Irresistible Omegas Volume One

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Irresistible Omegas Volume One Page 15

by Nora Phoenix

  For two breathless seconds, they looked at each other until Palani offered a hint of a smile. “You’re doing the right thing,” he said, his voice only wavering a little and his brown eyes so full of acceptance. “I’m so happy for you.”

  Tears sprung in Vieno’s eyes. “Thank you. And thank you for being here, right now.”

  “I will always be there when you need me. Always.”

  Vieno half expected Lidon to step in and cut this short, but he didn’t. He seemed content to wait and watch, and Vieno was grateful he was afforded this opportunity for closure at least. He sent Palani one last look, then turned his head to face Lidon. “I’m ready.”

  Lidon’s smile was sweeter than he had expected, more tender. He lowered his long, hard body onto the bed and positioned himself on his back, his cock sticking out, still rigid. “Ride me, sweetheart,” he said.

  A strange sense of calm rolled over Vieno, taking away his nerves. This was the right thing to do, it really was. His omega might be a slut, but he would not steer him so wrong. “Yes, alpha,” he answered, then positioned himself above Lidon.

  He loved that Lidon stayed on his back, giving Vieno every opportunity to change his mind…and to do things at his own pace. He reached backward to grab the alpha’s hefty cock and lifted it up, wriggling down until it pressed against his entrance, which was still slick and ready. One second he hesitated, and then his omega decided for him, moving downward on that fat cock, taking it in inch by inch, to the point where he was resting with his ass on Lidon.

  As soon as he was, Lidon sat up, stabilizing Vieno with both hands, shifting until he’d found a comfortable position. With one finger, he tipped Vieno’s chin, and their eyes met. The calm steadiness in Lidon’s brown eyes took away the last slivers of doubt, and Vieno smiled at him.

  “Yes, alpha,” he answered the unspoken question.

  Lidon smiled back. “Do you accept my alpha as your mate for life, sealing our unbreakable bond as long as we both shall live?” he asked, his voice deep and steady.

  “Yes, alpha.” Vieno calmed himself, not wanting his voice to crack in this important moment. “Do you accept my omega as your mate for life, sealing our unbreakable bond as long as we both shall live?”

  “Yes, omega.”

  Lidon cupped his cheek. “Do I have your permission to claim you?”

  This wasn’t in the official ceremony, but it made Vieno’s heart sing. “Yes, Lidon. Please.”

  Lidon kissed him on his lips, an almost chaste kiss after everything they’d done already. Then both his hands held Vieno’s shoulders, pushing him down so their union was absolutely complete. Lidon threw his head back and closed his eyes, his lips peeled back, as he let out a roar that Vieno felt everywhere in his body and soul. This was his man, his alpha, a piece of him.

  The next thing he knew, Lidon came at him and his teeth sunk down in Vieno’s shoulder. Vieno was too shocked to even feel pain, and then Lidon licked the spot he’d just bitten, and Vieno got dizzy.

  “It’s time to leave,” he vaguely heard Enar tell Palani, but he was too out of it to even react.

  Lidon’s strong arms held him as he rolled them over so Vieno was on his back, then folded his legs double. “I need to…” Lidon grunted, then growled as he slammed in deep again.

  “God, yes. Harder,” Vieno said.

  “Mine,” Lidon said, thrusting deep again. “You’re mine.”

  “Yours,” Vieno affirmed, strangely comforted by that realization. “Yours forever.”

  Lidon had figured that after him alpha claiming Vieno in front of Enar and Palani, the biggest hurdle would be behind them. After their vigorous lovemaking, Vieno had slept peacefully in his arms, exhausted from all the emotional upheaval. They’d woken up at the same time, and after a slight awkwardness, Vieno had allowed Lidon to shower first.

  Lidon walked into the kitchen, smelling fresh and his hair still damp, to find Palani cooking massive amounts of scrambled eggs and bacon. “Morning,” Lidon said friendly.

  Palani’s head shot up. “Morning.”

