Tattoos & Unicorns

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Tattoos & Unicorns Page 11

by Kayla Carson

  “It's a pleasure to meet you, Marisol.” I said, placing my hand in hers.

  She immediately turned my palm over, and began to run her pointer finger over it. I looked over to Owen, silently asking him what she was doing, but he gave nothing away. She continued to move her finger along the lines of my hand, and when she had finished she looked up at me.

  “You're a rock. People count on you to stay strong in difficult times. You're reserved, and prefer a small group, but open up in one on one settings. A creative thinker, who can imagine many possible outcomes to any situation.”

  “She dabbles in palm reading.” Owen said, catching my attention. “I wouldn't read too much into it though.”

  “That's amazing.” I said, smiling up at Marisol. “How did you-”

  “It's all in the lines, my dear. The head, heart, and life lines. You've got a good head on your shoulders.”

  “Would you mind telling my mother that?” I teased.

  She smiled. “I shouldn't hold you up any longer. Thank you for helping Owen get to New York.”

  “Of course.” I said before waving goodbye, and heading back towards the truck.

  When I climbed back inside of the cab Morgan was filing her finger nails, and chewing on a piece of bubble gum.

  “What was that all about?”

  I began to tell her about my palm reading, but soon got distracted watching Owen. He was hugging his mom, and when he pulled away she cupped his face in her hands. He leaned down to kiss her forehead, and she wiped her eyes. The two of them were absolutely adorable, and I couldn't help but smile.

  “She knew who I was.” I said, quietly.

  “So he told his mom about you? I mean, she probably asked who he'd be traveling with.”

  “You're probably right.” I agreed.

  “I usually am.”

  Owen tossed his bag, and guitar case into the back of the truck before climbing into the backseat. He chose to sit in the center, so that it would be easier to talk to us both I assumed. I started the engine, and when I turned to back out of the driveway he winked at me. I rolled my eyes pretending that he didn't get to me, but I think we both knew otherwise.

  “Thanks again.” He said.

  “You're welcome.” I said, just as I backed out onto the road.

  “Do you always drive?”

  “Well, it is my truck.”

  “If you ever need a break, I'm a pretty good driver.”

  “As long as you're not driving from the backseat, we'll be just fine.”

  Morgan pulled her map from her purse then, and began to unfold it over the dashboard. I glanced over at her briefly, before passing my phone back to Owen.

  “Do me a favor. While Magellan here looks over our route, see if there are any hotel vacancies in Maryland near Ocean City, and set the course.”

  “I know how to read a map!” Morgan said, with frustration.

  “I'm not doubting you. It's just that google knows all the construction detours.”

  Owen laughed from the backseat as he got to work on what I'd asked, and Morgan pouted dramatically. She reminded me of a toddler who didn't get her way, and I let out a little laugh of my own.

  “Is this how it's going to be the entire trip?” She asked with a hmph. “The two of you ganging up on me?”

  “Relax.” I said, reaching for her hand. “It's all in good fun.”

  She smiled as she squeezed my hand in hers, and all was right in the world again. For someone as self confidant as Morgan, she tended to need a lot of reassurance.

  “There aren't many hotel openings on such short notice.” Owen said.

  “As long as there are two rooms Morgan, and I can share a bed.”

  “Inquiring minds want to know.” He said, catching my eye in the rear view mirror.

  “Yes?” I asked.

  “Have the two of you ever hooked up?”

  I looked at Morgan who then looked at me, before the two of us fell into a fit of laughter. Just then the GPS on my phone told me to turn right onto the expressway. Around my laughter, I managed to get us on the right course before taking a deep breath to calm myself.

  “I'll take that as a no.” He said, passing my phone to Morgan. “Here's the hotel if you want to book it.”

  “Why would you think we've hooked up?” I asked, needing to know where his question had come from.

  “I don't know.” He shrugged. “The hand holding? The bed sharing?”

  “That's what best friends do.”

