Irresistible Omegas Volume One

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Irresistible Omegas Volume One Page 84

by Nora Phoenix

  Right. First, the marriage ceremony in the courthouse, which was little more than a formality. But tonight, Daddy would alpha claim them both, and that was the real deal. Lars straightened his shoulders as Daddy closed his belt again, then gave him an approving look. “I can’t wait, Daddy.”

  Daddy’s eyes turned hot, like liquid amber. “Me too, boy. We’re gonna have ourselves an epic fuck fest.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  Daddy rose from the chair, then grabbed his neck and kissed him possessively. “And don’t forget that I’ll be claiming you first. You’re mine, boy.”

  The last bit of Lars’s sadness dissipated. “Yes, Daddy.”


  Every time Sven thought he couldn’t be possibly happier, something happened that showed him how ridiculous the notion was that happiness had a limit. It seemed his heart’s capacity for joy and love kept increasing. And as he walked up to the judge, his small hand tucked into Grayson’s much bigger one, he felt every ounce of that contentment and happiness.

  He was getting married to Grayson, this amazing, sexy alpha. His alpha. His Master and Daddy and the father of his unborn child. Even better, Lars was right there with him, walking only a step behind them to avoid drawing too much attention to how close he was exactly to the groom and his omega. Thank fuck he wasn’t alone, Enar walking next to him, with his three mates behind him.

  Bray had to stay back to protect the ranch since Lidon and Palani were gone, but Lucan had shown up as well, and Sven appreciated the effort the beta was making. He liked him and he’d been sad about the conflict their relationship had caused. Not that he could blame Lucan and Bray for being upset. He would’ve been the same in their shoes. Hell, both he and Lars were younger than them, for fuck’s sake. How could he blame them for feeling they were too young for Grayson? They should have been, except they fit together like puzzle pieces.

  “Be seated,” the judge said, and Grayson held his hand as Sven lowered himself into the soft, velvet seat. Please let this ceremony be mercifully short because even though he’d hit the restroom minutes before, he already had to pee again. Enar had said his baby was positioned low and exactly against his bladder, which explained his thirty-minute pee intervals.

  “Before we can move on to the wedding ceremony, the law requires me to read the wedding forms to you.”

  Sven tuned out the judge, who read long paragraphs of complicated legalese. He knew what he was agreeing to anyway. Sure, legally he’d be Grayson’s property. If Grayson wanted to treat him badly, he could, and there’d be little Sven could do to stop him. But his alpha was way too kind and loving and honorable for that. He didn’t want to harm Sven. He wanted to take care of him, protect him. That was why he was marrying him, to make sure no one could ever harm him again.

  In that sense, this whole marriage thing was a tool, a necessary step, but in itself, it wasn’t this ceremony that would bind Sven to Grayson…and to Lars. This was a formality, but the real union would be the alpha claiming, and god, he couldn’t wait for that. He’d asked Vieno about his experience, and he’d said it had been one of the most epic rounds of sex ever. Since Sven already had some spectacular experiences when it came to that, he was beyond curious to see if it could possibly top what he’d already shared with Grayson and Lars.

  Lars. He turned his head to where Lars was sitting, one row behind them, slightly to their right. Lars immediately caught his glance and winked at him. Sven smiled back, his heart a little lighter. He’d been heartbroken at seeing Lars’s pain earlier. Even more because he understood it completely…and yet he couldn’t do a damn thing to take it away. Except love him with all his heart, which he already did and would always do.

  “We now move on to the ceremony. Alpha, please rise.”

  Sven waited until Grayson stood, then rose himself. Grayson wouldn’t care about things like that, but damn if Sven would make it look like he disrespected him, even if their relationship was completely different.

  “Please extend to each other your right hand,” the judge said, and Sven turned toward Grayson. His heart skipped a beat at the love that shone from his alpha’s eyes. He radiated with it, his whole face showing his joy and pride over marrying Sven.

  “Grayson Whitefield, do you promise to honor and respect your omega husband and to take care of him and any offspring you may produce with him the best way you can until the day you die or decide upon the legal dissolution of this contract?” the judge asked Grayson.

