Irresistible Omegas Volume One

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Irresistible Omegas Volume One Page 47

by Nora Phoenix

  “Good, we’re almost done with the extension of the vegetable yard, so you’ll need to tell us what the next priority is.”

  “Good. It looks great,” Lidon said.

  Jawon looked around with a satisfied smile. “I love seeing it come to life. Projects like this make my heart sing, you know? We’re rebuilding something, and I dunno, but it feels right.”

  “I know what you mean. Where’s Urien?”

  Jawon sighed. “He had to leave to pick up his daughter. Her school called that she had a fever.”

  “Poor kid. Where does he live?”

  “Other side of the city, south side. It’s quite the commute for him to come here, almost forty-five minutes.”

  Lidon’s eyes widened, and he whistled through his teeth. “I hadn’t realized he was that far out. And south side? Ugh, that’s a crappy neighborhood to raise a kid.”

  “True, but it’s what’s still affordable, you know? Ori, Servas, and me, we’ve been talking about getting a place together so we can split costs, but with the economy being what it is, we’ll probably end up renting on the south side as well.”

  Something stirred inside Lidon. A deep sense of what was right.

  “I may have a solution,” he said.


  Lidon ended the call with Detective Helly, who had led the investigation on the attack. The result was as Lidon had feared and expected: nothing. He’d known calling his coworkers in would result in little, but he’d had no choice, given his position. He had to play by the rules, even when those rules weren’t gonna get him anywhere. Now that that was confirmed by the detective, it was time to take matters into his own hands.

  He still wasn’t sure what to make of the True Alpha stuff. It sounded like a legend, like the stuff of movies and made-up stories, and yet he couldn’t shake the connection he’d experienced with it deep inside. Grayson’s words…they’d sounded like a prophecy almost, and he’d felt them in his very soul. He’d spoken them once, but Lidon could remember every word.

  Danger is coming, Grayson had said. He’d been right, hadn’t he? Danger had come to the ranch, and they’d almost lost Vieno because of it. Lidon never, ever wanted to experience the terror he’d experienced when he feared he’d lose Vieno. So even if he wasn’t fully convinced of the True Alpha element, he’d follow the man’s advice. He’d follow his instincts, and right now, they were telling him to build his pack.

  An hour later, the living room was packed to the max with all the men. Every single one of them was there, including all of Bray’s men—Lidon had promised he’d keep it short—and his cousins.

  When Lidon rose from his chair, Vieno sitting at his feet, a silence fell over them.

  “Thank you all for coming. I got a call from Detective Helly that they have no official leads or suspects for the attack on the ranch.”

  An angry murmur traveled through the room.

  “That means it’s time we do things our way. Starting today, things will change. We’ve already started on rebuilding the gate so it protects a bigger part of the surrounding buildings, and we’re constructing a second gate around the entire property, but that will take longer. Jawon, Ori, Servas, I want to ask you to move in as long as you are working here on the ranch, which will be a while. We can build a separate cottage for you guys close to the main house, but you’re part of my pack, and I want you inside the gates.”

  Jawon shared a look with the other two, then made eye contact with Lidon, his face serious and his eyes strong. “Yes, alpha. We’re in.”

  Lidon nodded. “Good. Urien, your situation is different, considering your daughter. I’d like to invite you to move in with her into the main house. She needs to be safe.”

  Urien let out a small gasp. “God, yes, please. Thank you, alpha.”

  Lidon turned to Bray. “Bray, I need you close to the main house, considering your importance to my security. Choose a few of your men to live here permanently as well. We’ll build them a cottage as soon as we can.”

  Bray nodded. “Yes, alpha.”

  “Lucan and Grayson, you’re free to leave at any time, but we would love for you to stay here, for your safety and for our friendship.”

  Father and son answered at the same time, their voices strong. “Yes, alpha.”

  “We’re staying,” Grayson added. “We love living here and being part of your pack.”

