In 100 Days | Book 2

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In 100 Days | Book 2 Page 4

by Grenda, Brian

Evelyn seems eager to join Kyle, but Kiran says, “I’ve heard some pretty interesting transmissions from the base.”

  “What have you heard?” asks Stan.

  “I’ll show you,” answers Kiran and then Kiran starts to walk back up the stairs.

  Kyle and Stan look at Evelyn and Kyle says, “I think you should come back to the base with us.”

  “Kiran doesn’t trust the people at the base,” replies Evelyn.

  “Come on up here guys!” shouts Kiran, from an upstairs bedroom, to Kyle and Stan.

  “I’ll see if I can convince Keer,” says Kyle to Evelyn and then Kyle and Stan walk up the stairs and find Kiran inside a bedroom that has Kiran’s radio equipment.

  “I wrote down everything I could hear, but I’ve heard so many different people talking at Fort Derrick and in other states,” says Kiran as he stands next to the large table that his radio and electronic equipment is on.

  Kyle sees a large legal pad with tons of writing on it and Kyle starts to read what Kiran wrote down.

  Stan sees another large legal pad and he sees that it has some messages from Riley.

  “Have you been in contact with Riley?” asks Stan to Kiran.

  “Yeah, I talked with her a couple days ago,” answers Kiran.

  Stan reads what Kiran wrote on the legal pad and asks, “Is the police department in Raleigh gone?”

  “That’s what Riley said. The department is gone now, but she was able to talk with a couple survivors when she first got there,” answers Kiran.

  “Can you reach her for me?” asks Stan.

  “I can try, but I’m not sure if she’s at the station anymore,” answers Kiran as Kiran changes the frequency on his radio and sits down in the chair at his radio and equipment table.

  As Kiran is trying to reach Riley over the radio, Kyle continues to read the large legal pad writing that Kiran was able to hear at Fort Derrick.

  Kyle reads, “Two guards talking about the load of freshies that they brought in today. Are they fresh dead ones or people? Commander Pine arrived at the base and her group is large. Lots of scientists, and they seem to be working on something with the living and the dead.”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t think she or anyone is at the Raleigh police department,” says Kiran to Stan.

  “Thank you for trying though. I just hope she’s okay. Do you know where she was going?” asks Stan to Kiran.

  “I’m not sure, but she said something about checking out her partner’s house and a couple of her friends’ homes,” answers Kiran.

  Kyle, while looking at the legal pad that he is holding in both of his hands, asks Kiran, “Do you really think they are experimenting on the living and the dead?”

  “Yeah, well I heard a couple transmissions from the base, and they sounded like they found something out about the virus and what makes people turn,” answers Kiran.

  “What did they find?” asks Stan.

  “It was muffled, but I think they said that not everyone is infected with the virus or bacteria or whatever causes people to reanimate, but they know that some people have something strange in their blood and genetics and some people don’t,” answers Kiran.

  “Who did you hear say that?” asks Kyle to Kiran.

  “I didn’t get clear names, but I heard an Alex and some person that they just kept calling doctor, and I think someone named Marissa. I thought I wrote it down,” answers Kiran.

  Kyle reads the legal pad that he is holding, turns the page on the legal pad, and he sees the names, Alex, Ovi, doctor, and Marissa.

  “Can you see if you can hear any transmissions on base now?” asks Kyle to Kiran.

  Kiran changes the frequency on his radio and Kiran answers, “There are two channels and frequencies that I’ve had luck with.”

  There is only static heard on Kiran’s radio and Kiran says, “Let’s try the other channel.”

  Kiran turns a large knob on his receiver and there is a muffled voice and static. Kiran tries to clean up the signal and the guys hear a male voice over Kiran’s radio say, “I can’t believe they are still finding survivors out there. There shouldn’t be many more left.”

  “It’s better that they are finding people outside of base. They might have to start using people from base next if they stop finding people outside of here,” replies another male voice over the radio.

  “I have to go, Commander Pine is coming with her crew,” says a male voice over the radio.

  Kyle looks at Stan with a worried expression.

