This Piece of Our Being-Tampa Suns Hockey (Clearing the Ice #3)

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This Piece of Our Being-Tampa Suns Hockey (Clearing the Ice #3) Page 9

by Robyn M Ryan

  He shut the top on the laptop and took a Coke with him to the sofa. He tried to analyze his sudden compulsion to fight Caryn’s battles for her, to protect her from emotional as well as physical threats. What’s with this?

  With a sinking feeling, Andrew knew he’d caused more hurt and emotional pain than some corporate suit ever could. Caryn had fought back when he turned her away and then came back even after he’d asked her for space. And then, she returned one more time trying to save our marriage. And what did I do? Nothing. Just watched her drive away.


  Caryn set three separate alarms to ensure she was awake and presentable for a business meeting early the following morning. She ate a small breakfast before calling Lauren. “Anything I need to know?” she asked after they’d chatted a few minutes.

  “No. It was a very short call. But, I still think we can persuade him to submit the third contract to legal, Caryn.”

  “No second thoughts?”

  “None. I’ll take the lead on this project. You can continue to work with our current clients and maybe one or two of the new West Coast teams. I’ll need your help behind the scenes, but the travel, seminars, and reports are all mine. What do you say?”

  Caryn heard the enthusiasm in Lauren’s voice. “Did Wesley say anything to indicate he’d submit the latest contract?”

  “He didn’t say no, and he agreed to this Skype. Are you in your power suit?”

  “From the waist up,” Caryn said with a laugh. “Flip-flops and shorts that no one will see. Are you always this perky at five a.m.?”

  “You know I’m not. I’m just pumped for this and the last meeting today. I’ll be flying home in my private pod in less than sixteen hours.” Lauren paused to take a breath. “I need to freshen up before the call. I’ll Skype you first—we can check each other’s Skype backdrop—then we’ll get Mr. Wesley.”

  “You take the lead on this call, okay?”

  “You sure?” Lauren asked in surprise.

  “If you’re going to take the lead in the project, you need to establish yourself in that light. Besides, your enthusiasm for this project comes across positive and optimistic,” Caryn replied.

  “Skype you in ten minutes.”

  “I’ll be here.”

  Two hours later, Caryn felt as though she were trapped in a riptide she couldn’t escape. She took notes on her iPad as she watched Lauren and Wesley interact. Spar’s a better word for it. I know she’s good at sales, but I’ve never seen this side of her.

  Caryn tried to project a neutral expression and added comments only when she clarified various items of mutual agreement. She inwardly groaned when she realized this would require yet another contract. Do I send it back to Dad’s attorney, or allow McRainey’s legal department to revise it?

  “We’ll have a revised document to you by this evening,” Wesley stated before Caryn could speak. “I hope this concludes all contract negotiations—we’re wasting time every day we continue this back-and-forth over insignificant details.”

  Caryn bit back her retort, and thankfully, Lauren quickly replied, “These were significant issues for us. I’m positive we can still meet the deadlines in the initial contract.”

  Caryn nearly spit out the water she had just sipped. You did not just say that, Lauren? Now, she felt compelled to speak. “This assumes, of course, that the locations or dates for the seminars don’t change.”

  “We’ll have our end covered, Caryn,” Wesley replied in that slightly condescending tone Caryn hated.

  “We will as well.” Lauren’s over-enthusiasm began to grate on Caryn’s nerves. Doesn’t she know it’s easy to make promises, but we won’t control the entire process? Slippage here, slippage there and suddenly we’re chasing the completion date?

  “Anything else?” Caryn interjected. She held up her iPad. “Each contract detail is recorded. Shall I email it to you, Jim?” she added with a smile.

  “Why not? I’ll compare with my notes. Hopefully, we’ll match.”

