Lies and Legends

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Lies and Legends Page 12

by Logan Keys

  I can’t think about it now. I’m too busy lobbing off heads.

  Phillip makes a push on my side. “Come on!”

  He has to pull me away from the fight as we work our way from the highway into tall dry grass. It hisses with the sound of our steps as we run.

  The group makes it to a safe distance. “Where’s Leo?” I ask, and Phillip frowns.

  “He’s gone. Ahead.” “Alone?” Phillip shakes his head. “Not completely.” He sighs like he has too much to tell me. “He’s staying away from the cities, the worst areas. The roads are most dangerous. I told Cory not to come this way.”

  “Cory,” I growl turning to look for the monster.

  Cory strides over, his face serious, the eyes tight between the scar I gave him that’s healed some.

  “How long have I been… gone?” I ask Phillip, but before he can answer, Cory’s standing before me.

  I lift my sword.

  “Ah-ah, Liza. Remember last time?”

  I do. I’d cut him. And he’d wiped my mind and made me a slave.

  “How long?” I ask, hating the quiver in my voice.

  Cory seems to measure me a moment. I’m covered in grime from the battle. He sees something there he doesn’t like. “Not long enough,” he says, and then I’m back in Bodega.

  Chapter 35


  This side of the city is littered with trash and smoke from the fires make everything hazy. Masculinity ekes out of every corner. That’s just cause their numbers are far larger. But the chaos is like a pheromone attracting more chaos.

  My inner she-demon catches a scent. She goes on alert. Something about the human confusion is heady and makes her come alive. The brewing tension among the men makes her long for a brawl of her own.

  She’s been a punching bag for so long that now, even if it’s not right, she’s seeking revenge in the land of testosterone.

  Shade notices, but doesn’t say anything. Even when my walk changes, becomes silkier. My hands curve into claws and my teeth elongate. I know if I look in a mirror I’ll see red eyes glowing in the darkness. The demon in its form.

  Most nights I come to life, trying to find my humanity, but it’s moments like this that my undead side is more alive than my human side. It’s more what I seek and accept. I am aware that I am no longer passive-aggressive Dallas, but the aggressive-aggressive monster within.

  If you survive me like this, you’ll wish you were dead.

  Shade is a shadow, but is he a demon? I think that he’s not.

  I’m alone in that with my hunger. And suddenly, I am very hungry.

  Men come out of the woodwork. These are just the human ones. You can tell apart the military grunts from the specials. They sit by each side of the alleyway, talking, playing cards in the dim light, but while some gaze at me with knowing eyes, the others shift uncomfortably.

  They see us and stiffen, a few let themselves stare at my assets, while others see me for what I am, death in the form of a girl. The latter’s eyes widen.

  They still call the other side La La Land. Funny little name. But this side they’ve been calling: Fallout

  Two names. Two sides.

  Both lost causes without the other.

  A perfect metaphor for the crisis the world is in.

  As we get closer, things change. More soldiers with strange looks appear. Some are bigger than a man should be and there are eyes that shine in the darkness. Others move incredibly fast, I can’t see them change position. Not as fast as Shade though. One vibrates in his boots, ready to take flight or some such ability.

  I keep my guard up. You never know what they’ve been gifted with.

  A blind man shows me things in a glimpse. Impressions. I have to shake him off me. He’s slithering in and out of my mind like oil across glass. Once I have him gone, another shimmers in front of me, like he’s made of metal, but then he begins melting.

  “Mercury,” Shades supplies, as the guy drips pieces of himself wherever he walks.

  It’s kind of nice to not be looked at like before. These see me as a challenge, but some smile the smile and nod of welcome. We are the same. A brother and sisterhood of freaks. At another time, perhaps we’d latch hands, introduce ourselves. I sense they’d be a friend. Not all are hateful of women as their leader.

  “Why are there so many more specials that are men?” I ask.

  “Before there was you all, the vampires, they just went through the program equal numbers. It was torturous and girls died more often, not from pain, but genetic breakdown. Er… barriers. I’m no scientist, but maybe it was nature’s way since you’re the ones who can have children, I dunno. Something like ten to one on the death toll. The ability to fight infection should have been stronger in females, or so they said, but instead, it was like evolution decided there would be no…” He coughs. “Offspring or something.”

  I roll my eyes. “How many women specials are there?”

  “I’m not sure. But most of them are with the vampires.”


  So, Joelle is the way to circumvent the natural selection of specials. That makes her more special than special.

  “Sad and interesting. Are vampires sterile?”

  I flinch inwardly. “I’m not sure. Probably. Maybe it’s a blessing,” I say. “I mean that there are only a few of us.”

  He nods, getting my meaning. “You are kind of one in a million.”

  I smile. “Why do I feel a wink in there somewhere?”

  He smiles. “Because there is. You ready?” he asks again.

  “How many times are you going to ask me that?”

  “Bradford’s an acquired taste is all.”

  I laugh.

  Shade’s head catches on his neck to see my jaws in the moonlight. When wide, they make quite a spectacle. He makes a sound that’s not quite disgust. It seemed like pleasure.

