Donner's Fated Mate (Arctic Shifters Book 7)

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Donner's Fated Mate (Arctic Shifters Book 7) Page 5

by R. E. Butler

“She’s stuck in the past. And you know something else crazy? I am, too. She spends all her time grousing about the asshole who split with her money, but all the bitching in the world doesn’t make a renovation happen. She either needs to figure out how to make that happen or move on and forget about the patio.”

  She unlocked the door and stepped in, flipping on an overhead light. “Welcome to our humble abode. It’s got all the charm of living above a bar and none of the comforts of a real home.”

  He laughed and shut the door. “You said you’re stuck in the past. Is it because of your band?”

  She took off her coat and draped it over a chair, and he followed suit before joining her on the couch. She sighed deeply and turned to face him, tucking one leg under the other. Resting her head on her hand, she said, “Yeah. I’ve been blaming what happened with my band as the reason I’m still working here, but that’s just an excuse. Honestly, I’m scared.”

  “Of what?”

  “Being a failure on my own. As long as I had the band, if we didn’t make it, then it was a collective failure. But if I put myself out there and fail, then it’s all on me. It’s easy to blame Holly and the bar for why I’m still here, but I realized tonight that it’s unfair to put my lack of success on anyone but myself.”

  “You’re an amazing songwriter. Every time you played and sang tonight, every eye in the place was watching you, and it’s not just because you’re beautiful.”

  Her cheeks pinked with the compliment, and she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “You’re very sweet, Jack.”

  “Just for you, Ivy.” He tucked his finger under her chin. “I want to help you realize your dream, and I want that for Holly, too.”

  “It feels childish to keep talking about dreams. Reality is having a job that pays the bills, not focusing on a future that may or may not include a studio and a line of students out the door.”

  “I think you can have reality and dreams. Reality might be what you’re doing right now, but having a dream should keep you motivated.” He hummed and rubbed his thumb along her bottom lip. “Do you have a website?”

  “For me personally?”

  “You and the bar, and not just a website but also other social media accounts.”

  She gave his thumb a playful nip. “I haven’t touched any of my band’s social media accounts since they left me. I was supposed to run the bar accounts, too, but I just lost my drive for it all when I was wallowing in my issues.”

  “Let’s start there, then.”

  “Social media?”

  He nodded. “I’ve got a good computer setup at the apartment. If you give me access to the accounts for yourself and the bar, I’ll handle the updates and plan regular posts. Let me handle this for you.”

  “I feel compelled to say that Holly can’t afford to pay for you to do this stuff right now.”

  “It’s okay, sweetheart. I want to do it.”

  She leaned forward a little, her eyes bright. “Why?”

  “Because what I said before is true.”

  She licked her lips, and his eyes tracked the motion. “What did you say?”

  “That I’m taken. I’m entirely smitten by you. You’re gorgeous and talented, and I feel like I’ve known you my whole life.”

  “It’s fast.”

  “We can take things slow,” he said, cupping her face and brushing his lips over hers. “But I’m still yours.”

  “Am I yours?” she whispered. With his sensitive hearing, he could pick up the sound of her heart beating faster.

  “If you want to be. I want you to be mine, too. There isn’t anyone else for me but you.”

  “How can you know? We only just met a few hours ago.”

  “I believe in fate. Don’t you?”

  A smile quirked the corner of her mouth. “Maybe. I could use some convincing in the form of a few more of your sexy kisses.”

  “Happy to oblige,” he murmured, lowering his head once more. His beasts rose to the surface, clamoring to get close to her as the kiss deepened. Every other kiss he’d ever had in his life was obliterated by the sweet ones he shared with his fated mate. She may not fully understand what was happening because of her humanity, but he was prepared to spend the rest of his life ensuring that she was the happiest female on the planet.

