by Ali Parker
“Seriously?” she screeched as I laughed. “I’ll call my own fucking cab. Thanks for nothing, Caleb!”
Allie stormed out, the front door slamming behind her. It registered that I should probably have felt guilty for leading the girl on, but I just didn’t care. She’d known what she was getting into, and any person who behaved the way she did had to be used to rejection.
What was more concerning to me was why I couldn’t go through with it, why I didn’t just let her suck me off and then fuck her like she was literally begging me to do. I knew that it was because of Kelly that I couldn’t do it, but why? That was my problem.
As soon as I’d seen Allie’s ribs pushing at her slender body, I’d been able to think of nothing but Kelly’s voluptuous curves. Her full breasts and reddish nipples. When I’d tried to imagine what it would’ve felt like to have Allie’s lips wrapped around my cock, it was Kelly’s mouth I wanted.
Just the memory of Kelly’s blonde hair between my legs, her hot mouth around my tip, was doing what Allie half naked on my lap hadn’t achieved. I was already getting hard to nothing but memories and my imagination.
What the fuck did that mean about me and Kelly?
Chapter 14
After finishing off at least half of the menu at the Mexican place, Alicia and I decided to call it a night. Jared picked her up in a limo, and though he’d offered me a ride home, I decided to take a cab instead. I was sure that they were going to get up to unspeakable things in that car, and moreover, I could hardly ask him to drop me off at his brother’s without raising eyebrows.
Caleb and I had never talked about keeping our sleeping together a secret, but as far as I knew, both of us had kept it quiet anyway. Deciding to go over to his house was something I did on a whim as soon as Alicia and I had asked for the check at the restaurant, though now that I was standing in front of his door, I wasn’t sure that it’d been the right decision anymore.
He’d invited me over, but most of the lights in his house were off, and I could only just make out the soft strands of a beautiful instrumental version of a song coming through his door. The song was by a band I was dying to score an interview with, but they were up-and-comers, and they’d been busy.
This version of the song was something else, something captivating. I was so wrapped up in it that Caleb startled me when he opened his door. I’d forgotten I’d ever pressed the doorbell.
My mouth went dry as bone when I saw him, soft lighting illuminating his ripped body from behind with only black drawstring pajama pants hanging low on his hips. There was a whiff of alcohol coming off him, and his eyes seemed a little hazier than usual.
“Kelly, this is a surprise.”
“You texted me earlier, so it can’t be such a big surprise,” I told him, stepping inside after him when he motioned me in and closed the door behind us.
“I did?” He scratched at his dark hair, gleaming almost black in the faint light, then dipped his chin into a nod. “Yeah. Yes, of course I did.”
Okay, he was pretty drunk. “Maybe I should leave? Come back tomorrow or whenever, and you can sleep this off?”
“No,” he said, grabbing my wrist gently and pulling me to his chest. He cupped my face and pushed my loose hair out of it. “I was just surprised because you didn’t reply to my text. I thought you wouldn’t come.”
“Surprise,” I said, keeping my voice low as I smiled. To my surprise this time, Caleb smiled back. Then a crease appeared between his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth dropped into a pout. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”
“No, nothing happened.” Caleb dropped a kiss on my forehead, nuzzling my cheek and finally my neck. Drunken Caleb was kind of cute, if not confusing. “This is just sex, you know? I’ll fuck whoever else I want, if I want.”
His comment stung a little, but I was also curious about where it’d come from. We’d established those terms weeks ago. “I know, remember? I only asked that you tell me if it happens?”
“I remember. I just wanted to make sure we were still clear on that.” He sucked my earlobe into his warm mouth, and a shiver ran through me at his touch. As skilled as he was at turning me on, making me into a desperate puddle of desire, his comments were stuck in my mind, and I needed to get clarity if this was going to go any further.
“We’re clear on that. Are you sure nothing happened? You seem… different.”