  Shade snags my arm and pulls me into an alleyway, and at first, I think he’s going to kiss me, but instead he’s checking to make sure the group passing by doesn’t see us.

  “Why these?” I ask.

  “The loyal ones. Raiders.”

  “Raiders?” I snort.

  “Shut it,” he hisses.

  Shade’s really worried about these Raiders.

  “What is a Raider?” I whisper.

  “Originally? Marines. But they are special now, too. Alone they aren’t too much trouble but the thing about a raider is…”

  “They don’t work alone. Got it.”

  “Yeah, you would,” he says smiling. “You vamps are peas in a pod.”

  He’s got me against the wall, and he shades me with this body. I realize they can’t see us.

  Shade. Ha.

  I get it now.

  Shade’s mouth is next to my ear, and he whispers, “So you ready, my romantic one?”

  He’s poking fun at my lack of romance. I know he can see me clear as day when I prick my tongue on my teeth in a smile. I let the blood coat my lips. My body reacts as it should, and I change all the more to that other thing. I’ve embraced it and what it can do.

  He shudders in my hands, but not with revulsion.

  I smell his need but I push him away and say, “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Chapter 36


  Bradford is a loud mouth braggart. I can tell without even getting close. He’s talking to someone up front and with my hearing so acute, I listen in. He’s explaining why he’s the best and knows everything for a few minutes. Even when we approach, he acts like by not acknowledging us right away, it keeps us in check.


  Stay cocky, Bradley, I think.

  My lip curls. He’s got himself up on a throne like a king.

  Adrian thinks herself a queen.

  I’m disgusted with all this pretend royalty.

  And then I see the machine. It’s a lot bigger than I’d pictured. I thought of maybe a toaster sized thing or something. Like you could run awa
y with it, steal it, lose it in the ocean. But this… it’s like I’m seeing something that’s not of this world.


  Like us.

  Giant circular metal, and in the middle, is that frost? Are those shapes inside? It makes my skin crawl.

  Bradford leans forward onto his knees. Crouched. He’s in running shorts which is weird in the soldier setting. He’s got a wife beater on.

  My fangs are too long to close my mouth so I let them show. That makes him smile.

  He slowly rises to his full height. I must admit it’s impressive. He’s not a small man.

  “So, it’s true,” he says. “They got vampires over there. Didn’t I tell you, Shade?” Shade says nothing and Bradford’s cold eyes shift between us dumbly. No understanding appears. “Did you go over there, shadow man? Did you get a good look?”

  I glance at Shade. So, he’d been using me.

  I shrug when I feel him staring at me for reaction. Did he actually think I cared? I’m not worried if he had ulterior motives. He was fun while he lasted.

  I look back at Bradford. “This line between sides is nonsense. We need to join together if you think to take Anthem. Stop being childish.”

  If he is surprised by my bluntness on his turf, he hides it well.

  Bradford shakes his head. “Not going to happen with Adrian at the head over there.”


  “Okay, what?”

  I shrug. “We will remove her.”

  “Who will? You?” It’s obvious he likes what he’s hearing.

  I nod. “You would have to step down. My own leader will take over for all of the forces.”

  Bradford snorts. “That little vampire?”

  “The very same.”

  He throws his head back, laughing. “This one… you… you.” Bradford wags a finger at me and faces Shade.

  Shade stays tight lipped, looking ahead.

  “Wait a minute,” Bradford says, glaring between us. “What the hell, man? You been hitting that? A grave sleeper? She drinks blood! That means diseases. Like rats.” His face shifts from the too dumb for words to a mask of pure disgust and vileness. “You might as well screw a zombie.”

  I tighten my fists but stay still. I’ve learned a lot in this short life of mine, but one of the most important things is this: Let hate speak for itself. Hate’s a big talker. Likes the sounds of its own voice.

  Bradford is trying to get me to make a move. “You mean to tell me all this time you’ve been jumping each other’s bones while I’m over here doing the hard work?” He comes forward and Shade is like a statue. Bradford gets a foot away from him and tries to look into his dark face. “You let her drink your crazy shadow blood and everything?”

  I sigh. Loudly. Draw attention to myself.

  He wants a fight, I’ll give it to him, but I’m not one for making a move until I know what I’m dealing with.

  It works. Bradford is already stalking my way. “Blood sucker, what do you think of my place?”

  “It looks more like a refurbished store room. Kinda dirty. Not surprising.”

  He laughs again. Laughing and giggling like a fool. The king of fools. The fool of fools.

  “You were right,” I say to Shade.

  He tilts his head like, I told you so.

  Bradford’s head snaps in his direction. “You a turncoat or what? You ready to join the vagina squad over there? They’ll make you stone when you least expect it.” He snaps his fingers.

  “Joelle wants the machine,” I say in a bored tone.

  “I wasn’t finished.”

  “Let me help you then. Joelle wants the machine and you can shut the hell up about the rest.”

  “Women!” he shouts at the ceiling and raises his hands upward. “Give me strength!”

  “Why do you need strength?” I ask. “Is your jaw tired?”

  Bradford’s eyes flare.

  Shade moves closer, but subtly. He hasn’t seen this side of me. The side that has been near death on the losing end, but who has taken every single piece of herself back with the blessing of a dark gift.

