Irresistible Omegas Volume One

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Irresistible Omegas Volume One Page 53

by Nora Phoenix

  His tone was a tad snappier than he’d intended it, and Grayson’s smile grew predatory. “And with that remark, you proved how much you need a babysitter, boy.”

  That last word got Lars’s back up, and at the same time, it tickled him inside. “I’m not a boy. I’m twenty-two, an adult. Old enough to take care of myself and make my own decisions.”

  Grayson’s smile vanished, replaced by a much cooler expression. “Are you, now? You’re doing a piss-poor job of both. No, don’t bother responding, because we both know whatever you say will only get you deeper into trouble.”

  Lars’s shoulders dropped at the realization that his mouth had once again gotten the better of him. He forced himself to stay quiet, ashamed Grayson was right. He had zero self-preservation skills and had been about to piss off the man who had the power to get him kicked out. Again. He was such an idiot.

  A finger lifted his chin up, and Grayson forced him to make eye contact. Lars bit back a gasp at how close Grayson stood, crowding his personal space. The alpha’s eyes drilled into his.

  “I will keep babysitting you until I am assured you know how to behave. If you keep perpetuating this childish behavior you’ve demonstrated so far, you leave me no choice but to treat you like a child until you start acting with maturity. The sooner you get that, the sooner I’ll get off your ass.”

  Grayson didn’t release him until Lars nodded faintly, and then he abruptly turned around and left. Lars watched him walk away, his insides churning with emotions that were hard to pinpoint. Anger, for sure, mostly at himself for being stupid all over again. But there was also something that wasn’t so easy to label, something that felt a lot like regret for disappointing Grayson. Why the hell would he care what Grayson thought of him?

  He turned his back toward him and went back to work, his head trying to make sense of it all. Why the fuck had they ever agreed to stay at the ranch in the first place? He should never have believed Enar. He’d always taken care of Sven, so why would he need anyone else now?


  Grayson noticed some improvement in Lars’s behavior, but the boy had to fight to keep his mouth shut at times. His face was too expressive to hide much, though, which amused Grayson. Lars didn’t say anything with words, but his body language spoke volumes.

  At least he’d managed to stay out of Enar’s way as far as Grayson could tell. To make sure, he checked with Palani that Lars wasn’t bothering any of them.

  “He’s been conspicuously absent from the common areas,” the beta assured him, raising an eyebrow. “You seem to take a personal interest in him.”

  Grayson shrugged, striving for nonchalance. “Just taking something off your plate. You have enough to deal with right now.”

  “True,” Palani nodded.

  They’d had a group meeting earlier that week where Palani had explained the latest theories and developments in his investigation into the Melloni gene, and it had been mind-blowing. The knowledge that a company not only had deliberately created the gene but also had spread it without women knowing and had then developed meds to counter the unexpected side effects…it sounded like a conspiracy theory worthy of a crime novel, except it was real life. And Palani had indicated he was nowhere near reaching the bottom of the barrel of shit he was uncovering, so who knew what more would pop up.

  Palani pressed his lips together, then said, “Do you really think Lidon is being targeted specifically?”

  “Yes. Even more now that I’ve had time to think about it. With everything you’ve shared, I don’t think it’s a coincidence he’s been singled out. Look, if you and Melloni are right about the effects of the gene, if the whole goal was to bring back the ability to shift, Lidon is the prime candidate. His bloodline is strong, and the combination of him and Vieno, aided by you and Enar, it has got to work.”

  Palani studied him for a few seconds, scratching his chin. “Our reasoning was that his son would have the ability to shift, but you’re talking about Lidon.”


  Palani leaned in closer. “You think Lidon will be able to shift at some point?”

  “Yes. I don’t think the gene merely works on Vieno’s offspring. It’s influencing Lidon and all of you already and vice versa.”

  “In what ways?” Palani asked.

  “You should be able to answer that better than me, but Vieno’s powers are a good indication. There’s also the intimate bond between him and Lidon. They’re even closer than before, always connected with each other when they’re in the same room.”

