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Irresistible Omegas Volume One

Page 65

by Nora Phoenix

  He had no one to blame for that but himself; that much he did realize. Grayson had made his wishes clear, and while Sven had chosen to obey instantly, Lars had felt himself hesitating. Why did the alpha want them naked in his room at all times? Were they supposed to be some kind of sex slaves to him?

  Maybe this whole trial had been a mistake after all. He’d been a fool to trust the alpha when he said he wanted to take care of them. Clearly, that whole naked-in-the-room business was for his benefit, not theirs.

  He couldn’t tear his eyes away, though. It was funny because he wasn’t jealous of Sven in the sense that he wanted to switch places with him. Lars didn’t mind giving head, but he wasn’t as fond of it as Sven, and if the alpha had asked him to do something he wanted, he would’ve chosen something else. It was more that he felt superfluous, like he didn’t belong.

  When he realized Grayson’s eyes were trained on him, he wasn’t sure how long the alpha had been watching him. It was a weird sensation to see his intense gaze focused on Lars while Sven was going to town on his cock. From the corner of his eye, Lars caught his hands still caressing Sven’s head. The man was a master at multitasking.

  He wanted to look away, wanted to avoid those piercing brown eyes, but he couldn’t. He felt compelled to keep eye contact, as if he’d be able to find answers in that stare, as if the continuous eye contact would explain to him what was happening inside him.

  He was so tired of trying to figure out what was happening between him and Grayson, between him and Sven, maybe even between him and the whole pack. Why was he always the one who was at odds with everyone else? Why was it so much easier for others to get along with people, and why did he always have this battle inside him?

  Grayson’s eyes softened, and Lars saw his body tighten with his impending release. He let out a soft groan of pleasure, and his muscles contracted as he gave one last push into Sven’s mouth as he came, but his eyes never left Lars’s. It was like they were intimately connected without ever touching each other, and it only added to the confusion swirling inside Lars.

  Finally, Grayson broke off eye contact, but it was to lift Sven’s head up and bend over to give him a soft kiss. “That was perfect, pup. Did you enjoy your reward?”

  Sven nodded as he licked his lips. “You taste so good, alpha.”

  Grayson smiled and kissed him again, then pulled him to his feet. “I need you to sit quietly now while I deal with Lars, okay?”

  Sven nodded again, then settled on the bed against the headboard, shooting an apologetic look in Lars’s direction. He didn’t blame Sven one bit, he realized. As much as they loved each other, they were wired differently. It didn’t take a genius to figure out Sven loved this dynamic, and Lars was happy for him.

  “Boy,” Grayson said, and that simple word was enough to get Lars’s full attention. “We’re not off to a good start, are we?”

  That much he could admit. “No.”

  Grayson raised one eyebrow, and it took a second for Lars to realize what he meant. What should he call him? Sven had chosen to call him alpha, which made sense, and it certainly showed the proper amount of respect Grayson had requested. But for some reason, Lars didn’t want to use the generic term for him, but what else should he call him? What else could he call him? His heart whispered, but he ignored it.

  “Sir,” he tacked on.

  “That was your third strike, in case you weren’t keeping count. First, there was the delay in obeying me when I told you we were going to the bedroom. Then I expressed my clear wish for the two of you to undress. Sven had no issues understanding me, as you saw. So I’m left to wonder why you are having such a hard time doing as I ask you. Would you care to comment?”

  “I…” Lars stopped talking when he realized he had no idea what to say. He turned words around in his head, trying to come up with something that would appease the alpha without revealing too much, but he came up empty. “It’s not as easy for me. Sir,” he finally said.

  “I know. That’s why I told you up front I’m not going to set the same rules for the two of you at all times. But you can’t tell me that tonight’s orders were too hard for you to follow. I didn’t ask you anything that was impossible, now did I?”

  Lars considered it. The man had a point. He had asked small things, really. Well, the naked thing was not quite so small, but the other two had been relatively easy. Why did he have such a hard time obeying even that?

  “No, Sir.”

