Marking Madden: Hearts of Hollis

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Marking Madden: Hearts of Hollis Page 1

by J. L. Leslie

  Copyright 2020. J.L. Leslie. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes, promotions, authorized giveaways or teasers only.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Table of Contents

  Copyright Page


  Special Acknowledgment

  Prologue | Madden

  Chapter One | Jade

  Chapter Two | Madden

  Chapter Three | Jade

  Chapter Four | Madden

  Chapter Five | Jade

  Chapter Six | Madden

  Chapter Seven | Jade

  Chapter Eight | Madden

  Chapter Nine | Jade

  Chapter Ten | Madden

  Chapter Eleven | Jade

  Chapter Twelve | Madden

  Chapter Thirteen | Jade

  Chapter Fourteen | Madden

  Chapter Fifteen | Jade

  Chapter Sixteen | Madden

  Chapter Seventeen | Jade

  Chapter Eighteen | Madden

  Chapter Nineteen | Jade

  Chapter Twenty | Madden

  Chapter Twenty-One | Jade

  Chapter Twenty-Two | Madden

  Chapter Twenty-Three | Jade

  Chapter Twenty-Four | Madden

  Chapter Twenty-Five | Jade

  Chapter Twenty-Six | Madden

  Chapter Twenty-Seven | Jade

  Chapter Twenty-Eight | Madden

  Chapter Twenty-Nine | Jade

  Chapter Thirty | Madden

  Chapter Thirty-One | Jade

  Chapter Thirty-Two | Madden

  Chapter Thirty-Three | Jade

  Chapter Thirty-Four | Madden

  Chapter Thirty-Five | Jade

  Chapter Thirty-Six | Madden

  Chapter Thirty-Seven | Jade

  Chapter Thirty-Eight | Madden

  Chapter Thirty-Nine | Jade

  Chapter Forty | Madden

  Chapter Forty-One | Jade

  Chapter Forty-Two | Madden

  Chapter Forty-Three | Jade

  Chapter Forty-Four | Madden

  Chapter Forty-Five | Jade

  Chapter Forty-Six | Madden

  Chapter Forty-Seven | Jade

  Epilogue | Madden



  I want to first of all dedicate this book to my mom, like I do all of my books. She is who always supported me in my writing, and I dedicate all of my words to her. I miss her each and every day!

  A special thanks to my husband and kids for allowing me to go into my writing cave and also for their love and support! Also, to my sister for listening to my ideas and never complaining! You’re the best! I love you all!

  A special thanks to my PA, Amber Feist, for being my friend and sounding board! For always helping me find the perfect cover and for reading my words!

  To my fan group, J.L. Leslie’s Lovelies, for being the best fan group an author could ever ask for! Thank you!

  To my street team, J.L. Leslie’s Pimpin’ Peeps, you are the most amazing street team! Thank you for always sharing my work!

  To my ARC team, thank you so much for reading my words! It amazes me each day that people take the time to read what I write and sometimes actually enjoy it!

  A very special thank you to my beta readers! I so enjoy your feedback and comments! You make this journey so much easier for me! Thank you!

  Last, but not least, a special thanks to the amazingly talented, Nicole Dykes. We originally started the Hearts of Hollis Series as a co-write adventure. We had a lot of fun together and I grew and learned a lot as an author during that experience. I wrote the last book in this series, Admiring Avery, solo, and shortly after, we mutually decided it was best if I re-released books 1-3 solo. I had a blast falling in love with these characters again and sincerely appreciate Nicole trusting me with our characters! Thank you!

  Special Acknowledgment

  My proofreader, Chantal Baxendale.

  My beta readers Amber Feist, Morgan Terry, and Joanna Edger.

  Thank you all so much for polishing my words and providing me with honest feedback, which is exactly what I need!



  I adjust my tie and finish off my glass of whiskey, needing the liquid courage. Fuck that, I need the whole damn bottle. I’ve been a coward for far too long, biding my time, keeping my mouth shut. Not tonight.