“Nothing happened,” he said, drawing back to look into my eyes. His thumb came up to hook on my lower lip, pulling it slightly to the side as he murmured, “So pretty.”
My gaze caught on his, and both of us held steady. Finally, he dropped his hands to his sides and stepped back a little. “Allie was here.”
A knot tightened in my stomach, and a small lump of nerves settled in my throat. “Allie?”
“She’s a groupie,” he told me. There was something like regret in his eyes, and I felt tears stinging the back of mine as the knot in my stomach turned. It was a stupid reaction. I’d been expecting something like this to happen, of course.
He was Caleb Larsen, notorious player of women as surely as he was a famed player of his guitar. He kept telling me that this wasn’t a relationship. He’d never given me any reason to think or believe that he would be exclusive to me, even if I was to him.
I had no right to feel betrayed, but as I stood there staring at the blocks on his stomach and his downturned mouth, I couldn’t help but feel it anyway. The thought of another woman’s lips on his, her fingernails trailing the planes on his abdomen, and god forbid, him calling out her name as he sank into her, all of it made me feel sick to my stomach.
I couldn’t form any words. I had no idea what to say. “Oh.”
“Oh?” he asked, his chin lowering as he looked into my eyes and his jaw set in a determined line. “You got a problem with that?”
“No… I just, I’m just shocked, I guess. Why’d you text me then?” If he’d already had his booty call for the night, why would he have called me over? It didn’t seem like him that he would ask me to come over, only to gloat or to rub it in my face. It didn’t even seem like him that he would’ve asked me to come over in just about the middle of the night just to break things off with me.
Caleb’s eyes seemed resigned as he sighed and dragged a hand through his hair. “I wanted to see you. I knew you had plans with Alicia, so I figured Allie would be gone by the time you got here.”
A painful breath caught in my lungs as I thought over his plan. “When did she leave?”
“I asked her to leave hours ago. You’re not pissed that I had another woman over?” His eyes narrowed to slits for just a split second, and he folded his arms over his broad chest, tattoos rippling on his skin as he moved.
“I knew what I was getting into with you, Caleb. You’re a rock star...” I trailed off, suddenly thinking about a conversation I’d had with Alicia once, months ago. “Being with you is like a force of nature. You’re a force to be reckoned with. One second, you’re here and you’re all encompassing, and the next, you’re gone. A new day dawns, and it’s like you were never here to begin with. I get that.”
“That’s what you really think of me? Is that really what you believe?” It might’ve been my imagination, but I could’ve sworn that I heard a note of bitter remorse or regret in his voice—some kind of negative emotion that had no place here under the circumstances.
“Yes, Caleb, that’s what I really think,” I said, but then I thought back over the last few weeks that we’d spent together, and a heavy sigh fell from my lips. “No, that’s not what I think of you. It used to be, but I just don’t know anymore. I told Alicia once that that was what rock stars, or all famous people really, were like. Forces of nature. Lightning that only struck once in one place, a beam of sunlight you couldn’t hold on to.”
“Or a storm that comes in for twenty-four hours, wrecks everything in its path, and leaves nothing but destruction in its wake?” Caleb asked. There was def
initely something in his voice there. It was thicker than usual, and it wasn’t because of the alcohol.
“Kind of, but like I said, that’s what I used to think,” I admitted.
Caleb regarded me for a long moment. “Not anymore?”
“Nope. At least, I don’t think so.”
“It’s not an entirely inaccurate analogy, us being storms that come in and fuck up people’s lives,” he told me darkly. The way he said it made me think that he was referring to himself, even though he’d used the plural.
I didn’t know what had happened earlier with this Allie chick, but it seemed to have Caleb in something of a self-deprecating funk. I hated that he’d done whatever he had with her, but it wasn’t like he’d done anything wrong.
Trying to ignore the pain searing in my heart, I tried to lighten the mood. If Caleb needed a friend right now, I could be that for him. “Not an ‘entirely inaccurate analogy’? Who are you, and what have you done with Caleb Larsen?”
