Marking Madden: Hearts of Hollis

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Marking Madden: Hearts of Hollis Page 12

by J. L. Leslie


  He knows my favorite things. This probably means nothing. We’ve spent a lot of time together, the majority of that time tangled in sheets, but the fact that he knows my favorite color and foods makes me want to tell him how I feel. See if he feels the same way.

  But that would be crazy.

  Neither of us has mentioned anything about our relationship being serious. I know at some point he’s going back to Dallas. He has a trust fund and family, a job waiting for him. He’s not going to permanently give all of that up to stay in Hollis, live in a one-room apartment, and work construction.

  “I don’t see the big deal,” Casey says. “I mean, okay, you fell for the guy. That’s kind of your thing. But if he thinks you’re still in it for the fun, why would he want to stay?”

  We’re in Redbud checking out the community college here so Casey can sign up for classes. I’m not quite ready yet, needing a bit more in my savings account before I can even consider it, but I tagged along so I can get some info on it and be ready soon. At least this way I’ll know exactly how much more money I’ll need to save.

  “Why would he want to stay anyway?”

  “Don’t underestimate Hollis’ charm,” she warns. “And don’t underestimate yours either.”

  “Well, you didn’t see where he lives and what his family has to offer him. They hate me by the way.”

  “They’re intimidated by you. Their son is completely infatuated with you and they know nothing about you.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “He asked you to attend a three-day wedding event with him.”

  I smile at that. “Yes, he did, but I’m only going on Saturday.”

  “Okay, and correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t he tell his family he can only come Saturday so the two of you can come together? And didn’t he book a room at the nicest hotel in Dallas? He’s done that twice now, hasn’t he?”

  “He has the money, Casey. He has a lot of money and I can guarantee if he doesn’t return home soon, his father, who is a major asshole, will write him out of his will. Madden would be a lunatic to give all of that up to stay in Hollis.”

  “I think the two of you are the real deal. That’s my opinion and you should trust it. I have a lot of experience in what the real deal isn’t, you know.”

  Her and Caleb still have not made up. It’s been tense at Jack’s, to say the least. Every time he comes in, he begs her to talk to him, and she refuses. A huge fight ensues, and he leaves in a rage and she stays behind in tears. I’ve given up on trying to talk her into speaking with him, hearing him out. It’s no use.

  “We’ll see how things go Saturday,” I say. “After the wedding, he really has no reason not to go back to Dallas. I’ll talk to him then. Tell him how I feel.”

  “Can I help you ladies with anything?”

  The deep voice startles me and the two of us look up to see a man standing before us, an information packet in his hands. He flashes us both a perfect smile, but his eyes are fixated on Casey.

  “I’m signing up for classes,” she replies. “Any suggestions?”

  “I’m Professor Hale. You should sign up for my class.”

  “What do you teach?” I ask and Casey nudges me with her elbow.

  “Honestly, Professor Hale, it doesn’t matter. I’m definitely interested.”

  I roll my eyes and stifle a laugh, stepping away a few steps so the two of them can get acquainted. Maybe this is her way of getting over Caleb. He’s really the only person she’s ever dated.

  I watch the two of them, smiling and flirting, and I’m happy for my friend. She’s been miserable lately. It’s nice to see her happy. She puts her number in his phone and takes one of the packets from him before coming over to me.

  “I have a date with a professor!” she practically squeals.

  “He seems very nice and he’s certainly very cute.”

  “And it will piss Caleb off that I’m dating. Serves him right.”

  I loop my arm in hers as we walk. “Please tell me you aren’t going to date this guy just to make Caleb mad.”

  “What can I say? You and Madden inspired me,” she replies with a shrug. “Okay, I’m kidding. I’m at a point where I just need to move on and I don’t know how to do that. Caleb is all I know and that’s frustrating. I really want to ignore what happened with him and Tori but I can’t.”

  “I’m going to ask this because I’m your best friend. What’s stopping you? The two of you do break up and get back together all the time. I am not condoning what he did — whatever it was — but if you love him, why can’t the two of you work it out?”

