Song of Storms (Song and Storm Trilogy Book 1)

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Song of Storms (Song and Storm Trilogy Book 1) Page 14

by Kayla Maya

  Since the party was after the feast, Bryn decided to go with the classic smoky eye, adding wings at the corner of her eyes for emphasis. Her hair was still curled to perfection, so she just made sure the strands were in order before hearing something hefty being dropped onto the ground. Going out of the room to inspect it, she found North placing the bags on the floor, offering Bryn her luggage of dresses. All Bryn did was nod at him before grabbing a black, strapless dress, and then heading back into the dressing room.

  “I didn’t know,” he told her.

  Bryn ignored him, putting on the dress and twirling in the mirror to inspect her handiwork. It was doable, but something she rather hated being all primed and proper. She sighed and walked back out into the living room where both North and Lord Anderson awaited, both dressed in as much finery she could only imagine. They, like her, seemed rather uncomfortable being this dressed up, even for such an occasion. North instantly stood, standing tall and ready to face anything if the need arises. Bryn’s heart sped up, seeing him all dressed up and handsome. However, she wasn’t ready to forgive him just yet. She watched as Lord Anderson brought out her lightning bolt necklace, offering it to her. Bryn took it, unclasping the crow from around her neck, better safe than sorry.

  “Ready?” Lord Anderson held out his arm.

  Bryn sighed as she took his hand. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Together, Bryn and Lord Anderson waltzed down the golden hall, the red carpet clashing with the golden threads of the curtains, the opaque wallpaper, and the few pedestals that held either flowers or the occasional photograph of the royal family. She noticed that North had disappeared into the shadows, his clothes mirroring that of the forgotten corners. Several times Lord Anderson had to haul Bryn away from the architecture she constantly stopped to inspect. She had never seen such finery before, nor did she think she would ever get the chance ever again. They reached a grand wooden door where two guards stood waiting; the royal families sigil etched into their crimson vests.

  “Names?” The taller guard yawned, clicking the tail end of his spear on the marble floor.

  Lord Anderson straightened, bringing forth as he said, “Lord Anderson and this is my wife, Lady Illyea.”

  Bryn wanted to ask why they had to identify who they were, but it became apparent to her that asking those sorts of questions would only anger Anderson and raise suspicion amongst the guards. Keeping her mouth clamped shut, she watched as the guards pushed open the grand door, stepping in time with one another.

  “May I announce,” the smaller guard’s voice roared. “Lord Anderson and Lady Illyea of Boreal.”

  Lord Anderson’s grip on her arm tightened as he walked her to the edge of the door, allowing Bryn to take a gander at the dining area. The area spanned the length of nearly two football fields, where equally as long tables were stationed at from beginning to end. A huge chandelier made of diamonds shone as the light from the candles flickered. The room seemed to be shrouded in an intense golden hue making Bryn believe that magic was being used. Thinking of magic made her skin prickle, made her veins electrify in her system, begging her to be let loose. Most of the chairs were occupied, save for quite a few closer to the king's raised table. It took her a full minute before she could pull her mouth off of the floor. This dining hall was huge, and she had no idea why it needed to be this big.

  She spotted Lady Hailey closer to the edge of the grand doors, hidden from everyone’s views. Bryn assumed that the girl didn’t care too much for anyone’s company, especially since she seemed perfectly content just being by herself. Like Bryn, Hailey wore her hair in a similar fashion. However, her sense in style was by far to that of a harlot with how short it was. Bryn glanced at the king and queen’s table, watching them interact. The raised table was almost a story tall, with only three seats set up—one for the king, queen, and their son who was again absent. The queen seemed to engrossed with her cup of wine to notice much of anything else while the king boasted out loud about the fine job he was doing for Skeg for all of Serena. It took everything in Bryn to not roll her eyes and scoff at the king’s insanity.

  Another guard appeared to show them to their table, which was right beside Lady Hailey and the Portly’s. Already Mr. Portly had four full plates, picking from each with his grubby fingers as grease dribbled down his chin. His wife, clearly disgusted at his behavior, excused herself to the bathroom. Hailey giggled, using her fan to block out her smirk as she picked at her plate of vegetables and what appeared to be a nearly burnt strip of meat. Lord Anderson held out a chair for Bryn, offering everyone around the table a smile before he took a seat beside her.

