Married by Christmas (Sapphire Springs Book 2)

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Married by Christmas (Sapphire Springs Book 2) Page 12

by Angie Campbell

  “Personally, I just want to get back home,” Mary Ellen mumbled. “I’ve had more than enough of Las Vegas. No offense to you three,” she added, looking to the officers and the bartender.

  “None taken,” they all three answered in unison.


  Brock pulled up in Mary Ellen’s driveway and gave her a pleading look. She took one look at him and knew what was coming next without him uttering a single word.

  “Just suck that lip back in,” she answered, not even giving him a chance to start in on her again. He’d been pleading with her ever since they’d left the airport in Saint Louis. He’d only been quiet for the last twenty minutes, and she wasn’t ready for that quiet to end. She knew she couldn’t handle much more of his pleading without giving in. “I’m not going home with you.”

  He threw his head back against the headrest and groaned. “Please, Baby,” he whined. He knew he was whining but he couldn’t help it. He was going crazy and getting more desperate by the minute. “No sex. I promise. It’ll kill me, but I promise. We’ll just cuddle.”

  She gave him a skeptical look, raising an eyebrow at him. He’d be only slightly less likely to settle for cuddling than she would. There was no way she was going home with him. Then crawl in bed with him on top of it. She knew her limits far better than to do something crazy like that. “No, Brock. You know what you have to do if you want us to live together.”

  “When she got out of the SUV and started to make her way to her front porch, he jumped out and followed behind her. “Can I stay with you?” he asked, hope shining in his eyes.

  “No, Brock,” she growled, coming to the end of her proverbial rope. “Your staying here would be no different from me going home with you.”

  “Please, Baby,” he begged, managing to wrap his arms around her before she could slap them away. “I’ll be on my best behavior. I promise.”

  “That’s the problem,” she grumbled. “I wouldn’t want you to be on your best…”

  He didn’t let her finish. He leaned in and sucked her bottom lip into his mouth and bit down just enough to make her moan and part her lips. He pushed his tongue past her teeth and twined it with hers. When she wove her fingers through his hair, he groaned, pulling her up on her tip toes and held her tighter.

  It was several seconds later before she realized things were getting out of hand. Reality started to sit in when she heard him growl when he couldn’t get the door open. They’d made it up to the porch, but she hadn’t gotten around to unlocking the door.

  She pulled back, trying to push him away. “No, Brock. You have to go home.”

  “You don’t want me on my best behavior,” he said, giving her a heated look. “You just said so yourself.”

  “Brock, this isn’t about whether or not I want you… physically. I think that can go without saying at this point,” she blushed, finally managing to put some space between them. “But I still want to be married first.”

  “We are married,” he grumbled, cramming his hands in his pockets.

  “No, we’re not. I require a church ceremony with everyone present. We’ve been over this.”

  “I know,” he grumbled, leaning over to place a small peck on her swollen lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “We’re not running the paper tomorrow. It’s Christmas Eve,” she said, sounding confused. “I thought you said you were planning on helping your brothers tomorrow.”

  “Yeah,” he grinned. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to see my wife tomorrow.”

  She groaned, watching him walk back to his SUV. He bettered get things straightened out soon, or she was going to cave. She wasn’t going to be able to help it.

  Chapter 8

  Wednesday, December 24


  Brock sighed and took a step back, nearly dropping the saddle down to the stable floor. Huck, named for Huckleberry Finn from the Mark Twain novels, snorted and pranced sideways, showing his agitation at the man who had been trying to saddle him. Brock couldn’t help it. He couldn’t keep his mind on what he was supposed to be doing. He hadn’t slept well the night before and he was more than a little agitated himself. The problem with all that was, he was trying to help his brothers on the ranch, so they could get things done up earlier and take more time off this evening for Christmas Eve. His lack of concentration wouldn’t be as big of a problem if he were working with old Charlie. Charlie was used to Brock getting a little absent minded at times and generally would ignore his owner’s nervous behavior. Huck, the two-year-old bay, however, was always a little fidgety himself and wasn’t liking it one bit.

