Mr. September

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Mr. September Page 7

by Bailey Bradford

  Enzo pulled back, his mouth glistening. He licked his lips and grinned. “I think we could manage to make out in your car. I want to kiss you more tonight.”

  “We can do that.” I should have bought an SUV. Then we could have done more than make out.

  “Excellent. I’m going to kiss you until you come.” Enzo opened the car door and Tony knew, without a doubt, that Enzo would follow through on that promise.

  Chapter Ten

  Enzo couldn’t recall ever having such a fun night. He’d laughed so much his eyes had watered and it wasn’t just because of the play. Tony had cracked him up with stories about his childhood and it sounded like being the only boy amongst four kids had set him up to be the butt of his sisters’ pranks.

  Not that Tony was angry. He’d not said one cross word about his sisters, though he’d shared tales of revenge and was glad he had as many nephews as he had nieces. Tony’s family was close and they clearly loved each other. Enzo wished he had that for Nat and, yes, for himself, but they had each other. That was more than some people had.

  As he walked out of the theater holding Tony’s hand, Enzo tugged him closer. “It’s almost ten o’clock. I’ve got to be at work early, but I’d like some alone time with you.”

  Tony’s Adam’s apple bobbed and he pushed his glasses up to the bridge of his nose. “I’d like that, too. My folks are at my house, so if you meant it about the car, I know a place we can go park.”

  Enzo felt like a teenager again. He’d never gotten to park and make out with anyone. “Can we?”

  “You bet.” Tony unlocked the car with his fob. “It’s a little bit of a drive and there’s a couple of closer places, but the one I’m thinking of—if it’s still there—is more private.”

  “I’m all for private.” Enzo opened his door and got in. He buckled up and watched as Tony did the same. “You have sexy hands. Long fingers, elegant, like the rest of you.”

  “Elegant?” Tony started the car. “That’s a lot better than scrawny, which is what I’ve been called more than a few times.”

  “Scrawny?” Enzo didn’t see it. “You’re lean and you’ve got a pert little ass I want to explore more than I want my next breath. Who said you’re scrawny?”

  Tony glanced in the rearview then started backing up. “It doesn’t matter anymore. It was a long time ago.”

  “Words hurt. Let that one go, because you are one sexy fucker,” Enzo said. “I can’t wait to get my hands on you again.”

  “You’re tempting me to speed, which I never do.” Tony surprised him by brushing the back of his hand over Enzo’s dick. He felt the soft touch through his jeans and would have held Tony’s hand there and rutted against it if Tony hadn’t been driving.

  “Do whatever will get us there. I just want you.” Enzo reached down and adjusted himself. “Even that, your hand just then, made me hard. I’ve thought of being with you, kissing you, sucking you again, almost nonstop since I last saw you.”

  Tony groaned and steered the car onto the highway. “I think we can put that seat back pretty far.”

  “My seat?” Enzo began feeling for a lever at the side to move it.

  “Yes, it reclines almost all the way. Far enough that you could bend me over it and fuck me.”

  Enzo tightened all over as desire coursed through him. “I didn’t bring anything.” He’d thought Tony wanted to wait—and he wanted whatever Tony wanted.

  “I did.” Tony patted his shirt pocket. “We don’t have to do anything that requires us using them, though. I don’t want to pressure you.”

  Enzo leaned over and plucked the condom and lube from Tony’s pocket. “How did I not know these were there?”

  “Why should you have known I had them?” Tony countered. “I had them in my wallet until I went to the restroom at the theater. Wasn’t sure if I should have even brought them. I said I wanted more than sex and yet I can’t deny how much I want that with you, too.”

  Enzo flipped the condom over between his fingers. “You’re okay with this happening in your car?”

  “I’m more than okay with it. I’ll admit, I’ve never been the daring type, never took any risks, but…” Tony flicked him a glance. “Maybe we’re both due for some fun adventures. For that matter, if there’s no one around, you could bend me over the hood or the trunk and fuck me.”

  “Jesus,” Enzo rasped, seeing that perfectly in his mind. “Yeah, I want to do that. Outside, under the stars and moon. I’ll be able to tell if we’re alone.”

  “Your sense of smell?”

