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Love Stolen (Crime Kings Book 9)

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by May Gordon

  "He’s a pain in the ass and difficult to work with. I already have a replacement in mind."

  "My food," she informs me with a slap to my hand when I attempt to take a fry.

  "Territorial much?"

  "That's what happens when you’re starved every day." My playfulness instantly vanishes and my gaze turns murderous when I ask her to repeat that. When she confirms it, I decide his death needs to be very painful.

  "What else?"

  Instead of answering she asks for another order of fries, this time sweet potato, and a pop, promising to tell me everything when she has it. When she does, she goes into detail regarding what he put her through the past few years. Throughout it all, I can tell he also took away her passion for dancing, something she and her mom would do together before she passed.

  Trying to control my rage at him, I encourage her to resume eating and want to know if she’d like to take some to go. "Will there be more later?" Such a sad question it breaks my heart.

  "You can have whatever you want, whenever you want," I vow. Helping her stand, I thank the owner and lead her to the waiting SUV. The men guarding it and the restaurant are spread out, ensuring nothing gets near her.

  Once we’re settled in the backseat, she starts grilling me. “Who are you exactly, Luka?”

  I’m honestly worried how she’ll take this seeing as how she just escaped one mob. Will she see me as she does him? Then again, she saw me kill numerous people and she’s still here. "I'm the Bratva boss." To my surprise, she seems relieved by the news.

  "So, you can protect me."

  "I can and will." My home is the same compound where Harlow and I grew up. During Boris’ takeover, those loyal to my dad maintained it and made sure he never got his hands on it. It helps that it’s a literal fortress. Dad knew how dangerous the life that he chose was and wanted to keep his kids safe.

  Zeke opens my door, but I walk around to Maya’s side and do the same for her. Entering the house, her glance skims everything, taking in her surroundings. Zeke, as well as Niro, an enforcer, follow us inside and lock up behind us.

  "Word has reached Roberto and he is not happy," Zeke informs me, adding, "I have guards on the warehouses." That prompts Maya to ask, expression worried, if there should be extra here.

  Rubbing my hands up and down her arms in comfort, and let her know, “Don’t worry, angel. We have more than enough on us."

  Zeke declares that no one can touch me. “Boss was a champion in the underground fighting league,” he continues with a reassuring smile.

  Taking Maya’s hand, I lead her up the grand staircase to my bedroom, which was originally my parents’. She quickly flops on the bed and the sight of her in the same place causes a strong urge to join her, touch her, kiss her is so strong, but I fight it because she needs time. Pointing to my left, I urge her to relax with a hot bath. "I’ll bring you something to wear."

  She props herself on her elbows, brows raised and sounds little jealous when she wants to know, “Why do you have women’s clothing here?"

  "My sister’s. They might be a little big for you." But if she’s pregnant, they would fit, my subconscious helpfully supplies.

  She stands and comes toward me, her tiny stature meaning I tower over her. "Thank you." Then she hugs me, which I eagerly return. Despite our size, her body fits against me perfectly, though I can still feel her how frail she is because of that asshole.

  Reluctantly stepping away, I once more suggest she take a bath and get some rest. She nods and I make my exit, gathering Harlow’s belongings and placing them on the mattress before returning downstairs to talk with Zeke and Niro.

  "How bad is it?" Zeke is rummaging for food while Niro sits at the table, texting.

  “Roberto’s gone under for now, but he has declared war.”

  "He'll come for her," Niro interjects.

  "He can fucking try,” I growl. “She's mine."

  "We need to take precautions," Zeke says.

  "I already have a plan," I inform them.

  It’ll be tricky, but in the end, I will have everything I want.

  Chapter 6

  Maya- A few days later…

  It’s not hard to get lost in this mansion, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t homey inside. Since coming here, I’ve looked at the numerous family portraits spanning many generations. I’ve also began to re-center myself, so to speak, along with catching up on sleep and relaxing at least once a day in his luxurious clawfoot tub. But none of that has done as much for me as getting regular meals. I cook and eat whenever I want without worry of someone stopping me.