  “I swear upon my life,” Grayson said, and Sven smiled at his choice of words. He hadn’t merely promised, as was his legal right, but he’d sworn, signaling his full commitment to their union.

  “Sven Magnusson, do you swear to honor and respect your alpha husband and to obey and serve him the best way you can until the day you die?”

  “I swear upon my life,” Sven said, his voice steady as he echoed Grayson’s words.

  “I have heard both parties swear to their union. By the power vested in me by our government, I declare the union between Grayson Whitefield and Sven Magnusson to be legal.”

  Grayson’s smile was wide as he stepped in, then took Sven’s mouth in a kiss so soft and tender, it made Sven’s heart flutter. “I love you, pup,” Grayson whispered against his lips. “And I will love you till the day I die.”

  “I love you, Daddy. Always.”

  After they had signed the papers, Lars congratulated him first. He hugged him tight, his voice choked up as he whispered, “I’m so happy for you, baby. You deserve all of this and so much more.”

  Before Sven could say anything, Lars moved onto Grayson, hugging him as well. But when he wanted to let him go, Grayson held onto his hand, then pulled him in between him and Sven. Sven’s eyes grew big. What was Grayson doing? But the alpha just grinned, winking at him. “You’re legally mine now, so what’s the judge gonna do? Go against an alpha? Nah.”

  And so when the others came forward to congratulate them, Lars was standing right between them, and Sven loved Grayson for that ballsy move that had made Lars smile in a way he rarely did.

  “Congratulations,” Lucan said, his handshake firm.

  “Thank you. And…” Sven hesitated. Was it bad form to bring it up here? Then again, he so rarely had the opportunity to speak to Lucan alone, and both Lars and Grayson were talking to Lidon and Palani now. “Thank you for being here,” Sven said, dropping his voice. “I know this means a lot to your father, but I’m happy and grateful that you’re here as well.”

  Lucan’s cheeks colored slightly. “I don’t have anything against you,” he said stiffly.

  “I know. I understand.”

  “Do you?”

  Sven nodded. “I think I would’ve felt the same in your position. And I’m sorry for not being more sensitive toward you and Bray about needing to spend time with your father. We should have said something. Or at least, I should. I should have encouraged him to hang out with you, and I didn’t.”

  Lucan swallowed. “Thank you. That’s… Thank you. We had a good conversation the other day and that cleared the air.”

  “I’m glad. The last thing I want is to keep your dad from you. He’s such a wonderful dad…”

  The corner of Lucan’s mouth twitched. “You mean Daddy.”

  Sven peeked at him from between his lashes. Was that a joke? Oh my god, it was. Lucan had joked about the relationship they had with Grayson. “That, too,” Sven confirmed, smiling right back at him.


  With a last smile, Lucan moved on, and Enar was next. Sven leaned into his embrace, holding onto his brother for a long time. “I’m so happy for you, baby bro,” Enar said, his voice warm and affectionate. “He’s a good man.”

  “He is. And thank you for being here, even though…”

  Enar let go of him, keeping his hands on Sven’s shoulders. “All of that is in the past. Let’s look ahead, to the future.”

  Sven nodded quickly. “And you’ll do my delivery, right?”

  “If that’s what you want.”

  “Yes. I want you there. I don’t care if Maz is present as well, but you should be there. The first hands to touch him should be loving hands. Family.”

  Enar’s eyes were a bit moist as he bent in to kiss Sven’s cheek. “It will be my privilege, Sven.”


  Lars still couldn’t believe what Daddy had done. First, he’d put Lars between him and Sven when people had come to congratulate them. And then when they’d walked out of the room, he’d boldly grabbed Sven with one hand and Lars with the other, completely ignoring the astonished and shocked looks from strangers who had spotted them, including the judge. God, the look on that man’s face had been pure horror, like he’d taken it as a personal affront.