  Enzo nodded. “Vision and hearing is sharper than a human’s too, though I try not to focus on those. Working around a lot of people and sounds, I’ve learned to block most of it out. Can’t do it with scents no matter how much I’ve tried. Guess that one is more ingrained than the others.”

  Tony hummed, as if he were musing over that. “Will you shift for me? I’ve never seen—or is it rude of me to ask?”

  “It’s not rude, and yes, I’ll shift for you. After, though. I’ll smell like wolf once I’ve done it.” Enzo didn’t know if Tony would be able to smell the wolf on him, but he would and making love—fucking, fucking—while he carried the scent of an animal on him was just creepy.

  “Tell me about this place we’re going to,” Enzo said. “Who’d you go there with? What’d y’all do?”

  “The first time I came here, I was alone, actually.” Tony chuckled. “I’d heard Marjorie talking about coming here with her girlfriend. I eavesdropped long enough to figure out where she’d parked and when it was my turn to have the car—Mom and Dad made us all take turns with one vehicle—I drove out to find it. No one else was there. I have no idea how Marjorie ever discovered it.”

  “And when you brought your first boy out here?” Enzo prodded. “What happened then?”

  “That was almost a year later. I, uh, was a late bloomer. When I mentioned sneaking boys into my room, I was almost eighteen. Cory Bloom and I came out here the night after we graduated. It was—” Another chuckle, then Tony sighed. “We were two horny kids who didn’t have enough sense to go slow. Took us another few attempts to get anal sex down to where we enjoyed it. Hormones—they’re a blessing and a curse. Once we learned what to do, we spent most of the summer together. Then he went off to Michigan State and I chose UCLA. I guess it says something about what we had when I can admit it only hurt a little when we parted. Then again, we knew we were moving away from each other in August.”

  After hearing that, Enzo had his own confession to make. “I’ve only done it once. Anal, I mean. Each way.” He groaned. “God, I sound like an idiot. I’ve topped once and bottomed once. Both times were rushed, although when I bottomed, at least the guy made sure I was ready.”

  “Was—were you with someone you cared for?”

  “Not even someone I knew,” Enzo admitted. “I had Nat from the time I was eighteen on and I was working as many hours as I could once I turned fifteen. Mom and Anderson had already started using then and Anderson’s unemployment checks went on drugs. I got a job at the supermarket down from our house and instead of money, which I knew my parents would take from me, I asked to be paid in groceries. Benito was cool. He never asked why I wanted food instead of cash and Nat and I didn’t have to go hungry.”

  “Enzo,” Tony said, his voice rough. “Don’t ever think you’re anything less than amazing.”

  Enzo huffed out a laugh that he didn’t quite feel. “I’m not. Who would let their sister or themselves go hungry? I did what anyone would do. Anyway, my point was, I didn’t have time. It wasn’t until Nat was sick and she had some overnight hospital stays where the nurses kicked me out and I didn’t know what to do with myself. A few times I went to the Purple Turtle. Usually I didn’t do more than swap blowjobs or jack someone off. I wanted to know what it was like, though, so, I dunno. I found a guy I was attracted to. We talked, and I told him my life was a mess, I was afraid I was going to lose the only family I had and I needed something to tak
e me out of my head. He didn’t top, but after he and I fucked, he hooked me up with a friend of his the next time I went there. I didn’t go back again. The nurse who’d been keeping me away from my sister got reprimanded. Don’t know who told on her, or why, but she was moved or fired and I wasn’t forced to leave Nat’s side unless I needed to. Considering how much I worked, I wanted every spare moment with her I could have.”

  By the time he’d finished, Tony was driving down a dirt road. “That nurse was a jerk.”

  “She was. I don’t think she believed I should have had custody of Nat.” Enzo squinted. “Are we outside of San Antonio?”

  “No, just on the far North side.” Tony leaned forward. “Now, where is it? There’s a turn-off on the left, or there used to be…”

  Enzo pointed. “About a hundred feet ahead, see the oak there?”

  Tony hit the brights. “Now I do. So, did you enjoy it?”

  Enzo didn’t have to ask what Tony was talking about. “I did, yeah. Um. Bottoming was harder, mainly because I was scared of being hurt. That…takes a lot of trust, I think.”

  “It does for some people. Others, not so much. Whatever works, you know?” Tony took the turn at a crawl. “Oh, wow. It’s different. There wasn’t a fence on either side before. Maybe we should go back.”

