The Final Option

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The Final Option Page 13

by Kyle Robertson

  Confusion still owned Owen's mind. “Why do you want him back here?!”

  “Because the MCRD-52 doesn't have the range to execute successfully in the Marrabios mountains,” Ron revealed.

  That was when all the confusion became crystal. “We're going to bait the hook, snag him from the water, and grill him at home.”

  “When my plan has been explained, I'm not the idiot you thought I was.” Ron had a smugness about him.

  Owen knew he was the best controller of the MCRD-52. “I'm not going to get a day off for a while, huh?”

  “You'll get your normal days off, Robot Commander,” Ron alleviated Owen's apprehension. “Until this tryst is complete, you're going to be on call, like an important surgeon.”

  “Tryst, huh?” Owen pondered Ron's verbiage. “I guess we both loved him… once.”


  Geogyn prepared himself for battle. Dark Ice forced difficulty into his preparation. He remembered how he felt when they died in the alternate timeline. He didn't want to feel that despair again and actually, accelerate the anguish by watching the murder. He had to be delicate, but murdering them wasn't an option.

  We used to be comrades in the alternate dimension. Time is a stern unforgiving mistress, he thought.

  He knew their strengths, but he was programmed to capitalize through termination. He had to make his executions non-lethal.

  I will incapacitate them. They won't have to die… this day, he thought with foreshadowing.

  Being Armageddon obligated him to neutralize evil. Dark Ice would be considered evil and would have to be a component of balance.

  Geogyn decided to deal with that trial when it arose. Augmenting chronology opened infinite possibilities. An arithmetic prodigy couldn't calculate the outcome. The odds would be insurmountable. He was just hoping for one where he didn't have to rectify them.

  He changed his tactics on his victorious outcome. He would send them back humiliated, conquered, and embarrassed, but he would send them back.

  He emerged from meditation just when the barrage began.

  “They are breaching the entrance, Sir,” a Lord Order ensign informed General Oswalt.

  “Let them enter without resistance,” Geogyn interrupted the speculated order from Oswalt. “Have your entire team avoid them at all costs. They came for me, so I will deal with them. If your team tries to oppose them in any way, they will be killed.”

  “We can slow them down, Geogyn,” Oswalt countered with his suggestion.

  “Your entire team trying to slow down Dark Ice would be like an unarmed newborn trying to slow down a professional assassin with a seething hate for babies.” Geogyn broke down the particulars. “Avoid them and pray they don't see you.”

  Oswalt looked at Geogyn with astonishment. Then he remembered Geogyn was the only ally intimately familiar with Dark Ice, and his air was deathly serious. He turned to the control panel and pressed the All Call button. He had to make sure everyone heard him.

  “All Lord Order mercenaries, Code Valkyrie. I repeat, Code Valkyrie.”

  Oswalt turned to Geogyn. “They'll double time to a secret chamber. No one will see them, and Dark Ice will remain clear for you. I hope you know what you're doing.”

  “Of course I do,” Geogyn told Oswalt. Then to lighten his weight, he quoted an old movie. “I'm on a mission from God.”

  Oswalt was surprised at Geogyn's levity. He had never expressed humor in all the years he had known him.

  Geogyn saw Oswalt's surprise, and said, “I might die in this exchange. I figured instead of being owned by anxiety, laughing as it would be more therapeutic.”

  “I guess the only way to fully know you is to be you,” Oswalt concluded.

  “If you knew all of me, you'd be paralyzed in distress,” Geogyn warned him.

  Oswalt understood the harrowing events of Geogyn's past. “Let's just keep your biography on a need to know basis.”

  Geogyn saw the trepidation wash over Oswalt like a waterfall. “You called a Code Valkyrie for every Lord Order mercenary to inhabit the secret location. Get out of here. I got it from here.”

  Oswalt gave Geogyn a final salute. “You are a stronger man than I. Go get them, Geogyn, and I hope to see you breathing again.”

  “This control panel has recording,” Geogyn said. “You can watch my excursion like a battle royale when you return.”

  Oswalt nodded to him, did an about-face, and headed to the covert area.