  “There's no way in hell I'm holding my best friend's hand, or sharing a bed with him, Unicorn.”

  “Unicorn?” Morgan asked, her ears suddenly perking up.

  “It's just a nickname.” I said, trying to change the subject. “Did you book the hotel?”

  “There's no hot tub! Only a pool, but it's not even private.” She whined.

  “That's what happens when you try to change plans last minute.” I pointed out.

  “Maybe daddy can make a few phone calls?”

  “Or maybe we could just stay in a regular hotel like normal people?” I suggested.

  “Fine.” She huffed, as she hit send to dial the number.

  Owen, and I stayed quiet as Morgan booked our rooms. I kept checking my mirror, watching him. Studying him. I guess I was still trying to figure him out. He'd told me bits and pieces about his life, but there was something that he was holding back. I wasn't sure what it was yet, but I was making it my new mission to find out.

  With the rooms booked, and my GPS telling us where to go I settled in for the drive. I switched the radio on to a local country station, and Blake Shelton was playing. I started singing along, and soon Owen joined in with me. He said he wrote country music, so it shouldn't have been surprising that he listened to it as well.

  “Oh great.” Morgan groaned. “There are two of you now.”

  I laughed. “Come on, Morgan. You love Blake Shelton!”

  She rolled her eyes. “Remind me to buy ear plugs before we head to the next state.”

  I thought that Owen tagging along would feel awkward. After all, we barely knew the man. To my surprise however, he seemed to fit right in. We sang along to the radio, and told stories from when we were younger. I learned that we had even more in common than I originally thought. He was an only child, whose parents were divorced around the same age as mine.

  He grew up listening to records, and fell in love with them for the same reasons that I did. He was a night owl, and did his best writing around one AM. I wasn't a writer, but I worked best then too. I've always had a hard time sleeping, so I'd work until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. It used to drive Derek nuts, so I'd sneak out into the living room.

  He'd wake up and come find me with my laptop on my chest, and a stack of papers on the floor. He'd take it from me, close it, and set it on the table before picking up the mess I'd made. Then, he'd cover me with an afghan, and kiss my forehead before getting ready for work. I smiled at the thought. Maybe he really did love me at one time?

  “Can we stop for drinks?” Owen asked, bringing me back to the here and now.

  “Sure.” I answered.

  After driving for a few more minutes there was an exit sign with a gas station, and a few restaurants listed. I took it, and after a brief argument about where we were going we pulled into a 'Pilot' truck stop. While I topped off the gas, Owen and Morgan went inside to grab sustenance.

  I was leaning against the side of the truck, watching the numbers on the gas pump when a man wearing a backwards baseball cap approached me. He was filling his car just on the other side of mine, and he greeted me with a smile.

  “What's a pretty girl like you doing traveling all alone?” He asked, in a flirtatious tone.

  “What makes you think I'm alone?” I asked, sizing him up. He wasn't bad looking, but I could tell the type of man he was just by looking at him. Cocky, self absorbed... much like Morgan. I smiled to myself, and he mistakenly thought it was meant for him.

>   “Where are you headed?”

  “Timbuktu.” I winked.

  He laughed. “Alright, I get it. Any chance I could get your number? Just in case we ever cross paths again?”

  The gas pump stopped then, the loud click effectively halting the conversation. I placed the hose back, and screwed the gas cap back on ignoring the question. When I turned around though, I found him standing directly in front of me.

  “Ever heard of personal space?” I asked, taking a step back.

  “Come on, I thought we were having a nice time.”

  My back was to the building, but by the look on the man's face in front of me, someone was fast approaching. It had to have been Owen. Which meant that I could have a little fun with this.

  “How about we do exchange numbers.” I said, pulling my cell from my back pocket. “It just so happens, that I'm in the market for a little stress relief. Maybe we can help each other out?”

  The man's eyes darted from me, to Owen, and back to me again before smiling awkwardly.

  “You know... on second thought, maybe we shouldn't.”

