Ten - Part 1

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Ten - Part 1 Page 12

by Sin Ribbon

  Allister clears his throat. “Just limit the projected thoughts to pertinent information, hmm?” Having learned his lesson, the blond pushes away from the table just as Riya swings another kick his way. He folds his hands behind his head, smirking in victory. Madison attempts to hide his amusement behind cupped hands. Orion nudges the teen with her shoulder, sharing in his muffled laughter.

  Without realizing it, Thane softens as he watches the interaction. Orion catches his gaze amidst the hilarity. Although often in high spirits, she beams with a genuine happiness he hasn’t seen in her for a long time.



  Hearing the snickering outside, Sebastian exits the restroom. He peeks around the entrance to the kitchen, hesitant to return to the table. “Have I been forgiven yet?”

  Orion, Madison, and Riya erupt with laughter. Struggling to catch her breath, Riya turns to the timid Brit. “Don’t worry, Sebastian. A lesbian fantasy is pretty vanilla compared to the thoughts your brother has.”

  Allister goes rigid, his face blushing for the first time. Orion and Riya can’t take it; they fall out of their chairs in a cackling uproar as Madison collapses into his folded arms. Sirius moves to lick his master’s face, tail wagging with delight. Even Thane and Siha chuckle at Allister’s expense.

  “Oh man!” Orion bawls. “He’s human after all!”

  Determining the battlefield safe—for himself at least—Sebastian steps over the raucous redhead and returns to his seat next to his humiliated brother. As Orion climbs back into her chair, she finds the blond’s blue eyes waiting for her with scowling embarrassment.

  “Don’t look at me! She said it!” She points to Riya who is resetting her chair.

  “Hey, I’m just the messenger!” Riya proclaims through gasps. Both she and Orion heave for air, struggling to regain composure.

  “When your sex life is boring, don’t come crawling to me,” Allister sneers, chugging the last of his beer.

  With conniving valor, Siha interjects. “Come on, Allister. Give your brother some credit. I’m sure Sebastian’s intentions are far from boring.”

  Riya slaps her hands over her mouth, eyes wide with shock and flattery. Sebastian attempts to conceal his reddening face by rubbing his forehead. Orion and Madison fall against each other in a fit of laughter. Even Thane nearly spits up his bourbon at Siha’s comment, as a rueful Allister yields with a slumped head, knowing when he’s defeated.

  “Okay, I think that’s enough about my future sex life,” Sebastian declares.

  Riya shrinks behind her can of beer. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”

  Cheeks still flushed, the young Brit forces a nervous smile. “So, if we could shift the conversation elsewhere ...”

  “Yeah, I’m on board for that,” Thane retorts.

  Despite his faux pas, Sebastian finds himself charmed by the familial chaos. He and his brother fit in surprisingly well with this endearing mix, whose spirit is leagues above the stoic home life he left behind in London.

  A flash of Allister collapsing in the park penetrates his thoughts. He deflates, and Riya turns to meet his troubled stare, likely having heard his apprehensions. She gestures for him to break the clamoring tide of conversation.

  The young Brit clears his throat. “I, uh ... hate to ruin the good mood, but there is the matter of explanation.”

  A sobering quiet falls over the group, prompting an awkward shrink back from Sebastian. Nevertheless, everyone turns to Siha, unanimously tensing from uncertainty.

  Allister folds his arms. “Yeah, I’d like to know what the fuck happened to me.”

  “It’s not just you,” Orion adds. “It’s happening to me and Thane too.” The announcement spurs Thane to down the rest of his bourbon. Sebastian, Allister, and Riya gape at them both, as stunned as they are disturbed.

  “Yes, and to one other as well.” Siha pulls a long breath into her lungs. “The seven of us are part of a group of ten, chosen and endowed with superhuman powers in order to determine some kind of future—the nature of which is unknown to me.” She bites her lip, hesitant to go on. “I’ll say it plain. The entities that have given us these powers are also pitting us against each other. Their intent is to possess four members of the group so the other six will be compelled to fight them.”