  “This dinner is magnificent,” Mr. Portly licked each finger, making a popping noise as he did. “I’m sure the party will be much better.”

  “It all seems forced to be honest,” Lord Anderson took a sip from his cup. “I mean, his son hasn’t even shown up all evening.”

  “He’s with a new harlot,” Mr. Portly sneered. “I’m sure Lady Hailey had something to do with it.”

  Hailey’s eyes narrowed, her pupils dilated like a cat’s as she said, “I’ve done nothing of the sort. If the son wishes to whore off, then let him be.”

  “He’s the future ruler,” Mr. Portly pointed out. “And as such, he needs to learn some semblance of responsibility. Don’t you agree, Anderson.”

  Lord Anderson sighed, leaning back in his chair, food all but forgotten. “I do agree that he needs to be accountable with his actions; however, Lady Hailey made a similar point. He is not our son, nor is this our country, best not to meddle in the affairs of those that we know nothing about.”

  Bryn listened to their conversations for the rest of the evening, only nodding her head and giving input when asked. As she ate, she swore she could feel eyes burning in the back of her head. Of course, after a few quick glances, she managed to spot who it was that troubled her so. The queen’s eyes rested on Bryn; cup clutched in her hand so firmly that her fingers turned white. Her face, however, was blank as if she were trying to recognize who it was, she was trying to compare Bryn too. Keeping her face covered with her hair, Bryn decided that tonight was going to be one interesting night.


  The dinner was a cinch. Well, so Bryn told herself. She interacted very little but ate two plates before being full. No one commented about her hollowed-out cheeks, nor her stick arms. However, she had noticed that since being in the Order of the Crow’s care, her health had increased significantly. She had more energy, she felt more focused, and she looked more human. Thinking of it now made her flinch. Just how badly had her body been through? She shook her head when she noticed that everyone at her table had stood up, Lord Anderson offering his hand to her.

  “I’m sorry, where are we going?” Bryn asked, taking his offered hand.

  “Down the hall. That’s where the party is being held. Are you tired? Do you want to rest some more?”

  “No.” Bryn shook her head, reaching up to finger her necklace. “Let’s go. We have a job to do.”

  They followed the rest of the congregation; her ears hammering from all the commotion while her heart pounded. Her thief senses were tingling, wanting to grab the nearest valuable object and then disappear into thin air. She dug her nails to the insides of her palm, allowing the pain to override the need to steal. Soon, they all spilled into a dark room with a larger than life glass door that led out to the balcony. Chairs were stationed around several tables where candles rested on their tops. Flames licking their wicks, and hot liquid rolling down the sides. The room was dark, so it was a little difficult for Bryn to see, but what she could make out was that this was the best party she had ever seen. Granted, it was the only party she’d ever been too, so she really had no say.

  Lord Anderson yawned, rolling his head side to side. “This is a mediocre party. I’ve seen thousands, and they were the wildest, most crazy parties I have ever been too. This one is way worse.”

  “I’ve ne
ver been,” Bryn told him. “This is my first.”

  “I’m sorry.” Lord Anderson placed a hand on her elbow, steering her in the opposite direction where a circle of plush couches held the queen and several of her loyal subjects. She could see Hailey’s golden halo from afar. “Go and speak with the queen. It’s customary for the women to converse while the men drink to their heart's desire. I’m only asking for one hour at most, after that, you can go back to our room to rest.” Bryn nodded, but his hold on her was firm. “Remember, only tell them what they need to know, not what they don’t need to.”

  “I understand.”

  Bryn withdrew from Lord Anderson’s grip, making her slow descent into the belly of the beast. Once again, the queen held a blank stare as Bryn approached, eyebrows pinched together as if trying to pinpoint Bryn’s origins. Standing off to the side, hands clasped together behind her back as she regarded all the women in the circle.

  “May I join you?” Bryn asked.