  Amelia Kensington stands with my family, smiling over at my older brother, laughing at something he says. She looks beautiful tonight. Her long, brown hair down in loose waves. The yellow dress perfect against her porcelain skin. I know it’s her favorite color, always has been. Ever since we were kids.

  I place the empty glass down on the table and make my way over to her, smiling politely at the other guests although I give zero fucks about them. It’s supposed to be my graduation party but that’s only an excuse for my parents to host another ostentatious event. This is their party, their friends.

  “There’s the man of the hour!” Keegan, my brother, says, patting me on the back.

  I finished college top of my class, just like I knew I would. Just like my father expected me to do. Now, I’m all set to start working for the family business, Steele Industries. Both of my brothers are employed there. All of us heirs to the Steele fortune.

  “Can I talk to you?” I ask Amelia, taking her dainty wrist in my hand.

  She glances over to Keegan and then back to me. “Of course.”

  I lead her outside, the Texas night warm against our skin. Somewhere along the way, our fingers entwined and I don’t want to let go of her hand.

  “I’m so glad to have you back, Madden,” she says. “I’ve missed my best friend.”

  Best friend. She isn’t wrong about that. Amelia, Keegan, and I have been best friends our whole lives. The three of us inseparable.

  “I’ve missed you, too,” I say, reaching up to cup her cheek. “More than you know.”

  She furrows her brow, turning her face into my hand just slightly. “Madden...” her voice trails.

  I take my chance then, afraid that if I hesitate or waste any more time, I won’t have the balls to do it. I close the distance between us and press my lips to hers. I kiss Amelia Kensington. My best friend. The woman I’ve been in love with the majority of my life.

  She moans against my lips and parts hers, tasting my tongue a moment before pushing me back, tearing her mouth from mine. Her hand goes to her mouth, shock on her beautiful face.

  “I...oh my God...I can’t, Madden.”

  “I’m in love with you, Amelia,” I confess. “I’ve loved you for a long time.”

  Her eyes water with tears. “I’m marrying Keegan.”

  Chapter One


  I check the time again and swear if this night goes any slower, I’ll slit my damn wrists. It’s excruciating enough being here on a slow night, but add in the fact that my ex-boyfriend is here, living it up as though I mean nothing to him, and well, that makes the night a million times worse.

  “The new tenant still a no show?” Casey, my best friend and fellow waitress asks. She tosses some empty beer bottles into the trash and grabs some fresh ones.

  “So far. I can’t believe Jack rented that piece of crap room anyway. It should be condemned.”

  Jack’s Bar is a staple in Hollis, Texas, the small town where I live, but it should be against the law for him to rent the room above his bar. The hot water is iffy, I don’t
want to know how old the mattress is, and the television only picks up three channels. I can attest to all of this because I stayed there when I first came to town.

  “Caleb’s been on him about remodeling, but Jack’s a tightwad with money. Says he has other plans for this place and that room isn’t one of them,” she says with a shrug. “If there’s someone stupid enough to rent it, that’s their problem. You were smart enough to get out of it.”

  I see Hank, the old drunk that’s in here every night of the week motion for another beer. I hold up a finger to him, letting him know I’ll be right there.

  “Well, as soon as he does show up, I’m out of here. You sure you don’t mind closing up?”

  “Not at all. Caleb said he’ll help me,” she replies with a mischievous smile.

  “Just clean up the stock room when you’re done.”

  I know exactly what she means by having Caleb help her. They’ll screw in the stock room as soon as this place is empty and then clean up the place before locking up. The two of them fuck like rabbits every chance they get. They’ve been off and on for years, breaking up and making up for all of Hollis’ entertainment.

  They had a very dramatic and very public break up when Caleb left town for work, taking Brady - my boyfriend - along with him. The moment they returned to Hollis, they had one of their very public makeups. Everyone knew exactly what was happening in Jack’s stock room.