  Then there’s the fact that I’ve been getting to know Luka. His story is heartbreaking, though it did have a happy ending with Viktor and his wife adopting him. And while Luka’s enemies fear him, as they should, his men respect him. The latter bodes well for me, plus, it means he really can and will protect me, as will they.

  Not to mention I see the way he looks at me, which is probably the same way I do him, and he hides nothing from me, letting me see all parts of him. Including his business as he’s been working from here, not wanting to leave me by myself. He may consider himself a part of the shadows, but he’s my white knight. He's respected my space and privacy, and I appreciated it, at first. However, I’m ready for that to change.

  When I enter the kitchen, I’m not surprised to find Zeke there as he never seems to stop feeding his face. I've gotten to know a few of Luka’s guys and he's by far my favorite.

  "Lady Maya," he greets me with a smile and a silly bow which causes me to giggle. I ask what he’s making today as I take a seat at the counter on one of the bar stools. "A crazy Russian." He smirks at my gagging sound, then sadly shakes his head. “Yet you were born and bred here.”

  "My mom made them for me all the time when I was younger, despite me finding them disgusting.” The cheese bread covered with a peanut butter type spread and pineapples on top is a gross combination that should be illegal.

  Zeke takes a dramatic bite, then swallows before saying, "Your loss."

  A few minutes later, I ask where Luka is only to learn he’s in the pool. Apparently, it’s something he does when he’s stressed. Good to know, but I can’t help but ask, “About what?”

  "Losing you," he instantly declares, then tells me not to look so shocked. "He wouldn't take just any woman." Which prompts my not so subtle question about where there have been others.

  His sincere, "Just you," makes me feel better. Then with a wink, he heads out, telling me he needs to get back to work.

  "Is Niro here?"

  "Nope, he's out. Can I help instead?" I lie and tell him I was merely wondering, but I honestly don’t get a good feeling from Niro. It’s not that he’s done or said anything, more a feeling I get.

  "All right. See you later." Once he's gone, I move toward Luka’s location and see him in the water, his tattoos on display. This is the first time I’ve seen any other than the one on his hand. I step to the edge and watch him, enjoying the tight black swim trunks that show off his sexy ass and legs. When he gets closer to me, he pops his head up and greets me, his blond hair darker when it’s wet.

  I manage to return it, then stupidly state the obvious, "You’re swimming." He chuckles, the sound deep and low and something I could listen to him do all the time.

  "You should join me." I take in my cotton dress; then teasingly remind him he hasn’t gotten me a bathing suit yet. Though he has purchased everything else I could ever need and more. As he jumps out of the pool and scoops me in his arms, he informs me I don’t need one.

  I squeal as the water engulfs me when he plunges in, taking us underneath it, Luka still wrapped tightly around me when we resurface. We stand that way, my feet unable to touch the bottom like his, the lights nearby making our faces glow.

  "You’re beautiful," he whispers, moving wet strands from my face. The need for him grows and I’m unable to resist demanding he kiss me which he doesn’t hesitate to do. His lips devour mine a
s he pulls me closer and I twine my fingers in his hair. He moves us until my back is pressed against the side, then he lifts me onto the edge and steps between my legs.

  My dress is quickly removed and tossed to the left, his mouth trailing down my neck and leaving goosebumps in its wake. My nipples harden and Luka latches on, sucking it. I almost shoot straight up from the pleasure, but his large hands pin me down and I moan his name.

  He warns me he doesn’t think he can stop. "It’s been hell not touching you like I want to.” I tell him I felt the same, that I’ve needed him from our first meeting. He switches, his palms squeezing my ass and I can feel my body readying itself for him. Luka abruptly pulls away, then leaves the water and grabs a towel. Covering me with it, he picks me up bridal style and begins walking toward the house.

  "Where are we going?"

  "Bed," he growls, carrying me as if I weigh nothing and heading straight to the master room. I’ve known it was his since the first night because I can smell him in here.

