Wanted Angel: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Feathers and Fate Book 3)

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Wanted Angel: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Feathers and Fate Book 3) Page 16

by Sadie Moss

  Beck sees my wide eyes, and a low chuckle rumbles in his chest. “You don’t have to. We want to please you, angel. We only want to make you feel good.”

  I know he means it. If I say no, they’ll drop it and probably find some other way to drive me crazy with pleasure.

  But now that he’s put the idea in my head, I can’t let it go. It’s a little terrifying, sure. After all, these men are big everywhere, and I’m so tiny.

  They won’t hurt me, though. I know they won’t.

  “Yes.” The word is a breathy whisper, but when I speak again, my voice is louder and more confident. “I want you both. Together.”

  Something flares in his eyes. The emerald of his irises burns bright, and I can feel the greed in him. He’s greedy, but not to have me for himself. He’s greedy for this.

  For this moment.

  Ryland’s grip on my hips is almost bruising, as if my words have frayed his control to it’s breaking point, and the two men begin kissing me and touching me with renewed fervor. I end up draped over Ryland’s chest, his talented lips and tongue making my toes curl with pleasure as he kisses me like he might never stop.

  Behind me, Beckett slips two fingers into my soaked core, gathering the wetness there before dragging his fingertips to my back entrance. My body jolts a little as he slides one thick digit inside, but I remember this from my encounter with Ford. I remember how good it felt, the strange feeling of fullness as I came on his face with his finger buried inside me.

  It felt incredible then, and it feels the same now. Better, even, because I know this is leading to something more.

  When Beck adds a second finger, my muscles tighten around him, my whole body tensing.

  “You can take me, angel. I promise,” he growls.

  The roughness of his voice makes goose bumps rise on my skin, and I breathe into Ryland’s kiss, letting the man beneath me work the tension out of my body as he rocks his hips against mine. He still hasn’t slipped inside me, but I can feel how badly he wants to. His shaft is slick with our combined arousal, and it pulses against me as he grinds me into him.

  The two fingers in my back hole begin to work deeper, and every time my body tenses, Beckett backs off just enough to let me relax before pushing a little farther.

  They’re so patient. So focused. So hungry for me.

  And the patience pays off. As need begins to build inside me, flooding my body with electric heat, I can feel myself stretching and softening to accommodate Beck. When he slides his fingers out of me, I whimper, but his lips brush against my ear a moment later, his voice deep with desire.

  “Are you ready for me, angel? I can feel how greedy you are. Do you want this?”

  As he speaks, I feel the slick head of his cock press against my back opening, and my breath catches. I’m still a little scared, but there’s no way on earth I’m stopping now. This is about so much more than just sex.

  It’s just like Beck said.

  I want to claim these men. Both of them.

  “Yes,” I whisper. “Please. Give it to me.”

  I brace my hands on Ryland’s chest and turn my head a little, letting Beckett kiss me as he begins to press inside. His cock is bigger than his fingers, but he moves with the same careful patience, sliding home in small, gentle pulses.

  When he’s completely buried inside me, all three of us let out a collective sigh. It’s a sound of relief, but also one of anticipation.

  Then Ryland kisses me, his lips so fierce and hungry on mine that it feels like he’s trying to make up for all those days and weeks when we held each other at arm’s length. I kiss him back the same way as Beck slides an arm around my waist, helping to lift me up a little so Ryland can position himself.

  I’m so wet that I’m dripping, and although I feel incredibly full, there’s no pain as he pushes inside. My clit rubs against his pubic bone as he impales me, and the sensation makes me groan with pleasure.

  “I’m so… so full,” I mutter, because there’s no other way to describe it. It’s like how I felt when I was standing with these men on either side of me, enclosing me between their bodies—but times a million.

  Every slight shift of their hips makes sensation barrel through me, and although I know it takes them effort, they both move slowly.

  They find a rhythm with each other easily, falling into perfect sync as their hands skate over my body. We’re all covered in sweat now, and the heat coming from them feels like it might scorch me.

  Eventually, I’m the one that begins moving faster and harder, shifting my hips as I chase the incredible feelings cascading through me.

  “Fuck, angel,” Ryland grunts.

  They take their cue from me and pick up the pace, and I lose track of everything but the feel of our bodies moving together. Beckett is breathing hard behind me, his body taut as a wire, and I can feel the same tension in Ryland.

  Despite the way they’ve put the worst of their past aside and have openly agreed to share me, I get the sense that there’s an element of competitiveness in both of them—they’re each teetering on the edge, but neither man wants to be the one to come first.

  Lucky for them, I’m here to take one for the team.

  I come first.

  And second.

  And third.

  The first orgasm hits me like a train, and both men grunt, their pace growing almost frantic as they thrust into me. The feeling of them losing control spurs me into another orgasm, and that one rolls into a third, pleasure rushing through me in a torrent so strong that I can’t even scream.

  I clamp down tight around them, and that finally steals the last of Beck’s restraint. His cock thickens inside me as he comes, flooding me with heat, and a half-second later, Ryland follows him over the edge.

  They both grind against me, swirling their hips as they pulse and jerk and I milk every bit of their release from them.