  Lidon took a deep breath. “About that… I haven’t figured it all out, so bear with me as we work out all the details, but starting today, we will function as a pack with me as the alpha. I’m…” He breathed out, trying to find the right words. “I’m not sure of what it all means and how it fits, but after what happened, I need to follow my instincts. This is my pack, and I’m inviting you all in. If you accept, that means you accept my leadership. If you have an issue with that, you’ll need to leave. There will be no discussion over who leads. It’s gonna be me. This is my home, my pack, and my rules.”

  Grayson shot him a look of deep pride. “Who is your second-in-command, alpha?”

  This was the hard part. It didn’t make sense, but it was what his instincts told him was right. Even though he had multiple alphas in his pack, including one in his bed as others would see it, there was only one option for him. “Palani.”

  Palani gasped, and he wasn’t the only one, but Lidon’s eyes were fixed on Enar. Would he understand? He never meant to hurt him, and he’d never forgive himself if he had, but he wasn’t the right choice, the right fit.

  Enar lifted his eyes to look at Lidon. “Excellent choice, alpha,” he said, his voice strong. “He’s who I would’ve picked myself.”

  A wave of relief rolled through Lidon. “Thank you.”

  “Are…are you sure?” Palani asked Lidon, who shook his head, amused.

  “Did you really think I’d choose you if I wasn’t convinced you were the best man for this job?” he asked.

  Palani looked sheepish. “True, but it’s just… You have alphas here, and yet you chose me.”

  Lidon reached out for him and pulled him close, putting his hands on the beta’s shoulders, not ashamed to show anyone in the room his emotions. “Palani, you have the sharpest mind here in the room. Your analytical skills are second to none. You have a tight rein on your temper…usually,” he added, thinking back to the incident Palani had confessed to him where he’d clocked Enar. Wrong as it might’ve been, it had led to Enar finally opening up.

  Palani grinned, then shot a cheeky look in Enar’s direction. “I only hit people when they deserve it.”

  “I need someone I can trust blindly, someone who won’t impulsively decide but follow the facts. I want you by my side,” Lidon said. “This pack will judge people by their talents and competence when it comes to jobs, not by their status or identity.”

  Palani’s face grew serious again. “Thank you. It’s an honor, and I won’t let you down, alpha.”

  Lidon smiled, then kissed him soundly. “I know you won’t.”

  He turned Palani around to face the room. “As my second-in-command, my beta, Palani, will have my authority. His orders are to be treated as if they were mine.”

  Everyone nodded.

  “I haven’t figured it all out, what it means to be a pack and what I want mine to look like, but I do know this. We protect what’s ours. Our omegas, our children, our land, our home. We protect our pack. That’s our priority. Anyone who has any ideas on how we can do that, please speak up.”

  “Will you allow new people in the pack?” Ori asked.

  “Yes, but after vetting by me or Palani. We may ask Bray to run a background check. And people, remember. No strangers inside the gates.”

  “What’s your policy on relationships within the pack?”

  That was Lars. Lidon wasn’t sure what Grayson had told the beta, but he’d apologized to Lidon and had told him he’d gladly accept the job offer. He’d worked outside ever since, and Jawon reported he was doing excellent work and had made valuable suggestions.

  Lidon wondered what had triggered Lars’s question. Had the beta spotted someone he was interested in? He frowned. What should be his stand on that? He didn’t want drama, but he also couldn’t prevent people from hooking up or falling in love. He looked at Palani. Maybe the beta would have an idea on how to handle this?

  “If it’s consensual, I don’t see why we’d have an issue with it,” Palani said. “But we’d like a heads-up, just so we’re aware. And if it involves an omega, we do need to consent beforehand because we want to make sure the omega enters into the relationship willingly and isn’t pressured.”

  Lidon nodded, happy with that answer. “Yes. That sounds right.”

  “And what about heats?” Sven asked, surprising Lidon by speaking up. “Do I ask permission before asking an alpha to help me?”

  “How was that traditionally done in a pack?” Palani asked Grayson.

  “The omegas would ask the beta, the alpha’s second-in-command, for permission,” Grayson said. “Sex was always discussed openly in a pack, even shown openly. They all lived in the same house or in close proximity anyway, so it made no sense hiding.”