  The queen waved her hand to the empty seat beside Hailey. A large ruby ring on the queen’s finger winked at Bryn, making her retreat just a fraction. She remembered the queen, remembered what had happened nearly ten years ago. Bryn remembered it like it was yesterday, the day she crossed the queen. While she had been waiting for her father to come home, Bryn had gone out into the street to start stealing. Her first mistake was trespassing onto a seamstress’ shop, looking through the large glass to spy the queen, screaming and yelling about the types of silk she had wanted to be dressed in. The queen’s personal seamstress had given birth at the time because god forbid you have a child in the queen’s own eyes, she had thrown a fit, wandering into the city to find a suitable seamstress for the day.

  Just like that day, the ruby called to Bryn. The gem’s bright gleam shining into Bryn’s dark depths, wanting her to steal it once more and this time, not to get caught. She remembered wandering into the shop, hiding behind hung up dresses and dressers before she was in arm’s length from the queen. She was a hairline from taking the ring when the queen finally had spotted Bryn, wailing like a banshee and swatting at the young girl as she scrambled to freedom. Bryn shook her head, and there was no way the queen would remember her. She had been all legs and bones at that age, and now, being older and more filled out, it no doubts made it harder for the queen to recognize her. She plastered a smile on her face and did a small curtsy before taking her place beside Hailey.

  “Oh look,” a tall, elegant woman rolled her eyes. She wore a bright green dress, cinched at the waist and skin-tight that all her curves showed. “The prodigal son returns.”

  “Mrs. Meyer!” Mrs. Portly gasped. “Watch your tone!”

  They all turned around as a handsome young man strolled into the party, both arms wrapped tightly around two big breasted girls. His dark hair was slicked back, exposing his angular jaw and five o’clock shadow. He had a slight scar on his lower jaw, his bright eyes large from the use of too much alcohol. He was dressed in all his finery, even with the golden shoulder tassels swaying as he walked. He resembled his father perfectly, with the slight hint of his mother running through his veins.

  Prince Ryan.

  The queen’s expression turned sour, hands curled around her armrests, fingers bone white as she glared daggers at her son. Ryan paid none of the woman no mind, save for Bryn. He eyed her with a hungry expression; eyebrow lifted as he noticed the other woman sitting around one another. A crazy idea sprang to mind for Bryn. Why befriend the queen when she could befriend, if not swoon the prince? A small smile bubbled up to the surface, but hid it behind her glass of wine, taking small sips so she wouldn’t get too drunk again.

  “I see he’s still with Lady Hailey’s friends,” Mrs. Portly huffed.

  “Unbecoming.” Mrs. Meyer snorted.

  “Enough,” Hailey swatted them both with her fan. “Can’t you see you’re upsetting the queen?”

  “We do so apologize,” Mrs. Portly exclaimed, face red from embarrassment.

  The queen’s eyes were closed, her breathing coming in and out slowly. After a few tantalizing moments, her eyes flew open, all her attention now on Bryn as she smiled. “So, Lady Illyea,” she started. “How did you become to meet Lord Anderson?”

  “We met out in my village, your highness,” Bryn lied. She kept replaying her façade, hoping that she didn’t seem to be telling her false truths. She did, however, sprinkle some of her personal life in her tale as she talked. “My father had just passed away, along with my brother, leaving me all alone with my sisters and my sick mother.”

  “You poor thing.” A dark-skinned lady placed her hand over Bryn’s, introducing herself as Lady Melissa.

  “Indeed,” the queen replied.

  “My husband showed up some days later; I was sweeping the area in front of the shop I worked at. He asked me which road he should take to get to his destination. I directed him, but he came back. He always did. We fell in love.”

  Hailey held out her hand, checking her manicured nails as she said, “How sweet. Do you think true love is that easy for everyone?”

  “Of course, it is,” Melissa snorted. “Lady Illyea and Lord Anderson attest to that.”

  The queen stood, sighing as she did. Her eyes cut to where Prince Ryan sat by the balcony, a girl on each leg as he laughed and touched every woman that came by. The queen’s expression turned furious before she took a deep breath. “I am going to retire for the evening. Ladies, will you all join me tomorrow for a game of crotchet?”