  But Lars? Lars had felt seen. Claimed. He’d felt like he belonged, and he did. He wasn’t an outsider, even if his heart had trouble feeling that sometimes. He knew. Rationally, he knew they were together, all three of them, not just Daddy and Sven. Maybe one day, he’d come to accept it fully, both his mind and his heart. For now, this would have to do, and the way his ass was still glowing and stinging helped him remember as well.

  They’d gone back to the ranch, where Vieno had surprised them with a wedding cake. Everyone had walked into the kitchen at some point to congratulate them, and with every handshake that included him, Lars felt happier and more at peace. No one thought it was just Daddy and Sven. They all acted as if Lars had gotten married as well, as if he was a part of them. And he was. The truth sank its roots deep into his heart now. He wasn’t the outsider, the odd one out. He belonged.

  Lars studied Daddy, who was sitting at the kitchen table, still dressed in that impeccable suit, chatting with Lidon and Palani. Palani must have said something funny because Daddy’s booming laugh rolled through the room, even as his right hand never left Sven’s head. The omega had installed himself at Daddy’s feet, as usual, a soft pillow protecting his body from the cold, hard kitchen floor. No one looked twice anymore when Sven planted himself at Grayson’s feet. He belonged there, and the serenity on his face made clear how much joy it brought him.

  “It’s easier for him,” Enar said softly behind him, and Lars spun around.


  “Finding his role, his spot in your dynamic. It’s easier for Sven.”

  Enar’s eyes were friendly, understanding. Ever since their conversation when Lars had been so hurt and angry over finding out Sven was pregnant, he and Enar had grown closer. Lars had come to understand his brother so much better.

  “He’s easier in general,” Lars said with a shrug. “You know me; I’ve never been known to do things the easy way.”

  Enar put a warm hand on his shoulder. “That doesn’t make you less in any way.”

  Lars smiled. Enar had such a kind soul, always trying to heal the wounded. It was instinct to him, this innate need to help anyone who was hurting. “I know. This morning, I struggled, but Da… Grayson helped me feel like I belong.”

  “You do belong, Lars. That man loves you with everything he has. His love for you is different than what he feels for Sven, but that’s normal. I don’t love Lidon the same way I do Vieno or Palani, but that doesn’t mean it’s somehow less. Our dynamics are different. Also, you can call him Daddy. It doesn’t bother me.”

  “It doesn’t? I know you’ve never said anything against it, but I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about that.”

  “I can see how much it means to you, and that makes it very easy to accept. It’s what you need and what he loves to provide. Nothing wrong with that.”

  Impulsively, Lars leaned against him, snuggling even closer when Enar wrapped his arm around him. “Thank you.”

  “I’m proud of you, little brother. You’re building something beautiful here with your men and on the ranch, and I can’t tell you how much it means to me to have you both here.”

  Lars bit his lip. Should he ask? It seemed stupid to do it, considering how good and harmonious things were between them now. Why would he fuck that up by stirring up the past? Yet he had to know, had to bury that last bit of resentment and anger from the past once and for all.

  “And me and Sven, are you really okay with us being together?”

  Enar took his time answering, but his arm stayed around Lars’s shoulder, so he took that as a good sign. “I won’t deny I struggled with it. But you have to understand where I was coming from. In my eyes, you were both my brothers, and since I hadn’t seen you in a while, in my mind you were also my little brothers. Teenagers, maybe, but not grown men. And then you showed up and we found out you were together and it was just… Shock. I was in shock, and I reacted badly. I know that.”

  “I understand that…and the way you found out probably didn’t help either, plus the fact that I was so angry.”

  Enar sighed. “I’ll admit that hurt me deeply, though I completely deserved it. I’ll say it as many times as I need to, but I failed you both, and I’ll always be sorry for that.”

  Lars let go of him and turned to face his brother. “You know what Grayson told me? Forgiving yourself is as important as forgiving others or being forgiven. If you hold on to that guilt, it will keep eating at you. Yes, you fucked up, but so did I by never reaching out to you, by trusting the stories Dad told about you. I believed him when he said you were arrogant and didn’t care about us, and I shouldn’t have. So we both fucked up, and we both need to stop blaming ourselves for that. It’s time to let it go.”