  He places me on my feet, then gently dries me off, his eyes heating as they rake over me. With slightly shaking hands, I untie his trunks and he places his on top steady them. "Are you a virgin, my little ballerina?"

  "Yes," I answer honestly, not ashamed of my lack of experience. With a teasing smile, I turn the question around. "Are you, my big mobster?"

  He chuckles then drops a sweet kiss on my lips. "It's been so long I might as well be." I smile, which quickly turns to shock when he drops his shorts as I’ve never seen this part of a man before. He’s large and thick and my mind instantly wonders if he’ll fit.

  "Don't be scared," he whispers, pulling me closer. I wrap my arms around him, trying to soak in his confidence. Luka once more picks me up, this time carefully laying me in the middle of the mattress, then he stands at the end. I can’t help but admire his body, as well as his numerous tattoos. I want to ask if there’s a story behind each one and I will, just not now.

  Gripping my ankle, he moves me closer to the edge, my nervous giggle becoming a moan as his touch travels up my leg and begins caressing my core. My fists grip the sheet as pleasure cascades through me when his strokes grow bolder. His eyes watch me the whole time, enjoying my reaction. The pressure continues to build until I can no longer contain my scream.

  "That was fucking sexy," Luka growls as the bed shifts from his weight as he joins me, his body straddling mine. We stare at each other, both knowing what we’re about to do will change everything. I tell him I’m ready, just in case he needs the words. As if he was waiting for them, his fingers suddenly feel like they’re touching me all over, hitting every sensitive spot I never knew I had. Clutching my thighs, he spreads my legs and we watch as he guides himself inside me for the first time. Taking my mouth in a deep kiss, he thrusts forward, breaking my barrier and seating himself where we each need him to be. I gasp at the pain, though, despite how gentle he tried to be, but my focus is suddenly on my nipples as he pinches them.

  The distraction works and I soon urge him to move, pleasure quickly replacing the momentary hurt. He picks up the pace, harder, faster, and I grip his forearms as we make love. Sounding frustrated with himself, he states that he can’t wait any longer. “Neither can I,” I exclaim, needing…something. "Luka!" I shout when I feel myself implode from the inside out as his release coats my walls. I should be scared about us not using protection, but it only turns me on more. With a satisfied groan, Luka rests his head above my heart and my arms instinctively hold him. "That was amazing," I mutter, barely able to breathe.

  "It was because it was us," he declares, making me swoon. When he withdraws from me, I can’t help but feel chilled at the lack of his heat. Always taking care of me, he shifts so we’re under the covers, then drags me against him, my head in the crook of his arm.

  "I want to do that again." Yes, I’m being silly, but I’m also serious. He vows we can as often as I want. Fatigue kicks in soon after, and I fall asleep knowing I’ve fallen in love with him.

  Chapter 7

  Luka- Three weeks later…

  Roberto may not have a plethora of men to choose from, but those he does have been attacking almost every area I’m involved in. He, however, has gone underground to hide like the pissant he is while he’s crew does all the work. Typical MO for him.

  As the outsiders, so to speak, from the others, Smith, Boden, and I have grown close. So much so that Smith showed up out of the blue, claiming he had other business here to attend to. With me still wanting to remain near Maya, I’ve continued working from home. Since it’s what he does, I can’t resist asking, "Who you killing?" Smith is a shadow, his name whispered along the likes of the boogeyman. With his skill set in such demand, he requests and receives a very lucrative fee.

  He stares at me, then gives his standard response to this question, "Top secret." And, as always, it annoys me because you’ll never get more than he’s willing to divulge.

  "Will it affect my organization?" He assures me it won’t, adding with a shrug my country is overpopulated. Subtlety never my strong suit, I ask, "You taking Roberto out for me?"

  Rolling his eyes, Smith crosses his arms and states, "I don’t understand why you fuckers do this." When I ask what he’s talking about, he explains, "Risk everything for a woman. In your position, war is a hassle you don’t need."

  "Tell me something I don't know," I mumble. "I love Maya."