  Sebastian clutches his empty can of beer. Riya shoots him a worried stare, which he avoids by looking to Allister.

  His brother narrows his eyes. “What? Why are you looking at me?”

  “Because he knows you’re one of the four being possessed.” Siha’s somber tone rattles the elder Brit. Sebastian meets his brother’s gaze with watering eyes, his guilty expression enough for Allister to feel his dread.

  Siha continues, “As you know, I have the power of clairvoyance; Riya has telepathy; Madison can suppress the dark forces inside Thane, Orion, and Allister.” She turns to the younger Brit who wipes his eyes. “And you, Sebastian, have two abilities. You can sense our locations as well as shield us from attacks.”

  Sebastian blanks, astounded. “Shielding? I admit I’ve had some strange experiences—sensing things that seemed far away, feeling pulled towards them.” He searches his memories, then the realization dawns on him. “The bus. The flash of light.”

  Siha nods. “It wasn’t a dream. That light will become your shield, one you’ll be able to expand and control.”

  Sebastian scrutinizes his palms, tracing their lines with incredulity.

  Confused, Allister probes his brother. “What do you mean? What happened on the bus?”

  “You ... changed, like you did at the park. I saw the black eyes. Th-that thing that’s inside you, it attacked me.” His breathing labors. “I thought it was a dream. God, I wanted it to be a dream.” Riya places a supportive hand on Sebastian’s shoulder as he reconciles this new information.

  Allister flops back against his chair, the severity of the situation weighing down his shoulders. “What ... what exactly is this thing?”

  Desperation cracks Orion’s voice. “Are they inside us right now? Like demon possession or something?”

  Siha curls her fingers into fists, gaze unfocused. Sebastian can only imagine the litany of harsh truths she struggles to word carefully. “It ... might be something like that,” she begins. “They’ve taken hold of you, but they obviously don’t have full control. Their wills are ... stronger than yours.” Her eyes dart to Thane for a moment. Sebastian hasn’t seen the dark-haired man drop his guard once, but the quick glance from Siha gets his attention. “That’s why they can overpower you, and they’ll continue to fight for dominance.”

  Orion exhales. “But what the hell are they? I still don’t understand why they’re doing this. Why us?”

  “I’ve only ever called them Fates,” Siha replies, introspective. “Whatever they are, they’re something beyond human.”

  “I ...” The younger Brit starts before he knows what to say. “At the museum in New York, I felt something ... dark, immeasurable. I don’t know how to describe it, but I felt it again when Allister looked at me with those eyes.”

  Madison nibbles on his thumbnail. “When it had Orion the other night, I could feel it emanating from her—a suffocating blackness reaching out.”

  “When it took Allister,” Riya mutters, black hair hanging like a foreboding cloud over her face. “His thoughts. They were ... I don’t know. Suffocating sounds about right. It just felt massive somehow, like a weight of knowledge I couldn’t begin to translate.”

  Sebastian feels the hairs raise on his arms. “So those are the Fates?”

  “Yes ...” Siha affirms.

  A blanket of silence follows. Sebastian shuts his eyes, attempting to push away the reality of what has befallen his brother.



  Raw stress has claimed the room—a disbelief warring against an inner acceptance of what lies on the future’s dark horizon. Orion fidgets in her seat, staring off into nothing. Al
lister pokes at his empty beer can, longing for drunken reprieve.

  Thane remains rigid, his arms crossed as he breaks the silence. “Sounds like demon possession.”

  “No.” Siha meets his gaze, and he sees it again—that fathomless knowing in her eyes. “Not a demon. Something older.”

  He raises an eyebrow. “And I suppose you would know?”

  She firms, challenging his dark eyes with an emotion he can’t quite place. Remorseful absolution?

  Orion slaps his shoulder with a glare suggesting he amend his words. He shrugs, remaining silent, while Allister uses the opportunity to interject. “I imagine there are things you feel you can’t tell us, Siha, but anything that might ease our worries would be appreciated.”

  She sighs. “I really don’t know what the Fates are or where they come from. My clairvoyance isn’t limitless. I can tell you that they’re ancient and incredibly powerful. They are the deciders of what happens.”