  Annihilation will be unleashed momentarily, Geogyn thought as Oswalt disappeared. I have to execute this tacticall and without lethality.

  The moments ticked slowly. Geogyn monitored them on the control panel's screen. They were moving through the corridor with careful calculation. Covering each other, and advancing, slowly.

  The wait for them to arrive at the Grand Training Area was getting excruciating. An exasperated Geogyn grabbed the All Call and made an announcement.

  “No one is there to oppose your squad, Scrap. I know you came here for me. If Ron is as adept as I know he is, that means you have the blueprints of this fortress etched in your minds. I'm in the Grand Training Area. There won't be any opposition, but don't trust me. I didn't want my overzealous mercenaries to commit suicide by trying to impede you. Just cut the Special Forces, Spetsnaz crap, and get down here. I'll be waiting.” Geogyn released the button, and anticipated their advancement to be quicker.

  Geogyn kept watching the monitor. There was no sound being produced, but he could read lips.

  Harm rose up erect from his stealthy crouch. “He's screwing with us!”

  “Well, now I know our element of surprise is useless,” Scrap conveyed to her team.

  “Quiet! He might have this corridor littered with listening devices,” the Propagander quickly cautioned Scrap.

  “Even if he has microphones littering this corridor, surprising him has become inert, besides, Geogyn can read lips, Shane,” Scrap said.

  Barry spoke up. “Do you think he was telling the truth about no resistance?”

  “He knows we came for him,” Scrap said. “He knows we'll kill any human trying to stop us with no problem. Maybe he’s donned some compassion over these years and warned them about us. Let's go to the training area, but in case he's lying, be careful.”

  “Screw this discussion shit, Akio,” Jacob blurted to Scrap. “I'm ready to ruin Geo's day!”

  “You can give humans any disease you want, Harm,” Scrap said, impatiently. “The only chink in your armor is Geogyn isn't human. It would be like a football player going against a ninja master. We were chosen for this suicide mission because we are the best squad in Ghost Alpha. Don't muck this assignment with impatient stupidity.”

  They all silently agreed and commenced cautiously to the training area.

  Geogyn knew Dark Ice was advancing tactically. Any professional proficient squad would execute the procedure, but he was getting impatient. He expected them not to believe his open invitation to the Grand Training Area, but their impractical attention to no one was taking too long.

  Geogyn finally saw Dark Ice's shadows emerge from the corridor.

  “I know I shouldn't be ardent with your team, Scrap, but I wasn't lying. There's no one here, but me!” Geogyn yelled at the shadows.

  Scrap slowly appeared from the hallway, followed by her team.

  “You know any Ghost Alpha unit advances with caution!” she yelled back. “The reason we were slated for this contract is we're the best Ghost Alpha unit!”

  “Two of your commandos have impotent abilities against me. I'm not human enough for them to augment my state! I hope you trained Propagander and Harm in Hapkido, Scrap because if not, their abilities will be inert!” Geogyn yelled back.

  Once they heard this, the team halted their advance. “Ghost Alpha has double redundant security. How in the hell did you know of us?!”

  “We worked together on a mission in a different life,” Geogyn revealed. “Your security is sound.”
r />   Scrap was confused. “I know you're an amazing warrior. I respect your legend and demeanor, but what are you trying to convey to us?”

  “Forget my statement, Scrap. The definition is too… quantum mechanical for you,” Geogyn explained.

  “Well, my call code is Quantum,” Barry interceded. “Try me.”

  Geogyn thought Barry might understand. His ability forced him to think ethereally instead of analytically. He gave his explanation a shot.

  “We exist in alternate simultaneous dimensions. I have had the privilege to occupy two of these timelines. We were teammates in the fluctuated existence. I brought my consciousness from that timeline to this one. That is how I know of you. I altered the original existence through a temporal tesseract occurrence. Do you understand my explanation, Barry?” Geogyn hoped his annotation was coherent.

  Scrap spoke up. “I've been on this planet long enough to know what you're saying is impossible and crazy!”

  “All rational people think what they can't understand is crazy,” Barry interjected. “You just haven't evolved to that possibility yet. He shouldn't have evolved to that possibility yet.”

