Rage of the Phoenix

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Rage of the Phoenix Page 16

by Elizabeth N Harris

  Gasping out loud and bent over clutching my stomach, I read it again. I knew, I freaking knew who it was, but I didn’t understand how. How could it be him? Jesus please it can’t be him.

  “Call Chance.” I whispered. Stefan gave a sharp order to Emily, and I heard her leave the room. Ten minutes later, two police officers in uniform came through the door. They looked at the note and one stepped away and radioed someone.

  “We’ve called for a detective.” The other said speaking to me. “Can someone get her a drink, please?” He asked those in the room.

  Liz was on her phone checking the status of the kids, Micah, Carmine and Tye were not at the Hall but being escorted there now. Liz informed me my smaller kids were accounted for and downstairs in the basement which doubled as a panic room. The door was bomb proof and once dead bolted, and a criminal needed a miracle to get through it.

  For the moment, the door was open and heavily guarded by ninety percent of the security team. Liz kept me up to date as one by one my kids had been taken there and secured. I relaxed when she told me the kids were accounted for and in the basement which was secure. Liz was constantly on the phone to Matthias and was keeping me updated. Best place for my kids was a bomb proof panic room.

  The door opened, and an officer moved to block Drake, who was striding in looking worried. He squared up against the officer and I felt the vibes coming off him. Drake was pissed at being kept from me and he was about to act on it.

  I rose shakily to my feet and then I was in his arms. They closed around me and I swallowed a sob back. I felt the officer’s eyes on us but I didn’t look up, I burrowed into a strong chest and clung to him for dear life.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Drake asked Stefan, tucking me under his chin, his hand at the back of my head.

  “Death threat.” Stefan replied shortly. Drake tensed and, if possible, his arms got tighter around me. He glanced over at an officer who wore gloves on and was putting the letter into a bag.

  “What the fuck?” Drake whispered.

  “Phoe and the kids.” Abigail said putting her hand over her phone and then she carried on her conversation in low tones. Drake saw the bag in the policeman’s hands and snatched it from him and began reading it over my shoulder.

  Emily came back in carrying a tray of coffee mugs. She kicked the door shut on people beginning to gather outside but I knew my inner core wouldn’t be kept out for long. Vibes hit the room from Drake, dark, angry and dangerous.

  Drake gave the letter back to the officer and walked me over to my sofa and sat pulling me into his lap. He wrapped his arms back around me and tucked me back into his throat and spoke over my head.

  “Who has the kids?” In that moment, I fell irrevocably in love with him. Drake thought of my kids, put them first.

  “My team.” Liz replied from the corner where she was back to the wall, watching the main floors coming and goings.

  “They safe?” Drake kept on snarling.

  “In lock down.”

  “Are they fuckin’ safe?” Drake shouted losing control. His large hand cupped the back of my head. I could feel his heart thumping through his chest.

  “The basement doubles as a panic room. The children are locked down. Only Phoe, Matthias and I have the codes. Not even the Ames, Albert or Micah have the codes. They are locked down.” Drake shuffled, and he lifted his hip. He pulled his phone from his pocket and finger dialled someone.

  “Get those who can to Phoe’s home and get a patrol on the perimeter and don’t enter the house without identifying yourself.” He snapped into the phone and ended the call.

  “They’re safe.” Liz reassured us both.

  “Feel better if Rage is on site just in case.” Drake told her.

  “I’ll let my people know not to shoot Rage.” Liz replied sternly. Drake just raised an eyebrow at her.

  “Chance is on the road.” Emily said sitting beside us. She held my hand for a few minutes and squeezed it. Then leaning forward she gave my cheek a kiss and left the room to make sure we weren’t disturbed. I stared as a man walked into my office and my eyes widened. Despite this horrific drama I couldn’t help myself.

  The man was gorgeous, tall, over six-foot, black wavy hair that was just a tad too long. Beautiful Mexican olive tanned skin, brown soft gentle eyes. He was lean hipped and long legged and wide shouldered, not as broad as Drake or Chance. But he’d be able to hold his own. He wore blue jeans, a plain navy buttoned shirt and a sports jacket. On his feet were worn and comfortable cowboy boots.