  “He fucked her, Jade! I can’t let that go!”

  “And he confirmed this, or she did?”

  “She said they fucked, he swears she only gave him a blow job and that he didn’t even let her finish. That he was drunk and stopped her. She knew things she shouldn’t have known, though, Jade. She wouldn’t have known them unless they’d been together.”

  “I thought they hooked up once in high school before he met you.”

  “My gut tells me it’s true and I have to trust my gut. I can’t keep fighting with him. It’s not a healthy relationship.”

  “Maybe you’re just looking for an excuse and she presented you with it, but don’t walk away from someone you love if you’re not ready to. Make sure you know all the facts before you give up on him. Because it’s obvious, he loves you, Casey.”

  She shakes her head. “No, I’m done. I need to stop this vicious cycle we’ve been in for far too long. Professor Derek Hale is going to help me do that.”

  “If you say so. I only want you to be happy.”

  “And I only want you to be happy, which is why me and Marlene are covering the shifts at Jack’s this entire weekend so that you can have the whole weekend off in Dallas.”

  “No way! I can’t ask the two of you to do that!”

  “You didn’t. Besides, I already let Madden know you’re able to go for the full weekend, so you better take your ass to Dallas and enjoy it.”

  I laugh and give her a hug, thanking her. Now, if I can only find the courage between now and then to tell Madden I’m in love with him.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  “You have nothing to worry about, Jade,” I say as we pull up to my parent’s house. “We won’t be here all that long before you’ll go with the other women to stay at Amelia’s pool house for the night. I’m sure there’ll be enough wine getting passed around to settle your nerves.”

  I know she’s stressed. She’s been stressed all week. I’ve done my best to make her feel better. I’ve cooked dinner for her, we’ve watched movies together, and made love so many times I’ve lost count. Hell, it made me feel better anyway and she seemed to be feeling pretty damn good, too.

  Then, when it was time for her to pack, she stood in front of her closet just looking at her clothes. Finally, she started taking some off the hangers and putting them in her suitcase, but she mumbled the entire time about not having anything good enough to wear.

  She was quiet the entire ride to Dallas, refusing to sing along to her favorite songs. I feel like shit for making her come with me, but there’s no way I would’ve shown up without her.

  I get out of my truck and walk around to the passenger side. She’s already opening her door when I get there. I wrap my arms around her and pull her in for a deep kiss. She moans against my lips and relaxes against me. I coax her lips apart so I can slip my tongue into her mouth. Once I feel satisfied that I’ve had enough for now, I release her.

  “You shouldn’t start things you can’t finish,” she smirks, her face flushed.

  “Is that a challenge?” I tease, giving her a cocky grin. I take her hand and lead her inside.

  Carmella gives us a warm greeting and then I hear my mother’s heels clicking on the floor. She purses her lips as she rounds the corner and sees Jade. She gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and gives Jade a once
-over. The dislike she has for her is very clear and pisses me off.

  “Joan, isn’t it?” she asks.

  “Jade actually,” I correct.

  “I’ll have Carmella get one of the guest rooms ready,” my mother snips.

  “No need, Mrs. Steele. Amelia invited me to stay with her bridal party,” Jade speaks up and I can see the surprise on my mother’s face.

  “Very well,” my mother eyes her up and down again, then looks at me. “Are you wearing blue jeans, Madden?”

  “Yes,” I answer and fight the urge to laugh at her disdain.

  “Dinner will be served in exactly fifteen minutes. Your brothers are around here somewhere.” Her heels click as she walks off with a haughtiness I’m used to and certainly haven’t missed since being in Hollis.

  “Let me show you around,” I tell Jade and she doesn’t argue. “Of course, you know the dining room is that way and kitchen is to the right,” I explain, pointing in the direction of the kitchen. “There’s a large living room just off the dining room that you didn’t get to see last time and a small theater down the hall from it for entertaining. Upstairs you have mine and my brothers’ rooms along with three guest rooms. Five bathrooms upstairs and three downstairs.”