  “Are you tellin' me, he's not blowin' smoke?!” Jacob asked.

  “Factually, at least the facts you can perceive, yes, he's blowing smoke, but in cosmic theory, no,” Barry said.

  “Well, what is it?” Jacob became agitated, “Yes or no?”

  “Yes to you. No to me,” Barry’s perception opposed with Jacob’s.

  “You're on his side now?” Jacob asked.

  “I'm on his side… of reason,” Barry confirmed. “I can understand and agree with his elucidation.”

  “Well, I don't care about you understanding that big word, my mission's order is to kick his ass!” Jacob vehemently expressed.

  “I'm glad you get it, Barry,” Geogyn said. “It may give you an advantage jousting with me because your incapacitation is imminent.”

  Harm attacked first. Geogyn blocked his devastating blow. Scrap tried to sweep Geogyn's legs. He jumped and tried to backhand her across the face. She averted his blow and jabbed him in the ribs.

  Since the foray had begun, Quantum and Propagander felt it appropriate to participate.

  Shane punched him in the jaw, and Barry hit him in the throat. Geogyn countered and went after Barry. As Geogyn went for a temple strike, Quantum generated an inert dimension in the path of his fist. Geogyn's fist entered the dimensional rift and became liquid nitrogen cold immediately.

  The excruciating pain paused him for a second. He pulled his fist out of the rift and struck Harm in the Achilles tendon with his frozen hand.

  Scrap pulled out several shurikens and threw them at his face. Geogyn quickly diverted the throwing stars by knocking them to the ground. Akio unsheathed her katana and swung at his right thigh.

  She slit the top muscle in his upper leg.

  That was a killing blow. Why didn't she slice me anywhere lethal? He pondered while Harm struck him in the lower spine.

  That blow forced his attention back to the fight. As he regained focus, he rendered Shane unconscious with a blow to the head.

  Geogyn did a spinning back-kick and struck Harm in the bend of both knees. Jacob toppled to the ground, in agony.

  Akio yelled to her squad, “Dark Ice! Attack formation Hegira!”

  Geogyn jumped back and got into a defensive pose, and readied himself for the assault.

  Akio and Barry scooped their incapacitated cohorts and escaped down the corridor.

  Geogyn was confused, but he was poised for whatever exotic attack they were going to administer.

  It never came. They were gone.

  As silence filled the area, Geogyn called the Lord Order for retrieval.

  Geogyn was still miffed as General Oswalt, and the rest of his squad filed back into the facility.

  “That altercation was stupendous!” Oswalt said. “We were watching it live on CCTV, like Pay per View. Now I see why you wanted us to hide.”

  “I was so worried about ending their lives, but they eased my dilemma by just… leaving,” Geogyn said. “I have to find out what hegira means.”

  “I received an English PhD. in college,” Oswalt said. “Hegira means flight to a more desirable area.”

  “That's what their new attack formation was,” Geogyn realized. “Escape. They were running away!”

  “What are you going to do, Geogyn?” Oswalt asked.

  “If they think home-field advantage will help them be victorious, they are sadly mistaken. I'm going after them, Dale, and don't worry. Prep Thunder Mare. I know where they're going.”

  Chapter Fifteen: Leviticus 6:2

  “Plasma Hawk, this is team Dark Ice, over,” Akio contacted Ron, while they were in the air heading back to base.

  “Dark Ice, this is Plasma Hawk, confirm,” Ron responded.

  “Confirmation Amaranthine,” Akio said. “Respond.”

  “Confirmation Cynosure,” Ron recited.

  Akio accepted the code and began to report. “Operation Nefarious Seduction has been executed with a minor injury to Harm and Propagander.”

  “Congratulations on surviving, and completing the mission,” Ron praised her. “What's the damage, Scrap?”

  “The Propagander has a severe concussion, and Harm has dual ruptured ACL and MCL tendons,” Akio reported. “The injuries occurred during the altercation with Geogyn, in the training area.”

  “How did you exfiltrate to the chopper?” Ron asked, concerned.

  “We carried them back to the rendezvous site,” Akio announced. “I know Harm is a behemoth. However, Quantum is stronger than you think.”