  “Detective Antonio Ramirez, Rapid City PD.” The man said, and a shiver ran through me. His voice was like silk and I felt Drake’s arms twitch and I looked up to see his eyes laughing at me.

  “Phoenix.” I replied. Detective Ramirez looked around the room and the others introduced themselves and their positions. There was a commotion outside the door and a police officer who had been guarding it flew backwards and Chance, Bear and Chatter stormed into the office. Chance didn’t hesitate but strode across the room and ripped me from Drakes arms and swept me up.

  “The kids?” Chance bit out, anger plain in his voice, his whole body gave off stay away vibes as he held me tight. I clung tightly to him, soaking up his strength.

  “Safe. Lockdown.” Liz replied. Chance nodded.

  “Go.” He said over his shoulder to Celt, Tiny, Pyro and Levi who were just entering my office. They spun on their heels after checking I was alright and left the room.

  Drake growled and made to take me back in his arms. But I saw the look Chance shot him and Drake stopped moving. No one took on Chance when this mood rode him. Although for a few seconds I thought Drake just might. Drake instead tilted his head giving Chance what he needed at that moment.

  “You a cop?” Chance spat at Detective Ramirez. He nodded. “What you doing about it?”

  “Just got here a minute before your grand entrance. If you don’t mind, I’d like to begin.” Detective Ramirez snapped back and my gaze shot to him. He looked pissed. Was the detective judging me for knowing two MC’s?

  “Get on with it.” Chance said, and I knew he was just holding on by his fingertips. I thought Drake and Ramirez had realised this.

  “Can you tell me what happened Miss Phoenix?” Detective Ramirez said dragging a chair over to me as Chance sat with me on his lap.

  “Call me Phoe.” I invited and then ran him through the letter and what had led up to it. The detective walked me through my morning and through the manic last few days. He looked to Abigail who was no longer on the phone and she informed him that she was gathering footage from the cameras. Ramirez asked a few more questions and then finally looked at me, Drake and Chance.

  “This person knows you Phoe. Knows you well, do you have any ideas?” He asked me gently.

  “It sounds like my ex-husband but it can’t be.” I bit my lip and swallowed. I didn’t dare look at Chance.

  “Can’t be?” Ramirez asked me.

  “He’s in prison in England. Locked up for the next ten years.” I whispered. Chance’s arms twitched, and I buried my head in his throat. We both knew otherwise.

  “Are you sure he’s behind bars?” I nodded. God no, I knew he wasn’t behind bars. “For what?”

  “Bigamy, domestic violence, fraud, child abuse, battery, rape, you name it, asshole committed it.” Chance replied to Ramirez when I couldn’t speak.

  Drake’s body stiffened and then he jumped to his feet and stormed from the room. An aura of violence went with him but didn’t lessen as Chance and the others remained in the room. Ramirez straightened and with a visible effort, turned his now angry look into gentle. The detectives’ own vibes were pretty dangerous as well.

  “Do you need to talk alone?” He asked me. I shook my head. There was no way in hell Chance was letting anyone else hold me. I couldn’t let him go either, I needed him, his strength, his love, just needed him. Chance already knew.

  “They all knew, apart from Drake.” I whispered.r />
  “Take your time Phoe and tell me what you can.” I began speaking hesitantly and then switched off and began telling it factually. Chance kept a tight grip on me as I spoke.

  It was the only way I could cope with talking about my story. I did this from the haven of Chance’s arms, focussed on his tattoo of a Phoenix that curled around the lower of his left arm. I didn’t see or hear Drake come back. It wasn’t until I’d finished, that I lifted my head and saw him, his eyes burning into mine.

  Drake moved forward, and I found myself yet again dragged from someone’s lap and dragged into someone’s arms. Chance let go but I could tell he wasn’t happy too. He sent his cousin another look but Drake closed his around me and buried his head into my neck.

  “Never again, never again my angel, I swear on my life. You’ll always be safe I swear it on my cut.” Drake whispered. I blinked, that was huge. I knew what that meant. To swear on their cut was something so extreme it never happened. I wrapped my arms around him and held him as tight as he held me.

  “He’ll have to get through me and all of Rage before he breathes your air again. Promise you’re gonna safe.” I clenched my fists in his back and bit back a sob. I knew the monster wouldn’t breathe my air again, and I looked across at Chance who held my eyes.