  Unfortunately, when Brady left, he didn’t exactly tell me he was tagging along with Caleb. No phone call. No goodbye. No official breakup. He just took off and told Casey when she called him out on it that he figured I would get the hint. Well, I did.

  He wasn’t as into me as I was into him and didn’t have the balls to tell me. Those whispered promises he made me while we lay underneath the stars in his mom’s backyard were all lies. Those stolen kisses over the bar while he was on his lunch break didn’t mean anything. And those nights spent in my bed sure as hell weren’t ever meant to turn into sleepovers.

  “Here you go, Hank,” I say, taking the empty bottle and handing him a fresh one. “Three bucks.”

  I take his money and shove it into my apron, flashing him a polite smile before I head back to the bar. I’ve worked a double shift today and I’m worn out, ready to get home and soak in a hot bubble bath.

  To make my night even more of a disaster, I’m supposed to show Jack’s new tenant the apartment, but he hasn’t bothered to show up yet. I know Jack well enough to know that if I’m the one he told to do it, I can’t pass it off on Casey.

  “Hey, Jade, you got a second?”

  And now I’m in a whole other level of hell. I tell myself not to look up, not to take in his lopsided grin or his sexy as sin dimples. I was never able to resist those dimples, though. He’s Brady Fucking Thompson. I was never able to resist him period.

  “What do you want, Brady?” I ask, my tone snappy.

  “Just want to make sure there’s no hard feelings between us.”

  I nearly gasp out loud, like literally gasp out loud. He ghosted me and now he expects me to act like it’s all cool between us. I would even bet money on it that he still expects all the perks I was giving him. He’s that cocky.

  Before I can give him an answer, the door opens and a man I’ve never laid eyes on before walks in. Now, having been in Hollis for a few years, I can tell you, no one new ever really comes to this town. Certainly not men who look like this.

  He’s dressed in dark, charcoal gray dress pants and a white button-up shirt. He carries two duffel bags and has a cold stare as if he’d rather be anywhere else but here, but this just so happened to be the place he stopped.

  Without a doubt, I know this is Jack’s new tenant. Poor guy. Hollis is going to suck him in like it did me, and he won’t know what hit him.

  Chapter Two


  I look around the poor excuse for a bar and spot a cute blonde making her way toward me. The guy she was talking to frowns at her and then gives me a dirty look as she approaches me.

  Great. I’m already making friends with the locals.

  “I take it you’re the new tenant,” she says, smiling.

  I grunt a little. “What makes you say that?”

  “Well, Jack said he rented the room above the bar and you are very clearly not a local. Just let me grab the key and I can show you the room.”

  I go wait at the bar while she disappears into what I assume is an office. I’m getting all kinds of curious stares from the guys playing pool, one of them being the guy she was talking to. Must be her boyfriend. I don’t need that kind of drama. I’m here for one reason only. To get away from Dallas.

  “Right this way,” the blonde reappears, dangling a key ring on her fingers.

  She hollers over to a redheaded waitress that she’ll be right back, and I roll my eyes when the woman yells back across the bar for her to take her time. Seriously? Does she think we’re going to fuck two minutes after meeting? Is that how things go in this town? Hell, they probably have nothing else to do.

  Still, as I follow her up the stairs, I do notice how her jeans mold perfectly to her heart-shaped ass. I may have just gotten my heartbroken, but I’m still a man.

  “The hot water is iffy and don’t expect too many channels on the television,” she says as we reach the door. “And if you plan on staying long, you may want to invest in a new mattress. Jack did say he put clean sheets on there for you, though.”

  “Thanks,” I mumble.

  “Well, I’m Jade Bowen,” she states, extending her hand. “Welcome to Hollis.”

  I’m hesitant at first, not knowing how well versed this girl may be when it comes to the media and the business I work in. I don’t want her running to some reporter saying she knows where I am when news hits that I’m shirking my duties at Steele Industries.