  Grayson closed the distance between them, apparently unbothered by the fact that Lars was still dressed while he was buck naked. Lars couldn’t so easily ignore that fact, however, and he swallowed. Grayson had a good three inches on him, and he outweighed Lars by at least forty pounds with his much bulkier build. But it wasn’t their difference in body size that made Lars feel like a little boy. It was the look in Grayson’s eyes. It showed disappointment, and that was an emotion Lars hadn’t expected to find. Or to hit him so hard.

  “I’m sorry, Sir,” he said, surprised at how much he meant it.

  His resistance to anyone telling him what to do had become so strong that it was automatic by now, even when the requests were reasonable. He wasn’t sure how and when it had happened, but if he wanted this trial with Grayson to work, it was something he would have to work on.

  Grayson’s smile of approval filled him with relief. At least he’d gotten that right. And before he knew it, spurred on by a desire he couldn’t explain to earn back Grayson’s favor, he stripped out of his clothes in seconds. He threw them on the chair on top of Sven’s pile, not caring where they landed. Hesitantly, he looked back at Grayson to see how he would react.

  “Thank you for obeying me,” Grayson said, his voice deep and warm. Lars expected him to say he could choose a reward as well, but the alpha had other plans. “Sven got to choose his own reward, but I will choose yours for you.”

  Lars held his breath, uncertain if he would like what Grayson would come up with. Much to his surprise, Grayson walked over to the reading chair that held the clothes, took them and dropped them on the floor. He sat down in the chair, patting his thigh.

  “Your reward is more cuddle time with me,” he said.

  Lars blinked, unsure at first if the alpha was cracking a joke. How was cuddle time with him a reward? It surely wasn’t what Lars would’ve chosen himself. But he didn’t want to look ungrateful, so he plastered a smile on his lips and hesitantly walked over. Grayson’s sparkling eyes told him his reluctance hadn’t gone unnoticed, but the alpha didn’t say anything as he pulled him onto his lap.

  It was awkward, this naked cuddle, Grayson’s cock hardening under his ass, even as he pulled Lars’s head against his chest and wrapped his strong arms around him. It took Lars a full minute to realize Grayson really only wanted to cuddle, his hands gently stroking Lars’s head and back until the beta finally gave in and relaxed. For the second time that day, he sat on Grayson’s lap, tucked safely against his chest.

  He couldn’t remember the last time anyone had held him like that other than Grayson earlier. Since Lars was bigger than Sven, he was usually the one who held him, and while that was sweet and nice, it was different from being the one being held, especially with arms this big and strong around him. It made him feel safe and protected in a way he hadn’t felt in a long time. Had anyone ever held him like this?

  Their mother had been sick for a long time before she died, but she’d never been the affectionate type. She’d taken care of them in terms of feeding them and making sure they got new clothes and everything, but emotionally, she’d always been closed off. His father, ugh, he didn’t even want to think about him.

  Lars had a memory of Enar holding him as a small boy, on one of his rare visits home from college. He had read books to him and Sven at bedtime every night, and Lars had cried the first night after he’d gone back to college, missing him horribly. He’d been back only a few times after that, and then he had stopped coming back at all. No more reading books at bedt
ime. No more big brother to hold him and tell him everything would be okay. No more cuddles, except with his younger brother.

  Lars didn’t know when the tears on his cheeks had started falling, but he let them go, too tired to fight that too. He gave in to the sadness, melting against Grayson. Maybe the alpha had been right, and this cuddling wasn’t so bad after all.


  Palani sauntered around the house, restless. He’d taken a swim in the pool, helped Vieno harvest some tomatoes, and he’d checked in with Jawon on the progress of the renovations. He was bored out of his mind. God, he missed his work, missed the pressure of the deadlines, the hustle and bustle of the newsroom, the fast-paced routine of getting your articles done on time.

  Instead, there was peace and quiet, and while that sounded nice in theory, Palani discovered that three weeks after his suspension, he’d had enough of it. He felt useless, even though he knew that wasn’t true, as he was still trying to make progress on his investigations.