  Riya straightens. “You mean gods.”

  A stifling anxiety seizes the group. “I think,” Siha replies, “if gods did exist, they would be ... kinder. Benevolent.”

  Thane exchanges a curious look with Orion. Neither knows what to make of Siha’s words.

  “Whatever they are,” Allister continues, “there must be a way to stop them, to return to normal, yes?”

  Eager for a scrap of hope, Orion grabs Madison by the arm and looks to Siha for affirmation. “Hey, we’ve got our ace in the hole here, right? We just gotta stay on top of it.”

  Riya slams her palms onto the table. “But we can’t put all the weight on his shoulders alone!”

  “No, we can’t,” Siha concurs. “This is going to take all of us working together, supporting each other. We’ll only play into the Fates’ hands if we become divided.”

  Sebastian shifts upright, confidence returning. “So we need to find the remaining three soon then.”

  “We do. It will take some time, but thankfully, they are moving towards us. Sebastian, you’ll need to hone your skills so we can find them ASAP.” Siha offers an encouraging smile.

  The young Brit nods, mustering his bravery albeit with some hesitation. Thane can’t help but admire his spirit against the fray of the unknown.

  “Siha,” Orion begins. “I agree it’s a huge burden to place on Madison.” She glances at the teen, eyes glassing with moisture. “Not fair to put so much on a kid, so what do we do in the meantime? With the dreams ... I can’t take it—that undertow pulling me down. Those figures, whispering. And that hand reaching into my chest, clamping my heart with its long, cold fingers.”

  Thane grasps the redhead’s hand, squeezing his strength into her.

  She breathes heavily. “I think I need some air.” Orion pulls away and leaves the table for her bedroom. The group exchanges a few concerned looks just as she exits with a hoodie and heads for the front door. She disappears into the hallway, and the door closes behind her with an abrasive thud. Sirius paces the living room, whining at the departure of his beloved owner.

  “Will she be all right?” Madison asks.

  “Yeah,” Thane sighs. “She goes up to the roof when she needs to think.”

  “Hmm.” Allister stands and begins rummaging through the kitchen cupboards. He grabs a rocks glass and a few liquor bottles, arranging them on the counter.

  Thane rotates in his chair and scoffs. “By all means, help yourself.”

  “It’s not for me; it’s for your redheaded friend. You got a cocktail shaker? I’d prefer a Boston, not a Cobbler. Oh, and a jigger.”

  Thane blinks. “Uh, there’s a shaker in the cabinet above the fridge with some shot glasses.”

  The blond pulls down the necessary items from the cupboard. “What, no strainer?” He shakes his head. “Barbaric.”

  Sebastian, Riya, and Madison begin stacking plates to take to the sink. They murmur amongst themselves, processing the recent conversation, while Allister busies himself with drink prep. Siha moves into the living room, and a lonely Sirius trots to her side. He nuzzles against her leg with a wagging tail, overwhelming her with his cuteness. Giggling, she rewards him with affection.

  Riya eyes the elder Brit as she sets the dishware in the sink. “Whatever you’re making, I’ll have one too.”

  “Me too,” Madison chimes.

  “You do know that’s my alcohol,” Thane growls. He turns to Madison. “Aren’t you like seventeen? I don’t want a bunch of drunk teenagers puking in my bathroom, let alone jailtime.”

  The youth shrinks back, conceding, but the willful Indian-American raises her chin, exaggerating her pride. “Excuse me, I’m twenty.”

  Thane rolls his eyes.

  Riya huffs. “Fine, a taste then.”

  Allister chuckles. “Probably best. This is too strong for lightweights.”

  She scowls in response but opts not to engage. Sebastian pokes her with his elbow. “Trust me, he’s not kidding. Allister makes the best—and strongest—cocktails.”

  The young Brit, Riya, and Madison take turns washing and drying dishes. Allister measures and pours, incorporating gin, green tea, lime juice, and Green Chartreuse. He shakes wildly and pours his pale green concoction into the rocks glass.