  “I’m not sure the base is the safest place to be at,” says Kiran to Kyle.

  Kyle thinks about what he read on Kiran’s legal pads, what he just heard on Kiran’s radio, and about what to do next.

  “Do you really think they’ll start taking people from the base and experimenting on them?” asks Stan.

  “How many people are on base? Would people even notice?” asks Kiran.


  An explosion goes off in Kiran’s front yard.

  Kyle, Kiran, and Stan look out the window in the room that they are standing in and they see smoke in Kiran’s front yard.

  “It must have been a dead one. I set up a couple trip wires with claymores and mines in my front yard,” says Kiran.

  The smoke clears and Kyle sees two zombies are laying in Kiran’s front yard and they have their legs blown off, but they are somehow still alive.

  “You really think it’s safer to stay here than inside Fort Derrick?” asks Kyle to Kiran.

  “All we need is more food and water and we are good. The house is secure, and I have guns and ammo,” answers Kiran.

  Evelyn comes into the room and asks, “What was that noise?”

  “It was a couple of dead ones, they set off a mine,” answers Kiran.

  Evelyn looks at Kyle and Kyle can tell that Evelyn is stressed out and she does not feel safe in their house.

  “I think you should come with us back to base,” says Kyle to Kiran.

  Kiran looks at Evelyn and he asks Evelyn, “Do you think we should go with them?”

  Evelyn hesitates to answer, but everyone in the room can feel that she wants to leave the house.

  “You can bring your equipment with you,” says Kyle to Kiran.

  “It’s not safe here,” says Stan to Kiran.

  “I just don’t trust the government and the people at the base, and they aren’t taking my guns,” replies Kiran.

  “It’s better than starving to death or being eaten by zombies in your house,” responds Kyle.

  “I think we stay here; we just need more food and water. The house is safe, I secured it myself,” says Kiran.

  “Are you willing to have Evelyn come stay with us and you stay here?” asks Kyle to Kiran.

  Kiran looks at Evelyn and asks, “Would you want to do that?”

  Evelyn doesn’t know how to answer as she feels the strong urge to go to Fort Derrick with Kyle and Stan, but she also doesn’t want to leave Kiran.

  “Why won’t you leave with us?” asks Evelyn to Kiran.

  Kiran thinks about Evelyn’s question, and he doesn’t know what to say.

  “Just come with us, bring your gear and your car, and come with us. They have plenty of food and water on base and Kristina and I are working on base in the lab, so I doubt they’ll harm our families,” says Kyle.

  “Have you seen them experimenting on people?” asks Kiran to Kyle.

  “No, we’ve only been documenting and handling blood samples so far,” answers Kyle.

  “How much gas do you have in your car?” asks Stan to Kiran and Evelyn.

  “We have almost a full tank,” quickly answers Evelyn.

  “Stan and I will help you load up your car. We each have an orange badge, so you can both come with us,” says Kyle to Kiran and Evelyn.

  Before Kiran can respond, Evelyn replies, “Sounds good, I’ll start packing.” Kyle, Kiran, and Stan watch Evelyn quickly exit from the room and Kyle says to Kiran, “The base is safe, but we nee
d your help getting answers and snooping around base.”

  Kiran looks at Kyle, smiles, and replies, “You know I’m all about exposing the hidden truth about the government.”

  “Good go start packing and we’ll help you load up your car,” replies Kyle to Kiran.

  Kiran exits the room and Kyle looks at Stan.

  “Nicely played with Kiran. You knew how to get him to leave here,” says Stan.

  “Yeah, it’s safer for them to be with us, and I think he’ll be able to help us find out what’s really going on at Fort Derrick,” replies Kyle.


  DAY 40

  It’s mid-morning and Kyle and Kristina are in their bed and Kristina asks Kyle, “You awake?”

  Kyle, who is laying on his right side with his back to Kristina, answers Kristina, “Yeah.”

  “You think meeting with Sheila today is a good idea?” asks Kristina to Kyle.

  Kyle turns towards Kristina and answers, “I don’t know, but I want answers, and we finally get to meet with her today.”

  “Do you think we can trust her?” asks Kristina.