  “Or.” Enzo slipped his hand over Tony’s arm, down to his wrist. “You could park right here and let me check the area.”

  Tony stopped the car. “I like your idea better than mine.”

  Enzo tugged and Tony let go of the steering wheel. Enzo brought Tony’s hand to his mouth, kissing the back of Tony’s knuckles. “I’ll be right back.”

  “I’ll be…stripping.” Tony grinned and started unbuttoning his shirt. “If it’s not safe, I’ll be driving half-naked.”

  “It had better be safe,” Enzo growled. He unfastened his seatbelt and got out. Within seconds, he knew they were alone. He fetched his phone from his pocket and texted Nat, letting her know he’d be a little later than he’d thought. She sent him back a bunch of winky-faces and thumbs-up emojis.

  Enzo figured he’d be blushing every time she looked at him, at least for a few days. It’d be worth it, though.

  He walked around the car in a wider circle to double-check that they’d be alone, then crossed over to Tony’s window.

  Tony opened his door. He had stripped off everything except his briefs and shoes. “All clear?”

  Enzo’s mouth went dry as he took in the sight before him. “Yeah.”

  “Can I go barefoot?” Tony wiggled one foot. “This is not sexy, but I don’t want grass burrs.”

  “Barefoot is okay as long as you don’t mind some pebbles here and there.” Enzo took the condom and lube packets from Tony. “Get your fine self out here.”

  Tony took off his shoes and socks, then stood up and stretched. “Ah, man. It’s nice out here. Perfect breeze.”

  Enzo grabbed him, one hand at Tony’s nape, the other on his hip. He kissed Tony, something he’d been desperate to do all night. Every conversation they’d had, every time they’d laughed, had fed into the need to feel Tony’s lips parting for him.

  Enzo slid his tongue alongside Tony’s. He moved his hand up from Tony’s nape to the back of his head, burying his fingers in Tony’s hair.

  Tony moaned and held on to him, kissing him back with a passion that was unmistakable. Enzo’s skin felt sensitized, as if every flick of tongue and press of lips was being spread all over his body, an erotic blend of touch and fantasy that made his dick ache for more.

  He turned them around and backed Tony to the trunk of the car, not wanting to risk the hood being hot from the motor and causing Tony any pain.

  Tony’s skin was soft and warm, the scent of him tantalizing and familiar. Enzo broke the kiss. “I want you so bad, but it doesn’t have to be anything more this. We can kiss—”

  “Fuck me,” Tony demanded. “Unless you just don’t want to.”

  Enzo hadn’t heard Tony curse before. He was alternately surprised and even more turned on. “Yeah, I want to.”

  “Thank God.” Tony turned around and bent over the trunk. “Like this. I want you like this.”

  Enzo tried to speak but seeing Tony like that stole his breath. He nudged Tony’s legs apart with one knee and moved in closer. Then he tucked the condom and lube into one of his back pockets. He leaned over, pressing his groin against Tony’s ass. “Perfect,” he managed to get out. Tony wasn’t scrawny or flawed, and once Enzo could speak in coherent sentences, he’d make sure Tony knew that.

  But for now, he only had actions. He caressed Tony from wrists to shoulders, then down his slender back, to the elastic waistband of his briefs. Enzo had to step back so he could pull Tony’s underwear down, and Tony had to bring his legs back together to get them off. Then Tony was naked and spreading for him, reaching back to grasp his own ass cheeks and part them.

  The moonlight trickled past a cloud and illuminated Tony’s pale skin, giving him a silver glow. Enzo would have howled had he been in wolf form. As it was, he moaned and pressed kisses down Tony’s spine. He’d have loved to spend hours making love to Tony. One day, or night, I will. I’ll kiss every inch of his body, learn every sensitive spot. Tonight, they didn’t have time. Both of them had to get home before it got too late.

  That didn’t mean Enzo had to skip everything.

  He kissed the base of Tony’s spine, kissed his left hand, then the right.

  And he went onto his knees, licking down Tony’s crease, absorbing the gasp and broken, “Please, yes,” from Tony.