  They all nodded their consent before the group of women dispersed. Bryn wandered to another table in the far corner where some guards stood watch. A woman wearing a bright pink dress sat by herself, cheek in hand, swirling her wine in the other. She gave Bryn a small smile before she took another sit of her wine. Bryn sat down beside her, watching the rest of the party unfold before her eyes. For her first party, she had to admit that she was rather having the time of her life. Other than being with the other ladies who mostly gossiped. The woman started a conversation with Bryn, who only half-listened as she focused on Prince Ryan and the way he walked around with his array of women.

  The lady, who later introduced herself as Lady Mara, groaned, rubbing her ears where two rather large, fat earrings rested. The gems were a dark green and held gold leaves on the side that held a hook for the ears. Mara took them off, laying them on the table before she took off, leaving Bryn alone once more. The earrings called to her inner thief, begging her to steal those expensive pieces. She went to nab them when a voice hissed at her from the shadows.

  “Must you steal those?” North’s voice was more amused than annoyed. “I mean, they are kind of ugly.”

  “Ugly or not, they will fetch a high price,” Bryn grabbed the earrings and stuffed them in her purse. “Besides, my inner thief can’t control herself.”

  “I see.” He chuckled. “How’s the night going?”


  “Well, it’s better than nothing, I suppose.”

  “I guess so,” she replied. “I’m supposed to go meet the queen tomorrow for something called crochet.”

  North’s laughter was musical to Bryn’s ears. She couldn’t help the broad smile that formed along her face. “Crochet is a game that royals play. You ride a horse and use a small bat to hit balls into a half-moon goal. It’s rather boring if you ask me. I’ve never played, but I’ve watched others.”

  Bryn glanced over to where Lord Anderson sat with the king and his groupies, all of them laughing and having the time of their lives. The king didn’t bother with his son as he paraded around with his women, something the queen bothered with. Bryn assumed that since Ryan was the queen’s only child that it meant she cared highly of his appearance. Especially since this was his party after all, Bryn couldn’t help but yawn, stretching as she did.

  “I think you should turn in for the night,” North suggested, eyes trained everywhere but on her. “You have a busy day ahead of you.”

  “I guess you’re right.�
� She stood, yawning once more.

  Lord Anderson took a moment to glance up as Bryn inclined her head towards the two large doors. He nodded, mouthing the words “be careful” before he turned his attention back to the king who boasted about his kingdom and how much coal they produced this month, which seemed a lot higher than normal. Waving at North in the dark, Bryn made her way back to her quarters.


  Bryn awoke with a jolt. The window beside the large bed was open, the silver curtains swaying in the wind. She wiped her eyes with the balls of her fists, yawning as she heaved herself over the side of the bed to retch up last night's contents. Groaning and wiping the sweat from her brow, Bryn decided that today was defiantly not her day. Her head was dizzy, and her legs felt like jelly as she struggled to get out of bed. After a few moments of tossing and turning, she was finally able to sit up; blanket tucked into her waist. Bryn caught a glimpse of a young girl wandering in her room, carrying some hair supplies with her and a long, dark-colored dress. Bryn couldn’t help but groan.

  “Good morning, Lady Illyea,” the girl curtseyed. “Lord Anderson entrusted you in my care for the remainder of the day while he is out hunting with the king. I was told that you are to be meeting with the queen for an afternoon tea, followed by a game or two of crochet. I will help dress you and prepare you for the day.”

  The girl held out the dress for Bryn, who reluctantly slipped out of bed to stand in front of the maid. The maid worked gingerly with Bryn’s heated skin, raising her arms above her head to allow the other girl to slip the dress over her body. Bryn thought she would be more embarrassed about having another girl glance at her own figure, but she realized that the girl paid no mind to Bryn at allowing, keeping her eyes averted when it came to undressing. She also wondered why she felt so sick. It might have been all the drinking, considering that she tried desperately all night to refrain from drinking so much alcohol. Of course, seeing as how sick she was, it hadn’t worked so well.


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