The Billionaire and the Matchmaker

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The Billionaire and the Matchmaker Page 9

by Lacy Andersen

  Michael recoiled from his father’s touch, fixing him with a glare. “All my life, I have done nothing but follow your every command. I went to the right schools, participated in the right events, met the right people. All because I respected you and your leadership.

  He breathed in deeply as his father narrowed his eyes at him.

  “But may I remind you,” he continued, “that I am thirty-three years old now. An adult who has made his own fortune. I trained for years to work in your shadow. In fact, you promised to entrust the entire company to me within the next few years. So, you must hold some respect for me as well.”

  Henry crossed his arms and pursed his lips, understanding dawning in his eyes. “Of course, I respect you.”

  “Then allow me to lead my own life,” Michael said, a final wave of emotion crossing over his face. “That woman, as you call her, is more important to me than anything in this building or in my bank account. I know this might be impossible for you to understand, but I’m in love with her. Utterly, wholly in love. So any moment I spend with her is worth it. Even if she decides it’s not going to work out between us.”

  The scowl slowly melted from Henry’s face. Michael’s chest rose and fell in heavy breaths as he waited for his father to speak. He’d never imagined confronting him like this. All his life, he’d gone with whatever his father had ordered, even when it went against his own wishes. But not today. Today, he wouldn’t let anyone stand in his way.

  Even if it cost him his career.

  Henry regarded his son for a long moment before his eyes narrowed and he pulled his cell phone from his pocket. “Have Linda reschedule our meeting for tomorrow morning and move the meeting with Japan back to next Monday.” He turned to leave, pausing to look over his shoulder. “Oh, and son?”

  “Yes?” Michael raked a hand through his hair, feeling like he’d just been hit by a truck.

  “If this Emily is so special, then things will work out. She’d be a fool to think she’d find a better man anywhere else.” His father chuckled lightly and then frowned. “Just be sure to get a prenup.”

  Michael gaped at his father’s retreating back and clutched a hand to his chest. He was pretty sure he was hallucinating. That was the closest his father had ever come to offering him a compliment. In fact, Michael couldn’t remember kinder words coming out of his father’s mouth. It was a miracle from heaven. A day for the history books.

  He stumbled out into the hall, desperate for a glass of water, when his eyes fell on the figure of the woman he’d just confessed to loving. Emily stood just outside Smithy’s office, her hands clasped in front of her dress. She stared at him, her full lips parted slightly in shock and her cheeks red. Her curly blonde hair cascaded elegantly down her shoulders, framing her pale face.

  Michael’s mouth went dry as he came to a sudden halt. Surely, she hadn’t heard that whole conversation. He could only hope she’d missed his confession and everything that came after it.

  She might have willingly come to his office today and allowed him to give her a tour of Linex Investments, but that didn’t mean that she’d fully forgiven him. A confession of that magnitude could scare her away, and just when he felt like they were beginning to repair their friendship.

  His stomach clenched with anxiety. Emily Sevenson would hate him forever. Of that, he was sure.

  “So...” She licked her lips nervously and her gaze flickered to the floor and back up at him. Her eyes searched his face. “Smithy just offered me a job.”


  Michael swiped his ID in the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor. Only a few people had access to it. Even fewer had access to the rooftop patio he’d had installed three years ago. But they needed a place to talk that wasn’t under the harsh florescent lights of the office or under the watchful eyes of a secretary.

  He tried not to let his gaze drift toward the woman standing beside him, even as the scent of her sweet floral perfume filled his head with longing. So far, it seemed that he was in the clear. She hadn’t overheard the conversation with his father.

  His initial panic had subsided and been replaced with normal, everyday business Michael. Smithy had offered Emily a job and they needed to discuss what that meant. He could handle that. What he couldn’t handle was Emily shooting him down after finding out he loved her. His heart just wasn’t ready for that kind of rejection.

  “We’ve got a new rooftop garden,” Michael said, trying to dispel the awkward silence. “I read somewhere that rooftop gardens can reduce the amount of heat a building absorbs, making it cost effective for us and good for the environment. A win-win.”

  He cringed at the end of his speech. Great, he was babbling. Emily nodded along, staring resolutely at the reflective surface of the elevator wall. He longed to see her face, to know what she was thinking.

  Finally, the elevator dinged and he led her out onto the mostly empty floor. There were a few rooms for sensitive records, another for their back-up drives, and then a stairway leading up to the roof access. He led her up, opening the heavy metal door. Sunlight streamed down on them, instantly warming him in his heavy suit. He peeled off his jacket and held the door open for her as she took in the sights.

  “It’s gorgeous,” she breathed, turning to catch every angle.

  The gardener he’d hired had really outdone himself. Other than the rooftop helipad, the rest of the space had been transformed from an ugly urban beast into a jungle-like setting with giant palms and delicate flowering plants cooling the concrete beneath their feet. A few miniature fruit trees in pots and patches of bushes lined the far side and had already begun producing fruit. Michael often wondered how the insects knew to fly so high to get to them. It really was a magical place, set with a small white wrought-iron table and matching set of couches overlooking the city.

