1001 Dark Nights Short Story Anthology 2020

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1001 Dark Nights Short Story Anthology 2020 Page 1

by Fiona Archer

  1001 Dark Nights

  Short Story Anthology 2020

  Fiona Archer ~ Louisa Bacio ~ Laura M. Baird ~ Kait Ballenger ~ Asa Maria Bradley ~ Eden Bradley ~ Boone Brux ~ C.G. Burnette ~ Cara Carnes ~ Caraway Carter ~ Sierra Cartwright ~ S.A. Clayton ~ Katana Collins ~ Janie Crouch ~ Patricia D. Eddy ~ Zoey Ellis ~ Zoe Hill ~ Sara L. Hudson ~ Tracey Jerald ~ A.D. Justice ~ Terri E. Laine ~ Michelle Mars ~ Gina L. Maxwell ~ Kayt Miller ~ Dani René ~ Gen Ryan ~ Blue Saffire ~ Ella Sheridan ~ Mayra Statham ~ Delancey Stewart ~ Jen Talty ~ Mary Ting ~ Reina Torres ~ Magan Vernon ~ Jennifer Woodhull ~ Khloe Wren

  Table of Contents



  Marooned by A.D. Justice

  A Wolfe’s Desire by Asa Maria Bradley

  Our Love by Blue Saffire

  Soul Survivor by Boone Brux

  Closing Time by C.G. Burnette

  Exit Wounds by Cara Carnes

  Prince of Hearts Caraway Carter

  The Cabin Between Us by Dani René

  Scoring a Second Chance by Delancey Stewart

  Forbidden by Eden Bradley

  Assassin’s Fate by Ella Sheridan

  Prince of Seattle by Fiona Archer

  Small Packages by Gen Ryan

  Masked Desires by Gina L. Maxwell

  Masterpiece by Janie Crouch

  Some Day My Ranger Will Come by Jen Talty

  Speed Hating by Jennifer Woodhull

  One Night with the Cowboy Wolf by Kait Ballenger

  Her Naughty Dog by Katana Collins

  The New Neighbor by Kayt Miller

  Outback Prince by Khloe Wren

  Love and Honor by Laura M. Baird

  Shadow Lover by Louisa Bacio

  Real by Magan Vernon

  The Crown of Wings and Thorns by Mary Ting

  Rock Steady by Mayra Statham

  Adoring Alexis by Michelle Mars

  Her Mafioso’s Honor by Patricia D. Eddy

  So Much More by Reina Torres

  Wounded Hearts by S.A. Clayton

  Space Landing by Sara L. Hudson

  Believe in Me by Sierra Cartwright

  Trading My Virginity by Terri E. Laine

  Free to Wish by Tracey Jerald

  The Forbidden Fiancée by Zoe Hill

  A Royal Harmony by Zoey Ellis

  Discover 1001 Dark Nights Collection Seven

  Discover the World of 1001 Dark Nights

  Special Thanks


  Dear reader,

  When we started 1001 Dark Nights back in 2014, it was with the goal of discovery—creating a way for readers to find new-to-them bestselling authors and fall in love with their stories and their worlds.

  Over the years, we’ve also introduced additional authors to you, through our Dark Nights Discovery program, Blue Box Press, and our Crossover Collections.

  This year, we held a contest where romance authors could submit a short story to be included in a 1001 Dark Night anthology, and we were blown away by the results. We received hundreds of entries, and while we wish we could include everyone, we’re thrilled to introduce you to these thirty-six incredible authors.

  Offering this anthology for free is our gift to you—our amazing readers—and we hope you love the stories as much as we do. If so, we encourage you to check out the other books by these wonderful authors. Each and every one is unique and special.

  Thank you so much for all of your support over the years. We’re grateful every single day that we get to do what we love: promote the romance genre and the talented authors within it.


  Liz Berry, M.J. Rose, and Jillian Stein

  Co-Owners ~ 1001 Dark Nights Press & Blue Box Press

  One Thousand and One Dark Nights

  Once upon a time, in the future…

  I was a student fascinated with stories and learning.

  I studied philosophy, poetry, history, the occult, and

  the art and science of love and magic. I had a vast

  library at my father’s home and collected thousands

  of volumes of fantastic tales.

  I learned all about ancient races and bygone

  times. About myths and legends and dreams of all

  people through the millennium. And the more I read

  the stronger my imagination grew until I discovered

  that I was able to travel into the stories... to actually

  become part of them.

  I wish I could say that I listened to my teacher

  and respected my gift, as I ought to have. If I had, I

  would not be telling you this tale now.

  But I was foolhardy and confused, showing off

  with bravery.

  One afternoon, curious about the myth of the

  Arabian Nights, I traveled back to ancient Persia to

  see for myself if it was true that every day Shahryar

  (Persian: شهريار, “king”) married a new virgin, and then

  sent yesterday's wife to be beheaded. It was written

  and I had read that by the time he met Scheherazade,

  the vizier's daughter, he’d killed one thousand


  Something went wrong with my efforts. I arrived

  in the midst of the story and somehow exchanged

  places with Scheherazade – a phenomena that had

  never occurred before and that still to this day, I

  cannot explain.