  Every attempt to find out what had happened to Melloni had been futile. The official investigation into the fire had ruled it was arson and that the body found inside had been Melloni’s. Palani wasn’t sure what to think. He believed Sando’s theory, but they had nothing else to go on. There had been no sign of life whatsoever. Sando had known all his dad’s passwords, and he’d kept an eye out on any online activity, but there had been zilch. If someone had kidnapped him, it wasn’t for a ransom.

  To protect Sando, Lidon had filed a request with the court to be appointed his alpha guardian, and that had been readily granted. That, at least, would ensure Sando could legally stay at the ranch. The kid was horribly upset about his father, and even though he tried to work on their research, it was slow going, which Palani didn’t blame him for. He understood it would take time for Sando to grieve and recover.

  But that online research wasn’t enough to keep Palani busy, and neither was helping Lidon run the pack. Lidon’s trust in him was absolute, and so far, no one had questioned Palani’s orders—something he had kind of expected the alphas to do. Even Bray seemed to have no issue following Palani’s instructions, though granted, the man hadn’t been himself after what had happened in the kitchen with Sven.

  Palani blamed himself for that, for not fully realizing the effect Sven would have on unmated alphas. Sure, he’d smelled him, but only a little. More like an omega who was two weeks away from his heat, not like that irresistible scent Bray had described afterward. The man had been devastated and convinced he was about to get canned.

  Palani and Lidon had talked about it, asking for input from Vieno and Enar as well. In the end, they had unanimously decided it hadn’t been Bray’s fault. Sven had agreed too, though he was still skittish around the alpha, who now went out of his way to give Sven as much space as he needed. Thank fuck Grayson had stepped in and had been able to stop it.

  Palani jumped when Lidon put his hands on his shoulders. He’d never even heard him come into the kitchen.

  “You okay?” the alpha asked.

  Palani shrugged. “A little bored. I miss my job. I’m sure you know the feeling.”

  Lidon sighed. “Yeah. I’ve finally managed to get a meeting ten days from now with the head of Internal Affairs to discuss the allegations against me. We’ll see what they have fabricated.”

  Palani reached for the alpha’s hand and squeezed it. “I’m sorry. I don’t know how they can get away with all this. How big a reach does this guy Ryland have?”

  “I underestimated him, and that was stupid, especially since I’d been warned.”

  Palani’s face softened. “It’s hard for a man with your morals and integrity to imagine someone disgracing the uniform like that.”

  “It is. When you first started reporting about it, I couldn’t believe it. I thought you were making it all up, that you were one of those sensationalist assholes who call themselves a journalist but who couldn’t distinguish between a fact and a fabrication if someone put a gun to their head.”

  “If it helps, I couldn’t believe what I uncovered either, but that’s been kind of my constant feeling these last few months.”

  “Any news on your suspension?” Lidon asked as they sat down at the kitchen table.

  “Franken said they’re still demanding for me to reveal my sources on my Excellon article, which is not going to happen. The deadline is almost up, and my guess is, I’ll be officially unemployed then.”

  Much to his surprise, his eyes welled up at the thought. He’d worked so damn hard to get where he was, and now it was all taken away from him because of… Yeah, because of what, exactly? It had to have been the AWC who had fucked him over with his bosses and gotten him suspended, though he lacked evidence.

  He swallowed back his emotions. “Did Enar show you the letter he got from the Ministry of Health?”

  Lidon nodded. “Yeah. Motherfuckers suspended his medical license indefinitely.”

  “He can’t fight it,” Palani said. “If he does, they’ll slap him with every violation he ever committed, and there’s quite a few, I would think.”

  “Yes. They must’ve known for a while, at least some of it, but they waited for an opportune time to use it against him. He’s fucked.”

  Palani leaned back in his chair. “What about Lucan’s remark, about Enar being able to practice on private property?”

  Lidon pursed his lips. “Can you look into that? Make sure it’s true what he says and what the exact conditions are? I don’t want to mention anything to Enar unless we know it’s a realistic option.”