  “I’ll have to contact the United Kingdom police, check his status.” Ramirez said watching us. “Can you think of anyone else? Someone you may have turned away? A disgruntled ex of a client?”

  “Lots of those.” I whispered.

  “I have letters sent previously, we keep them and track them. Our own security team access the threats and if deemed viable, they are turned over to the local police in the relevant state. We’ve never had a death threat aimed at the children before, though. Lots of violent promises but nothing in this category. HQ is secure. This weekend was ideal for someone to breech security.” Abigail said looking at her shoes.

  “Abigail, you couldn’t have prevented this.” I told her. She looked at me and I saw it in her face she thought she’d let me down.

  “Tell me about this weekend. Could someone be after money? A threat and then a possible demand for payment? I need to know everything.” Ramirez said. Drake held me tight as my team talked to Ramirez and answered his questions. During which time my eyes held Chance’s, well aware of the secret between us.

  Chapter Eight.

  I sat curled in Drakes arms, the police had left taking the letter away. Detective Ramirez promised to let me know what the U.K reported back. I gave him a tired nod. Liz had left to sort out security for the kids, and Abigail left to consider further security for the building. Rumours were running riot outside my office, but the inner circle was squishing them for now.

  After the weekend and the high the guys were on, I didn’t want an upset bringing everyone low. Drake looked at Chance. A question on his face that hadn’t been vocalised when Ramirez was present. Chance gave a single head shake, then clenched his jaw and turned away.

  “Definitely not the ex-husband.” Drake muttered.

  “No.” I whispered and guessed Drake had sorted part of the puzzle out.

  “Not gonna ask. Can it be tracked?” Chance turned back and shook his head, eyes burning.

  “Need to lock Phoe down until we catch this sick fuck.” Chance grunted, and I shook my head.

  “You can’t! The Trusts need me to be visible. What happens if I disappear? The gossip?”

  “What will it say if a sick fuck gets a’hold you or the kids?” Chance shot back, and I trembled in Drake’s arms.

  “People are dying out there, Chance.” I whispered.

  “And someone fuckin’ could kill you! I’m worried about you. Fuck Phoe, I can’t lose you!” Chance roared, his body towering over mine. I shrank back feeling his anger.

  “No one will lose her, Phoe’s gotta have someone on her all the time. Rage, Hellfire, cops. Put in a call to Dylan Hawthorne. Hawthorne’s the best in Rapid City, best in South Dakota. Man owes Rage a couple of markers.” Chance’s eyes flashed to Drake, who funny enough was being the voice of reason.

  “Call Hawthorne. Both of ya’s been at opposite ends several times but need the best on Phoe” Chance agreed. He looked at me. “Gonna surround you, Phoe, no matter where you are ya don’t move without four people beside you. One Rage, one Hellfire, one Hawthorne and one Liz’s. Don’t move without those four, no thinkin’ that okay, there’s three of them. Want front, back and sides Phoe. Understand me?” I nodded.

  “Kids.” Drake said.

  “Same with kids, gonna curtail their shit but they’ll understand. The younger kids do not leave that house, want the Hall on total lockdown. No one gets in or out.” Chance decided before I could say a word. The door opened and Liz entered.

  “Teams are coming in, enough for two guards per child. The younger kids will stay home with patrols guarding them. Motion sensors, cameras, every security measure installed at the Hall, went live as of half an hour ago. Matthias released the teens into the Hall. Not the grounds, not till a freaking army gets there to protect the kids.” A phone began buzzing, it was mine and Micah was calling. Hitting answer, I spoke to my boy.

  Micah sounded calmer than one may have thought as I told him the full truth. Micah agreed with the security measures and agreed to get the older kids to keep the younger ones inside the Hall. At the end of the call a sudden thought hit, which caused me to pale and shake harder.

  “Christ Phoe.” Drake said wrapping his arms tight around me.

  “That asshole was here, my children were in danger.” Fear crawled up my throat. Drake and Chance’s faces said that they’d considered this. The grimness in their eyes said everything.

  “Gonna be okay angel.” Drake whispered. I hadn’t tasted fear this strong for years and yet terror crawled back under my skin like an old friend.

