Book Read Free

Soaring with Fallon

Page 15

by Kristen Proby

  “Should we sit outside?”


  She follows me out to the deck, and we sit in silence for a moment, drinking our tea and relaxing.

  “I never thought I’d see the day,” she says at last.

  “What day is that?”

  “You, playing house.” She grins, but she’s put me on edge again.

  “I’m not playing anything.”

  “You’re living with a guy, making tea, not thinking about moving on,” she says with a sigh. “It’s just so unlike you, Fallon. I’m concerned.”

  “You’re concerned about my happiness?”

  “That sounds horrible,” she says with a frown. “I don’t mean it like that. I do want you to be happy. I guess I’m just worried, that’s all. Moving in with Noah happened so fast, and then you tell me you’re living with him for good, not just until you find another place?”

  “Did you come all this way to check in on me?” I ask.

  “Sort of,” she admits. “I wanted to see you, and I wanted to see this town, these people you’ve talked about. I’m looking out for you, Fallon. You don’t have many people in your life who will do that for you.”

  “She has me.”

  We both turn in surprise at Noah’s voice. He stands in the doorway, looking as handsome as ever in a black T-shirt and dirty jeans from work.

  “Hey,” I say, standing to give him a kiss. “I didn’t see you come home.”

  “You were having a pretty serious conversation,” he says, his eyes softening when he looks down at me. “How was your day, sweetheart?”

  “It’s been good,” I reply. “And it’s better now because I get to introduce you to Claire.”

  “Hi,” Claire says, standing to shake his hand. Her blue eyes check him out from head to toe and shine with appreciation when she smiles up at him. “Very nice to meet you.”

  “I’ve heard a lot about you,” Noah says, a slight frown forming between his eyebrows. “I’ll be right back.”

  He disappears inside, and Claire turns to me with a wide smile.

  “I get it,” she says. “He’s fucking hot. I’d move in with him, too.”

  “Keep looking at him like that,” I say casually as I pick up my glass, “and I’ll throw you out on your ass.”

  She gasps in surprise. “I didn’t—”

  “Oh, you did,” I say, cutting her off. “And it was funny when we were younger, but it’s not funny anymore, Claire. It’s not funny.”

  “I mean, he is hot.”

  I raise a brow, and she deflates, blowing out a breath. “Sorry. It won’t happen again.”


  What in the hell happened to my friend? Was she always this bold? This annoying? Is it that I’ve grown up, and she hasn’t?

  Or maybe I’m in love and territorial.

  It’s new, and I don’t think I can control it. I’d feel the same way no matter who checked out my man.

  I’m supposed to be able to trust Claire. I’m not saying I don’t, but come on. Looking at your friend’s man that way is in poor taste. I wouldn’t do that to her.

  “I’m back,” Noah says, wearing clean clothes and carrying his own glass of tea. He sets his glass on the table, then scoops me into his arms and sits, settling me on his lap. He kisses my cheek. “You okay?”

  “I’m great, thanks for asking.”

  “So, tell me about yourself, Claire,” he says, reaching for his glass.

  “Oh, no,” Claire says, shaking her head. “You’re the one with my best friend in your lap, so let’s start with you telling me about yourself.”

  Noah smiles at her. Claire’s not wrong. He’s ridiculously handsome.

  And he’s all mine.

  “I was born and raised in this house,” he says, gesturing at the building behind us.

  “You’re kidding.”

  “I’m not kidding,” he replies. “I bought the place from my parents a few years ago and added the wild bird sanctuary at the same time.”

  He proudly points to Spread Your Wings.

  “It’s a great place,” I add. “Noah rehabilitates injured birds of prey. Eagles, falcons, owls, osprey. You name it, he’s got it.”

  “Wow,” Claire says, looking at the buildings. “That sounds…interesting.”

  “It is,” I reply. “Remember when you and I were on the phone when I went for that hike and I found the eagle?”

  “Oh, yes, the eagle!” She nods with excitement. “Is he there?”

  “He is,” I confirm. “He had a broken wing, but he’s going to be able to go free soon after he’s healed up.”