  He wouldn’t mention he’d seen them fuck on multiple occasions as well, as had others, he assumed. It was kind of impossible not to catch someone in the act, what with all of them living in the same house, but those two were especially public with their affections.

  Palani’s sly grin informed him the beta knew what Grayson was alluding to. “I guess you caught an unexpected show or two?” he asked. Then his face sobered. “You’re giving me food for thought. I hadn’t considered Lidon shifting himself, to be honest. I was only focused on his son.”

  Grayson caught the underlying fear in Palani’s voice and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. “There’s a lot we don’t know about shifter society but also a lot we can learn from the old legends and stories. I’ve done a ton of research for my books, and one of the things that always kept coming up was the mystical symbiotic relationship between the pack alpha and his mates. There’s a reason shifters preferred multiple partners. They influenced each other in some way, like you and your mates are experiencing now.”

  “Hmm,” Palani said, looking pensive. “More to consider…and to research. I’d appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction with some research on this. It’s not urgent, as Vieno’s heat comes first.”

  “It starts tomorrow?”

  “Yes. Enar suspects it will trigger Sven’s heat as well. Lidon asked me to talk to him, but maybe you’d want to give it a shot first? Impress on him the importance of selecting an alpha he trusts to help him? And he needs to sequester himself, as we have no idea how he will affect everyone else.”

  Grayson nodded, even as his stomach rolled uncomfortably at the idea of another alpha fucking Sven. That was ridiculous, of course, as he had no rights to the boy whatsoever.

  “Or you could do it yourself,” Palani said.

  “Me? Don’t be ridiculous. I’m way too old for that shit,” Grayson said. “I’ll talk to him, though,” he added to cut off that line of conversation.

  Palani shot him an amused look but thankfully let it go. He did bring up something else, something Grayson had waited for one of the foursome to raise with him. “Grayson, Vieno mentioned that during the attack, you said something about a legend about the True Omega?”

  Grayson met his eyes. “Yes, I did, but I shouldn’t have said anything. It was the shock of the situation that made me blurt it out, but it’s… Will you trust me when I say he’s not ready yet? That you’re all not ready yet? God, I feel like some kind of shaman when I say this, but it’s not yet time.”

  Palani put a hand on his arm. “Okay. I believe you. I just wanted to check. We trust you, Grayson. You’ll tell us when you think it’s time.”

  “I promise.”

  Grayson’s insides flooded with relief at how well the beta had taken this. It reinforced his feelings about staying here and joining the pack. He loved being a part of this. Not that he relished every aspect of it, like the little job he’d been handed just now. He had his work cut out, convincing both boys Sven needed help getting through his heat. Something told him Lars would have a rather strong opinion on this. Sigh.

  He found them in the gym, Sven spotting Lars as he did some bench presses. Even before he opened the door to the gym, Sven’s smell hit him like a brick wall. Fucking hell, Palani had been right. The boy was damn close to his heat. Grayson’s cock hardened instantly, and he was grateful he was wearing tight boxer briefs and shorts.

  When Grayson walked in, Lars noti
ced him, and he sat up, wiping his brow with a towel. “You checking up on us again?” he said.

  Sven winced, and Grayson felt a little sorry for him. “Not on both of you, just you,” he said pointedly.

  Lars had the decency to be embarrassed, shuffling his feet and avoiding Grayson’s eyes. “I’ve been good,” he said, and the wording struck Grayson. He sounded like a recalcitrant teenager, didn’t he?

  “I sure hope so. I checked with Palani again, and he reported no complaints from him.”

  A flash of relief painted Lars’s face before he pulled it back to his usual bored expression, which was a mask if Grayson had ever spotted one.

  “Let’s keep it this way, especially in light of a conversation Palani asked me to have with both of you.”

  Lars shot up from the bench, standing ramrod straight. “Is he kicking us out after all? You said he didn’t have any complaints!”

  Grayson shook his head with a long sigh. “Oh, boy, when will you ever learn to keep that mouth shut? You want to maybe let me start the conversation first, before you attack me? Sit the fuck down.”

