Song of Storms (Song and Storm Trilogy Book 1)

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Song of Storms (Song and Storm Trilogy Book 1) Page 15

by Kayla Maya

  “Is there anything you have to cure a small hangover?” Bryn asked. Her temples flared with pain, white dots blurring her vision. “Please?”

  “I may have an idea. Here,” she handed Bryn the makeup. “I might be a bit long, so you can put your makeup on yourself until I return.”

  Bryn settled at the vanity, opting for some light colors to apply over her eyes and the rest of her face. Of course, it had been nearly twenty minutes before the maid finally returned with a glass of brown bubbling liquid. The maid handed the concoction to Bryn before settling behind the chair to tenderly work on Bryn’s hair. The liquid was harsh going down Bryn’s throat, the taste mirroring to that of dirt mixed with rainwater. Although the drink tasted disgusting, it worked to cure Bryn’s aches and pains, making her feel normal and not the least bit sick from drinking so much. The maid stepped back, handing Bryn a mirror to glance at the handiwork. Bryn was amazed at her curled locks and the way they were twisted and cinched into a messy bun on top with a few strands on either side of her face.

  The dress was rather form-fitting, if not a little tight along the breast area. It flowed around her frame, the thin straps resting along the sides of her shoulders. With the way her hair was done and the way her hair was in the updo, it made Bryn appear to be just like the other royals that she was disguised as. The maid quickly nodded and exited the room before Bryn could utter a thank you from her lips. She couldn’t help but grab the ugly earrings, swinging her head back and forth as they swayed from her ears. With a new pep to her step, Bryn left her room to wander the halls. After a few minutes, she realized that she should have tracked down the maid before wandering off to try and find the queen and her girlfriends.

  Finally, Bryn managed to find herself down a hall where she could hear giggles and other fits of laughter. The hall resembled just like the others, bare save for a few pictures and then pedestals with flowers to busts of the king. The door, just like the one that led to the dining hall, was rather large, with two knobs on either side. Bryn reached up, knocking on the door. When she heard “enter,” she pushed open the door and waltzed in. The queen was wearing a white dress similar to Bryn’s; her hair pulled up into a braid wrapped around a crown of flowers. The other woman wore a variety of colors, so Bryn couldn’t identify most other than the ones that introduced themselves last night.

  “Good morning,” the queen nodded. “I trust you slept well?”

  “I did thank you.” Bryn took her usual seat beside Hailey, smiling at the other girl. “How is your morning going?”

  “Rather taunt if you ask me,” Lady Mara sighed. “I feel like the tension can be cut with a dull knife if not a stick.”

  “And why is that?” the queen asked, eyebrows raised in question.

  “I mean no offense your majesty, but your son, Prince Ryan, needs to have a better head on his shoulders,” Lady Mara said. “I don’t think it does anyone, especially him, any good showing off his array of woman he keeps parading around the castle grounds. It’s quite sick.”

  “Indeed.” The queen frowned. “Although I don’t see it as your concern, Lady Mara, but If you speak of this again in front of me, or in public, I will have you stripped of your title and sent to the gallows for treason. Am I clear?”

  “Crystal,” Lady Mara shrunk in her seat, grabbing her cup of tea before settling her eyes on Bryn’s ears. “Those look awfully familiar.” Bryn’s heart flew into her throat, threatening to choke her for being so stupid to wear something she had stolen last night. She opened her mouth, but it was Mara who continued. “I had a similar pair last night. I lost them too, but I really don’t care too much for them, seeing as how they don’t bode well with most of my attire. I could care less, but it is fine by me wherever they floated off too. Did you buy those at the market?”

  “No,” Bryn sputtered. “My husband brought them home for me, and I haven’t really worn them since he got them.”

  “They are nice,” Hailey brought out her fan, fanning her face. “I don’t think they are that ugly. What do you think, your majesty?”

  “Not too bad considering where they’re from,” the queen acknowledged. She clapped her hands. “Anyway, who’s ready for a little game of crochet?”

  They all agreed and stood, following the queen in a straight line down the hall. Hailey was third up from Bryn who held up the rear but fell back to the time her step with Bryn’s. Bryn couldn’t help but question these other girls’ motives as she looped her arm through Lady Illyea’s.