He smiled tightly and wound his fingers through mine. “I’m not a caveman, you know? And Jared’s not the only Larsen who can utilize the English language properly.”
“Clearly,” I remarked. “What’s going on with you? Did this Allie girl say something to you?”
Caleb laced his fingers tighter into mine, pressed his palm to mine, and led me to his bedroom. I’d been in there before, but usually, it was in the heat of passion. He’d never brought me in there to talk, though he was doing it now.
He didn’t even glance into his living room as we passed it, tugging me down the hall and shutting his bedroom door behind us even though we were alone in his house. At least, I thought we were. He’d said he’d asked Allie to leave hours ago, but what if she was still here?
The thought chilled my blood. What if he’d asked her to leave, and she hadn’t? Had I interrupted something? Chills ran down my spine, and I looked around his room wildly, but there was no one in there. His bed was still made, something he did himself every morning—strange as that struck me to be.
Almost as strange as the fact that his bed, only a mattress on the floor, had no base or headboard. I’d asked him about it once, and he’d simply answered that the mattress was the only part of a bed he needed, and he didn’t see the use in buying things he didn’t need.
He lowered himself onto his mattress and pulled me down with him so that I was sitting between his knees with my back to his chest. His strong arms came around me, nestling me close to him. The scent of man, of Caleb, spicy and clean, surrounded me.
This felt different again, intimate. I had no idea what to make of it. “Caleb? What’re we doing?”
“I don’t know.” He breathed into my ear, causing my hair to fan out a little around my cheek. “Allie didn’t say anything to me. I said something to her.”
“Yeah? What did you say?” I didn’t really want to know, but there was some morbidly curious part of me that did want to know.
“I told her to put her clothes back on and get the fuck out. I didn’t sleep with her, didn’t touch her. She didn’t touch me.” A breath that I didn’t realize I’d been holding rattled from my lungs, relief flooding every fiber of my being. It was in that moment of stark relief, so intense that I felt like I wanted to cry, that I realized I was falling in love with Caleb Larsen.
I’d never been in love before, but I was pretty sure that was what was happening. Closing my fingers around his, I planted a kiss on top of his hand and held it close to my mouth so that my lips were brushing it with each word I spoke.
“Why did you do that?”
Caleb took a deep breath and stilled, not moving or saying a thing for a long couple of minutes. Then he reached for my face with his free hand, tipping my chin back so my lips were only inches away from his.
“I don’t know, but she took off her top, and I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t go through with it. I don’t know why not, not totally. All I know is that it had something to do with you.”
It took a second for his words to sink in, to fully comprehend the fact that my longtime crush, this sexy, gorgeous rock star who was so much deeper and more thoughtful than I’d ever realized had sent a girl packing because of me.
In the time that it took me to try and wrap my head around what he was saying, Caleb’s hand slid from my chin to cup my cheek, his fingers grasping at the back of my neck. His sweet breath registered in my confused mind just before he pressed his lips to mine and kissed me like I’d never been kissed before.
Chapter 15
Kelly’s lips parted, and my tongue slid into her hot mouth, tangling with hers as my fingers tightened around the base of her neck. Holding her to me, pressing her closer to me. She came willingly, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and winding both of her hands into my hair.
She twisted so we were chest to chest, her full breasts pushing into my bare skin through her clothes. When Allie had tried the same thing earlier, I hadn’t felt a thing. Kelly doing it was driving me mad with want.
I wanted those hard nipples pressing into my chest with no barriers. I needed to play with them and suck them until she was panting and desperate for me, to make her wetter than she’d ever been. My cock, barely restrained by my loose pajama pants and no briefs, was already rock hard.
And still, I kept getting harder with each stroke of her wet tongue, each little gasp and moan that escaped from deep inside her. Keeping her mouth to mine, I laid back on my bed, and Kelly followed until she was lying on top of me.