  "She's worth it. Fuck him if he thinks he can pressure me into giving her up." A drawn-out sigh leaves him right before he shakes his head in disappointment. I can't wait until he meets his one. I’m going to laugh my ass off at the lengths he’ll go to in order to protect her. I once more ask if he’ll handle it for me.

  "It’ll cost you." Of that I had no doubt, though he didn't charge me for Boris, he did ask for a favor in exchange, which he hasn't cashed in yet. Then again, I’m not sure if myself or Griffin are granting it, so he might have.

  "Whatever it takes. I just need him gone."

  "Do you have a plan? You can't just take out a mafia leader and ride out the downfall."

  "Why not? He killed his own brother to rule. I figure his nephew, Lorenzo, can take the reins."

  "Does he know that?"

  "Not yet,” I admit. “But he'll agree as it’ll mean his uncle is dead." Following that, we move to other subjects, including the kings, my sister, and even how Boden, just as anti-social as Smith and seeming to be his only friend as well, is doing in New Orleans. Smith prefers to play his cards close to the vest while gathering as much information as possible. Maya calling my name captures my attention and I glance up to see her standing in the doorway. I stand and join her, greeting her with a kiss. This time with her has been perfect, cementing my belief that she belongs here, with me.

  She apologizes, indicating Smith. “Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you."

  "You didn't angel. In fact, I want to introduce you to Smith." He gives her a head nod, about the extent of his pleasantries, and she tells him hi.

  When she questions what we’re discussing, Smith supplies the answer. "A trip to Italy." That news catching my attention. "It's where Roberto is hiding."

  "Why would I want to go anywhere where he is?" Maya asks.

  "Because I'm going to kill him," Smith says bluntly.

  "We also need to find his nephew," I add. Cupping her face, I urge her look at me. "I promise it will be a vacation, too. We'll rent a secluded house and you can relax. Then, once he’s dealt with, we tour the area before returning home."

  She acts like she's mulling it over, then grins. "Unlimited pasta?" I vow she can have as much as she wants. "I'll start packing since I have so many clothes now to choose from." With a kiss to my cheek and a wave to Smith, she heads to our room.

  "We’ll leave tomorrow on my plane," I inform him as I return to my desk. Smith lets me know he’ll meet there as he has some business to take care of first.

  Rising, he removes his black leather jacket from t
he chair he’d been sitting in and states, “Text me the details when you land," he demands before walking out.

  "All right, then." Having no idea how this will go down, I decide to take a few of my best men with us. With them, in addition to Smith, I hope it goes smoothly. I just need to get Enzo, as Lorenzo prefers to be called, on board, then Maya and I can live happily ever after.

  I should’ve known it wouldn’t be that easy.

  Chapter 8

  Maya- Italy…

  Standing on the deck of the villa Luka rented for us, I stare at the rolling green hills and wide-open spaces, admiring it. The only thing marring my view is the men he has scattered around for security. I understand his cautiousness, but this might be a bit excessive.

  Returning inside, I pick up a book I asked Zeke to get for me before we left. I wanted to read about the country we were visiting to learn more about the culture, as well as their food, places to visit, and the art. I want to explore, having never had the freedom to do so. When I traveled with the ballet, I was merely going from one studio to another, unable to take in the sights. Now, I know I can, once Luka takes care of business.

  Speaking of, he’s in one of the spare rooms he’s using for an office. He’s spoken with his sister and brother-in-law, Griffin, along with some of the other kings. Our mission here is two-fold. First and foremost is getting rid of Roberto once and for all. Second is for Enzo to step in and take over leadership. I like that Luka doesn’t attempt to keep any of this a secret from me. He’s very open about everything.

  "Lady Maya," Zeke greets me in his usual way as he joins me. "Are you enjoying yourself?"

  "It's beautiful,” I answer him with a smile. “It reminds me of home." The countryside setting is similar to that of my childhood.

  "I'm heading out to do recon for the boss. Do you need anything before I leave?" Zeke has taken to treating me like a sister.


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