  Ron paused for a second, then continued receiving the report. “Are you sure Geogyn's chasing you? Did you place the tracker?”

  “Tracker placement affirmative,” Akio said. “I placed it underneath the lower right rib cage,” she said. “Are you sure he's going to wear the same uniform?”

  “Describe the uniform,” Ron requested.

  “It was a black, non-resilient, Lycra-esque body suit,” Akio said.

  “He's still using Futureshock’s technology,” Ron murmured. “Yes, he'll still have on the same uniform when he comes after you. It has a devastating advantage woven into it, same as the tracker tab. The Parasitic tech will mesh with the suit. He knows Ghost Alpha provoked him. He won't leave his advantage. It'd be like you leaving your katana, going up against Geo.”

  Akio scanned the monitor to pinpoint Geogyn's location. “I just checked the beacon. Our target hasn't moved from his haven to pursue us.”

  “Patience is a virtue, Scrap,” Ron instructed her. “He knows who did this, and where they're going. He probably has to pack, before he comes home.”

  “Our job is complete,” Akio said. “Commission a healer for my squad. I want them functioning at one hundred percent for Geogyn's ‘homecoming’.”

  “Commission acknowledged Scrap. Return to base for debriefing,” Ron said.

  “Dark Ice out,” Akio signed off.


  Thunder Mare is prepped and hungry, Geogyn,” Oswalt announced. “Are you ready to unleash torment on those interlopers?”

  “After your scientific engineers fashion me a boot for my N.O.S.E. gear.”

  “Are they qualified enough to manufacture a boot of that caliber?” Oswalt asked.

  “They don't have to invent it,” Geogyn clarified, “Once they acquire the proper materials, the only thing they have to do is mimic the technology.”

  “How did you misplace your boot?” Oswalt asked.

  “It became meshed with a mountainside, during a temporal modification rectification,” Geogyn said as he looked at Oswalt's bewildered face. “It's best you refrain from inquiring about my errant apparel.”

  Oswalt was still confused but nodded his head in agreement.

  Geogyn traveled to the lower levels, where the scientists were.

  He took off his lone boot. “Can you make a left versio
n of this, in my size?”

  One of the scientists took the boot from Geogyn. He began to study the material and the components of the boot.

  “We do have the adequate equipment to duplicate it, and Karas is an excellent fabricator,” the scientist reported to Geogyn. “I'll get the supplies, and you'll have your left boot by dinner.”

  “Thank you for your diligence,” Geogyn obliged him. “I'll retrieve it after I eat.”

  Geogyn went back to his personal quarters to meditate. His preparation had to be more thorough this time. He was about to confront Ron, Owen, and every squad from Ghost Alpha. His visit was going to be very interesting.

  After Geogyn meditated, he ate with Lord Order for camaraderie sake and dropped back down to the laboratory.

  “Hey, fellas, did you finish my boot?” Geogyn asked the scientist.

  “It was finished two hours ago,” the scientist said. “Since we had both boots, and some extra time, Karas lined the interiors with simulated mink fur.”

  Geogyn perused his, new gear, and was satisfied with the results. One of the more feminine scientists spoke up.

  “When you're correcting the planet, you can be on your feet all day.” It was Karas. “I lined them so you won't get a blister.”

  “I bet I'll feel comfy when I kick somebody's head off, thank you.” Again, he obliged the scientists.

  “We tested it and it works,” the primary scientist said. “Boy, that inventor had ingenuity.”

  “He was innovative,” Geogyn revealed. “Eldridge died on a mission, but in his own way, he has inadvertently helped to accelerate Utopia.”

  “I'm sorry for his demise,” the scientist said. “All of that brilliance was lost.”

  Geogyn looked at his new boot and said, “This was the spark of your tenacity. I hope his invention inspired you.”

  “He's my new Thomas Edison,” the scientist said.

  Geogyn put both boots on, and turned on the gear. He became transparent once more.

  He looked at his boot, and when he couldn't see it, his mind was put at ease.

  “These boots are very comfortable. You're a protégé, Karas,” Geogyn said.


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