  This kiss would be the first of their new life together, and whether she wanted to move fast or slow, he was going to be with her for the long haul. He’d help her with her music in every way possible, and in the process, he hoped that Holly’s issues with the bar’s finances would resolve themselves, too. It was his sincere hope that Holly and Vaughn would be mated soon, and that he and Ivy would be as well, and by Christmas Eve of next year, they’d be on their way to NPC to live. But even if the sisters didn’t want to move away, he knew he’d be happy to be anywhere on the planet, as long as his fated mate was with him.

  He had everything he’d ever wanted, and he wasn’t about to let her go.

  Chapter 7

  The following afternoon, Ivy sat at the electric keyboard and warmed up, her fingers gliding through various scales and chords. She couldn’t stop thinking about Jack. He’d spent an hour on the couch with her, his tantalizing kisses making her want more. She didn’t want to rush things physically with him, but at the same time she wished he’d stayed the night. Even if all they did was just sleep together and nothing more, she was positive it would still have been an amazing night.

  Although, to be fair, the idea of doing more with him was very intriguing.

  She wasn’t sure if she’d have been able to keep her hands off him.

  Smiling to herself, she pulled her phone out of her back pocket and opened a playlist, setting up the songs she’d play that night.

  A text appeared at the top of the screen from Jack, and her lips split into a wide grin.

  Hi, lovely. Hope you’re having a day that’s as beautiful as you.

  “Aw,” she said out loud.

  “Aw what?” Holly asked as she carried a tray of clean glasses out of the kitchen.

  “Jack’s just very sweet.”

  Holly hummed as she set the glasses down. “You know what’s weird?”


  “I got notifications for our social media accounts late last night. Did you start working on them again?”

  “No, it was Jack. He offered, so I gave him access to mine and the bar’s.”

  “What? Why would you do that?”

  “Because social media’s important, grandma. Besides, he offered to do it for free, and I think it’s time for both of us to stop living in the past. I can be a solo artist. I don’t need a band to be successful.”

  Holly stared across the bar at her. “Are you talking about me and the patio?”


  “You said last night I needed to move on. And you know what’s weird? Vaughn said the same thing.”

  “He’s a pretty smart guy, I think,” Ivy said. “Maybe not as smart as your sister, though.”

  Holly snorted. “You’re both right, but I just don’t know how to do that.”

  “Well, let’s figure out something cool to do for a promotion and see what happens.”

  “What, like a ladies’ night?”

  “Ew, that just sounds like a creepy way to lure women into a bar.”

  Holly hummed. “New Year’s Eve is in a few days.”

  “How about you figure out a special celebratory cocktail that we can talk about online, and I’ll figure something out for the music. We could do a countdown at midnight, give everyone noisemakers and hats.”

  “I don’t think anyone in town does anything for New Year’s Eve,” Holly said. There was a brief pause, and then she grinned. “Let’s do it.”


  While Holly got back to work setting up for the evening’s customers, Ivy sent a text to Jack.

  We’re going to have a New Year’s Eve party at the bar. Holly will figure out a special cocktail, and I’ll figure o
ut something cool for music. What do you think?

  She chewed on her lower lip as she waited for his response. She really wanted him to like the idea.

  That’s awesome! As soon as the drink is figured out, let me know and we can take pics to post online. Are you playing tonight?

  Of course.

  Can you spare an hour to come to our place? I have something to show you.

  Her mind skipped right from serious work thoughts to sexy thoughts of Jack. Glancing at her watch, she said to Holly, “I need to run out for an hour. Do you mind?”

  “Nah. If you could pick up some decorative toothpicks on your way back, that would be good. It’ll save me a trip.”

  “You bet.”

  She hurried from the stage as she texted Jack for his address. Donning her coat, she walked out the back of the bar, spent ten minutes scraping ice off her windows, and drove to the other side of town. She couldn’t help but smile when she saw him waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs.

  “Holly didn’t mind you stepping away?” he asked as he kissed her sweetly in greeting.

  “Nope. She’s busy thinking about a theme cocktail.”

