In 100 Days | Book 2

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In 100 Days | Book 2 Page 18

by Grenda, Brian

  “Guess they cleaned the house and covered up what happened in there,” replies Kyle to Kristina.

  “Any graves in the backyard?” asks Kyle to Kristina.

  “The backyard just looked like a normal basic backyard, just like ours,” answers Kristina.

  Kaden looks through the sliding glass door windows, and he sees Kyle and Kristina talking outside. Kaden feels this is a good time to connect his laptop to the ACT breaker in the garage again. After quietly walking through the kitchen, Kaden enters the garage, and he makes sure the ACT camera in the corner of the garage is still being blocked by the objects that he put there days ago to obstruct the view of the ACT breaker in their garage.

  “Let’s see what we can find out today,” says Kaden to himself, after seeing that the ACT camera is still being blocked, as he connects his laptop to the ACT USB port.

  Kaden bypasses the ACT server security firewall again and he’s back to the screen where he can see the folders and files on the ACT server.

  Kaden sees a file folder named 995 and he clicks on the file folder named 995 with his laptop mouse.

  After scrolling down the files inside file folder 995, Kaden sees that the files end and he clicks on the last file in file folder 995.

  There are two video files in the folder Kaden clicked on and Kaden plays the first video file.

  Kaden watches the video file, and he sees Kelsie and Kelsie’s mom in the kitchen and then Kelsie’s mom goes outside and into the front yard.

  Kelsie’s mom suddenly rushes back into the house through the front door and zombie Emerson stumbles into the house through the open front door.

  Kelsie’s mom falls onto the bottom step of the stairs and she shouts for Kelsie to stay upstairs and hide.

  Kaden watches Kelsie’s mom look for something to defend herself with, but zombie Emerson bites down into Kelsie’s mom’s neck as she turns towards zombie Emerson in the room near the front door and stairs.

  Blood squirts out from the bite and Kelsie’s mom screams in pain as she pushes zombie Emerson off of her and zombie Emerson falls onto the sofa and knocks it over.

  Kaden watches Kelsie’s mom exit the house through the open front door and zombie Emerson hear some noise upstairs and he starts to walk up the stairs.

  “How can they walk up the stairs so well?” asks Kaden as he watches zombie Emerson stumble, but walk up the stairs.

  Kaden sees himself run into house 995 and he stops the video file.

  “Let’s see what happened in house 991,” says Kaden to himself and Kaden finds the file folder named 991.

  Kaden opens the file folder named 991, searches through the files in the file folder, and he starts to watch some of the video files inside file folder 991.

  After not seeing anything worth watching in file folder 991, Kaden finally finds a video file of Emerson inside house 991 and he sees him answer his front door. There is an argument between Emerson and the person who knocked on Emerson’s front door and Kaden sees a man push Emerson to the floor and start choking him.

  The man is choking Emerson, but Emerson is fighting back, until the man breaks Emerson’s windpipe and Emerson goes limp.

  Kaden can’t believe what he just witnessed, and he sees the man look directly at the camera and Kaden takes a screen shot of the man looking at the camera.

  The man runs out of Emerson’s house and leaves the front door open.

  Kaden watches as Emerson reanimates inside his house and he stumbles out of his open front door.

  Fear and remorse overtake Kaden and he closes his laptop and unplugs his USB cord from the ACT breaker.

  “K! Where are you K!” shouts Kyle from inside his kitchen.

  Kaden thinks about what to do after watching the videos of what happened with Emerson, the man who killed Emerson, Kelsie, and Kelsie’s mom.

  Kyle opens the door that goes into the garage and he sees Kaden sitting in a chair near the ACT breaker.

  “Everything okay K?” asks Kyle to Kaden.

  Kaden looks at Kyle and he shakes his head no.

  Kyle walks over to Kaden and he sees Kaden’s laptop and the USB cord.

  “What did you do?” asks Kyle to Kaden.

  “I know who killed that guy Emerson,” answers Kaden.

  Kyle looks at the camera in the corner of the garage and Kaden says, “It’s blocked from directly seeing us.”

  “Just keep your voice down,” replies Kyle to Kaden.

  “Okay,” responds Kaden.

  “Who did it?” asks Kyle to Kaden.