  Finally, I give in and shake her hand, enjoying the warmth of our connection. “Madden Steele.”

  If she recognizes my name, she doesn’t show it. No need to worry about her running to the media and telling them where I am. I knew this town was the right choice.

  “Nice to meet you. I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.”

  She drops the key into my hand, and I hear her bounding back down the stairs. I walk into the apartment and close the door behind me, glad the pretty blonde didn’t try to come in and help me with my bags. She was friendly enough, so I don’t doubt that it crossed her mind.

  After I lock it, I drop my duffel bags to the floor. I close my eyes as I lean against the door and ask myself how I got here. The past forty-eight hours seem like a total fuck-up. As much as I’d like to think it was all some kind of nightmare, I know that isn’t true. I can’t wake up and have everything return to normal. I’m not even sure what normal is supposed to be now.

  The buzzing of my phone in my pocket stirs me from my thoughts. Shit, I forgot to turn it off. I pull it out and Amelia’s face appears on my screen reminding me that everything I saw was real. Reminds me that I was a fucking idiot. That normal is gone.

  Amelia. Damn. I press ignore and pick my bags up.

  The apartment is a shithole. I’m not surprised. When I’d seen the ad, it advertised a furnished apartment above a bar for three hundred bucks a month. I certainly wasn’t expecting luxury. It’ll make the money I took stretch, though. I have no plans of returning home any time soon.

  I sit my two bags on the bed and unzip the one that contains the contents from my father’s safe. Stanton Steele keeps an even one million dollars in his wall safe that’s hidden behind the Picasso painting in his bedroom. The password has always been his birthday. Not very original.

  It hadn’t taken him long to notice it was gone. He just doesn’t know why. Him and my brother, the one that’s actually called, are both clueless. They think I don’t want to go to work at Steele Industries, a job I’ve been primed for since middle school. I knew the moment I graduated college in May that I was heading for Steele Industries.

t’s not why I left. I look at the money in the bag and almost feel guilty. Almost.

  The voicemail my father left me keeps me from crossing that line into guilt. He hadn’t been concerned about why I’ve left or where I’ve gone. He wants his money back. Pure and simple. Money’s all he cares about. His three sons are only heirs to the fortune. Landon, Keegan, and I are needed to keep the family legacy going. He doesn’t really give a shit about us.

  Since I haven’t heard from my oldest brother, Landon, I’m assuming he doesn’t know shit about the stunt I’ve pulled. His business trip in Tokyo is too important to be interrupted. Christ, one day he’ll realize how Steele Industries sucked the life right out of him.

  Then, there’s my other brother, Keegan. I want to be angry with him, but I can’t. I don’t really blame him at all. He thinks I took the money to go on some kind of vacation. I almost chuckle out loud when I think about his voicemail.

  “Madden, man what the hell are you doing?” he’d said. “If you’d wanted to go to Cancun before you started work all you had to do was say so. We could’ve taken the jet and stayed at the villa. You didn’t have to take Dad’s money. He’s fucking pissed now! Come back and we’ll plan the trip then start work. Quit being a shit!”

  Quit being a shit. Yep, that’s exactly what I’m being, and I have every right. Dad, Keegan, Landon...they can all go to hell.

  I take a few hundreds out and zip the bag up before shoving it under the bed. I unzip my other bag and start putting my clothes away. The small oak dresser is just big enough for the amount of clothes I was able to cram in the bag. At some point, I’ll have to get more.

  I flick the television on and see nothing but static on the screen. I turn it back off. Maybe I should go back down and have a drink. See what time Jade gets off work. It would get my mind off everything.

  Damn. Jade.

  We only met briefly, but there was something in those baby blues that I couldn’t ignore. Something that tells me it could be beneficial for me to befriend her. Maybe she could take my mind off everything instead of the whiskey. Whiskey doesn’t always drown everything out.


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