  “I would like to spend time with you after this,” Hailey smiled. “I trust later this afternoon would be good? Maybe a walk in the gardens?”

  Bryn wanted to object, but she couldn’t help but feel a pull towards the other girl. In fact, Bryn thought that having the other girl under her wing was an advantage that she couldn’t pass up. If she couldn’t befriend the queen or her idiotic young son, then maybe having another royal would be plan C. Bryn forced a smile and said, “I’d love too.”

  Lady Hailey smiled, quickly falling back in line to where she was before. Before too long, the women reached their destination. There was a grand peace arbor with flowers creeping up from all sides, the bright lilac and white flowers blooming in the sun. Their petals arched up almost as if they were trying to catch the last rays of sunshine. The lawn was bright and vibrant; several maids wandered about watering the many bushes and flowers, some even watered the lawn to keep it green. There were several silver wickets placed all around the lawn, a butler standing in the middle holding a bag of brightly colored balls and several mallets. Bryn’s skin prickled, her electricity flowing through her veins, begging to be let loose. The queen grabbed a mallet and a ball, holding each in her hand.

  “How would you like to do the honors?” The queen asked.

  “I think Mrs. Portly would be an adequate choice,” Lady Hailey said.

  “I don’t think—” The plump woman started.

  “A wonderful decision! Mrs. Portly, come on up!”

  Mrs. Portly sighed, wiping her brow with the back of her hand. Already she was sweating and nearly passing out from the sun’s rays. Frowning, she couldn’t help but go up to the queen and taking the mallet that was offered. Bryn craned her neck from the other ladies, watching as Mrs. Portly used the mallet to strike the ball. They all watched as the ball slowly made its way to the wicket, hitting the side of it to make it ding. Mrs. Portly sighed, returning to the group to hand Lady Mara the mallet.

  “Here,” Mrs. Portly glowered. “Your turn.”

  “Watch and learn,” Lady Mara boasted. “Watch and learn.”

  The group watched as the other woman shot her ball. It went past the first goal but hit the second one like Mrs. Portly had. Bryn was rather bored with this silly game; she had no idea why the royalty craved it so much. Of course, after three more fails, it was Bryn’s turn to try the game. She was pleasantly surprised that her ball went through five goals before it hit another wicket to make it go off course.

  “Excellent!” The queen gushed. “Why don’t we go to the veranda for a cup of tea and chatter?”

  It took everything in Bryn to hold her tongue in so many curses and retorts. She couldn’t handle such petty games. Her nerves were jittery, her anticipation getting the best of her. Of course, the veranda was just as magnificent as the castle. The polished wood was so clear that Bryn could see herself through it like a mirror. The large table was already set up for the women, a butler standing at the ready holding a teapot and gesturing to the women to have their seats. Bryn took her usual seat beside Hailey, crossing her legs at the knee. Her fingers curled at the steaming mug of tea.

  “Alright,” Lady Melissa started. “Who’s ready for some gossip?”


  Bryn rubbed her temples as she walked side by side with Hailey. After three long hours of straight gossip, Bryn decided that she’d rather be a boy than a girl. Although she had learned some very valuable information regarding the king and Skeg, it
wasn’t enough to ease her massive headache. It took too much effort to be a girl; it was probably why she hadn’t ever befriended another girl—way too much effort for Bryn to be comfortable with. However, being beside Hailey was rather comforting, and Bryn had no idea as to why that was. It was clear that Hailey wanted to be alone with Bryn, that much Bryn could gather from their recent encounters, and it was time to find out why.

  “So,” Lady Hailey drawled. “Why does Sister Grace find the oddest of disciples to carry out her orders?”

  Bryn stopped in her tracks, quickly glancing around the lawn to see if anyone had been listening in. She bent her head and whispered, “you know of the Order of the Crow?”

  “Of course, I do. Contrary to what you people all think I am rather smart,” Hailey pouted, seeming hurt by Bryn’s comment. “Everyone here knows about the Order, but no one knows who all works for them.”

  “How did you know I worked for them?”