  “Okay,” Lidon agreed. “So that answers your question, Sven. Find Palani, and he will…”

  “Pimp you out,” Palani said, grinning. It earned him laughter in the room.

  “Can I make one suggestion, alpha?” Grayson said, and it struck Lidon again with how much reverence the older alpha used that title for him.

  “Yes, please.”

  “I think you should declare all omegas off-limits as a general rule. Mated ones obviously, but also the unmated ones. State that anyone wanting to sleep with an omega needs your permission, even if it’s for a heat or for a onetime thing. That way, you can protect vulnerable omegas in your pack.”

  “I like that,” Lidon said. “So ordered. Also, anyone who has medical questions or who needs medical care can seek out Enar. Anyone else?”

  “Will you allow me to make an announcement?” Enar asked, and Lidon’s heart all but burst out of his chest because he knew what his best friend was about to do. He was so fucking proud of him and so…in love.

  He loved him. He’d always loved him as a friend, a fuck buddy, but watching Enar gather his courage here, his body twitching with nerves, Lidon’s heart swelled with a new kind of love. A love that made him want to protect him, cuddle him, fuck the shit out of him, and kiss him senseless. He loved him, and the knowledge made his heart sing.

  “Yes, but you’ll stand right here next to me when you do,” he said.

  Enar got up, and so did Palani and Vieno, who had to know what was coming. Hand in hand they stood, the four of them, facing a room of curious faces, though Grayson and Lucan looked like they knew what was coming.

  “My request to the pack is to please consider me a beta from this moment on. It’s how I feel, it’s what I am inside, and I no longer want to be treated or referred to as an alpha…” Enar said, his voice thick with emotion.

  Lidon saw some confusion, but others nodded immediately. It couldn’t have been that much of a surprise to anyone who had spent any time with Enar lately. The man had been confident to show more of his true nature, and it had been heartwarming to see him blossom.

  Lidon squeezed his hand. “Acceptance of Enar’s status is required to enter the pack. If anyone has an issue with this, don’t join. This pack will allow people to be themselves, no matter what society may think.”

  They wrapped things up quickly after that, and Lidon sent everyone off, back to their jobs. He asked Vieno, Enar, and Palani to stay back. When the room had cleared out except for his men, Lidon pulled them close. He was so sure of this he didn’t even hesitate.

  “I want to alpha claim you.”

  Enar froze as Lidon’s words registered. He was kidding, right? Or he meant Palani. There was no way he…

  “Both of you. I want to claim you as mine because you are,” Lidon said.

  Enar swallowed. Did he dare to ask? He chastised himself. He’d come out as beta to a room full of people. Why the hell was he afraid to ask this?

  “D-do you love me?” he brought out.

  Lidon’s face softened as he leaned in for a soft kiss. “I do, and I’m sorry for not telling you. I would have if I’d realized sooner, but it didn’t hit me till minutes ago. I’ve never been more proud of you in my life, Enar, but I’ve also never loved you more.”

  Much to his own surprise, Enar burst out in tears. Not a soft welling up of his eyes. No, he shattered into a million pieces, but the pain didn't hurt. It soothed and comforted and made his heart sing like it had never sung before.

  “I’m sorry…” he cried as Lidon pulled him into his arms. “I can’t seem to…”

  “Shut up,” Lidon said mildly. “Let me hold you, Enar. Let me take care of you, please.”

  Enar hid his face against his alpha’s strong shoulder and allowed himself to fall apart in Lidon’s strong arms, crying until he had no more tears to spend.

  “I love you,” he whispered when the tears dried up, his voice hoarse. “I think I always have.”

  Lidon kissed his head, then his mouth, apparently not caring about the hot mess that Enar was right now. “Will you accept my claim?” he asked.

  Enar nodded eagerly. “God, yes. Please. I want to be yours.”

  “You’re not concerned what it will mean to your status?” Lidon asked, taking the tissue Palani offered him and wiping Enar’s face like he would a child’s with incredible tenderness. Enar had to fight back his tears, or he’d fall to pieces all over again.

  “I don’t give a flying fuck about my status,” Enar said from the bottom of his heart. “All I want is to be yours, to be together.”