  “We’re not going upstairs?” she asks, and I shake my head. I take her outside and we follow a brick path. “You have a tennis court?”

  “Yes, and a pool,” I answer. “I want to show you the wine cellar.”

  I open the door to the wooden building and let Jade walk in first. Hundreds of bottles of wine fill the shelves of the cellar. I shut the door behind me and lock it.

  “Wow. Jack would love this room if all these bottles were whiskey.” Jade laughs.

  She runs her hand over some of the bottles and then stops at my father’s antique desk in the middle of the room. She runs her fingers over the top of the rough wood.

  “My father comes in here and sits at that desk. He doesn’t drink any of the wine, but he likes to admire his collection,” I say, huskily. “Like I’m admiring you.”

  I move her hair to the side and kiss her shoulder, causing goosebumps to rise over her flesh. I skim my fingertips over her thighs where the hem of her sundress is.

  “I’m so glad you wore a dress, Jade,” I whisper. “I love these dresses you wear. Now, I can finish what I started earlier.”

  “Madden, we shouldn’t,” she protests, but I know she doesn’t mean it. I know if I slip my hand underneath her dress, she’ll already be wet and ready for me.

  I glide my hand up her thigh to the juncture between her legs. I’m right. I pull her panties to the side and dip my finger into her wet flesh. I push in and out, over and over, until she’s trembling.

  Reluctantly, I withdraw my finger and unbutton my jeans. I quickly get a condom from my wallet and sheath myself before I hike her dress up and jerk her panties down. I spin her around and bend her over. With one swift thrust, I’m buried deep inside her.

  “God, Jade!” I groan and I see her grip the edge of my father’s desk. “You’re so fucking incredible,” I mumble and nip her earlobe.

  I pull out to the tip and drive home. I dig my fingers into her hips as I slam into her again and again.

  “I’m going to fuck you bare one day soon. Feel this dripping pussy on my naked cock. Do you want that? Want me to fuck you like that?”

  “Oh, Madden, please...yes, please...” she begs. “So good...”

  “Come on my cock, Jade. Come for me, baby,” I encourage her and pour my release deep inside her.

  She moans my name as she comes, letting her head fall back on my shoulder. As much as I want to stay right where I am, I let myself slip from her warmth. I pull her panties up and her dress down, discarding the used condom in the garbage can.

  While I’m buttoning my jeans, she says, “Now, I have to go clean up in one of your many bathrooms.”

  “You know, it’s funny. I haven’t missed much of this,” I admit. “Except maybe the night I didn’t have any hot water.”

  Jade laughs. We walk out of the wine cellar and see Keegan and Landon both heading toward us.

  “Where the hell have you guys been? Dinner’s starting,” Landon asks, a knowing smirk slowly spreading across his face at the sight of our rumpled clothes.

  “Just showing Jade the wine collection,” I answer. “Right, Jade?”

  She grins over at me. “Yep. And it was incredible.”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  I follow Amelia inside her pool house, somewhat nervous about staying here with her and her friends, but preferring this to staying at Madden’s house again.

  His parents truly hate me, and the entire dinner, I wondered if they could look at me and tell that he had just fucked me in their wine cellar. Did my face say it all? Was it still flushed, my hair mussed? They kept staring at my rumpled dress. At his untucked shirt.

  “Don’t worry, the Steeles will come around eventually,” Amelia says and she opens a bottle of wine.

  “I doubt it, but that’s all right. Your parents are really nice, though.”

  “Thank you. They are a rare breed.”

  “Party’s here!” a woman exclaims, bursting into the room. Another woman trails behind her, wine bottles in each hand.

  “Okay, but I’m only having two more glasses of wine!” Amelia promises. “I am not going to be hungover at my own wedding!”

  “You can’t,” one says. “But we can!”

  The two of them give Amelia a hug while I stand there feeling like a fourth wheel. I remind myself that I’m spending one night here and tomorrow night with Madden. We’re getting that fancy hotel night he promised me before.

  “Tiffany, Amanda, this is my friend, Jade,” Amelia introduces us. “She’s Madden’s girlfriend.”