  Caryn pulled a Coke from her office mini fridge and took a long drink as she anticipated Lauren’s call. She took her iPhone and iPad to the pool deck, hoping the fresh air would chase away the aggravation that gripped her. Nagging doubt lingered over the wisdom of signing this contract…even if it came back containing every stipulation discussed over the past two hours. She leaned back on the chaise and closed her eyes, letting the early morning sun ease the tension from her body.

  By the time Lauren’s ringtone sounded, Caryn was half asleep. She sat up as she picked up her phone and answered. “Hi, rainmaker, you feel good about the call?”

  “I do,” Lauren replied, her voice confident. “I just pulled everything together for my last presentation, packed, and am now ready to check out. What did you think about the video call?”

  “I kept asking myself how anyone could be so on her game at five in the morning. You nailed it.”

  “Are you okay with the contract modifications?” Lauren asked.

  “Truthfully? Yes and no. We need to read the contract, then discuss the risk versus benefits.”

  Lauren spoke softly, “I am one hundred percent positive I can do this, Caryn. I’ve got the dates on my calendar and I’ll contact the seminar leaders I’m considering on the flight home—assuming the Wi-Fi is working.” She paused a moment. “I know it’s a bold move…and somewhat risky…”

  “Just a tad.” Caryn laughed quietly.

  “But, think of the upside once we pull this off…we can expand, hire staff, take the model and grow, grow, grow!” Lauren stopped and asked sheepishly. “Too much rah-rah?”

  “Lauren, you are a mess! Good luck with your last meeting on the coast. We can go over the McRainey contract when you’ve recovered from jet lag.”

  “Jet lag doesn’t bother me. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  Caryn considered crawling back into bed, but she really wanted to join Andrew for his therapy sessions. She put the top half of her “power suit” back into the closet and chose a comfortable T-shirt to go with her yoga shorts. Before pulling it on, she stood in front of the mirror and looked for any sign of an expanding waistline. She hadn’t gained weight, but now that morning sickness had lessened, she’d show soon. No skinny jeans for a while. She took her time brushing her hair and then dabbed a hint of cologne on her wrists. She decided to forego any make-up. Finally, a little color back on my face. She sent Andrew a text that she was on her way and resolved to push all matters McRainey from her mind.


  Andrew sensed Caryn’s presence the moment she entered the room. Not because he saw her in the mirror…he just knew. He caught her eye and nodded toward the mat he’d placed on the floor next to his. Caryn’s smile delivered warmth that spread quickly through his body. Well, that and the fact those yoga shorts make me crazy. A longer T-shirt would help…maybe.

  “Sorry I’m late,” she said quietly as she kicked her sandals to the side.

  “Glad you made it.”

  She caught him watching as she stretched and nodded toward the instructor. Andrew shrugged and grinned. He enjoyed watching her blush, even as she shifted to avoid meeting his eyes.

  She distracted him the remainder of the class. He couldn’t keep his eyes from drifting in her direction. Although she’d claimed she’d forgotten most of the regimen, she appeared to keep up easily with the class. Wish I were the one helping to make corrections to her form.

  He flashed a smile when the instructor caught him watching, but she merely shook her head and tapped his shoulder as she passed him. Luckily, the session ended several minutes later…Andrew knew his ability to focus had dissolved.

  “How’d the conference call go this morning?” Andrew asked as they walked toward the cardio class.

  Caryn waved her hand back and forth. “Some good, some not-so-good. As in we’ll have a fourth contract to review sometime today.” She saw the hint of a smile cross Andrew’s face. “No, contract number three was not the charm. Two hour
s later, I’m totally conflicted.”

  “Because…” he prompted.

  “Lauren wants this so much. She promised to take the lead, hire the contract workers, manage everything.” Caryn shook her head as she met his eyes. “So, I asked her to take the lead on the call, and I basically took notes. So many compromises, I still don’t know the bottom line. One thing I do know—there’s no further discussion after we review the fourth contract. We either sign or part ways with McRainey.”