  Enzo pressed Tony’s cheeks farther apart and nosed Tony’s hole. The musky scent almost made Enzo come. He moaned and licked over Tony’s pucker, then did it again, memorizing everything about the moment, from the way Tony’s breath hitched, to the stronger aroma of his arousal and the clench of muscles as he dragged his tongue around Tony’s ring.

  Tony let go of his ass. “E-Enzo.”

  He didn’t say anything more, just that. Still, it conveyed his growing need, his desire for something more.

  Enzo pressed his tongue into Tony and rubbed his thumbs along the outside of his hole. Tony cried out and moved his hips, rocking his butt in a plea for more. Enzo gave it to him, tongue-fucking Tony until his hole was wet and he could slip his thumb in easily. He tipped his head back and let go of Tony’s ass cheek while working to loosen Tony’s hole more.

  “Soon,” he promised when Tony whimpered. Enzo took the condom from his pocket and stood. He had to stop stretching Tony’s pucker and set the condom and lube on the trunk beside him. “Going to fuck you hard, honey.”

  “Yes,” Tony hissed. “Do it.”

  Enzo freed his own cock, shoving his jeans down to mid-thigh. He hadn’t bothered with underwear and the rub of soft denim over his dick had tormented him in the best way all night. “I will. I am.” He picked up the condom wrapper, opened it then slid the condom down his length.

  “You know how sexy you look, spread out for me? Naked, while I’m dressed and only my dick is uncovered.” Enzo opened the lube. He poured it onto his fingers, then began working it into Tony.

  “Uh…Oh, yes, God that feels so…” Tony arched, pushing his ass up. “Good. More. Give me your cock.”

  Enzo pulled his fingers free and used the lube on them to slick the condom. He lined his tip up with Tony’s hole. “You want this?” He rubbed the head back and forth, teasing Tony.

  “I’ll beg,” Tony rasped.

  “I don’t need you to beg.” Enzo stopped teasing and pressed his tip to Tony’s hole. “I just—” He began to sink into Tony’s gripping heat. “Need you.”

  Enzo’s vision blurred and he gripped Tony’s hips, fingers curling around tight. “God, yes!” Tony’s ass was so snug and hot, his inner walls rippling around Enzo’s length.

  Tony swiveled his hips, a small movement that sent a shockwave of pleasure through Enzo. He gritted his teeth and tried to restrain himself from just slamming in.
br />   Tony raised up onto his elbows and shoved his ass back. “More!”

  Enzo got the message. He thrust, then did it again and again until his cock was buried as deep in Tony’s ass as he could get it. He was still for a moment before he pulled out almost all the way. He pushed in, a steady drive that seated him fully.

  Tony clenched his ass, encasing Enzo’s dick in a grip so tight he had to hold still or risk coming. As soon as Tony loosened, Enzo stopped holding back. He fucked Tony with hard, short strokes, long, slower ones and everything in between, his body’s needs guiding him as much as Tony’s demands, both silent and spoken.

  When Tony demanded more, Enzo gave it to him, holding him down, hands pressed to Tony’s shoulder blades as Enzo powered into him repeatedly.

  As amazing as it felt, Enzo needed something more. He pulled out. “Roll over. I want to see you.” He needed to see Tony’s face.

  Tony turned over, bringing his heels up and wrapping his legs around Enzo’s hips. “Fuck me. Make me come.”

  Enzo lined up and thrust in, relishing the way Tony’s body welcomed him, the ripple of muscles around his shaft, heat spreading from Tony to him.

  He bent over and kissed Tony, a sloppy, messy press of lips as he pounded into Tony’s ass.

  Tony clung to him, gripping Enzo’s shoulders hard enough that, if he hadn’t been a shifter, there’d have been bruises left on him for days. He wished, for that moment at least, that he was strictly a human. He’d have liked to wear Tony’s marks.

  Enzo grunted and fucked Tony harder, the sound of their bodies connecting almost as loud as their breaths. Tony shoved a hand between them and his knuckles scraped against Enzo’s belly.

  Enzo raked his teeth over the tender spot where Tony’s neck and shoulder joined.

  Tony shouted, a garbled sound that was cut off as he tensed, his ass clutching Enzo’s dick, pulling the orgasm right out of him.

  The scent of their cum filled the air immediately around them. Enzo thrust again, seeking to get deeper, then was lost in his release, pleasure enveloping him.


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