  I’ll own every bit of this new me. The she-demon. Because she’s the reason I’m still alive.

  Bradford shrugs off the challenge. Stupid but patient at the same time. That’s a deadly combination.

  He walks over and pings the frosted glass. “This machine? It’s now useless.”

  “What is it?” I ask.

  “She didn’t tell you? Your little vampire queen?”


  “Dallas, was it?”

  I nod. I try not to glare at Shade. How else would Bradford know my name?

  “Meet your maker.” Bradford waves a hand at the machine. “Here is our origin. This thing is what pumped out little devils and zombies across our planet. You have it to thank for all of the this.”

  It’s hard not to flinch at that. I mean the whole world would go right back to what it was before without this machine? What a mind-boggling thought.

  “You want to know what I think?” he asks.

  Not really.

  “Sure,” I say.

  “We had a guy here before, who could do the mind control thing. In fact, Simon wouldn’t have kept LA together without him. Anyway, Cory had a theory and thought it’s no coincidence. Shade here is like some modern version of Nyx. Heard of her? Goddess of night described as “a shadowy figure”. Your Adrian: The Medusa. I mean it all came together when I saw this hunk of junk. I’ve got a guy who can make you sleep, just like that! Hypnos, I think, was the name and giants… we all know about the giants in Greek mythology.”

  “Mythology. Sure,” I say humoring him. “But what about us?”

  “You? Vampire. All we need are some werewolves, and we already have zombies. Each age has their ‘stories’ - folklore, fairytales, and so on. Now we know, some of them are true.” He winks at me with a sly smile.


  Bradford lifts a finger. “And what do they have in common? There were arguments that the Greek gods were real. Historians that wrote them might have known them. And then the more recent lore: Dracula and the like.”

  “You think this happened before?”

  “Yes. It made legends. Us… legends. They knew it before, but who would believe them?”

  I frown. “So, where are you at in all of this? A legend or a myth?”

  “Me?” He grins. “I don’t get to use my special often but you see that?” Bradford points at the roof where the skylight is high above. “Full moon.”

  He whispers a howl and laughs. My body reacts out of instinct.

  Bradford laughs again. “So, what does your vampire queen command of you?”

  “That we take the machine. That we join together.”

  “Why would I join with you?”

  I cock a brow. “The other option is not as pleasant.”

  Bradford glances at Shade like he can’t believe his ears. “What? The vamps kill us all?”



  I sigh again.

  He makes no move to attack me but I won’t either until I know his special.

  The moon shows in front of the window. Bradford glances upward and I see why he’s in loose clothing. He hadn’t been joking before. His body is already changing, and he’s grinning at me while his face transforms into a snout. His spine ripples and elongates into an animal’s.

  Skin peals from bone, and it’s not pretty. Bradford melts and regenerates. It’s the ugliest werewolf shift ever, something out of a horror movie.

  And he’s not a pretty fluffy wolf in the end, either. He’s big and terrifying and lanky and full of sinew. His mouth is as long as my torso.

  Shade comes forward, but I give him a look only a woman can. It says way more than words: Stay back. If you get involved, I’ll make you pay.

  “Legends and fables,” I say. “Boy, he wasn’t kidding was he?”

  It kinda makes sense. Perhaps Bradford is ri
ght, and this is how the stories went. So many versions are vamp vs werewolf and now we see why.

  Like a demon uninvited he’s twisting into a monster and I feel like maybe there isn’t room in this world for two of us. Our species almost seem exclusive. Who would ride to the top of the food chain? Him or me.

  Zombies are beneath vampire. And wolf? Well, why don’t we find out?

  The monster shivers and shakes his ginormous head yawning its grin at me, and even a laughing wheeze makes it out of the mouth, lips curled back, long teeth dripping saliva.

  Seeing his teeth, my own lengthen again. My skin grows tight.

  Sensing my tension, Bradford rears back onto his hind legs. He’s at least double my height. The wolf howls at the moon. It’s grotesque to see him walk like a human. No wonder he’s not been challenged. One swipe of those giant paws and my head comes off.

  He must notice me staring at them because he takes a practice swing now, and the claws whistle through the air.

  I sense Shade’s fear watching me and the wolf work ourselves toward a fight. He’s worried? For me?

  Shade doesn’t understand yet. I’m in my element. Near death is where I live the most.

  The thing that was Bradford lunges at me with blinding speed. By the barging movement, I get that he doesn’t have much control over his animal. He’s more beast than man. I can use that to my advantage. I am much faster than he is, but his strength is tremendous.

  Every one of the men in the room watch me to see what I’ll do. Will I back down? They have. And they are ready to see their leader pull me apart. I’m sure he’s done so with his challengers thus far.

  I risk getting within grabbing distance to my own regret. He knocks me off my feet. I fly into the wall and further.

  I take out the entire side of the building, catapulting through it, and bounce off my ass into a backwards somersault. I manage to stop my ridiculous rolling by sticking my claws into the wet earth. On all fours, I growl, letting myself get truly and royally pissed off. In an animalistic position, I arch my back up like a cat and hiss.


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