  Enar’s eyes had grown big, then misty at Lars’s little speech. “Dammit, bro, you’re making me even prouder than I already was. That was… I needed to hear that. Thank you.”

  A strong hand settled on Lars’s shoulder and he didn’t even need to look to know who was standing behind him. “You’re making me proud as well, boy,” Daddy said, and Lars leaned into his touch.

  “Thank you, Daddy.”

  Daddy kissed the top of his head. “I think you deserve a reward for being such a good boy today, but even more for being this sweet and mature toward your brother.”

  Lars’s cheeks heated up. Why was Daddy saying this in front of Enar? Talking about rewards and being a good boy, it was humiliating. Mortifying. Enar knew about their relationship dynamic, about Grayson being his Daddy, but that didn’t mean Daddy had to do it all in front of him. What would Enar think of him now?

  But Enar had said he was okay with it not minutes ago, that he understood Lars needed it, and that he fully accepted it. So why would Lars still feel ashamed? He shouldn’t be. He couldn’t hide his dynamic with Grayson for the rest of their lives. If this was what he wanted and needed—and dammit, it was—then he should have the courage to do it in the open. Everyone knew anyway. Hell, Grayson had spanked him out in the fields, then carried him inside with his red, bare ass in the open, and no one had batted an eye.

  He straightened his back. “Thank you, Daddy.”

  The soft rumble of approval Daddy let out sent shivers down his spine. Enar smiled at him broadly, then bent in and pressed a kiss on his cheek. “You go enjoy your Daddy’s reward, little brother. I’m sure he’ll think of something good. And for the record, I don’t have any issues with you and Sven being together anymore. How could I when it’s clear how much you love each other?”

  Lars’s heart filled with love and joy all over again. He was the luckiest man in the world to have found this much love and acceptance…even when he was a little shit at times and would never be the ray of sunshine Sven was. And when Daddy chuckled in his ear, low and sexy, and said, “Oh, you can bet your ass I’ve thought of something good,” Lars’s smile widened. He was about to get even luckier.


  Grayson held out as long as he could, not wanting to be impolite toward Vieno, who had organized this little wedding celebration for them, and to everyone who had showed up to congratulate them. But it had been two hours of chatting, and he was done. He’d been polite, he’d taken his time, but now he wanted to be with his boys…and Ena
r had just given him the perfect segue. He would simply announce they were ready for the alpha claiming.

  The truth was that he’d discovered only days before that packs used to do alpha claimings in public, but hell if he was announcing that now. If he’d had time to discuss it properly with Lars and Sven, things would’ve been different, but he hadn’t. And considering he still had more research to do as to the how and why of public claimings, he’d leave that to the next threesome to execute. His would be done in private with just his two boys and Lidon as a witness…and Grayson couldn’t wait.

  “Everyone, thanks for the little party and for all your well wishes. We are moving on to the next step of the festivities, and we don’t need onlookers for this part,” he said. “Except Lidon, but I’ll call you when we’re ready for you.”

  A chorus of chuckles rose, and Grayson smiled as he held on to Lars’s shoulder, then reached out his hand toward Sven. The omega took it, allowing Grayson to pull him into his arms as well.

  “Are you sure you don’t want any spectators?” Kean called out. “’Cause I’m sure me and a few others wouldn’t mind a front row seat at all.”

  Laughter exploded, and Grayson couldn’t help grinning. He deserved that one considering how often he and his boys had been caught in public. “Yes, absolutely sure, but I’ll tell you what: if you’re ever in the position where you’re getting alpha claimed, feel free to make it into a show and sell tickets. I’ll be sitting front row.”

  Kean laughed, but when Grayson turned his gaze, he caught a heated look from Bray that was anything but happy. What was his oldest son in a tiffy about now? Oh, wait. The alpha claiming. Kean. If Kean ever were to be alpha claimed, what were the odds it would be by Bray? Ruari’s entrance onto the scene had changed the dynamics completely, but damn if Grayson didn’t feel those three would make a great team. Which would mean he’d just invited himself to a front row seat to watch his son have public sex. Okay, that was too weird even for him.


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