  Andrew stopped and leaned against the wall near the entrance to the room. “So you’re torn between giving Lauren the opportunity she’s requested and making a decision you feel’s the best for the business?”

  “That about sums it up.” Caryn looked up at him as she shrugged. “Makes me appreciate how nice it was working with a manageable list of clients. I can’t figure out why I wanted this account or remember what I was thinking.”

  Andrew laughed softly and gently brushed his hand against her cheek. “You researched and saw an opportunity for growth. That sounds very reasonable.”

  Caryn allowed herself to lean her cheek against his palm. She shut her eyes briefly, pushing aside everything that separated them. It felt so right…the warmth of his hand as he slid it against the back of her neck, and then gently massaged the tense muscles. She realized how much she’d craved his touch, had missed these spontaneous caresses. She only had to take a step toward him and those arms would close around her, just like in her dreams. She felt his lips press against her forehead.

  “How about lunch and a massage?” he asked.

  “Is that an offer?”

  “An offer you can’t refuse,” he returned, his blue eyes capturing hers. “It might take me all afternoon to loosen those knots between your shoulders.”

  “These have been months in the making.”

  “When I’m through, you’ll be so relaxed you won’t want to move.” Andrew slipped his hand to her lower back and guided her to the gym. Caryn saw the room was configured for step aerobics and groaned.

  “After this class, I may not be able to move.”

  Ten minutes into Andrew’s final morning session, physical therapy, Caryn turned on her phone and saw a long list of texts and voice messages from Lauren and Jim Wesley. Inwardly cringing, she stood and held her phone so Andrew could see it. He nodded his understanding, and Caryn quietly excused herself from the session.

  She glanced through the text messages, and then quickly read the voicemail contents the app had transcribed. Whoa! They’re getting ahead of things. Wonder if Lauren’s read the new contract? She leaned against the side of the elevator and sent a quick text to each, promising to call once she had reviewed the document.

  She hoped Drew still used the same password on his laptop. She did not want to read this on her phone. She helped herself to water before opening the laptop, easily logging in. She ignored the queue of emails waiting for her and sought the one that contained contract number four. After a quick scan, Caryn began to read each page. By the fifth page, the words danced on the screen and Caryn blinked several times to clear her vision. She absently rubbed her temple as she continued to read. Good, we get the retainer upfront. Not as much as they’d proposed, but Caryn could live with it. A set payment for each seminar due immediately after the session—good thinking, Lauren—and a series of bonuses that depended on meeting explicit metrics.

  Caryn closed her eyes as she leaned back in the chair. Doubts continued to nag her thoughts, but she tried to separate legitimate concerns from her “what-if” scenarios. Her worst fears centered on the final three months of the project. If for some reason Lauren were unable to complete the seminars and wrap-up the project, Caryn knew she’d have to step in…right up to her due date.

  She’d worked so hard to secure an initial meeting to outline the services they could provide to an international corporation. The “what-ifs” never crossed her mind before she read McRainey’s response to the initial contract. And only continued to multiply after speaking with her father and the ongoing contract discussions.

  Cold feet? Maybe. How naïve to think what they did for pro athletes could easily transfer to the corporate world…of all people, she should know better. Pregnancy brain? But, should she call this off because she has second thoughts…now, when they’ve got a contract waiting for her signature?

  Before she could spend any more time obsessing over the contract, Caryn texted both Lauren and Jim Wesley, indicating her approval. Just easier this way. Lauren could run with it while she touched base with their sports clients and updated their accounts. Then, she’d still have time to work through everything with Andrew.

  She pushed the laptop aside. She should be celebrating this major contract…a month ago, she probably would have. Just so tired…working crazy hours, wasting energy worrying about this contract…Drew…our marriage…our baby.

  Spending this short amount of time with him left Caryn more conflicted than ever. She couldn’t reconcile this version of Andrew with the man who’d shattered her heart and her world only four months ago. She hated the tension simmering just below the surface, didn’t understand the pull that still held her captive…even after months of separation.