  “That’s awesome,” Claire replies. “I’m glad you found him. I still don’t know why you called me, but I’m glad he’s okay.”

  “You called Claire first?” Noah asks.

  “I didn’t know who to call,” I admit. “But I figured it out.”

  “Yes, you did.” He pats my butt firmly, then turns to Claire. “What else would you like to know?”

  “Do you have a brother?”

  I roll my eyes, but Noah just laughs. “I do, and he’s engaged to be married. Our parents are still married after almost forty years. They spend most of the year in Arizona but are here now for the summer. Let’s see what else. I got 800s on my SATs, and earned a masters in zoology. I hate brussels sprouts. I’m not a serial killer, but I do own a firearm.”

  “I’ll be sure to be on my best behavior then,” Claire says with a laugh.

  “Okay, your turn.”

  “Exactly the opposite of you,” she replies with a shrug. “I struggled in school but did get a BA in accounting. My parents are divorced. I grew up in Chicago. While I’m not a serial killer either, I also own a gun.”

  “Really?” I ask in surprise.

  “I live in Chicago,” she says again. “You bet your ass I have a gun and know how to shoot it.”

  “Good for you,” I say. “I’ve never shot a gun.”

  Noah frowns down at me. “We might have to teach you.”

  “I don’t think I’m going to have to shoot anyone out here.”

  “Not a person,” Noah says. “But we get animals that are dangerous, and you need to be prepared.”

  “So it’s just as dangerous as Chicago, just in a different way,” Claire says.

  “Probably not as dangerous as Chicago,” Noah replies. “But, yeah, we have bears, mountain lions, wolves.”

  “Wolves?” I screech.

  “Yeah, they’re a pain in the ass,” Noah says. “A pack took out a whole bunch of Josh’s cattle a few years back. They’re not endangered like they used to be, so it’s something we watch for.”

  “Jesus, remind me not to go for any walks around here,” Claire mumbles, looking around nervously.

  “You’ll be okay,” Noah replies with a wink. “Just carry bear spray.”

  “Wait. Do I spray it on myself?”

  “No,” Noah and I reply at the same time.

  “Do that, and you’ll land yourself in the emergency room,” Noah says. “You just carry it, and if a bear or other animal attacks, you spray it at them.”

  “I’m happy right here,” Claire says, shaking her head. “No need to get fancy and walk through the woods. I’ll leave that for this one.”

  She points at me, and I laugh.

  “Don’t worry, we won’t go into the woods while you’re here.”

  “Good.” She smiles at me. “Besides, we don’t have time. There are birthday celebrations to be had, starting with you and me at the spa all day tomorrow. I’ve already booked it.”

  “Really? That’s so awesome!” I clap my hands, excited to spend time getting buffed and polished. “I haven’t had a spa day in way too long.”

  “You, my friend, are getting spoiled tomorrow.” Claire holds out her glass to clink to mine. “And that’s all there is to it.”

  “Well, I won’t complain.” I sip my tea, relieved that Claire seems to have calmed down. This is how I remembe
r things being with her. Easy and fun, not full of snark and bitchiness.

  It’s going to be a fantastic birthday.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I’m nervous, and I don’t get nervous. At least, not often. But I’m anxious about tonight.

  “Are you ready to go to dinner?” Fallon asks, looping her arm through mine and smiling sweetly up at me. “I’m hungry.”

  “I’m ready whenever you guys are.”

  “Claire should be out in a few,” she says with a happy sigh. She’s dressed in a beautiful red sundress, the hem hitting her at mid-thigh, showing off her gorgeous legs. I trail a finger down the thin strap on her shoulder, longing to push it off her and have my way with her.

  But that’ll come later. Or rather, Fallon will come later.

  “Why did you just smirk?” she asks, narrowing her beautiful, green eyes.

  I lean in and kiss her neck. “I was just thinking about all the ways I’m going to make you come later.”

  She takes a deep breath, her breasts rising and falling with the motion.

  “I’m certain I’ve never seen anyone as beautiful as you are,” I say. Her hair is pulled up with tendrils falling around her face. Her makeup is subtle, as always, but it’s pretty.