  Now I am trapped in that ancient past. I have

  taken on Scheherazade’s life and the only way I can

  protect myself and stay alive is to do what she did to

  protect herself and stay alive.

  Every night the King calls for me and listens as I spin tales.

  And when the evening ends and dawn breaks, I stop at a

  point that leaves him breathless and yearning for more.

  And so the King spares my life for one more day, so that

  he might hear the rest of my dark tale.

  As soon as I finish a story... I begin a new

  one... like the one that you, dear reader, have before

  you now.



  A.D. Justice

  Chapter One


  “Ensley, I’m glad you’re here, but I feel like I’m the worst best friend. I shouldn’t have pressured you.” Chloe gives me that look again as if she’s afraid I’ll die from the pain of my heartbreak.

  In truth, I’d rather not be on this plane headed for the Virgin Islands. Not because of the destination, but because of the company I’ll have to keep while we’re there.

  “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.” I tip the bottom of my glass up and drain my mimosa before the flight attendant takes it away.

  “All I know is, if Carter and I had only been broken up a couple of months after dating for two years, there’s no way I’d go on vacation with him. Being around him like that would kill me.”

  Thanks for the reminder, Chloe.

  I mean, Jake’s sitting with Carter in the seat behind me so we wouldn’t have an awkward start to our week-long stay at my parents’ Caribbean condo. That’s the crux of my dilemma—no one can check in at the exclusive yacht club without me. When Jake and I broke up, I n
aturally assumed he’d forfeit his spot on this trip. Silly me. I grossly underestimated the bro-factor and Carter’s influence over Chloe.

  Carter didn’t want to be the only male with two female best friends. Jake also couldn’t get a refund on his first-class ticket, so I was hit with a double dose of guilt before caving to their request.

  Now I’ll be stuck on an island, far from home, with a man I’m no longer speaking to and our respective best friends. There’s no escape.

  “Can you talk about something else? Anything else?”

  Remorse crosses her face before she lists all the fabulous activities we have scheduled on the island. I don’t bother to tell her the change of topic doesn’t help since I made those plans for two couples. I’ll just bite my tongue and bide my time. When we check in, I’ll make separate plans and let them keep the original ones. She will owe me after this vacation, and she will pay that debt.

  The three-and-a-half-hour flight from Atlanta passes at a snail’s pace. The effort to avoid unease backfires spectacularly. Conversations between three of the four friends are painfully obvious. When we finally arrive at the resort, I no longer feel the need to spare anyone’s feelings.

  “Hello, I’m Ensley Rivera, checking in.” I hand the associate my license and think about how to make my next request.

  “Yes, Miss Rivera, your rooms are ready.”

  “Rooms? Plural?”

  “Yes, your father called and said you’d need a second suite. We’re happy to accommodate your party.” She smiles and offers multiple keycards. “The second room is a one-bedroom unit.”

  “Perfect. Thank you.” Scratch collecting on that debt from Chloe. I owe my dad the world for doing this.

  I return to the group and distribute the cards. “Chloe and Carter, you’re in room 201 with me. Jake, you’re in 202.”

  He hides the initial shock that registers on his face as he takes the key. “Okay.”

  “The concierge is taking our bags to the rooms. My parents had the kitchen stocked ahead of time. We have all the snacks and wine we’ll need. The restaurant is open if you’re hungry, or we can change and hit the beach before the sun sets.”

  “The beach!” Their expected reply comes in unison. We’ve only waited for this moment for months, and there’s very little sunlight left after our day of travel.

  We put on our bathing suits and head toward the beach. I’m so caught up in the excitement, I momentarily forget the reason behind my heartache. When I turn to say something to Jake, I catch him checking me out in my tiny bikini. Then I remember we broke up because he wanted to experience the world on his own. I clamp my mouth shut and slide my shades over my eyes. We rush outside, drop our beach bags on our reserved chairs, and walk straight into the warm water.

  “Look at all those yachts. I’d love to take one of those babies for a spin around the island.” Jake nods toward the resort’s private marina.

  “We could always commandeer one and become pirates.” Carter pulls Chloe into his arms. “I’ve always loved booty.”

  Now I understand why cute couples are sickening to single people.

  Aware of how cynical I sound, I turn my head in the opposite direction and see dark, angry clouds quickly increasing on the horizon. “Has anyone checked the weather lately? I don’t remember seeing anything about a storm in the forecast.”

  “I only saw typical, tropical weather when I last looked. If that storm ever makes landfall, it’ll probably dissipate. You know how island weather is.” Carter shrugs off my concern, then dunks Chloe in the clear water with a laugh.

  The four of us play volleyball at the net anchored in the shallow water, guys against the girls. I can’t help but steal glances of Jake as we play. His wet jet-black hair glistens in the sunlight. The beads of water run over his sculpted chest and well-defined abs. His swim shorts sit low on his hips, showing off the happy trail disappearing under the waistband. So many memories and visions of what I’m missing, but I consciously push those thoughts aside.

  What once was will never be again, and I have to accept that and move on.