  “My kids Drake.” Without doubt, I could give everything else up, money, the Trusts, the houses, but never my kids. No two ways about it, I couldn’t live without them. Drake drew me close and held on tight.

  “No asshole’s getting’ near the kids’ Phoe. Swear it.” Chance rumbled and then he left.

  “Need to go home.” I told Drake and pushed against him. Drake let go, and I reached for my bag. Drake followed me from the room, quietly explaining to Stefan and we left the building. Eyes followed us and concern stifled the air. Drake guided me to my car, opening the door I got in the driver’s side.

  “Rage got shit to finish, do that and then I’ll be at the Hall. I’ll bring food. Tell Mrs Ames not to cook.” Drake said and bent to give me a long kiss.

  I drove home fast seeing a security team in the car behind but not paying conscious attention. Cameras tracked the car from the trees as I approached the Hall. Security walked the grounds to my gratification. Celt and Tiny guarded the front door.

  Pyro and Levi came running down the steps and met me from the car and escorted me into the house. Inside were Apache and Ace, Rooster and Shee. The older kids were talking in the morning room. I cocked my head not hearing the younger ones.

  “Babies are in the basement with Slick and Lex.” Ace said abruptly looking over his shoulder as the older teens came out. Micah was pale. Carmine, Tye and Jodie looked scared and Serenity, Harley and Christian looked worried.

  “Mum?” Christian asked, walking towards me. I opened my arms and my boy flew into them.

  “Is it that bastard?” Micah snapped.

  “No son, never going to be him.” I assured. Micah gazed across at Pyro and Tiny with a question in his eyes. Pyro gave him a sharp nod and Micah relaxed.

  “Fair do. So any leads?” Carmine asked. I shook my head and ran my hand over Christian’s hair. My son let go and wandered back to Micah.

  Christian idolised Micah, constantly seeking out his bother for love and comfort. Micah was the default for Christian when he needed reassurance. Christian slipped under Micah’s arm and burrowed into him. After the escape, Micah had taken on the role of surrogate
father to the kids and becoming far older than his years.

  “Drake’s comin’ up with Chinese. If ya want somethin’ special, gimme orders now.” Ace said curtly. I gave him food orders for the little kids and then the older ones gave their own. Pyro spoke to the kids and everyone disappeared in different directions. I remained standing in the entrance hall and then walked upstairs to get changed.

  Drake arrived two hours later and everyone crammed into the lounge and ate. Even at home I was on edge and tried to hide my nerves, Rage and Hellfire both picked up on the tenseness. At seven o’clock it was a relief to put the babies down, followed by Eddie and Tony.

  The middle kids would go to bed at their given times and teens were old enough to sort themselves out. I sat staring at the fire that Pyro had started an hour earlier before Hellfire left. Pyro had to be reassured by Chance that I was covered tonight, before he left. Tomorrow Shotgun was the guard from Hellfire. Shotgun was riding up tomorrow morning before work.

  Blaze, a prospect from Rage was meeting me at HQ tomorrow. I’d several meetings that couldn’t just be ignored or rescheduled. It was imperative I went to work tomorrow, it couldn’t be avoided.

  Luckily, the kids were on a school break and so I didn’t have to worry. The kids were registered at well recommended local schools and kindergartens. Now I wondered if I needed to send them to private ones.

  In such a small space of time, I’d been hit by a multitude of events, leaving me reeling. In dealing with the aftermath of the huge donation weekend, the death threat, Rage’s arrival in my life, I was overwhelmed. Chance wasn’t happy that someone had breached HQ. Add to everything else there was the growing attraction between myself and Drake. Yeah, my life had a lot going on lately.

  Most of it could tackled easily, the team would manage the donations and sort out what needed doing there. Property would investigate the land and buildings that had been donated. Kyle was busy ensuring that the donations were going to the correct states.

  Rage threw me for a loop. Not because they were an MC. That meant nothing, MC’s had a rough rep but Hellfire and Rage were good ones. Rage and Hellfire’s past may be murky but both clubs were now clean. How Rage fitted into my life was a worry when Hellfire took priority. Hell would freeze over before I’d cut Hellfire out because of Rage, a balance needed to be found. This was the first chance I’d had, to consider the implications of both MCs.


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