  Kaden opens his laptop and maximizes the screenshot that he took of the man who killed Emerson.

  Kyle looks at the man in the screenshot and he does not recognize him.

  “Let’s go show your mother,” says Kyle to Kaden.

  Kaden slowly stands up and Kyle realizes that Kaden is shaken up from what he saw.

  “Are you okay son?” asks Kyle to Kaden.

  Kaden shakes his head yes, but Kyle can tell that Kaden is not doing well.

  “It’s gotta be tough to see such a terrible thing,” replies Kyle.

  “How do you handle it though? I’m sure you saw some terrible things on your missions,” says Kaden to Kyle.

  “I did, and I’m not sure you ever really get over seeing horrible things. I guess, I just accepted it and realized a long time ago that the world can be a terrible place,” replies Kyle.

  Kaden looks at Kyle, but he doesn’t seem to feel that much better after what Kyle just said to him.

  Kyle realizes that his words didn’t comfort Kaden and Kyle says, “But you did a good thing. Well, you did a couple of good things. You saved Kelsie’s life and you found out what happened to Emerson.”

  Kaden looks at Kyle and he feels that Kyle seems to be happy about what he discovered, and that Kyle isn’t mad at him.

  “You aren’t mad at what I did?” asks Kaden to Kyle.

  “We’ll talk about that later, but let’s go show your mother,” answers Kyle and Kyle and Kaden exit the garage and go find Kristina.

  Kristina is in the kitchen and Kyle and Kaden walk over to Kristina and show Kristina the screenshot of the murderer that Kaden has on his laptop.

  “Do you know this guy?” asks Kyle to Kristina.

  “Where did you get this?” asks Kristina.

  Kaden is about to answer and Kyle interrupts, “That’s not important, do you know this guy?”

  Kristina, while looking at the screenshot of the man on Kaden’s laptop, answers, “I’m not sure, he kind of looks like the guy that told me about Emerson having graves in his backyard.”

  “I don’t think it’s that guy, but what if it’s his brother or cousin or someone related to that guy?” replies Kyle.

  “Could be, but what are we going to do about it either way?” asks Kristina to Kyle.

  “I don’t know, but I don’t like living in a neighborhood where neighbors kill each other,” answers Kyle.

  “What can we do about it though?” asks Kristina.

  “We can get the hell out of here,” answers Kyle.

  “Where would we go?” asks Kristina.

  Kyle wants to answer Kristina, but he doesn’t want the ACT camera and microphone to pick up what he says.

  “Where would we go dad?” asks Kaden to Kyle.

  Kyle answers, “Let’s get over to the office, and I’ll tell you everything there.”

  Kaden gets into Kyle’s SUV that is parked in the Sinclair’s driveway as Kyle locks the front door to their house.

  Kristina, who is standing in the walkway at the front porch of the Sinclair home, sees an all-black sedan drive down the street and park in the street at the end of the Sinclair’s driveway.

  Kyle sees the all-black sedan blocking their driveway and three people exit the all-black sedan. A soldier that is dressed in all-black fatigues starts walking towards Kyle and two heavily armed soldiers that are also wearing all-black military fatigues follow behind the other soldier. Kyle recogniz
es the lead soldier in the all-black fatigues as he walks down the driveway and towards Kristina and Kyle.

  “Going somewhere Dr. Sinclair?” asks the Caucasian soldier that is wearing the all-black fatigues to Kyle.

  “Just about to head out!” shouts Kyle to the Caucasian soldier that is wearing the all-black fatigues.

  Kristina recognizes the Caucasian soldier that is wearing the all-black fatigues, and she asks, “Lynch?”

  “That’s right, Mrs. Sinclair, glad you remembered” responds the Caucasian soldier that is wearing the all-black fatigues as he stands in the Sinclair’s driveway.

  Kyle walks down the front porch steps and stands next to Kristina and Kyle asks Lynch, “What do you want now?”

  “We are here to escort you to a meeting,” answers Lynch to Kyle.

  “All of us?” asks Kristina to Lynch.

  “No, unfortunately only Kyle was requested by our superiors,” answers Lynch.

  “What’s the meeting about?” asks Kyle to Lynch.

  “That’s not my concern, but we really must be going, my superiors don’t like to be kept waiting,” answers Lynch.