  Lars hesitated briefly before obeying, but his eyes spewed fire.

  Grayson turned toward Sven. “Palani asked me to talk to you about your heat. Enar suspects it will start soon, triggered by Vieno’s heat, which will begin tomorrow. And I can affirm he was right. I could smell you before I even set foot in this gym. You’re throwing off so many damn pheromones it’s not funny, and your heat hasn’t even started.”

  Sven blushed deeply, even as Lars gasped. “You…he affects you?”

  “Fuck, yes. Can’t you smell him?”

  “No… I mean, I’m…”

  He caught himself, Grayson realized, but he had no trouble filling in the blanks. He couldn’t smell him, not like Grayson could, but he was still horny. Grayson thought of what Enar had told him about Vieno and Palani, how they had mated without even realizing it, which was how Enar explained Vieno’s tantalizing smell not affecting Palani as much. That, and the fact he was a beta.

  He had the exact same circumstances here, didn’t he? A beta and an omega, who’d been close for years, who were involved with each other sexually, who were in love with each other, judging by the looks he caught between them, and Lars couldn’t smell Sven. Grayson sighed.


  Something flashed over the alpha’s face that troubled Lars. He’d concluded something from Lars’s words, but what?

  “I thought I couldn’t smell him because I’m used to him,” he said.

  “Then why could Dad smell me?” Sven whispered, and Lars saw the alpha cringe.

  He knew something, something he wasn’t sharing with them. But what? He wasn’t going to make him spill, that much was clear. Not after the way he’d disrespected him again. Dammit. Sven kept warning him his surly attitude was counterproductive, and Lars saw that truth being played out here.

  “I don’t know for sure,” Grayson said, “but that’s not what matters now. You need to sequester yourself because I fear for your safety. I don’t mean to alarm you, but I’ve heard what this gene can do to people, how it affects alphas. You need to find a room at the other end of the house and stay there until your heat has passed.”

  Lars took Sven’s hand, squeezing it. “I’ll stay with you. You know I won’t leave you.”

  Sven leaned against him, his face tight with stress. Seeing the omega all stressed and worried made Lars’s stomach tighten. He’d do whatever he could to protect him, he vowed all over again.

  “Sven, you need to come up with a plan for how you want to do this,” Grayson said.

  Lars raised his chin. No way was anyone else helping Sven through his heat. That was on him. “I’ll help him through it.”

  Grayson sent him a tight smile. “That’s a nice idea, Lars, but first of all, I wasn’t asking you but Sven, since it’s his body and his decision.”

  “I want Lars to do it,” Sven said quickly.

  Grayson rolled his eyes. “The two of you…seriously. Was I done talking yet? Fucking hell, would it kill you to actually listen when people try to explain something to you? Didn’t Enar explain to you a beta can’t help an omega who has the gene through his heat? No offense, Lars, but you won’t be enough for him.”

  It stung, this quick dismissal. “So I’ll bring in some toys,” Lars said. “Big fucking deal.”

  Grayson lowered his long frame on a bench opposite them, rubbing his neck in a tired gesture. “Do you guys know how Lidon and Vieno met?”

  Lars shook his head.

  “Palani called in for help because Vieno was dying. Not metaphorically but literally dying. They’d been riding out his heats together for three years, and his body was giving out, caused by a lack of alpha proteins and hormones and an overuse of heat suppressants.”

  Lars couldn’t keep back the gasp that fell from his lips, and he felt Sven shudder beside him. “How?” he asked.

  “From what I understand, the gene makes your heats extra…heavy. Your body needs an alpha because of the hormones, pheromones, and the proteins sex with an alpha gives you. Dr. Melloni, the doctor who discovered the gene, also found out that knotting helps, as well as getting as much alpha sperm in and on you as possible.”

  Lars felt his cheeks grow fiery, the heat spreading even to his upper body. Sven would be no different, he knew from experience, as he was still adorably embarrassed about sex.