  He quickly refocused on what he was doing, and Lidon let him. Hell, he had no idea how to navigate the four of them either. He’d smelled Palani all over Enar the previous night when he’d asked them to join him and Vieno for the alpha claiming. They’d had sex, that much was clear, though he’d also spotted the awkwardness and tension between them, so something must have happened. Not that he was gonna bring that up. It was already complicated enough.

  “Vieno’s in the shower,” he supplied.

  Palani nodded. “I heard the water running.”

  Enar came walking into the kitchen as well, still buttoning his shirt. “Morning,” he repeated the ritual Lidon and Palani had just been through. Lidon studied his friend as he sought Palani’s eyes until the beta acknowledged him.

  “Morning, Enar.”

  Just then, Palani walked over to the fridge, and Lidon’s eyes narrowed. The beta’s movements were stiff as if he… Oh. Right. It had been a while for him if he’d been with Vieno all that time. And while Enar’s length was shorter than Lidon’s, he had about the same girth, so Palani was feeling it this morning.

  “You okay?” Enar asked softly. He must have spotted the slight wince as well.

  “I’m fine,” was the curt answer.

  “We both know that’s a lie, but I’ll let it slide for now.”

  “You’ll let it slide? Why, thank you for your grace, alpha.”

  The sarcasm was strong with this one, and Lidon suppressed a chuckle. Enar would have his hands full with him.

  “You ought to know better than to rile up an alpha,” Enar chided Palani.

  “What, you guys all come equipped without a sense of humor?” Palani shot right back.

  The door to Vieno’s bedroom opened, and he walked into the kitchen, his eyes trained at the floor until he reached Palani. Then he looked up, and his face broke open in one of those sweet smiles, which made Lidon’s insides go gooey. Except the smile wasn’t aimed at him, but at Palani. And Palani smiled right back before leaning in toward Vieno, his lips puckering.

  Lidon was waiting for his alpha to demonstrate protest, but before he could even say anything, Enar’s hand shot out to forcefully yank Palani back. “Are you out of your fucking mind?” Enar snapped at Palani, their faces inches apart.

  All color drained from Palani’s face, while Vieno stood nailed to the spot, his mouth open in shock. Lidon frowned. Why was his alpha not demanding he showed his claim? He was jealous, but his alpha was merely…confused. Still, he needed to show Palani Vieno was now his.

  “Vieno,” he said, fighting to leave the alpha compulsion out of his voice.

  Vieno walked over instantly, wringing his hands. “He wasn’t thinking,” he blurted. “It’s a habit. I didn’t…I wouldn’t have…”

  “Can I hold you for a sec?”

  Vieno stepped into his embrace, and Lidon’s jealousy quieted down at the touch and scent of his mate. His hands came around him possessively, touching his hair, his back, that luscious ass. He breathed him in deeply, his alpha’s anger and jealousy disappearing as fast as it had flared up. “Thank you. I needed to connect with you, touch you.”

  Vieno leaned back and offered his mouth, which Lidon took in a wet kiss. He didn’t release him until every cell in his body hummed with pleasure over the connection with his mate that simmered between them.

  All that time, Enar had forced Palani to stay where he was, almost plastered against his own body. Lidon sent him a grateful nod.

  “Thanks for stepping in,” he told his friend, who acknowledged him with a nod back. Then Lidon’s eyes settled on Palani, who was getting the color back in his face.

  “Come here,” he said, and this time he did allow the alpha compulsion seep through his voice. Palani's eyes flickered with a mix of resentment and fear as he stepped forward. Vieno shivered, and Lidon pulled him close, dropping another kiss in his hair before returning his attention to Pa

  “Do you have a death wish?” he asked, his face hard and unforgiving.

  “No, alpha.”

  Ah. This wasn’t the rebellious, sassy tone he’d used with Enar before. This was the genuine submission of a man who realized he’d fucked up.

  “Dammit, Palani, I like you. You’re smart and loyal, and I respect the hell out of you for how you’ve done everything to take care of Vieno. But if you had pulled that shit with any other alpha, you’d have gotten your ass beaten. Do you understand?”

  Palani met his eyes before lowering them again. “Yes, alpha.”

  “You need to find a way to get through that thick skull of yours that Vieno is my mate now. We are forever, irrevocably linked. You can’t touch him, and dammit, you can’t kiss him. I can’t tolerate anyone else with him, not this soon…and especially not you.”