  “You look pretty damn good yourself,” she says. “I like this shirt. Is it new?”


  I bought it today while she and Claire were at the spa.

  “I think I’m ready,” Claire says as she hurries out of the guest room. “I know I’m hungry.”

  “Me, too,” Fallon agrees. “Noah, let’s not take the Jeep. I worked too hard on my hair.”

  “The SUV it is, then.” I hold the door open for the girls, and when we’re all settled, I drive us toward town. “Did you two have a good time today?”

  “It was so good,” Fallon says, glancing back at Claire for confirmation. “Did you have Lucy for your massage?”

  “Yes, and let me tell you, that girl has magic hands.”

  “She should put that magic in a bottle,” Fallon agrees. “I’d buy it. I also had a facial and a mani-pedi. It was a full day of being pampered. Thanks again, Claire.”

  “I got to participate in all of those things, as well,” she reminds us. “So, it was truly my pleasure.”

  “I’m glad you had fun.” I take Fallon’s hand in mine and kiss it, watching the road as we approach town. “You smell good.”

  “Thanks.” She grins as I park in front of Ciao. “This is my favorite restaurant. It’s Italian. You’re going to love it.”

  “Spa and carbs, all in the same day?” Claire asks with a laugh. “Sign me up.”

  We get out of the vehicle and walk inside. My nerves are back on high-alert. What if she hates this? What if it pisses her off?

  Maybe I fucked up.

  “I have a reservation,” I say to the hostess. “Noah King.”

  She checks her list and then nods and winks at me. “We have you upstairs. This way.”

  She grabs menus, normal as you please, and then leads us up the staircase to the room I reserved.

  As soon as we reach the top of the stairs, the place erupts in chaos.


  Fallon stops in her tracks, her green eyes wide as she looks around the room. My mom and Autumn decorated the space with green balloons and streamers, adding in other colors for fun. I had Brooke’s Blooms outfit each table with a bouquet of summer flowers, and Maisey made the cake.

  For only having a two-day lead time, I don’t think it’s half bad.

  “Holy shit,” Fallon mutters, staring up at me. “You did all of this?”

  “I had help,” I say with a wink.

  “Happy birthday, sweet girl,” Mom says, giving Fallon a hug. The room is full of the whole King family, including Seth and his girlfriend.

  Not to mention, the Hull family. Between all of us, it’s a packed room.

  And, by the look on Fallon’s face, she’s overwhelmed.

  “I—” She swallows hard. “I’ll be right back.”

  She hurries away, and Claire moves to follow, but I stop her. “I’ll go. Mom, this is Claire. Do you mind—?”

  “We’re great,” Mom says, smiling at Claire. “Welcome, Claire. Let me introduce you…”

  I hurry down the stairs where Fallon fled, and head for the women’s bathroom.

  I march right in without hesitation.

  “You can’t be in here,” Fallon says, wiping at her cheeks.

  “No one’s ever going to keep me from getting to you. I don’t give a shit what’s on the door. What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

  “Nothing at all,” she says, shaking her head and reaching for a paper towel. She dabs carefully under her eyes. “I must have something in my eye.”

  “Hey.” I grip her shoulders and gently turn her to face me. “Talk to me.”

  She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. “I was not expecting that.”

  “That’s the whole purpose of a surprise party. You’re not supposed to know.”

  She laughs and lays her hand on my chest, just over my heart. “I know that, smartass, it was just so…new. I don’t think anyone’s ever thrown a party like this for me before.”

  “Well, then it’s past time they did.” I kiss her forehead softly, breathing her in. “Come on, they’re excited to celebrate you.”

  “Thank you,” she whispers, then launches herself into my arms, hugging me fiercely. “Thank you for the best birthday ever.”

  “You haven’t even opened your present yet.”

  “Wait. I have presents?”

  “Fal, I don’t think you’re grasping the whole concept of birthday parties.”

  She giggles and takes my hand, dragging me out of the restroom and up the stairs.

  “Sorry, everyone,” she says with a smile. “I had something in my eye.”