  Holy… crap.

  I can’t breathe. I can’t even really think.

  Carefully, Beckett slides out of me, and Ryland helps me lift myself off his shaft before we all collapse onto the bed.

  I end up on my side between the two men, who curl close against me, our sweaty skin sticking together. I’m facing Ryland, but I can feel Beck’s lips against the back of my neck, and I feel utterly safe in the cocoon of their arms.

  Ryland’s finger and thumb catch my chin again, and he tilts my face a little to meet my eyes. The man I’m looking at in this moment seems so different from the icy, stoic man I first met in his law office.

  “This is why we have to fight by your side, Trinity,” he tells me, his voice quiet and honest.

  “Because you’re ours,” Beck adds. “And we’re yours.”

  Chapter Twenty


  “For fuck’s sake, Ford, will you quit pacing? You’re gonna wear a hole straight through the damn floor and wind up right back in Hell. I’m not in any hurry to go back there anytime soon, you know?”

  Ford stops for a second—just long enough to glare at Nix, who’s sprawled out on the couch—then resumes his path back and forth across the living room floor.

  Despite what Beck told us about starting to dig into what Salinas and Anderson might be planning, none of us have managed to do anything useful since he and Ryland disappeared upstairs after Trinity.

  Jealousy rears up inside me at the thought. I wish like hell that I could’ve been the one to go, the one to try to convince her to give up the idea of doing this on her own.

  But what could I do?

  How could I convince her?

  We can’t even speak unless one of my brothers is there to translate. I would’ve been useless.

  Trinity has been working hard to learn the sign language I use to communicate with my brothers. I’ve seen her studying my hands intently, subtly moving her own fingers in a mirror of mine as if trying to commit the motions to memory. But I know she’s a long way from understanding everything.

  It eats away at me, the fee
ling of being so close to her, yet so far away.

  I want to be able to tell her how in awe of her I am, how amazed by her strength and bravery. And I want to tell her all the reasons why none of us will let her face the high angel and demon on her own. I want her to know that our insistence on fighting with her isn’t because we haven’t thought this through—it’s because we have. We know what risk we’re taking, and we know it’s worth it.

  But I can’t tell her any of that. Not in words she’d understand.

  So instead, I lean against the windowsill of one of the large windows in the lavish living room, slightly apart from where my brothers are gathered in the middle of the room.




  Sawyer alone doesn’t look agitated. The rest of us, even Nix, are betraying our nervousness by reverting to old habits. Nix is practically melting into the couch, Ford looks like he might punch a hole in the wall, and Remi is muttering recipes under his breath.

  But Sawyer just looks thoughtful. His amber eyes gleam like fire, flickering with heat.

  I’m about to press away from the windowsill and join Ford in his pacing, but before I can, a quiet sound catches my attention. My gaze shoots to the stairs just as Trinity walks down them, followed closely by Beckett and Ryland.

  My heart compresses in my chest.

  She’s beautiful.

  Her cheeks are a little flushed, and her dark hair is messy. Her eyes are still a bit glassy, but it’s not from tears anymore. She looks relaxed and sated, and as she and my brothers walk through the wide, arched doorway that separates the living room from the entryway, I catch a hint of sweet arousal on the air.

  The three of them had sex. I realize it with a flash of certainty, and illogical jealousy rises up in me.

  It’s not a surprise that something like that would happen. She just admitted she loves all of us, and it’s not the first time Beckett has been with her. By an unspoken agreement, all of us have shared her as our feelings for her have deepened and developed.

  I have no real right to be jealous, except that I’m Envy. It’s what I was created to do—to be.

  And the kind of envy I experience defies reason. It whispers in my head that I’m not good enough, that she wants my brothers more than me, that I’ll never have what they have.

  Trinity’s brows pull together a little as she scans the room and sees me standing near the window. Without meaning to, I must’ve put my heart on my sleeve, because I see understanding pass across her face. She gives Ry and Beck a soft smile, then moves away from them and walks toward me.

  The voice in my head is still telling me that I don’t deserve her, that she’s only doing this out of pity, but I step toward her anyway, drawn by a pull I can’t even describe.

  She doesn’t hesitate for a second as she wraps her arms around me, squeezing me tightly and pressing her cheek against my chest. Then she draws back just enough to go up on her tiptoes and press a kiss to my lips. It’s both heated and sweet, and it’s a balm to the poison that eats away at me.

  Love for her flares inside me, lighting up my chest like the sun emerging from behind a cloud.

  Wrapping one arm around her waist, I palm the back of her head and slide my tongue against hers, trying to memorize the taste and feel of her.

  A little noise rises in her throat, and I know it’s for me—because of me.

  When she finally breaks away, she smiles up at me. I don’t know how she knew I needed reassurance in this moment, but she did. And she gave it to me, openly and willingly.

  I smile back at her, releasing her but threading my fingers through hers. I’m not quite ready to let her go yet.

  With her hand held in mine, Trinity turns around to look at my brothers. She purses her lips, letting out a small sigh. “I’m sorry about earlier. I… I had some sense talked into me.”