Running my free hand down her side, I cupped her breast and got the desired result when she moaned softly and arched into me. My hand kept going, playing with the waistline of her pants and coming to rest on her gorgeous ass.
Kelly was all soft curves, delicious, genuine noises, and sighs of pleasure. Everything about her made me need her like crazy, made my dick so hard that it throbbed until the tip had worked itself out of my pants and was peeking out above the string keeping my pants up.
My hips rolled against hers, and I groaned at the contact with her hot center. As soon as I’d given her that bit of friction, Kelly started grinding against me and got me halfway there without even taking her clothes off.
You will not come in your pants like a fucking teenager. I reached for her hips with both hands and flipped us fast so that she was on her back and I was half on top of her. “Naughty girl. You drive me crazy, you know that?”
Kelly’s teeth sank into her bottom lip, plump and slightly swollen from the strength of our kisses, and shook her head coyly. “I had nothing to do with that. I was just sitting there. You kissed me.”
“Yeah I did. Plan on doing it again. That okay with you?”
She nodded but didn’t wait for me to act. Instead, she sat up slightly, crossed her arms in front of her, and pulled off her shirt. She was wearing a green lace bra underneath that matched the color of her eyes and made her pale skin look like it was glowing in the moonlight filtering in through my windows.
We hadn’t bothered with the lights when we’d come in here, so we only had the dim light from the old lamp standing on the floor next to the head of my bed and the moonlight. Kelly always looked sexy as hell, but like that, in my bed with her lips swollen from my kisses and her hair mussed from my hands, with her perfect tits in that tiny bra and her chest rising and falling on heavy breaths.
It was an image that was bound to stay in the spank bank for years, to say the least. One that I wanted to capture mentally to keep me company for all those long, lonely nights on tour waiting for me on that fucking bus with four other guys and thousands of miles of road ahead of us.
I drank her in, trying to memorize every curve and valley, the exact way the low light was catching her eyes and the swell of her breasts as they rose on each breath that she took. Without saying a word, she reached for her bra and unhooked it, letting it slide from her arms before she dropped it next to the bed.
Practically salivating, I bent
my head down and circled one hard nipple with my tongue, reaching for the other with my hand. Kelly let out a stuttered sigh and sank back to the bed. I happily followed, teasing her with my mouth and fingers until she was squirming underneath me.
“You’re not going to tell me to put my clothes back on and get out, are you?”
At first, I thought I’d heard her wrong. Then I realized that despite her obvious need, she was teasing me. “Wicked, wicked girl. Don’t you dare go anywhere.”
I planted my free hand on her hip to keep her still and then sucked her nipple into my mouth, flicking her with my tongue as my fingers did the same thing on the other side.
My hand traveled from her hip to her waistband, two of my fingers slipping underneath it to find her soaked and slick. My cock twitched as my fingers rubbed through her folds and nearly exploded at her needy whimpers.
“Okay, okay. I won’t go anywhere. Just touch me properly, Caleb. Please!”
“That, I can do,” I assured her, pulling my hands free for a second so I could roll her pants and her panties off in one go. Naked and glistening in front of me, Kelly was by far the sexiest girl I’d ever seen. Her cheeks and chest were flushed and her eyes dark.
Kissing my way down her breasts, I lingered over her ribs, finally moving to her belly and then licking and kissing my way down. I could smell her arousal, and my hips jerked into the bed to keep me from spontaneously combusting from having Kelly flood my senses.
Touch, smell, sight, and sound: it was all her. There was only one left to go, and I couldn’t fucking wait to taste her. I lowered my head and licked her from top to bottom, groaning when I discovered that she tasted even sweeter than I remembered.
She moaned loudly and bucked her hips, bringing her sweet pussy closer to me and letting me know that she needed this as badly as I did. I was only too happy to oblige. Quickly establishing a rhythm I’d learned over the last few weeks she couldn’t resist, I licked her until her thighs were quaking and her whimpers ran into one, sucking her clit into my mouth and sliding a finger inside her just as her orgasm hit.