  “I feel like we should be swaying in the breeze,” Emily said, clutching at his arm. The wind gently lifted the curls off her shoulder, revealing the soft curve of her neck. “If I get too close to the edge, I’m afraid I might scream.”

  Michael laughed and led her toward the table, where she perched herself on the edge of the couch. He sat beside her, allowing at least a foot of distance between them. This was a business meeting after all. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.

  She craned her neck to see over the edge, her eyes reflecting the nearby glass buildings. Linex Investments was the tallest building in San Jose. They could see for miles. Excitement made her cheeks burn bright. He bit the inside of his cheek, trying not to smile. It was really endearing to see her light up about something so simple as a rooftop garden.

  “I’m so glad Smithy offered you the job,” Michael said, leaning back against the couch. This was just like the rainy night at his parents’ home, except she was fully clothed and there were no candles in sight. “He came up with the idea weeks ago. That’s what he was spouting on about at the app reveal. He thought I’d already offered it to you.”

  Emily’s gaze snapped to his face and she frowned. “You were going to offer me a job? But why? My business failed.”

  “Yes.” He leaned forward, his jaw tightening. “You didn’t have the resources to take Sevenson Selective into the virtual world, but we do. Your expertise on the finite details of matchmaking are invaluable to us. Smithy knows how to put a killer algorithm together, but he needs someone who knows the heart. That’s you. He wanted me to offer you the job. Practically begged me. After he schooled me in four rounds of wheelchair basketball, I finally relented.”

  Emily’s lips twisted into the cutest little frown that made Michael’s heart jump. “Are you sure you aren’t just offering me the job out of pity? Or worse, because we dated?”

  He shook his head. “Not at all. I mean every word I say, Emily. You’re the perfect person for this job. And I swear to you, I will never lie to you again. If there’s anything you take away from today, know that.”

  She studied him, her blue eyes narrowing slightly. “You re
ally want me to work for you?”

  “Not for me.” He waved his hands in front of his chest. “For Smithy. It may be my company, but this is Smithy’s project. He will be your boss. If I ever try to tell you what to do, you have permission to tell me to go stuff it.”

  Her head cocked to one side. “Are you okay with this? I mean, we’d be working in the same building. We’d probably have to see each other. Is that going to be awkward?”

  “I’m okay with it if you are.” He grasped the tops of his knees, his knuckles white. Hope had sprung alive in his chest. She hadn’t rejected him just yet. “I would think your opinion is the only one that matters here. Don’t be concerned about me.”

  The left side of her mouth curved up in a half-smile. She tucked a curl behind her ear and fixed her twinkling blue eyes on his face. “All right, I’ll do it.”

  He wanted to jump and cheer, but instead, he simply smiled. “I’m glad.”

  “There’s just one last thing to discuss,” she said, smoothing down her dress over her knees. She glanced shyly at him out of the corner of her eye and then back down at her legs. “What are we going to do about the fact that you’re in love with me?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Emily watched the blood drain from Michael’s face. He pressed his lips together and stared wide-eyed at her, panic flashing in his brown eyes. She felt a wave of guilt for bringing up the subject so suddenly, but it couldn’t be avoided.

  If she was going to be working here, alongside him, then they needed to get these things out into the open. She’d worked in the field of love long enough to know that suppressed feelings could fester into something uncomfortable for them both. They needed to talk.

  “In love?” Michael sputtered, looking wholly unlike himself.

  She’d never seen this side of him. Uncontrolled and embarrassed. She almost wanted to laugh. It was cute to see him so undone.

  “Yes, I may have overheard some of your conversation with your father,” she said with a guilty smile. “I’m sorry. Sound just echoes down those halls. Not even Smithy’s attempts to distract me with the job offer could drown it out.”

  “I see.” He sat back on the couch, his face ashen.

  “Did you mean it?” She bit her bottom lip. “Or was that just to show up your dad? Because I think you really won that argument. From what you’ve told me about him, that was quite a showdown.”

  He pierced her with a heavy gaze. “I meant every word. Emily, I’m in love with you.”

  She felt her chest constrict with emotion. The first time she’d heard it had been like a punch in the gut. Seeing his lips form the words was quite a dizzying experience. Her vision swam in front of her eyes.

  He exhaled a large breath of air and sighed. “I’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable. I assure you, I won’t let it get in the way of our business relationship. You won’t ever have to see me, if you don’t want. I’ll build my own private elevator just to make you happy.”

  She laughed softly, imagining him sneaking out of the office late at night and coming in at the crack of dawn, just to make her comfortable. It matched the way he’d treated her the entire time they’d been dating, as if she were the only person in the world who mattered to him. She felt warmth spread throughout her body at the thought.

  “And what if that’s not what I want?” She scooted an inch closer to him on the couch, heat rising in her cheeks. “What if, I want something more?”

  His jaw twitched as he stared at her. “What?”

  “I said, I want something more.” She reached over to cover his hand with her own. Her heart threatened to burst out of her chest, it was beating so loudly. “Michael, I’ve had a lot of time to think these last few weeks. I’ve come to the conclusion that you’re a fantastic businessman, but you’re a horrible actor. Despite the fact that you hid the truth behind your motivations to date me, the way you treated me was real. The way you touched me was real. And the way you took me into your arms was real.”