  “Love, I think you mean you had some sense fucked into you,” Sawyer drawls, and I suddenly understand the look on his face earlier. He knew.

  Once, Trin would’ve blushed at that response. But now, although her cheeks flush a little, it doesn’t look like it’s from embarrassment. She bites her bottom lip in an unconsciously seductive gesture, her gaze darting to Beckett and Ryland.

  Both of my brothers look quite pleased with themselves, smirking as heat flickers in their eyes.

  “Well, the fucking came afterward,” Trin admits with a smile that makes me want to kiss her all over again. “But before that, it was pointed out to me that if you love someone, you stand with them. No matter what. The idea of losing any of you scares the crap out of me, but if the tables were turned, there’s no way I’d let you keep me out of the fight.”

  “Yeah. I’m still torn over which sin you’d represent,” Nix says, a grin tugging at his lips. “Impatience or stubbornness.”

  Trin rolls her eyes at him affectionately, then her expression grows serious again.

  “You guys have… changed me,” she admits quietly, tightening her grip on my hand. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about my mission to redeem you. I should have—especially when I started to wonder why you needed redeeming in the first place. You made me a better person. You helped me find courage inside myself I didn’t even know was there. You taught me about love. You taught me about sex. You taught me that a family can fight and argue but still have each other’s backs.”

  Beck’s eyes glint in satisfaction as he nods slightly, his gaze fixed on Trin.

  “So, if you want to have my back in this…” Trin pauses, taking a deep breath before she continues. “I’d be honored to fight by your side.” Then she bites her lip, her nose scrunching up. “But please, please, please don’t die.”

  “’Course we won’t, sweet cakes.” Nix winks at her. “That’d be pretty fucking rude of us, wouldn’t it?”

  She chuckles, although there’s something a little manic about the sound—like she’s working hard to suppress her fear. “It would be very rude. Not cool at all.”

  “What we told Trin is that each of us has the right to fight alongside the woman he loves,” Beck says, his gaze sweeping all of us. “But neither Ryland nor I are going to tell any of you whether you have to join this battle. That’s not how we operated before we split apart, and if we’re going to work as a family again, it’s going to be by everyone’s choice.”


  It’s not lost on any of us that he used that word on purpose. That’s what we were once, although it’s been so long that I almost forgot what it was like to have one.

  “I’m in,” Ford says immediately, stepping forward like he hopes the fight will start any minute.

  “Me too, love.”

  Sawyer rises smoothly from his chair and lifts Trinity’s free hand to his lips, kissing her knuckles. I’ve seen him do a lot more than that to a woman, but there’s something in the gesture that I haven’t ever seen before.


  Trin smiles at him, her eyes softening.

  “I’m a chef, not a warrior,” Remi puts in with a lopsided grin, “but if we don’t stop these assholes, there won’t be anyone left to cook for. We need to defend our world.”

  “Ah, fuck it. I’m in too. But I’m taking a year-long vacation afterward,” Nix warns. He flops back on the couch as he speaks, like he’s determined to get as much lazing around in as possible before he has to get up and battle a psycho demon and power-hungry angel.

  I squeeze Trin’s hand, drawing her attention. When her wide eyes focus on me, I release my grip on her so I can sign using both hands.

  I’ve never met a woman like you, Trin. You say we changed you, but you changed us too. I want to know everything about you. I want to wake up next to you and fall asleep beside you. I want to hear you laugh every day, and I want to pretend for even just a second that I deserve you. I love you.

  My hands stop moving. I know Trin doesn’t know enough of my sign language to have understood most of what I just said. And if she could u
nderstand, I wouldn’t have had the guts to say all of that to her right now.

  Someday, maybe I will though.

  Remi is beaming at me, and I flush a little. My brothers can understand me just fine. They all picked up every single word I said, although they didn’t translate for me this time, seeming to understand somehow that I didn’t want or need them to.

  “Thank you, Knight.” Trin’s eyes shine. Maybe she grasped more of my words than I thought… or maybe my expression gave away more than I meant for it to.

  “You know we’re with you, angel,” Beckett says, tilting his head toward Ryland and speaking for our brother the way the two of them used to do all the time. “Always.”

  Something in her posture shifts a little, as if she’s finally been able to let go of a weight that’s been dragging on her for far too long.

  “I love you all,” she says simply. “I hate that I’m finally admitting that out loud right before the world might end and we might all lose each other forever.” Then her expression brightens, the familiar stubbornness returning to her face. “So we’ll just have to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

  “A-fuckin’-men,” Ford growls.

  Nix grins. “Let’s kick some demon and angel ass.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I’m not gonna lie, it’s not as if I’m suddenly okay with all of this.

  I’m still terrified. I don’t want the sins to die or stop existing. I love them, and I want to be with them. I’m not sure that I could live in a world where I don’t have them with me.

  But I also can’t ask them to be something that they’re not. I love them for who they are, and if they listened to me and stayed out of this fight, they wouldn’t be who they are. They’d be betraying themselves. All of them, even Nix, are fighters. They could’ve refused to join me on my quest to stop the demon portals from the beginning, and I couldn’t have forced them to work with me. I’m not sure Beckett or even Ryland could’ve forced the others to do it.


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