  What if “this Andrew” were just temporary? What would happen if her anxiety over Drew playing hockey increased? Would his frustration and anger return? Would he ask for space again? She knew she only had to make a move and Andrew would brush away the past…come home…be her husband again. But, could she so easily erase the memory of the past months? Or would it continue to haunt her?

  Andrew’s frustration level increased every minute of the PT session. Glenn pushed him further and harder than Kristen or any of the Suns’ training staff. They’d spent the hour on eye-hand coordination. He did okay as long as both feet stayed firmly planted on the ground. But, balancing on one leg? Jogging diagonally across the room? Not so okay. After he’d retrieved the tennis ball he’d missed catching for the thousandth time, Andrew drilled the ball past Glenn and watched with satisfaction as it bounced against the wall on the far side of the gym.

  “You sure you don’t want to play baseball? That’s quite an arm.” Glenn suppressed his smile. “You’re supposed to feel frustrated, Andrew. If you could do all this easily, I wouldn’t be doing my job.”

  “Frustrated doesn’t begin to describe it.” Andrew took a deep breath and calmed his mind. “I’m not in the habit of throwing tantrums.”

  “Hey, with a tennis ball, I’m fine. But when we’re working with the puck, definitely not without warning. If you’d like to try swinging at the ball, I’ll bring a bat or tennis racquet tomorrow,” Glenn offered.

  “Yeah, maybe. Whatever you think I need.”

  “Have you worked outside yet? We have a nice outdoor gym area.”

  “Didn’t know one existed,” Andrew said.

  “Then tomorrow we’ll head out there. There’s a ball field, tennis court—which we could use for street hockey, half court basketball. Let’s shake up your routine. If the heat doesn’t bother you, we can work there.”

  Andrew nodded. “I can get excited about that.”

  “If your wife wants to join us, I could put her to work shagging balls.”

  “Give her a tennis racquet—she’ll send any tennis balls zooming right back past us.”

  Andrew smiled as he returned to his room, remembering the frequent tennis dates the summer they first met. Too bad we didn’t get the opportunity to play on the courts in our new neighborhood. Maybe some PT homework?

  He quickly bit back the greeting when he entered the room and saw Caryn resting her face against her arms at the table. He closed the door quietly and then walked toward her. The golden hair tumbled about her face, hiding her eyes. A sudden urge to run his fingers through her silken hair prompted him to brush it back from her face and over her shoulder.

  Caryn murmured her approval while not opening her eyes, and she sighed when he started to massage her neck and shoulder. “Is this
a dream?”

  Andrew leaned to kiss her temple. “Absolutely not.”

  “Feels so good,” Caryn whispered.

  “It will feel much better when you’re not hunched over the table.”

  Caryn opened an eye and looked at him. “Sir, what are you proposing?” A teasing smile crossed her face.

  “The massage I promised. You can have your choice—on the table, the sofa, or on the not-so-comfortable hospital bed.”

  Caryn shut her eyes. “You decide. I can’t make any more decisions today.”

  Andrew helped her to her feet and slipped his arm around her waist to hold her securely against his side. Caryn’s arms wrapped around him and she pressed her head against his chest. Andrew wasn’t positive Caryn had awakened fully, so he carefully guided her to the bed. “Here, sit down, sweet.”

  Instead of sitting, she pulled him beside her as she lay back on the bed, immediately placing her head against his chest.

  “Kiss me,” she whispered. She raised her head, her amber eyes locked on his as she hooked her arms around his neck and reached to find his lips. He met her half way, gently caressing her lips, and then deepened the kiss when her lips parted, welcoming him. He ran his fingers through her hair before boosting her further up the bed so they were face-to-face. He placed little kisses along her cheek, her neck, before he reached that special place below her ear. A tiny moan escaped her lips, drawing him back to hers.


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