  “Trust is earned, and she has shown us that we can trust her and also that we can’t trust her, so right now she’s gotta earn my trust again,” answers Kyle.

  Kyle and Kristina get out of bed and go downstairs.

  Ashlyn and Kaden come into the house through the front door and enter the kitchen.

  “What were you two doing this morning?” asks Kristina to Kaden and Ashlyn as they enter the kitchen.

  “We went for a run, third one this week,” answers Kaden as he opens the refrigerator and takes out two bottles of juice.

  “Kaden tries to keep up with me, but he’s too slow,” says Ashlyn with a playful tone.

  “Where do you guys run?” asks Kyle.

  “Around the neighborhood, it’s two miles round trip from our house to the front of the neighborhood and back,” answers Kaden.

  “Do you see any people out in the neighborhood when you run?” asks Kyle to Kaden.

  “Not really,” answers Kaden.

  “We saw a couple of people yesterday morning though,” answers Ashlyn.

  “Why dad?” asks Kaden to Kyle.

  “Just curious, the neighborhood is quiet is all. A little too quiet for a base that can hold 100,000 people,” answers Kyle.

  Evelyn comes into the kitchen and says to Kyle, “Your brother wants to talk with you.”

  “Is everything okay?” asks Kyle to Evelyn.

  “Yeah, he says he has something for you before you leave today,” answers Evelyn.

  Kyle goes upstairs and meets with Kiran in Kiran and Evelyn’s bedroom.

  “What time is your meeting today?” asks Kiran to Kyle.

  “One, why? What’s up?” answers Kyle.

  “I made a device that I want you to bring to the meeting with you,” answers Kiran.

  Kyle sees Kiran grab something on a table.

  “It’s small and it will help me listen in on your meeting,” says Kiran to Kyle.

  “I’m not sure it’s a good idea to have that on me. I’m sure they’ll search me,” replies Kyle.

  “Then don’t get caught with it,” jokes Kiran to Kyle.

  “I haven’t heard much talk over the radio since I came here with you and I think this meeting is a great opportunity for us to gain intel,” says Kiran.

  “But Kris and I are going to the meeting and we’ll gain intel and report back,” replies Kyle.

  “Just take it, it’s already on, and if there is an opportunity for you to put it somewhere then do it,” says Kiran and then Kiran hands Kyle a small dime sized black chip.

  “It has some adhesive on the back so you can stick it to something,” says Kiran.

  Kyle looks at the small black device that Kiran just handed him and jokes, “You think you are part of the Alliance here and we are going against the Federation in Space Wars?”

  “Remember when we use to play Space Wars in the backyard?” asks Kiran.

  “Yeah, mom would get so mad at you when you’d come in the house all muddy and dirty,” answers Kyle with a smile on his face.

  “I miss them,” says Kiran.

  “Me too,” replies Kyle.

  It’s twelve thirty now, and Kyle and Kristina exit their house. “It takes like five minutes to get to building F, why are we leaving so early?” asks Kristina to Kyle.

  Kyle and Kristina get into their electric SUV and Kyle answers Kristina, “Kiran gave me a device to place somewhere and I want to check out some spots where to place it.”

  “Let me see it,” says Kristina.

  Kyle hands Kristina the small dime sized black chip that Kiran gave him.

  “It’s got some glue on the back,” says Kristina.

  Kyle starts up his electric SUV and drives towards the exit of the neighborhood.

  “I don’t even know where the meeting is today with Sheila. Do you?” asks Kristina to Kyle as Kyle drives down the neighborhood street.

  “Sheila didn’t give us a place, only the time and she said to meet her in front of building F,” answers Kyle.

  Kyle arrives at the parking lot around building F and he sees soldiers, civilians, and a lot of people walking around the walkways and sidewalks near building F.

  “I think we should play it cool and place the chip only if it’s safe,” says Kyle to Kristina.

  “What if they pat you down? Where are you going to hide the chip?” asks Kristina as she looks at the black chip that Kyle is holding.

  Kyle thinks about Kristina’s question and answers her, “Put it in your bra, they won’t find it there.”