  Palani seemed to stiffen for a second before bowing his head and lowering himself to his knees in a slow gesture that left Vieno gasping. If nothing else, that alerted Lidon how extraordinary this move by the proud beta was, but Lidon would have known anyway. And if he’d even caught a whiff of him trying to play Lidon or faking his submission, he would’ve ripped him a new one, but the move was genuine.

  “I’m sorry, alpha. I place myself at your mercy.”

  Lidon had witnessed this move hundreds of times before, if not more, and had heard that same utterance from countless criminals and perps he’d arrested. But it had never felt as fragile and valuable as it did here, in this moment, with Palani on his knees before him, his eyes averted at the floor.

  Lidon’s hand reached out before he realized it, covering Palani’s head. The buzz cut was softer than Lidon had expected. He caressed the head before saying the words. “Your apology is accepted, Palani. You have your alpha’s mercy.”

  Palani and Vieno exhaled at the same time, the tension dissipating. “Thank you, alpha,” Palani said.

  Lidon’s hand traveled from the beta’s head to his biceps as he pulled him to his feet. “Get the fuck up off your knees. It doesn’t suit you at all.”

  Palani dared to look at him for the first time. Lidon saw the smartass reply at the tip of his tongue he swallowed back, and he couldn’t help but smile. “You’re gonna get yourself in so much trouble one day.”

  Palani shrugged. “I didn’t say it, did I?”

  Lidon scoffed. “Your eyes were speaking volumes, dude.”

  “You can’t punish me for what I think,” Palani said.

  “True. But you keep trying, and someday, I’ll find a way,” Lidon said. Not that he was angry with Palani. Hell, he hadn’t even been truly enraged when Palani had seemed to want to kiss Vieno. His alpha had protested, rather forcefully, but Lidon couldn’t really be upset with the man. The love between him and Vieno was real, and it was a shitty situation for them.

  “Let’s eat,” Enar said. “I’m starving.”

  When they were all seated around the small dining table, Lidon said, “I want to get married tomorrow.” He realized the forcefulness of his statement, so he corrected himself. “I mean, if that’s okay with you, Vieno? I’d rather not wait any longer than necessary.”

  Vieno nodded quietly, still a tad pale looking from the confrontation earlier.

  “Can you get a permit on such short notice?” Palani asked, demonstrating once again he possessed great skills for paying attention to details and practical things.

  “Yes. As a police officer, it’s one of our privileges. I’ll go to city hall today to request the expedited permit, if Vieno agrees.”

  “Do…do I have to come with you?” Vieno’s face turned several shades whiter. Damn, Lidon had forgotten about his predicament for a minute.

  “Not today. I know it doesn’t shout equality, but an omega doesn’t need to be present to request the wedding permit. You do, however, need to be present tomorrow for the actual ceremony.”

  To his credit, Vieno didn’t look away but kept eye contact with Lidon. “I’m terrified,” he said, his voice almost a whisper.

  “What are you scared of?”

  “That people can smell me…that they’ll react to me.”

  “I can barely detect your own scent,” Enar said. “There’s too much of Lidon present to detect you, so I don’t think you have to worry about that.”

  Vieno didn’t seem convinced, which worried Lidon.

  “Permission to speak?” Palani said.

  “Why would you need permission?” Lidon asked, ready to snap if he was mocking him, but one look at Palani’s face told him he was serious.

  “Because this may be between you and Vieno and I don’t want to butt in.”

  That was reasonable. And a lot more considerate than Lidon had given him credit for. “Please, what are you thinking?”

  “What started out as genuine fear for his safety has grown into more. He hasn’t set a foot outside in three years, and that isolation may have saved him, but it’s also become his safety. He’s full-blown agoraphobic. You may need to sedate him if you want him to go outside of this apartment and function tomorrow.”

  Lidon let that information sink in. He’d known it would be an issue, but he hadn’t realized it was this…he didn’t want to say “bad,” because that sounded like a judgment and he wasn’t making that call. This wasn’t Vieno’s fault, but it was a problem all right.