  “Do you ladies need some help?” The masculine voice with a sexy Italian accent in my ear stuns me, making me jump to the side. When I look up, I’m lost momentarily in his hazel eyes, brilliant smile, and dark tanned skin. “This doesn’t look like a fair game. My friend and I are more than willing to even the odds.”

  He gestures toward another man approaching. They could both be models judging by their extreme good looks and chiseled bodies. “I’m Rick, and this is my brother, Gino.”

  “Nice to meet you both. I’m Ensley. This is Chloe, Carter, and Jake.”

  Rick lifts my hand and softly kisses my knuckles. Without saying a word, the offer for a very good time in his expression is crystal clear. While I’m tempted, I also feel as if I’m cheating on Jake by even entertaining the idea.

  “We’re good here, buddy. I’m sure you can find another game somewhere else down the beach.” Jake interrupts the silent conversation Rick and I were having.

  “I think there’s room for one more on each side. Don’t you, Chloe?”

  “Sure. The more, the merrier.” At least she suppresses her giggle.

  Rick stays on our side while Gino joins the guys.

  “Let me guess. The spoilsport is your ex?” Rick leans down to whisper into my ear in an overtly intimate display.

  “Yes, he is. How did you know he was an ex?”

  “Your body language. Not playing as couples. Plus, he was the first to tell us to leave. It wasn’t hard to figure out.” He slides his hand across my back as he steps away.

  Jake balls his hands into tight fists, and his lips form one angry line. I try to temper my response since seeing him flirt with another woman would be painful, but I’m not the one who chose this path. He did. I can’t blame him if his feelings for me changed, but I won’t be held captive by his irrational jealousy either.

  Rick wasn’t kidding when he said he’d help even the odds. Every time the ball comes near me, he lifts me out of the water so I can spike it over the net. Other times, Chloe or I set up the ball for him to move in for the kill. Gino isn’t as much help to the guys, and I can’t help but wonder if the two brothers arranged this ploy ahead of time. Either way, Jake’s reaction is priceless.

  We’re up by five points and about to serve the ball again when a loud clap of thunder crashes overhead, and a bolt of lightning strikes far too close for comfort. Everyone in the water and on the beach runs for safety amid the frightened screams.

  Rick grabs my elbow as I exit the water and leans close to my ear. “I’m in room 515 if you change your mind.” He saunters off with Gino beside him as everyone else snatches their belongings off beach chairs in a mad dash.

  “Girl, that man is hot for you. What did he just say?”

  “He gave me his room number.” I turn to Chloe with my eyes wide open.

  Jake huffs in disgust and keeps walking toward the hotel. It’s not as if I’ll sneak off to Rick’s room in the middle of the night, but it’s nice knowing the option is on the table. We quicken our pace to get off the beach as the storm clouds build behind us. Just as we cross the threshold, the clouds open up and release torrential rain.

  “We barely dodged that bullet.” Carter cranes his neck toward the sky. “Plan on staying inside tonight. This doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere.”

  We decide to dress for dinner then check the weather forecast for tomorrow. I don’t have high confidence that our plans won’t change. When we step onto our floor, Jake holds the door open for me. It’s a simple gesture, probably only out of politeness, but the part of me that misses him wants to read more into it. I mentally shake the thought from my mind and continue toward my room.

  Jake and I stop to open our doors at the same time, and I feel his eyes on me for a moment before he disappears inside. While I shower, I revert to my original plan of staying away from Jake for the week. Being near him is too hard. There a
re too many things I want to say but can’t. Jabs I want to throw but shouldn’t. Instead of getting dressed, I throw on my comfy pajamas.

  “I think the restaurant has a dress code. You might want to change.” Carter eyes me skeptically when he emerges from his room, adjusting his tie.

  “I’m not going down for dinner tonight. I’m ordering room service and relaxing on the balcony. Don’t worry about me.”

  “You’re not fooling me, Ens. You’re going to find that Italian guy you met earlier.” Carter waggles his eyebrows, but his smile says he’s teasing.

  “He was hot, wasn’t he? I’m tempted, no doubt. But, no, I’ll be here for the evening.” I pick up the room service menu and start perusing the options.

  “Ensley, tomorrow will be better. Carter and I agreed to split our time with you and Jake, so neither of you are alone too much. We feel bad about forcing the vacation on you.”

  “You’re not spending your week babysitting me. I’m a grown woman. I can handle being alone—I like it most of the time. If we all four do something together, I can adult through that too. Enjoy your dinner, have a few drinks at the bar, and know I’m not sad at all to have the condo to myself tonight.”

  Chapter Two


  Seeing Ensley after we’ve been apart for the last two months was harder than I thought. She’s even more beautiful than I remembered. When she came outside with that bikini on, my first instinct was to remove it with my teeth before bending her body in more ways than a pretzel.

  Then I remembered she wasn’t mine anymore.

  So much for thinking I needed to experience life more before settling down with one person. Tonight, I want nothing more than to crawl into bed with her and stay there for the rest of the trip. However, it appears she has gotten over me. Rick was more than ready to help her along. Fucking Italian eager beaver, putting his hands on her right in front of me. I admit I was jealous, but I wanted her back before he showed up.


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