  “You know, Bub, you’re not going to be much help if the horses keep trying to run from you. I’d tell you to just drive the old truck out, but with all the snow on the ground, you might get stuck. Maybe we should go ahead and get a new four-wheel drive. This kind of thing could happen again in the future when you have a disagreement. She might make you sleep on the couch,” Zach, his younger brother laughed. Then in a more serious tone added, “Maybe you should try talking to her again.”

  “It wouldn’t do me any good,” he grumbled. “I know what she wants. She’s not going to change her mind.”

  “Well, unless she’s asking you for a divorce, why don’t you just give her what she wants,” his brother asked, throwing his hands up in the air.

  “I’d ask what she wanted first, before I told him that,” Mitch advised as he walked past on his way out of the barn, intending to head back to the house.

  “Well, does she want a divorce?” Zach asked in concern.

  “No,” he said, shaking his head. “As a matter-of-fact, I’m pretty sure she wants to stay married.”

  “Then what else does she want?” Mitch asked, heading back toward them like he just couldn’t’ seem to walk away without knowing the answer.

  “I have to actually propose, and as she said, put some effort into it. Then she wants a church wedding where Pastor Macy performs the ceremony,” he said, throwing the saddle back over the rail where it normally rested. “She did say it doesn’t have to be a big, fancy wedding. She just wants a real wedding where all our friends and family can be there.”

  “Give the lady what she wants. She’ll probably be saving you some skin and at least two serious beatings,” Mitch chuckled before finally turning to walk off once again.

  “What does he mean by that?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at their youngest brother.

  “Oh, Mom’s already been threatening to skin you alive if you don’t have a church wedding. You should have heard her going on in there. As a matter-of-fact, if I were you, I’d steer clear of the house. She’s still here,” Zach chuckled. “She’s already started on Christmas dinner. Well, the desserts anyway. I imagine the other has something to do with your wife’s dad and brothers. They’re likely to give you a thrashing if they hear about your Vegas ‘wedding’ before you make things right. You’ll probably be lucky if you only get two. If they all four have a turn at you, you better pray they give you a couple of days in between each walloping. Mitch was probably referring to her dad and Josh. Adam and Rick can be a little easier going and might not be quite so fast to thrash you.”

  He sighed, rubbing his temples. “Well, I’d be more than happy to give the lady what she wants.” He huffed, shaking his head. “I just have to figure out how.”

  Zach chuckled and shook his head at his older brother. It was a wonder the man was functioning at all. “Ask Zane for help. Those Townsends can pull off anything.”

  He shook his head, thinking his brother may have landed on his head when that last horse he’d been trying to break threw him. He’d told him more than once to let Tyler handle breaking that horse, but he was stubborn and had to learn the hard way. “Zane is getting married tomorrow. I seriously doubt he wants to deal with my problems.”

  “Knowing Zane, he wouldn’t mind the distraction,” the younger man replied. “Besides, he’ll most likely go to his mom. Just tell him
what you need, and Momma Townsend will help you. I’m sure she’ll call Mom in for back up. And Mary Ellen’s mom, as well.”


  Brock had been headed back to his house where he was planning on meeting Zane when he made an unexpected left turn. He noticed Mary Ellen’s car sitting in the parking lot at Harris Grocery and was hoping he’d get a chance to talk to her before she made it out of the store. He pulled up beside it and switched the car off, glancing around behind him to see if he was being followed by an angry driver or a police car. Finding neither, he crawled out of his SUV, praying he didn’t manage to get himself thrown out of the grocery store with inappropriate behavior. Like trying to strip his wife’s clothes off of her in the middle of the produce section. He liked Joe and didn’t want to have to drive to Onyx Valley for groceries, either.