  “Vieno?” he asked softly. “Do you recognize what Palani says?”

  “Yeah,” was the quiet answer. “I’m…I don’t know how I’m gonna do it. I want to, but I’m super scared.”

  “I can give you a mild sedative if that’s what you want,” Enar offered.

  “Better make it a strong one,” Palani said with his usual snarkiness, but Vieno didn’t seem to mind.

  Lidon reached across the table to grab Vieno’s hand. “We’ll make this work, somehow, I promise.”

  Palani said, “I’ll box up all his things later today. Good thing it’s Sunday, so I don’t have to work. It’s not much, since his parents didn’t allow him to take anything other than his clothes and books, but it will help him feel more comfortable at your place, I think.”

  “I’ll help,” Enar said. “I have a few patients this morning, but I’ll keep the second half of the day free.”

  “Enar has a key to my house and knows the gate code,” Lidon said. “So have him drive you over to drop off Vieno’s things.”

  “Gate code?” Palani asked. “How big is your house?”

  Lidon grinned. He’d been right. Palani hadn’t checked his background. “Pretty big. It’s private, surrounded by a fence, and the entrance is gated, so that might help you feel safer?” he said to Vieno. “Plus, I have a nice pool…and a yard and shit.”

  Palani’s mouth dropped open. “A pool? Just how much money do you have?”

  “I’m pretty well off.”

  “He’s loaded,” Enar said with his mouth full. “Come on,” he added when Lidon shot him a dark gaze, “It’s not like they weren’t gonna find out. His parents passed away and left him the house and enough money to live comfortably.”

  “Why are you a cop, then?” Vieno asked, his eyes still somewhat big.

  “Because it’s what I love. Besides, what else would I do? Sit around on my ass all day?” He didn’t realize how it could come across until Enar stilled. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded,” he offered lamely.

  Vieno looked at him straight. “I work,” he said.

  “You do?” Lidon hadn’t expected him to say that. It was a stunning testament to what Vieno had tried to argue earlier, about how little they knew about each other.

  “I’m a virtual personal assistant for two authors,” Vieno said. “It’s not the best-paying job in the world, but I’m good at it, and it’s helped me contribute to our finances.”

  Lidon deliberated how to formulate what he wanted to say. “If you want to, you could stop working…but if you’d like to continue, I’ll support you.”

  Much to his surprise, Vien
o got up from the table to hug him. “Thank you,” he whispered in Lidon’s ear. “And thank you for thinking about how to say this. Thank you for trying.”

  Lidon kissed his cheek. “For trying not to be an alpha asshole, you mean?”

  Vieno pulled back with a mischievous smile on his lips. “If the shoe fits…”

  “You’ve got your work cut out for you with this one, Vieno,” Enar said, laughing. “But it was about damn time someone started working on him.”

  “Oh, Vieno can work on me any time,” Lidon said.

  His heart did a funny little squeeze when Vieno blushed prettily in response.


  Vieno thought his heart would burst out of his chest with how hard and fast it thumped. Fuck, he was about to step outside.

  Three years.

  It had been almost three years since he’d been outside. Rather pathetic, if you thought about it. He was grateful none of the three men had said a negative word about it. They’d been more focused on coming up with a plan that would work.

  Enar had given Vieno two drugs to help him relax and had ensured him he could have more if he needed it. Vieno had no idea what he’d been given, but the stuff worked well and created a pleasurable detachment from reality. Like being awake and dreaming at the same time.

  Vieno smelled like Lidon from afar with no detectable trace of his own scent, Enar had confirmed. That had been a huge relief, even though rationally, Vieno had known he’d be safe with two alphas and a beta to protect him.

  Not that Palani would risk getting close to him again. That had been scary as fuck this morning. Vieno had been convinced Lidon would kick Palani out of his own apartment, but he’d shown admirable restraint—no doubt helped by Palani’s genuine regret and submission.

  Vieno would never admit it, but it had been compelling to see Palani on his knees before Lidon. It had been all kinds of wrong, of course, but also hot as fuck. He’d almost expected Lidon to whip out that perfect cock of his and have Palani suck him off. God, that would be so hot…


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