  She pulled his hand into her lap and held it tight between her own. Beneath her fingers, she could feel his pulse beating rapidly.

  “I’ve forgiven you for what you did. I forgave you a long time ago. I just didn’t know if we still had a future.” She traced the tip of her finger in a circle over the back of his hand. “Hearing you say that you loved me has given me the courage to hope for more. That’s what I want. A life with you.”

  She looked up to see him staring at her with a fierceness that took her breath away. In one motion, he closed the gap between them and took her face into his hands. She gasped as he claimed her mouth with his, gentle at first, and then with a hunger that made her dizzy.

  She worked her hands up his muscular chest and clung to him for dear life, feeling delicious heat work its way up from her toes until her whole body was on fire. He deepened the kiss and tangled his fingers into her hair, pulling her into his lap. A soft breeze caressed her face as he kissed her soundly, until she could barely breathe.

  They might have stayed that way for five minutes or an hour. She wasn’t sure how much time had passed. But when she finally pulled away, her fingers traced along his swollen lips and she colored with embarrassment.

  “I think I could do that forever,” she whispered with a smile.

  “Me, too,” he said, his voice husky.

  He swallowed hard and grabbed her hand, kissing her fingertips one by one. Bolts of electricity shot through her and she squirmed with pleasure. A cocky smile slowly grew on his lips as he watched her reaction.

  “Does this mean you’ll take both me and the job?” he asked, keeping a hold of her hand. Hope sparked in his eyes.

  A teasing grin worked its way onto her face and she leaned into the comforting mass of his chest and sighed. “Only if I get four weeks of annual vacation. Of which, at least two are spent with you in some remote location, where I get you all to myself.”

  He growled and wrapped his arms protectively around her. “You can have me as much as you want. Since the moment I first saw you sweating in front of that ancient air conditioner, you had me wrapped around your little finger. As Smithy once pointed out to me, I’m a goner.”

  She laughed and listened to the steady beat of his heart beneath her ear. It was a comforting sound.

  “I love you, Michael Knight,” she whispered.

  The wind rushed over the rooftop, rustling all the plants so that her words barely reached his ears. He closed his eyes and smiled, holding her closer.

  “I love you, too, Emily Sevenson.”


  “Don’t you dare open those gorgeous eyes,” Michael said with a laugh, holding onto Emily’s hand. “No cheating, or you won’t get your big surprise.”

  Emily smirked and stuck out the tip of her pink tongue. His stomach lurched with the need to kiss her silly, to tangle his fingers in her unruly curls. But now was not the time. He had a surprise waiting for her.

  “Can I at least get a clue?” she asked, stepping onto the limestone path he led her along. She paused and cocked her head to one side, listening intently. “Are we at your parents’ home?”

  “Shhhh.” Michael put a finger to her lips and clicked his tongue. “No more, missy, or I’m turning this date around and you can settle for another night on your apartment couch, watching reruns.”

  “Doesn’t sound so bad to me,” Emily mumbled with a smile. “Especially if you’re there.”

  Michael’s cheeks hurt as he tried to suppress a grin. The woman was impossible. She’d be happy to spend the evening at a fast food restaurant, ordering off the dollar menu, as long as they were together. He had to admit, his heart thumped with pleasure at the thought. She truly did love him. And he’d do anything for her, even if she didn’t ask.

  “We’re here,” he announced, pulling her to his side. “You can open them.”

  She opened her eyes and gasped, clutching at his arm. They were indeed at his parents’ home. In front of them stood the same Bell 429 helico
pter that they were supposed to ride in over six months ago. But this time, the sky above was clear and not a cloud in sight. The sun had just set over the horizon and soon the city around them would be alive with brilliant colored lights.

  “Are we really going up?” she asked.

  The helicopter’s blades began to spin in response to her question.

  “Come on,” Michael said with a smile. “Aaron’s waiting. He’s excited to try for round two.”

  She followed him up to the helipad, where they both greeted the pilot. Michael helped her up into the plush white leather interior and got her settled into the seat next to him. They both put on headsets and held hands as the helicopter lurched into the sky, making his stomach drop into his feet for the slightest moment.

  “Oh Michael, it’s so beautiful.” Emily leaned over the window, still clutching his hand. Below, San Jose was a valley of lights. “I can’t believe we’re up this high. I was just starting to get used to the height of Linex Investments. This takes my breath away.”

  Michael smiled warmly, his attention fully fixed on the stunning woman beside him in a sunflower yellow sundress. She took his breath away. There was no doubt about that.

  “I can see our office,” she squealed, pointing out the window. “And I think that’s where my apartment building is. Oh, and there’s your penthouse.”

  He nodded, squeezing her hand. His palm felt clammy. He hoped she didn’t notice. Tonight had to be perfect.

  They began to lower. Emily stared at the window, her eyes taking in the sight of the tiny cars passing beneath them. She didn’t seem to notice that Aaron was moving them toward a target, until the helicopter touched down. Michael kissed the top of her hand when she turned to him, confusion in her eyes.

  “Why did we stop?” she asked.


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