  He’d only made it two steps past the glass doors when he saw the store owner coming out of his office. The older man waved, indicating he wanted him to come with him. He nodded his head and jogged to catch up. “What’s going on?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “In another three or four feet, you’ll probably hear,” the older man answered cryptically. “I’m really starting to get my fill of this particular woman. She’s nasty. In more than one way.”

  Sure enough, they rounded the end of an aisle where the produce section was to see Ashley Mullins trying to push Mary Ellen’s cart out of her way. Mary Ellen had wisely placed it between them at some point during their exchange.

  “You’re wrong,” Ashley screeched, nearly causing Brock’s ears to bleed. “I am Brock’s type and he will marry me.”

  “Look,” Mary Ellen replied, trying to remain calm. “I know for a fact, Brock won’t be marrying you. You really need to calm down and move on.”

  “I know you’ve probably built up some kind of make-believe relationship in your head working for him for all these years the way you have, but you seriously need to stop deluding yourself,” Ashley smirked. She’d obviously saw Brock when he and Joe rounded the corner and thought he’d be on her side. “He would never marry you. I’m mean, look at yourself. And I’ll tell you now, when he and I do get married, you’re going to have to start looking for another job. I’m not going to have you drooling all over him while he’s at work. Just ew.”

  Mary Ellen just shook her head at the other woman. “Ashley, you’re delusional,” she replied, the last word coming out a little higher than the rest when Brock wrapped his arm around her waist from behind.

  “Mary Ellen’s right, Ashley. I’m not going to marry you. I’m already married to her. We got married two nights ago in Vegas,” Brock grumbled, shaking his head at the infuriating woman. “As for looking at her. She’s absolutely gorgeous.”

  “You can’t be serious,” the other woman screeched, glaring at the woman in his arms. “Have you and Zane gone completely crazy? Mary Ellen and Amanda are both fat.”

  “Hey, I don’t appreciate being called fat by a stick figure,” Mary Ellen glowered at the other woman. “Seriously, I’m surprised you haven’t already been carried away on one of the more windy days around here. It can get pretty fierce in March at times.”

  “Shut up, you little tart,” Ashley growled, taking a menacing step forward with her perfectly manicured claws, like she actually thought Brock was going to let her get anywhere near Mary Ellen, so she could try and scratch her eyes out. “You obviously seduced him into marrying you. What did you do, get him drunk?”

  “Watch your mouth, Ashley,” Brock scowled down at her. “Mary Ellen is no tart. And she didn’t get me drunk and seduce me. I’m the one that done the asking and the woman’s not even willing to live with me until I get her a real church wedding. So, keep your nasty comments to yourself. You’re just mad because you’re not going to get your hands on my money. Don’t…”

  “Wait,” Joe said, stopping him before he could go any farther. “You two got married in Vegas?”

  “Yes,” he groaned, glancing down at the floor. He was wondering how much of a lecture he was about to get. He remembered Mark telling him how upset his dad had been when he and Jenny had come back from Vegas married.

  “Does your mother know about this?”

  “Yes,” he grumbled. “And before you ask, she’s already threatening to skin me alive if I don’t rectify the situation.”

  “Good,” the older man huffed. “What is it with you boys and getting married in such a rush? A father wants to walk his daughter down the aisle and give her a way, you know? So help me, if Alex takes Abby to Vegas, I’ll take a switch to him.”

  “Yeah, I haven’t ran across her father yet,” he sighed. “I’m not looking forward to that. I’m hoping to have this arranged before he catches up to me. And I may warn Alex about what you just said,” he added under his breath.

  “Chances are good you can get something arranged before Dad finds out,” Mary Ellen grinned. “I haven’t told him yet.”

  “I’m truly grateful to you for that,” he grinned back. “As for you, Miss Mullins, don’t think for a second, I didn’t realize my money was the only reason you found me interesting. You probably couldn’t ride a horse if your life depended on it and I’m not even sure I believe you’ve ever bothered to read a newspaper. What in the world could we possibly have in common to build a relationship on?”