  “Lars, I know you mean well, and I can understand it must hurt to be dismissed. But you have to believe me when I say Sven needs an alpha. Sure, he’ll survive this time without one, but it’ll affect his health, and you don’t want that for him.”

  He didn’t. He hated the idea of Sven being with a near stranger. They’d talked about bringing in a third, but not like this. Not forced, where Sven barely had a choice. Still, Lars wouldn’t put his health at risk, let alone his life, by objecting.

  “Who would I ask?” Sven asked, his voice trembling.

  “Any of the unmated alphas here would be happy to help you, I suspect. Bray, Ori, Adar, Isam.”

  Lars swallowed. They were all big, strapping alphas. Everything he was not. It hurt on a level he couldn’t even put into words that he wasn’t enough for Sven, not when he needed him most. Instead, they’d need to whore him out.

  “What about pregnancy?” Sven asked.

  Grayson’s eyes were kind now. “Enar can give you birth control meds,” he told Sven. “And Lars could be present the whole time to make sure you’re okay. But, Sven…”

  For the first time, the alpha was distinctly uncomfortable, his eyes shifting away as he dragged a hand through his dark hair. “You need to talk to Vieno. Just the two of you. Have him explain to you what to expect, okay? There are things you need to know, and I can’t speak from experience since I’m not an omega.”

  Sven nodded. “Okay, I will. Thank you.”

  “Talk to Palani about who you want to help you. That’s not up to me, but to the beta of the pack.”

  “Will…will he allow me to be there?” Lars asked, fear filling his heart.

  He’d been stupid to lash out at Enar like that, even if his asshole brother had deserved it. He’d risked his position here and thus Sven’s safety, and that was plain stupid. Palani would have every reason to keep him from Sven out of sheer revenge.

  “You’d better hope his nature is more forgiving than yours,” Grayson said with a poignant look at Lars.

  Fuck, as much as he hated to admit it, the alpha was right. If Palani held a grudge as easily as Lars did, he was fucked.


  Sven had wanted to talk to Vieno, but he hadn’t caught him alone before his heat started. He could’ve asked him while others were present, maybe, but he wasn’t sure if Vieno was even willing to help him. For all he knew, the omega could hold him responsible for Lars’s hurtful words against Enar.

  It was the day after Vieno’s heat had finished, and Sven had waited until everyone else was outside. He’d seque
stered himself as Grayson had told him, even though Lars had wondered if Grayson had been overreacting. He’d assured Sven he could barely detect any smell, so how could it be that much stronger for Grayson? Sven wasn’t sure what to think.

  He found Vieno in the kitchen, cooking up a storm.

  “Can…can I help?” he asked.

  Vieno turned his head and smiled. Thank fuck for that. Maybe no one had told him what Lars had said to Enar? Or maybe Vieno didn’t hold it against him. Either option worked for Sven.

  “Yes, please. We’ve gone through most of our freezer meals the last few days, so I’m trying to cook a few extra meals to keep in the freezer.”

  Vieno handed him a cutting board and a knife and pointed toward a mountain of veggies that needed to be sliced and diced, so Sven went to work.

  “How are you doing?” Vieno asked. “Do you feel like your heat is about to start?”

  Sven shrugged. “I don’t really know. I feel super tired, but that’s not unusual for me. Grayson said I should talk to you about what to expect,” he said, eyeing Vieno sideways to see how he would take it.

  The omega smiled. “Did he now? And do you always do what you’re told?”

  Sven considered it. “Usually, yes. Is that wrong?”

  “Oh no, honey, it’s fine. I was teasing you.”

  “Oh.” He swallowed. “I waited till everyone was outside.”

  Vieno nodded. “Smart thinking. We’ll have to keep it short anyway. I can’t smell you as a fellow omega, so I have no idea how strongly you’re already emitting pheromones, but Grayson said he smelled you from afar.”

  Huh, apparently Grayson had informed Vieno and the others as well. That meant he’d been serious about the threat to Sven. Should he even be here right now? Grayson had also told him to ask Vieno for advice, though.

  “Is it okay to discuss this?” he asked to be sure.


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