  “Why not?” I asked, sticking out my bottom lip. “I thought you were interested?”

  “I was. I am. I mean- I'm actually really late for something.”

  Before I could say another word the man was hightailing it back to his car, and getting inside. He gave me one final glance before starting it, putting it into gear, and driving away. I turned to lean against the truck then, and that's when the look on Owen's face said everything that I hoped it would.

  He was furious. If looks could kill he probably would have killed my random suitor ten times over, and now he was focused on me.

  “Did you get some snacks?” I asked innocently.

  He walked towards me with purpose, and placed his hands on either side of the truck caging me in.

  “I know exactly what you were doing, Unicorn.” He whispered next to my ear. “Just remember... two can play this game.”

  Goosebumps covered my skin, and It was all that I could do to keep from trembling. I hid it well though. I had to. I couldn't let him know the full effect he had on me. So I stood a little taller, and gave him a wicked grin.

  “We wouldn't have to play any games if you'd just give me what I need.” I whispered back, before giving him a firm shove.

  It was then that I noticed Morgan standing in front of the truck, watching us with interest.

  “Would the two of you just kiss already?” She asked, before climbing into the passenger seat.

  I laughed, before getting into the driver's seat with Owen on my heels. When we were all inside, and our seat belts were on I started the ignition.

  “I grabbed your favorite.” Morgan said tossing me a bag of watermelon flavored sour patch.

  “What did you grab for me?” Owen asked, sweetly.

  She tossed a bag of plain lays potato chips at him, and turned to face him.

  “Since you're so salty.” She teased.

  He rolled his eyes before opening the bag, and popping a chip into his mouth.

  “Joke's on you. These are my favorite.”

  “See?” She said, turning back around in her seat. “Salty.”

  I laughed, and that's when I felt something hit the back of my head.

  “Hey!” I said, as chip after chip started flying past me. “I'm trying to drive!”

  Owen laughed, as he continued to assault us with potato chips. They were bouncing off the dash, and getting stuck by the windshield. Morgan turned to return fire with her Cheetos, and soon there was a full on food fight happening. I squinted my eyes, still trying to keep them on the road as I dodged the snack foods. The two of them were dying with laughter now, and I was screaming in between.

  “If you two cause an accident, I swear to God-”

  Morgan shoved a Cheeto in my mouth, and I nearly choked on it before spitting it onto the floorboard.

  “What the hell!” I yelled, as I pulled the truck over onto the side of the expressway.

  As I eased onto the shoulder a loud pop made me gasp, and the sound that followed after made me want to cry. The sound of air whooshing out of one of the tires soon filled the cab, and suddenly the fun and games were over.

  “Fuck!” I said, slamming the truck into park before opening my door to assess the damage.

  Owen, and Morgan soon followed, and when I walked around to the passenger side I felt my heart sink into my stomach. Not one flat tire, but two. Apparently when I pulled over for safety, I ran over a pile of nails. Who the hell leaves a pile of nails on the side of the fucking road? I was fuming. I kicked the loose nails from the road down into the grassy ditch beside it, swearing like a sailor.

  Morgan placed her hand on my shoulder, and I turned to face her with anger in my eyes.

  “Are you five? Who engages in a food fight while someone's driving down the damn free way?” I snapped, at no one in particular.

  “Don't worry. I can fix it.” Owen said. “I assume you have a spare?”

  “First of all I know how to change a tire, and of course I have a spare. A. Single. Spare. We have two bad tires!”

  “Alright, we'll call for a tow then.” He suggested.

  I threw my hands up in defeat before walking around to the driver's side, and getting back inside. I grabbed my phone from the space I kept it on the dash, and did a quick search for tow companies nearby. I called the first one that popped up, and waited as Morgan and Owen carried on a heated discussion outside.