  She gave him her best attempt at a seductive smile and purred, “Well, I would think that would be rather obvious.”

  “Uh, no. Never. I’d be afraid you would splinter like a piece of kindling,” he said with a shiver of distaste. “The thought is just terrifying. Besides the fact I’m not one of those guys that can just have sex for the sake of having sex. I have to actually be attracted to the woman.”

  “Well, I guess you’ll be doomed to a sexless marriage. I mean, how could he possibly be attracted to you?” she retorted, giving Mary Ellen a smug look. “I guess I could make myself available for him later, when he comes to his senses and wants something better.”

  Mary Ellen snorted, shaking her head. “You are more delusional than I previously thought. Anything you’re told goes in one ear and right out the other. I distinctly remember him telling you in his office at the paper, you’re way too skinny for his taste. Has anything he’s actually ever said to you ever registered.”

  Brock just rolled his eyes and rubbed his temples with the hand not wrapped around Mary Ellen. “I have more than enough attraction for my wife. I don’t appreciate you suggesting I would cheat. And this conversation is over.”

  He turned Mary Ellen around to face him but before he could get one word out, Ashley started stomping and screaming, “Don’t you dare try to ignore me. I’m not going away that easily. I’ll sue you for breach of contract.”

  “What contract?” he grumbled, giving her a dirty look.

  “You had her ask me to come to your office to discuss marrying you. Now you’re married to her. That’s breach of contract.”

  Brock chuckled, shaking his head at her. “Breach of contract requires a promise being broken. I never promised you anything. Mary Ellen brought you, along with two other candidates, to my office for me to consider marrying. I know she told you when she asked you to show up, I might not pick you. And I didn’t. From past experience, you should have known better than to think I would, to start with. But I don’t think anyone has ever accused you of being rational.”

  “You’re going to regret this one day in the near future,” she replied with a sinister smile.

  “What are you going to do?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

  “For starters, I’m going to go talk to my lawyer,” she smirked.

  “Your lawyer will tell you the same thing I just did,” he snorted. “Don’t push your luck. You try to drag me through court, I will make sure you pay for every bit of it. Through the nose.”

  “You have no idea what you’re talking about,” she sneered. “You’re just a stupid newspaper and ranch owner.”

  Mary Ellen gasped a
nd tried to pull out of Brock’s grasp. “You little witch. He is far from stupid. Brock, let go of me. I’m going to rip her bald.”

  “Mary Ellen, don’t sink to her level. Just relax,” he grumbled, wrapping his other arm around her, holding her tighter. “She’s just vindictive and mean.”

  “How dare you talk about me like that,” the other woman hissed, taking a step closer to the pair.

  “That’s enough, Ashley. It’s time for you to leave,” Joe grumbled, stepping between her and the other two before she could come close enough to do anything. “You can either leave peacefully, or I can have Chris escort you out. And I can assure you, if he has to escort you, he’ll be sure to embarrass you along the way.”

  “Huh,” she huffed, giving the older man a dirty look. An expression crossed her face, indicating she was thinking about protesting, until she noticed Chris standing just a few feet to the side of their little group. She had no idea how he’d managed to sneak up on her without her noticing, but that was exactly what had happened. “Fine,” she snapped, turning to head toward the doors at the front of the building without another word.

  When Brock finally let Mary Ellen loose, she turned around and smacked him on the arm. “Why’d you do that? You should have let me at her.”

  “No, Mary Ellen,” he said, shaking his head. “You don’t need to lower yourself to her level. You’re better than that.”

  “I don’t care. I don’t want her talking about you like that,” she huffed, crossing her arms in front of her.

  “He’s right, Mary Ellen. There’s no reason to sink to her level,” Chris agreed. “She’s just bitter. She’s already watched Zane slip through her fingers and now she’s seeing the same with Brock. Not that she ever really had her fingers on either one of them,” he added with a chuckle. “But she was convinced that she did.”


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