  “I’m on it. But would you want that? Having him set up something on the ranch, I mean?”

  “Yes.” Lidon’s answer was swift and definitive. “I’ll build him a whole damn clinic if I have to. Omegas need him. He’s providing something few others offer, so I’ll do anything to make that possible.”

  Palani couldn’t help but smile. Lidon had such a big, soft heart underneath that macho alpha exterior. “You’re a good man, Lidon Hayes.”

  Lidon’s eyes lit up. “Good enough to let me fuck you?”

  Palani grinned. How a man that tough could look like a freaking puppy was beyond comprehension, but he did, his brown eyes all pleading.

  “Vieno didn’t want to put out?” he teased.

  “He’s in bed, resting. He just threw up his breakfast.”

  Palani’s heart stopped. “He’s…?”

  Lidon smiled. “It’s too early to test, according to Enar. But Vieno says he knows he’s pregnant…with my son.”

  Palani thought his heart would burst with joy. “We’re having a baby,” he said slowly. “Vieno’s gonna be a daddy. Oh please, can I go see him? I just want to see him for a little bit. I promise you can do whatever you want to me after.”

  Lidon stood up from his chair, then pulled Palani to his feet. “You know, every time I think I’ve figured you out, you do or say something that surprises me. I don’t think we’ve all realized how big your heart is, my beta.”

  Palani melted against him, as always when his strong alpha held him. Lidon wasn’t generous with words, but when he was, Palani stored them in his heart like a treasure.

  “I love you,” he said, putting his head against Lidon’s chest. “Every day, I love you a little more.”

  “Same here. Now, let’s go see our omega. Enar’s with him to make sure he’s okay.”

  In Vieno’s imagination, being pregnant had been something magical, something floaty and dreamlike that made you glow. The reality was less ethereal, as he had just emptied the contents of his stomach into a bowl for the second time. He leaned back on the pillows as Enar took away the bowl into the bathroom to rinse it. He came back with a wet, cold washcloth to wipe Vieno’s face.

  “Better?” he asked softly.

  Vieno let out a shivering sigh. “I think so.”

  Enar stretched out next to him. “I’m sorry, little one. We’ll figure out in time what helps for you, okay?”

  Vieno cuddle
d against him, breathing in his smell. “You think I’m pregnant?” he asked, even though he knew Enar’s answer. It was hard to find a balance between what he himself knew to be true and the more rational approach Enar offered.

  Enar chuckled. “You’re gonna ask me that every ten minutes?”

  “I know. I’m sorry.”

  Enar kissed his head, then pulled him closer. “It’s okay. I get that it’s hard to feel something when you can’t get the confirmation yet if it’s real or not.”

  “The puking is certainly real,” Vieno offered.

  “Yes, but we both know there could be another reason. Hell, the fish we ate yesterday may not have agreed with you.”

  Vieno shivered again. “You maybe wanna refrain from mentioning food?”

  He snuggled up against Enar, allowing his eyes to drift close again. God, he was tired. And nauseous.

  He’d almost fallen asleep again when the door to the bedroom opened softly. He smelled them before he opened his eyes.

  “Hey, sweetheart,” Lidon said. “Are you feeling better?”

  The alpha looked at him with such tenderness it made Vieno’s heart do a little dance. “Not really. I threw up again.”

  Lidon frowned as he looked at Enar. “Can’t you do anything? Like, give him something?”

  “I agree,” Palani chimed in. “It can’t be healthy for him when he’s unable to eat.”

  Next to him, Enar laughed. “If you guys are gonna be like that for the next six months, it’s gonna be a long pregnancy.”

  Vieno shot up, then held on to Enar as dizziness made him waver. Both Lidon’s and Palani’s hands shot out to steady him.

  “So you do think I’m pregnant,” Vieno said to Enar as he recovered from his dizzy spell.

  “Oh, baby, of course I think you’re pregnant. The timing is kinda obvious, you know? But we can’t know for sure until we can test, and that’ll be a few days.”


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