this morning?

  And right the hell now?

  He should have been paying attention to his conference call. He should have been listening to Swinton Inc.’s CTO talk about how their tech sector numbers were up while their energy numbers were down and the reasons for it.

  Jacob normally handled philanthropy and the hospitality side of everything Swinton. This was his mother’s expertise. As she was taking what she called a 'well-deserved holiday’, and was out of commission for the next month, he had to be the one to look over all the numbers. He had the aptitude, just lacked the passion.

  He bit back a smirk as he thought about how much passion flowed through his veins at the moment. It was a particular brand of passion that was keeping him at half-mast right about now. No thanks to Jenna walking back and forth from her temporary office to the printer.

  He'd set her up next door to his office overlooking the Strip. They both had long days ahead of them, but all he could think about was last night and how it had felt sinking into her. How tight she was. The way her velvety core pulsed around him as she came. Her wide, sapphire eyes blinking in surprised shock.

  And then of course this morning. That thing with her tongue. Shit. Though he didn’t let his mind linger on where she might have learned that. Maybe she didn't learn anything from anywhere. Maybe that's just her.

  He swallowed hard when he had to answer the query about funding for the next big project. He knew the notes like the back of his hand. Thank God he did, because he was damn distracted right now. She walked by again, and this time their gazes met. Her smile was shy.

  Jenna was never shy. At least not with him. She usually opened her mouth and out came the first thing on her mind.

  He motioned for her to come in. She shook her head and pointed at his phone. The smile tugged free before he could even give proper thought to concealing it and beckoned again for her to join him. But she laughed and held up her papers, then pointed at his phone.

  When would she ever learn? Things were easier when she just gave in. He muted the desk phone and stalked to the door. Jenna backed up clutching her papers to her chest like a shield. “Jacob. You're in the middle of a meeting.”

  “I know. But I wanted to…” He let his voice trail. “Talk to you for a minute.”

  Jenna giggled, the sound making him want to laugh. Shit, he needed a fucking plan for her quick, or this was going to spiral into something he couldn't control. Maybe that would do you some good. His sister's words rang in his head, and he made a mental note to call her.

  “I'm not sure what kind of talking you want to do, but I have the new video fundraising campaign to flesh out and you're on a call. Get back to work.”

  “I have the notes from everyone on what they’re planning to present. I made the trickiest one go first so I could pepper questions. The others are sort of on cruise control. C'mon, I need to...talk...to you.” Yeah, talk. That's what it was. He took her hand and tugged her into his office. Picking up the remote off his desk, he hit the lock function and the frost function. Then he tugged her onto his lap.

  Jenna threw her hands up in exasperation. “Jacob. I have work. Like important work. Work you helped me get more efficient with. Now you're...distracting me.”

  Her voice went husky and low as he nuzzled her neck.

  “This is efficient.”

  “Explain to me how this is efficient?”

  He nuzzled his nose into the hollow of her throat. “Well, this way, you’re well on your way to the recommended number of orgasms per day. You've only had one.” He slid a hand up her ribcage before cupping her full breasts. He was completely fascinated by the light dusting of freckles just above her cleavage. “I think we need to get you at least three more. Better to start hitting your goals early.”

  God, he’d never been so hard. He couldn’t think, and she had way too many clothes on.

  She drew in a shuddering breath. “Four orgasms, that seems greedy on my part.”

  He tsked. “That is the problem with beautiful, hardworking women. Never taking enough time for yourselves.” His hands slid up her thigh, teasing the soft skin at the top of her garters.

  Her laugh was low. “I do love a man with goals.”

  “Good thing; I've got goals for days. Lots and lots of goals.” What was she doing to him? He'd never been so distracted. Never put a woman before work. Though technically that wasn't what he was doing. He was working. He was multitasking.

  Someone on the call mentioned his name and he knew he had to pay attention. Placing a finger on her lips, he unmuted the phone.

  Her eyes went wide when she realized that the whole team would hear her if she moaned. He probably should have helped her out and held his hand still while he spoke. But then what fun would that be?

  He gave a direction on meetings to follow up and who needed to attend. Then made sure they knew which offices needed to make their own appointments with his mother. All the while he teased his knuckles over the damp satin of her panties.

  Her breathing was choppy. She bit her bottom lip and he leaned forward to kiss her. As everyone hung up on the call, Jacob growled low. He had her where he wanted her. On his lap, thighs parted, giving him all the access he wanted.

  He still wanted more. He wanted her to be here. Not to run. He could see the uncertainty in her eyes. The not knowing if this was a real thing or maybe a Vegas thing.

  For him, it was real. Now that he'd touched her, he wanted to keep doing just that. Whether it was here, back in San Diego, on a plane, in a car. Yeah...pretty much anywhere. But he had no idea what was going through her head right now.

  He lifted her up onto his desk and stepped between her thighs before kissing her deep. His erection thickened until thinking about anything other than being inside her was impossible.

  His cell buzzed on his desk. Jenna mumbled against his lips. “Don’
t answer it.”

  “I wish I didn't have to. But I am technically working.” She sighed and tugged against his hold, but he held her close. “Hold tight.”

  He reached for the phone and grinned when he saw who was calling. “We'll get back to this, I promise, but there's someone I want you to talk to.”

  Jenna's eyes went wide. “Who?”

  “My sister.” He put the phone on speaker, then lifted her back onto his lap. “Abigail. You’re calling later than expected.”

  “Sorry, one of the therapies ran long.”

  He sat up straighter. He hadn't checked his personal emails yet so he had no idea if there was a problem. “What’s wrong?”

  Abigail sighed even as Jenna shifted in his arms. “Jesus, Jacob, you worry too much. I'm fine. But the reason it took so long was because I was flirting with the new doctor. Well done, by the way. He’s hot. I like him.”

  He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. “He's your doctor, Abigail.”

  “Technically not. He’s consulting. So fair game.”

  He resisted the brotherly urge to be grossed out. She deserved some fun. Even if it was with one of her doctors. “Fair enough, Abigail, there’s someone I want to introduce you too.”

  Jenna shook her head and little furrows appeared on her forehead. He kissed her on the lips and said. “Jenna McIntyre, I would like to introduce you to my sister, Abigail Meyers Swinton.”

  Abigail laughed. “You didn't tell me you were busy, Jacob.”

  “It's cool; I wanted to introduce you two.”

  He could almost see his sister shaking her head as she said. “It's nice to meet you, Jenna. I'm so sorry you've been subjected to my brother's obnoxious bossiness. We're aware of it as a family and are taking steps to correct it. In the meantime, just tell him no. It's good for him.”


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