  I almost correct her, but I stop myself. There’s no reason these two girls I’ll probably never see again shouldn’t believe I am actually his girlfriend.

  “Are you seriously telling me two of the Steele brothers are off the market now?” Tiffany jokes. “Landon is the only one left and he will never settle down. Believe me, I’ve tried.”

  “Hooking up once at their annual Christmas party doesn’t count,” Amanda says and Tiffany rolls her eyes.

  “Neither does hooking up at their Thanksgiving dinner.”

  My eyes go wide as the two of them burst out laughing. These two friends have both slept with Landon and are actually joking about it. I’m not certain I would feel the same way if Casey hooked up with Madden.

  “Amelia here won’t give us any details about Keegan so that we can compare brothers,” Tiffany says. “ So, tell us. How’s Madden in the sack?”

  I nearly choke on my wine. “No details from me either. My lips are sealed.”

  “Seriously? We should be comparing Steele brother dick sizes or something,” Amanda says with a giggle. “A hundred bucks says Keegan has the biggest. I’ve seen the way Amelia walks around bow-legged after spending the night with him.”

  “Oh my God, girls! This is not what a bachelorette party is supposed to be like!” Amelia informs us all.

  “You wouldn’t let us hire a stripper, so yes, this is exactly what a bachelorette party is supposed to be like! Cheap wine and sex stories!”

  I laugh with the three of them, somewhat reminded of mine and Casey’s friendship. I didn’t really expect this coming here tonight. I thought I would feel differently. Thought I would be an outsider. Not to fit in. But these girls are great and already make me feel like I’m one of them.

  “Okay, time for refills and most embarrassing sex stories!” Amanda says, filling my wine glass.

  Amelia shakes her head and grabs a soda from the mini-fridge. We don’t give her too much hell about it. She is getting married tomorrow, after all.

  I sit back, letting them all share their stories first, and laugh my ass off when Tiffany tells us how she was joining the mile-high club and got her foot stuck in the toilet and how Amanda
had to have the Heimlich maneuver done after choking on a cock ring.

  “I guess mine would be when I slept with this guy who wanted us both to dress as the Easter bunny so we could, and I quote, fuck like bunnies,” I say. “It was hot as hell in that suit and it was the strangest and most embarrassing sexual endeavor I’ve ever had.”

  My heart pounds in my chest as they all three look at me like I’m crazy before bursting out laughing. Relieved, I laugh along with them, mortified that I actually told that story when Casey is the only one who knows it.

  “Holy shit! He would’ve had to pay me to do that!” Amanda jokes.

  I simply laugh and keep it to myself that he actually did. I can be friends with these girls, drink wine and share sex stories, but that part of me will stay hidden.

  Chapter Forty


  I adjust my tie and then step over to the mirror to fix Keegan’s. He seems a little fidgety and I wonder if he’s getting cold feet. I look into my brother’s eyes that so clearly match my own.

  “You’re ready for this,” I assure him, patting his shoulders. “Amelia is perfect for you.”

  Keegan nods. “You know, I thought for a while that maybe she had feelings for you,” he confesses. “Right before we got together, she always talked about you and I know how close the two of you are. I worried that it was you she wanted, not me.” I open my mouth to tell him he’s wrong, but he stops me. “But when I kissed her, I knew. I just knew.”

  “She loves you, Keegan. It’s always been you.”

  “If you two pussies are done with the sap-fest, I think it’s time for a wedding to get started,” Landon jokes as he walks into the room. Keegan rolls his eyes.

  “One day a woman is going to come into your life and turn it upside down, brother,” Keegan warns.

  “Not today. Not ever,” Landon says. “Now, let’s get downstairs. Our mother will have a fit if she thinks she paid someone to decorate this house for nothing.”

  We descend the stairs and head out back to where over two hundred guests are already seated. Keegan takes his position beside the preacher and Landon and I take ours. Landon will be walking the Maid of Honor, Tiffany, down the aisle and I’ll be with the bridesmaid, Amanda.


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