  “Are you serious?” asks Kristina.

  “Yeah, it’s small and they won’t find it in there,” answers Kyle.

  “You’re lucky I’m wearing one today,” jokes Kristina.

  Kyle hands Kristina the small black chip and Kristina puts it securely in her bra strap.

  Kristina and Kyle wait in their SUV and they see a group of armed soldiers walking down the sidewalk and Kyle sees the soldier that gave him the finger when he was on the back loading bay at CBD.

  The soldiers get into a jeep that is parked a couple parking spaces away from Kyle’s SUV.

  Kyle watches the jeep drive away and he says, “I wonder why we keep seeing that soldier that gave me the finger?”

  “Guess it’s what the universe wants,” jokes Kristina.

  “We’ll have to get his name from Sheila or Marissa,” says Kyle.

  “Oh you and Commander Pine are on a first name basis now,” replies Kristina.

  Kyle looks at Kristina and he sees that Kristina is serious. Kyle is about to reply to Kristina, and he sees Sheila, Paxton, and Elias walking towards building F.

  “There is Sheila,” says Kyle and Kyle exits from his SUV.

  Kristina exits from the SUV and Kyle says to Kristina, “Hand me the chip when it’s clear.”

  “Yeah, maybe you can give it to Marissa,” jokes Kristina.

  Kyle rolls his eyes and says, “Let’s get serious now. We need to get answers in this meeting.”

  “Oh I plan on getting answers today,” replies Kristina.

  Kyle and Kristina meet up with Sheila, Paxton, and Elias inside building F and Sheila says, “We are going up to the third floor conference room.”

  “Is it secure?” asks Kyle.

  “It will be,” answers Elias.

  Sheila, Elias, Paxton, Kyle, and Kristina get onto the elevator and go up to the third floor.

  “How’s your brother doing Pax?” asks Kyle to Paxton.

  “Good, I’ve been meaning to come by your house with him, but it’s been a little crazy around here,” answers Paxton.

  “Yeah, you should come by later today. We are in house 1182,” says Kyle.

  The elevator doors open, and Sheila says, “Don’t say anything until we get into the conference room and secure the room. You are going to be patted down and searched by security on this floo

  Sheila, Elias, and Paxton start walking towards the security guards and Kyle and Kristina start walking outside of the elevator.

  Kyle looks at Sheila as she goes through a scanner and is checked by a security guard.

  “Will your bra cover the chip when you go through the scanner?” whispers Kyle to Kristina.

  “Yeah, my strap should cover the chip,” answers Kristina.

  “Come on you two,” says Sheila, as she stands on the other side of security, to Kyle and Kristina as they stand near the elevator.

  Paxton and Elias go through security and Paxton shows the security guards his credentials to have his guns on him.

  Kyle goes through security and passes through the scanner.

  Kyle sees that they are using a thermal scan and a body scan, and he starts to get nervous for Kristina.

  The security guard pats Kyle down, and he’s allowed to move along.

  Kristina steps into the scanner and she is scanned. An African American male security guard looks at his screen and he tells the other security guard to pat her down.

  Kyle starts to get nervous for Kristina as the security guard starts to pat Kristina down.

  “Careful buddy don’t get too close now,” says Kristina to the Caucasian male security guard that is patting her down.

  “Just doing my job ma’am,” replies the Caucasian male security guard.

  The Caucasian male security guard looks at the African American male security guard that is at the scanner controls and Kyle sees the African American male security guard motion to the Caucasian male security guard to check something around Kristina’s chest.

  The Caucasian male security guard says, “We need to check the jacket you are wearing.”

  Kristina looks at the Caucasian male security guard and asks, “Are you serious?”

  “Yes ma’am,” answers the Caucasian male security guard.

  Kristina takes off her red long sleeved jacket and Sheila comes over to Kyle and asks, “What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know, they need to check her jacket they said,” answers Kyle.

  The Caucasian male security guard checks Kristina’s red jacket and he doesn’t find anything.

  “Check her bra,” says the African American male security guard.

  “Excuse me?” shouts Kristina.


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