  “It wasn’t easy, to be honest, but I could figure it out easy enough. You don’t fool me like you can fool the others. I’ve been around royalty all my life because of my father, but you stick out like a sore thumb to me. You don’t act like a royal does. You are too inquisitive.” Hailey smiled. “I may be a harlot to most, but my wit far surpasses any of those buffoons. I assume you are here because of the king?”

  Bryn knew that she should keep all of her intel a secret. She would have to talk with North and Lord Anderson later and discuss the situation she was in. In fact, she decided to talk strictly business with Lady Hailey. “What the Order of the Crow wants is none of your concern.”

  Hailey sighed. “I’m on your side. I hate the king and the queen as much as the rest of us do. I know that you don’t trust me.”

  “You’re right.” Bryn’s stride lengthened. “I don’t trust you.”

  “I may have valuable information you might want to hear,” Hailey said. “Look, I want to help. Why don’t we go to my room for some privacy?”

  Bryn ran through a whole bunch of different scenarios in her mind. Several of them were of Lady Hailey turning Bryn over to the crown for treason, while the other half were of Hailey being of actual use. After several moments lost in her thoughts, she finally relented and allowed Hailey to loop her arm through Bryn’s and escort her to Hailey’s room. While Bryn jumped at every shadow, she began to question her own motives. Was she indeed insane enough to trust a complete stranger? A small voice in her mind told her that she trusted North the instant they met, but Bryn knew that wasn’t the case. It took several days and a wolf attack for Bryn to warm up to the mysterious boy that had saved her life in Skeg. The girls reached Hailey’s quarters, the room smelling too much like cheap perfume than anything.

  The room resembled much like Bryn’s, save for the large bed on the opposite of the room. In fact, it was a much smaller room than she imagined; perhaps Bryn’s room was bigger because of the fact that she and Lord Anderson were supposed to share the bed? Whatever the case, Bryn decided she would just pay attention to her surroundings in case Hailey had decided to lie and sell her out to the king and queen. Hailey sat down at the couch, a glass of champagne already clutched tightly in her hand. She patted the seat beside her, offering Bryn another glass of alcohol, which she declined. Best not get a massive hangover just yet.

  “So,” Hailey swirled the champagne in her glass. “We can start by telling me your name.”

  “It’s Lady Illyea.” Bryn was not quite ready to reveal her identity just yet. She wanted to further their friendship and make sure that her offer was completely genuine. “That’s all you need to know.”

  “Playing hard to get, I see. Fine.” She reclined on the sofa, resting her arm behind it as she stared into her glass. “I’ll tell you what you need to know.”

  “Why are you helping me?”

  “Because I want the king to rot in hell.” Hailey’s face turned bright scarlet. “I may sleep with anyone that offers, but when it comes down to it, if I don’t want it, then don’t force me to want it.”

  “Wait. King Frederick forced himself on you?”

  “Several months ago, when he declared his son to rule in his stead after he turned nineteen. Of course, he backed out of the deal and decided to rule until he either died or went ill. But that’s not the point. Yes, I know that I dress scantily, but it is because I love my body. I have body positivity. And because I crave everyone’s attention, of course. Anyway, I came to celebrate the ceremony or whatever under my father’s behalf. Well, the king forced himself on me in the ballroom after everyone had left. I managed to get away, but not before he got a good look at my backside.”

  “I’m sorry.” Bryn’s voice was genuine, if not guilty, for what Hailey had gone through. Although it was kind of Hailey’s fault, Bryn wouldn’t fault her for that. Smiling, Bryn held out her hand to Hailey. “The name’s Bryn.”

  “Nice to meet you, Bryn,” Hailey grabbed the other girl’s hand.

  “So, what’s this information you have for me?”

  “Basically, to tell you that the queen is a cold-hearted wench. She seems sincere if not genuine, but that is merely her persona. I know that you’re going to try and win her over by gaining her favor, and unless you are her lapdog who does whatever she says, then you’re as good as dead. I do, however, know Prince Ryan rather well if you know what I mean.” Hailey waggled her eyebrows, a smirk playing on her face. “Really well.”