  “What’s going on dad?” asks Kaden as he stands next to the front passenger side tire of Kyle’s SUV.

  “Give me a second to say goodbye to my family,” says Kyle to Lynch.

  “You have one minute,” replies Lynch to Kyle.

  “Come here K,” says Kyle to Kaden.

  Kaden runs over to Kristina and Kyle, who are standing on the walkway next to the first step of the Sinclair’s front porch.

  “What’s going on? Are we in trouble?” asks Kaden to Kyle.

  “I want you to go to the office, get everything out of there and try to get a hold of Angela,” says Kyle to Kristina.

  “What do you think they want with you now?” asks Kristina to Kyle.

  “I don’t know, but I think I have to go with them and find out,” answers Kyle.

  “Thirty seconds!” shouts Lynch as he stands with the two armed soldiers next to the all-black sedan.

  “What if they take you somewhere?” asks Kristina.

  “I don’t know Sweets, but keep your smartwatches on and I’ll contact you as soon as I can,” answers Kyle to Kristina.

  “Are they here because of what I did in the garage?” asks Kaden to Kyle with sadness in his voice.

  “No son, well I really don’t know, but don’t worry about it. I think they are taking me to meet some of the higher ups here,” answers Kyle.

  “Times up!” shouts Lynch.

  “Thanks for the understanding!” shouts Kyle to Lynch with a sarcastic tone.

  Kyle hugs Kaden and whispers, “I love you K. Stay safe and listen to your mother.”

  Kyle hugs Kristina and whispers, “I’ll be in touch. I love you Sweets.”

  Kristina, with tears in her eyes, whispers, “Don’t take your smartwatch off and keep me posted with what is happening.”

  “We have to go!” shouts Lynch.

  Kyle kisses Kristina and hands her his keys to the house and his SUV. Kyle then turns towards Lynch and the two soldiers and says, “I’m coming, geez. Have a fucking heart.”

  Kyle starts to walk away from Kaden and Kristina, and he stops and turns to look at Kristina and Kaden.

  Lynch sees that Kyle stopped walking and Lynch orders the soldiers to grab Kyle.

  One of the soldiers grabs Kyle’s right arm as Kyle is facing Kaden and Kristina. Kyle feels the soldier grab his right forearm, and Kyle, out of reflex, spins his right hand down towards the driveway and the soldier releases his grip on Kyle’s forearm.

  “Don’t touch me,” says Kyle as he looks at the soldier that grabbed Kyle’s right forearm.

  “Do you really want to do this the hard way Dr. Sinclair?” shouts Lynch as the two soldiers with Lynch aim their rifles at Kyle.

  “I don’t want to do this in any way. I don’t want to go anywhere with you,” says Kyle as he glares at Lynch.

  “Oh, but I think you do. It should be worth your while,” replies Lynch.

  “Who am I meeting with and why am I meeting with them?” asks Kyle to Lynch.

  “I don’t know the reason why and I don’t care why, but they ordered me to get you and that’s what I’m doing. They never said in what shape to bring you to them though,” answers Lynch.

  “I have your word that I’ll see my family again?” asks Kyle to Lynch.

  “No, but I can give these men the order to kill your wife and son right now,” answers Lynch.

  Kyle glances at Kristina and Kaden and Kyle shouts to Kristina and Kaden, “I love you guys! I have to go with this asshole now, but I’ll find my way back to you!”

  “You better!” shouts Kristina to Kyle.

  Kyle looks at Lynch and says, “I’m coming with you now.”

  Kyle looks at the two armed soldiers, who still have their rifles pointed at him, and Kyle says, “I’m not resisting. I’m going to walk towards the car now.”

  “Lower your guns gentlemen,” orders Lynch to the two soldiers that are with him.

  The two soldiers lower their rifles and Kyle steps towards the all-black sedan. The soldier near the all-black sedan opens the rear passenger side door and the other soldier escorts Kyle into the all-black sedan.

  The two soldiers get into the all-black sedan and Lynch says to Kristina, “Your husband will be in good hands.”

  “You better not hurt him!” shouts Kristina.

  Lynch smiles at Kristina as he gets into the passenger seat of the all-black sedan.