  Thane moves to his side, investigating the unique recipe. “I’ll take it up to her.”

  Allister chokes a laugh. “If you don’t mind, I’ll do that myself. You don’t exactly have the cheeriest of dispositions.”

  Thane narrows his lids into thin slits. “Yeah, it’s not like your dick is going to help either.”

  The air tenses. Sebastian doesn’t hesitate to shoot Thane a contemptuous glare.

  Allister chuckles, tone curt and sardonic. “My, you are a charmer. While it may be difficult for you to grasp, I’m actually capable of compassion, but by all means—” He shoves the drink into Thane’s hand. “Use the force of your overwhelming kindness.” The Brit marches past the dark-haired man and into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

  With a groan, Thane leaves the kids to the dishes and grabs his jacket. He ignores a concerned Siha as he strides out the front door.

  ~ TWENTY ~


  On this small stage of night, the cool air whips at her exposed knees. Sitting on an overturned wooden crate atop an aging slab of concrete, Orion huddles her legs close to her body. The Pittsburgh skyline floats in the distance, a lost city still in the throes of normalcy. All at once, she wishes she was there—still in their world.

  The heavy bang of the metal door alerts her to his presence. She doesn’t have to guess.

  “How do we manage this, Thane? I feel like I’m being haunted.”

  He pauses behind her. “Wish I knew what to tell you.” After a moment, his footsteps approach. “Here.” Thane hands her a glass containing a foreign, green liquid.

  She chuckles. “The hell is this? Pick-me-up juice?”

  “Something like that.” He moves around the wooden crate and has a seat next to her.

  Tentative, she takes a small sip, then another. She brightens. “Shit, this is good! Is that ... Green Chartreuse? Damn, where’d you find this recipe?”

  “Allister made it, actually.”

  His response prompts a quizzical eyebrow from her. “Really? I’m impressed.” She savors the unique blend of flavors. “Surprised he didn’t come up to bask in his handiwork.”

  Thane shifts, uncomfortable. “Yeah ... I may have insinuated he was only doing it to sleep with you.”

  She gawks at him. “Thane! What the hell is wrong with you?! Jesus, he’s going through the same thing we are!”

  “I’m sorry, okay?” He rubs his hands over his face and through his hair. “I’m sorry. But earlier, he was staring at you, talking about dates—”

  “Wait, what?” She perks up. “He was checking me out?”

  He clicks the inside of his mouth, relenting to her excitement. “Yeah ...”

  She laughs. “You don’t have to worry about me, Thane. God, I’m th
irty-one. I’m allowed a fling or two, but I doubt he’s the pompous ass you think he is.” She nudges against him. “If I can handle your stubbornness, I’m set for anything.”

  With a playful sigh, he wraps an arm around her shoulders. “I admit, haven’t seen you that happy in a while.”

  “Crazy, isn’t it? I mean, I’m terrified about what’s happening to us, but I haven’t laughed that hard in ages.”

  He half-smiles, an apparent sadness eating at him.

  She leans forward, trying to meet his gaze. “You may not admit it, but you’re having fun too.”

  With a hmm, he casts his eyes upward, observing the few stars visible through the light pollution. Their distant, flickering light is almost mocking; so far away from problems, all they have to do is shine. “What matters is getting these things out of us.”

  She cradles his hand into hers. “We’ll figure it out. Fuck, I’m scared too, but I’d rather take the moments when I can ... Don’t forget to do the same.”

  He turns to her, dark eyes burning with a resolve forged from difficulty. “I might need some help.”

  She flashes a toothy grin. “Since when has rocket-ship-Orion ever let you down?”

  “You couldn’t if you tried.” Thane kisses the side of her head. “I won’t let this thing take us.”

  She huddles close to him, siphoning his warmth. “I know.”



  The metallic clang of the rooftop door reverberates through the stairwell. Thane’s combat boots descend in steady intervals until he rounds the intermediate landing and spots Siha. Down the stairs, the brunette leans against the wall by the third floor entrance, hands tucked behind her back.

  He slows, expecting a lecture, but her mismatched, empathetic eyes beckon for solace.


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