  Lidon kissed him again, a kiss that showed every ounce of emotion he wasn’t able to express in words because Enar felt it in the way his alpha claimed his mouth. He didn’t let go, clung to him, even as the kiss ended, almost scared to break whatever was holding them together now.

  “Palani?” Lidon asked, his voice raw with emotion.

  Only then did Enar realize he’d made it about himself when Palani had been there as well. Lidon hadn’t only asked him. He wanted both of them, and Enar had selfishly claimed his attention for minutes.

  But Palani stepped in, grabbing Enar’s hand and pressing it, before offering his mouth to Lidon. “I want nothing more, my alpha.”

  Vieno squeezed in between them, claiming his spot in Lidon’s long arms, and for a full minute they stood, hearts and bodies pressed together as one.

  “Bedroom, now,” Lidon ordered, and they broke apart, almost racing each other to their bedroom, leaving a trail of discarded clothes behind them.

  They hurried onto the bed, four naked bodies and four hungry hearts, all desiring to be truly one. Enar saw the hunger he experienced reflected on his mates' faces, and he knew the order in which it would happen. Lidon sought his eyes, the unasked question crystal clear.

  “Palani goes first,” Enar said the words for him. “He’s your beta, your second-in-command.”

  Lidon cupped his cheek. “It doesn’t make you last…or less.”

  Enar nodded. “It makes me the luckiest man on earth, to have this with you. I belong with you, alpha, with all of you.”

  Lidon nodded back and let go of Enar, his mouth curving in a satisfied smile. “Palani,” he said. “Present yourself to your alpha.”

  Palani sat on his knees in front of Lidon, and the alpha grabbed his head with both hands. “You haven’t asked for the words, but you’ll get them nonetheless. I love you, Palani, more than I ever thought possible. Vieno is my heart’s mate, and Enar is my childhood’s mate, my best friend, but you…you earned my love with your character. It’s impossible not to love you, since your heart is so big. Our foursome wouldn’t function without you.”

  God, Enar felt himself get mushy all over again at that declaration of love. It seemed Lidon could find the words when it mattered. And Palani, sweet Palani, he lit up
like a Christmas tree, his entire face beaming as he radiated the love he felt for Lidon. Enar had known he loved the alpha, but never had it been more clear.

  And then he bowed, kissing Lidon’s hands in a gesture of sweet submission. “You know I love you,” he simply said. “How could I not?”

  “You ready?” Lidon asked after kissing him until both their lips were swollen and red.

  “Yes, alpha.”

  Lidon positioned himself on his back, and Vieno scrambled over to lube his cock, then crawled behind Palani to prep him with sweet, soft moves, every caress showing his love. Palani kissed him when he was done and kneeled with his knees on both sides of Lidon.

  “Take me in,” the alpha ordered.

  Palani did as he was told, his face tight with concentration. Enar knew how big that alpha cock was and how it always hurt so good when you took it in. The beta winced, then visibly relaxed, and Lidon’s cock disappeared inside him. He did a few careful thrusts until Enar saw him relax.

  Lidon sat up, holding Palani and looking at him with love. Vieno found a spot between Enar’s legs, and he held him close, feeling privileged he could watch this special moment.

  “Do you accept my alpha as your mate for life, sealing our unbreakable bond as long as we both shall live?” Lidon asked, repeating the words he’d once asked Vieno.

  “Yes, alpha.” Palani’s voice rang out confident and steady, not a trace of nerves audible. “Do you accept my beta as your mate for life, sealing our unbreakable bond as long as we both shall live?”

  “Yes, beta.”

  This time, Lidon didn’t ask for permission to claim him. His hips flexed, and he thrust deep inside Palani. The beta groaned as the alpha roar filled the room, Lidon claiming every cell of them. He thrust deep inside Palani again with an aggressive move and came at his neck with his teeth.

  Enar froze as he noticed Lidon’s eyes. They were gleaming, shining unnaturally, much like an animal, like a… Enar gasped. A wolf. He was looking at the eyes of a wolf as Lidon sank his teeth deep inside Palani’s neck.


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