  Bryn couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up to the surface. Despite not trusting Hailey fully, Bryn couldn’t help but feel her kinship towards Hailey blossom. Hailey was someone that Bryn could defiantly become friends with. “Okay. How do I get to know him?”

  Hailey crossed her leg at the knee, taking a sip of her alcohol as she did. “Honestly, Prince Ryan will come to you. I know he’s seen that gorgeous face of yours and is already planning on meeting you. I can ask my friends if you’d like. I don’t think you’d be into being with three people at once, though.”

  “Well, for starters, I’m not interested in that. I’d prefer to be clean. Thank you.”

  Hailey laughed. “Of course, you do. So, tell me, are you and Lord Anderson really married? Is he good in the sack?”

  Bryn sighed. It did her no good to lie now. In fact, she decided she could trust Hailey, even if she couldn’t hold her tongue on some of the most vulgar things. “We’re not married; it’s a ploy. As for if he is good in bed, I cannot answer that because we haven’t done anything. I don’t like him in that sense. I mean, he’s attractive, but he’s not the right guy for me.”

  “Oooh, so there is someone else?”

  Bryn groaned. Gossip. “No.”

  “There IS! Spill! Is it that hot guy who’s your bodyguard? He hasn’t stopped staring at you since you arrived!”


  “Bryn, have you ever been in love before?”

  What kind of invasive question was that? Why on earth did Hailey have to ask so many questions at once? Bryn sighed. “I’ve never been in love, nor do I want to be in love. I don’t much care for it.”

  The lie stung her more than she would ever admit. She might have trusted Hailey, but Bryn wasn’t ready to give up her many secrets. Her dangerous attraction to North was one such secret. Still, Bryn couldn’t help how great it felt to sit here and chat with another girl her own age, one that kind of understood Bryn’s life. If anything, she wanted to keep doing this, just not with all those weird questions.

  “I’m sorry.” Bryn stood. “I think I better go.”

  “Alright, alright,” Hailey yawned. “I want a nap anyway. How about we pick this up tomorrow? Before the queen asks us for more stupid events or tea parties.”

  “I’d love that.” Bryn laughed and waved. “See you tomorrow.”


  Bryn spent the remainder of the day cooped up in her room, ordering snacks and pondering what to do. After her conversation with Hailey, Bryn couldn’t help but think that trying to befrie
nd the queen was indeed a waste of time. In fact, it meant Prince Ryan was ripe for the taking since she was now going to devote her time to the prince. Of course, it had been an option hidden in the depths of her mind, but it never actually made it to fruition. Now, she had more than enough time to convince both North and Lord Anderson. If only they would hurry up and return to her quarters so they could converse. She even snagged a maid to have her mail sent to the two men so they could come and talk with her.

  With the message on its way, Bryn decided to take a dip in the tub. The water was unnaturally hot, steam curling from the water as she sloshed in. She couldn’t help but sigh as her tense muscles loosened and relaxed, her mind wandering. Bryn began to wonder if North held feelings towards her as Hailey had suggested earlier. She couldn’t deny the attraction she had for him, but that was not her main focus. It was to nab the king’s mask and then return home to her family with enough coin to survive off of and make her family happy. Of course, she had hoped North would still be in her future because she had no idea what else to do if he wouldn’t be a constant for her.

  After bathing for an hour, Bryn decided it was time for a nap. But, as soon as her head hit the pillow, she couldn’t stop tossing and turning. She didn’t understand why exactly. Yet, deep down, she realized that maybe she was indeed working for the wrong team. Bryn wasn’t about to support the king and his tyrannical ways; however, she wasn’t eager to sell her soul to the Order of the Crow even though she had sworn an oath. Finally, when her eyes grew heavy and she started to drift off, the door to her room opened and slammed shut.

  “What did you want to talk to us about?” Lord Anderson asked.

  Bryn couldn’t help but groan as she sat up, rubbing her eyes with the heels of her hand. She surveyed the room and noticed that North had fallen onto the couch, arm draped over his eyes to prevent the light from hurting his eyes. Lord Anderson’s cloak was thrown over a chair, his shirt sleeves rolled up over his biceps. Both looked as haggard and as worn out as Bryn was and she wanted nothing more than to lounge around all day, even though it was nearly six at night.


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