  Kristina and Kaden watch as the all-black sedan drives away from them.

  “What are we going to do now?” asks Kaden to Kristina.

  “We do what your father said to do,” answers Kristina.

  “Get to the office and try to reach Dr. Smith,” says Kaden.

  Kristina watches as the all-black sedan turns right and goes out of view. “I really hate that fucking guy,” says Kristina to herself.

  Kaden gets into the passenger seat of Kyle’s SUV and Kristina starts up Kyle’s SUV.

  “Do you think we’ll see dad again?” asks Kaden as Kristina reverses out of her driveway.

  “Your father is tough and smart, he’ll figure something out,” answers Kristina as she speeds down the street.

  Kristina thinks about trying to catch up to the all-black sedan and she makes a right hand turn.

  Kaden feels Kristina increase her speed down the street and he starts to get a little nervous after Kristina has increased her speed so rapidly.

  Kristina is searching for the all-black sedan, but she can’t find it as she speeds down a neighborhood street. Kaden sees a small white sedan backing out of a driveway a couple houses down the street that Kristina is driving. Kristina is still speeding down the street and Kaden says, “Mom, slow down.”

  Kristina is so focused on finding the all-black sedan that Kyle is in that she misjudges the distance that the white sedan is from her and Kaden shouts, “Mom, look out!”

  Kristina sees the white sedan and she has to aggressively swerve to the left to miss it. Kristina drives up onto the front lawn of a house after narrowly missing the white sedan as it reversed out of the driveway and onto the street.

  The driver of the white sedan honks their horn as Kristina drives back onto the street.

  Kristina keeps driving and Kaden can’t believe what just happened and how close they were to being in a car accident.

  Kristina exits the neighborhood, she pulls to the side of the street, and puts her SUV in park.

  Kaden looks at Kristina and Kristina starts crying.

  “I’m sorry K. Are you okay?” asks Kristina to Kaden.

  “I’m okay mom, but I think I should drive,” answers Kaden with a joking tone.

  Kristina chuckles and replies, “I’m just worried about your dad, and I can’t believe he was taken from us again.”

  The white sedan comes speeding over to where Kristina parked, and a middle aged Caucasia
n male driver exits the white sedan and starts yelling at Kristina through the rolled up driver side car door window.

  “I’m sorry, are you okay?” shouts Kristina to the male driver of the white sedan.

  “Yeah, I’m okay, but what were you fucking doing? You could have killed someone!” shouts the male driver of the white sedan to Kristina.

  “I’m sorry, we were looking for an all-black sedan,” answers Kristina.

  The male driver of the white sedan is still pissed and shouts, “Well, be more careful next time and stop driving like a fucking maniac!”

  Kristina doesn’t like the tone and shouting of the male driver of the white sedan and she shouts, “I’m very sorry, but calm the fuck down!”

  “Calm the fuck down? You want me to calm the fuck down? I’ll fucking kill you bitch!” shouts the male driver of the white sedan and then the male driver of the white sedan smacks Kristina’s rolled up driver side car door window.

  Kaden sees the male driver of the white sedan bang on Kristina’s closed driver side door window again and then the man tries to open Kristina’s driver side door.

  “What the fuck are you doing!” shouts Kristina to the male driver of the white sedan.

  Kaden feels that the male driver of the white sedan is threatening Kristina and him and Kaden quickly gets out of the SUV, runs around the front of the SUV, and confronts the male driver of the white sedan.

  “What are you going to do boy?” shouts the male driver of the white sedan to Kaden.

  Kaden, who is furious, swiftly kicks the male driver of the white sedan in the face with a perfect front kick.

  The male driver of the white sedan can’t believe that he was just kicked in the face and suddenly blood starts coming out of his nose. Kaden sees the blood coming from the male driver of the white sedan’s nose and Kaden doesn’t feel bad for kicking him.

  Kaden sees that the male driver of the white sedan is scared now and the male driver of the white sedan shouts at Kaden, “You broke my fucking nose!”

  “I’ll break something else, get the fuck out of here!” shouts Kaden to the male driver of the white sedan and then the male driver quickly gets into his white sedan and speeds away.

  Kaden watches the white sedan speed away and Kaden feels good about kicking the man in the face and protecting his mother.


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