  They were probably blaming each other. The truth was, I wasn't angry at them for having fun. I was angry at myself for not paying attention. If I hadn't been so in my head the duration of this trip I would have noticed a pile of nails on the side of the road. I had been letting everything get to me, and the only time I truly felt relaxed was on the back of Owen's bike.

  After hanging up with the tow company I laid back against the head rest, and closed my eyes. I let myself drift back to that day, and how free I felt when the wind was pushing against me. This trip was supposed to relax me. To help me move on, and start over. So why did I keep going backwards? Why did I continue to think about Derek, and why did it bother me so much that Owen wouldn't sleep with me? It shouldn't matter. None of it should. I should be focusing on myself instead of the men in, or out of my life.

  The back door opened, and then the passenger as Owen, and Morgan finally joined me.

  “We're sorry.” Morgan said.

  “Yeah. We were just trying to have a little fun, we weren't thinking-”

  “It's fine.” I sighed, interrupting him. “I may have over reacted just a little bit. The tow truck's on it's way.”

  “Maybe they can give us a ride to a hotel?” Morgan asked.

  “We're still an hour from Maryland.” I sighed.

  “How long does it take to fix tires anyway?”

  “You know.. I could just hitch a ride to an auto store, and grab some plugs.” Owen said.

  “And how do you plan on putting air in the tires? With your mouth?” I asked.

  “Damn, Unicorn. Again with the feisty-ness.”

  “OK. I have to know.” Morgan said, turning to face him. “What's with the nickname?”

  “She's special.” Owen said, as if it were the only explanation.

  “Everyone's special.” Morgan said, with annoyance. “Tell me why?”

  “I don't think I need to tell anyone other than Ronnie.” He answered, with the same annoyance.

  I rolled my eyes. “Can you two just get along please? We have an hour's wait for the tow truck, and I'd rather not spend it listening to the two of you bicker.”

  “Fine. I'm going to step outside to make a phone call then.” Morgan said, grabbing her phone from her bag before climbing out of the truck.

  I watched as she walked out into the grassy field beside the freeway, adjusting her sunglasses before bringing her phone to her ear. Owen took the opportunity to climb into the front seat then, and slip in beside me. He smiled,
as he turned to face me.

  “Alone at last.” He winked.

  “Did you plan this?” I asked, as I turned to face him as well.

  He laughed. “Of course I did. I tossed the nails out the window just ahead of us too.”

  “Sarcasm is rarely funny.”

  “It's the only language I'm fluent in.”

  “Of course it is.”

  “I really am sorry, you know.” He said, switching gears.

  “I know. I guess I just envisioned this entire trip going differently.”

  “How so?”

  “I just want a fresh start. Get to New York, get into the space for Sew New, and finally start my life. I only agreed to this state to state trip because Morgan thought it would be good for me.”

  “And you don't think it has been?”

  I shrugged. “Despite the fact that you annoy, and frustrate me to no end. I am glad that I met you.”

  “That's because I'm so charming.”

  “Did I mention infuriating?”

  “Why?” He asked, raising a brow. “Why am I so infuriating?”

  “I can't figure you out.” I admitted. “First I feel like you're interested in me, and then I wonder if it was all in my head.”

  He moved a little closer, sliding across the bench seat.

  “I'm very interested, Unicorn.”

  “Then why are you so hot, and cold?”

  “It's been a long time since I was with someone, and I like you. I guess I just don't want to blow it by sleeping with you too soon.”

  “But, you told me that you could only give me sex? What's changed?”

  “For the first time since losing my wife, I feel like I could want something more, and that scares the hell out of me.”

  “Your- your wife?” I stammered.

  “Good news!” Morgan said, as she nearly ripped the passenger door open. “The tow truck's here early!”

  As always, Morgan's timing was impeccable. I nearly screamed in frustration. We were finally getting somewhere. Owen was ready to open up, and I was this close to cracking his rough exterior. She gave me a questioning look then.

  “Am I interrupting something?” She asked.

  “No.” I said, with evident disappointment. “Let's just get our stuff together.”


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