  “I hate it when that happens,” Willa says, wrapping her arms around Fallon for a big hug. “You okay now?”

  “Oh, yeah. Noah found it.”

  “I’m sure he did,” Gray says with a laugh. Everyone takes their turns saying hello to the birthday girl, giving her hugs and wishing her well. Fallon introduces Claire, who is polite and friendly, as well.

  I’m not so sure about Claire. I know that Fallon loves her, so I’ll always be respectful and kind, but I’m on the fence about whether or not I like her. She can be brash in her demeanor, but then so can I, so I can’t judge her too harshly for that. There’s just something there, something I can’t put my finger on, that rubs me the wrong way.

  Ciao set up a buffet line along one wall. The cake is on its own table, surrounded by flowers. It’s seriously beautiful. How Maisey pulled it together in one day is beyond my comprehension.

  “I think she’s happy,” Dad says as he joins me at the edge of the crowd, watching everyone talk and laugh, wrangle babies, and go in for food.

  “I’d say you’re right.” Fallon laughs with Cara and Claire. One of the girls put a tiara in her hair. “She was overwhelmed.”

  “We are an overwhelming family,” Dad says with a laugh. “I mean, look at this. When it was just you four kids, your mom, Nancy and Jeff, and me, it was pretty tame. Now, we have little ones and friends, and it’s loud. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “Me either,” I agree, my eyes pinned to my girl as she moves around the room. “I’m in love with her.”

  “Oh, we knew that. It’s pretty obvious, son.” Dad laughs and slaps my shoulder. “What are you going to do about it?”

  “Marry her,” I reply without hesitation. “Not immediately, but we’re headed there. If she’ll have me.”

  Fallon looks my way, and with a smile, sends me a little wave of her fingers.

  “If the way she looks at you is any indication, she’ll have you,” Dad replies. “I’m happy for you. For both you and Gray. You found two wonderful women.”

  “I won’t argue with that.” I glan
ce over to where Gray hugs Autumn, swaying to the loud music the restaurant plays. “Are you hungry?”

  “Starved,” Dad says with a smile. “It smells damn good.”

  “Let’s go eat before Gray hogs it all.”

  * * * *

  “Are you freaking kidding me?” Fallon says in excitement. She’s opening her gifts, and just opened Willa and Max’s present. “A shopping spree in your store? Willa, this is too much.”

  “No way,” Willa says, shaking her head. “You’re gorgeous, and an awesome walking billboard for my shop. It’s really a selfish gift.”

  Willa winks at Fallon, who rushes to her for a hug. She gives Max a side-hug, and then Alex gives her a hug, as well.

  “I have a present for you,” Alex announces.

  “You do?” Fallon squats next to him. “What is it?”

  “You can come play with me and Rocky anytime you want,” he says with earnest, brown eyes. “Rocky couldn’t come to the party, but he’s fun.”

  “I bet he’s the best,” Fallon says, giving Alex another hug. “Thank you so much. I’d love to come play with you guys.”

  “Cool,” Alex says proudly. “And we can play video games.”

  Fallon laughs but nods in agreement. “Absolutely. You’ll probably win because I’m not very good at it.”

  “I’ll teach you.” He shrugs and takes a bite of his pasta. “It’s easy.”

  “Well, that’s settled then,” Fallon says with a laugh.

  “I have something for you,” I announce and pass her a little red gift bag with pink tissue paper sticking out of the top.

  “This party is more than enough,” she says with a frown but snatches up the bag. “But I won’t pass it up.”

  I laugh as she pulls the tissue out. She frowns when she sees the black box at the bottom of the bag.

  “What is it?” Claire asks.

  Without answering, Fallon pulls out the long, black velvet box and clicks it open. Nestled inside is a diamond and emerald tennis bracelet.

  “What did you do?” Fallon’s eyes are glassy when they find mine. “Noah—”

  “Do you like it?”

  “What’s not to like?” She laughs and holds it up to me. “Will you please help me?”

  I fasten it around her tiny wrist, then kiss her knuckles. “Happy birthday, babe.”


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