  “It’s a great idea, sweetheart. In fact, I think she could do a monthly theme drink, and we could do some how-to videos for them.”

  He took her hand and they walked up the steps. He opened the door for her, and she stepped inside, shedding her coat and handing it to him to hang up.

  “Where’s Vaughn?”

  “On the way to the bar.”

  “Oh? Why?”

  When he didn’t answer, she looked at him. He was smiling in a way that said he thought she should know why Vaughn was gone.

  “I’m sure Holly will like that he’s there, as long as he doesn’t mind being put to work.”

  “He won’t mind a bit. In fact, I’d like to go back with you if you don’t mind.”

  She stared at him, her brow furrowing as she thought over his actions. “You want to work another night without being paid? What on earth for?”

  “Because of you.”


  “If you think sitting around the apartment twiddling my thumbs while you’re at the bar is how I’d like to spend my evenings, then you’re very wrong.” He stepped close, his cologne enveloping her. Rugged and sexy, the smell of him was enough to make her shiver. “I said you’re mine and I’m yours. I want to spend time with you. I can work on the social media at the bar and watch the door, plus I get to watch you perform. Getting paid to do any of that isn’t even on my radar.”

  “You’re different, Jack.”

  “Are you complaining?” He cupped her face and her skin erupted into goose bumps.

  “No,” she whispered.

  “Trust me when I say there isn’t anything I’d rather do than be with you, in whatever way I can be. Plus, I’ve got some ideas for your music.”

  Her brows rose. “Do you?”

  He brushed his lips over hers. “Yep. That’s why I called you over here. Come on.”

  He took her hand, and she barely stifled the disappointed groan at not getting to kiss him a little while longer. How could she be so affected by him after such a short amount of time? It was as if she was addicted to him already.

  He pushed open a door and she followed him into a bedroom. Although she immediately noticed the big bed, her gaze didn’t stay on it long because her attention was drawn to the corner, where Jack had set up something amazing.

  An in-home recording studio.

  “What did you do?” she whispered.

  He walked over to the desk and sat at the chair. “I went shopping.”

  “That’s an understatement. I don’t even have equipment this nice on the stage. Where did you…? How did you know what to get?”

  “Well, I have a friend from my old job who knows about music, so I called him and asked what I needed to be able to record you singing and playing, and he gave me a list.” He gestured to the stool in front of the microphone. “Try it out, sweetheart.”

  She walked slowly and carefully, worried she was dreaming and she’d move too fast and wake up back in her apartment. Sitting on the stool, she exhaled and focused on her hands, grateful when she was very sure she was awake. Her eyes stung, and she blinked rapidly to dispel the sudden tears.

  “Happy tears, right? I didn’t mess up?”

  She chuckled and brushed at her wet cheeks. “No, it’s perfect. I’m just overwhelmed.”

  He leaned back and ran his fingers over the keyboard. “I know it’s not exactly what you see for your dream, but we can start recording music and videos, and when you’re ready, all this can get moved to your new studio so you can give lessons.”

  “My new studio?”

  He hummed and smiled. “Yeah, with a catchy business name like ‘Ivy’s Amazing Music Studio.’”

  She barked out a laugh at the silly name.

  He put his hands up. “Fine, fine. You can come up with a name, although I think mine is pretty hard to top.”

  “You’re wonderful,” she said. She slowly swiveled in a circle, her mind spinning at what she could do with real recording equipment. “Oh, Jack, I could post videos online and load songs onto music sites. Do you know what you’ve done?”

  His brows were raised in interest, and his eyes, which she thought were a lovely chocolate brown, now looked like they were caramel swirled with gold. “What, sweetheart?”

  “You just changed the game for me. I don’t know how to thank you or repay you.”

  “First, I did it because I wanted to. And second, there’s no way to repay me because I don’t want you to. If I’m yours and you’re mine, then your dreams are mine, too.”

  “You use that word a lot.”

  “Which one?”


  “It’s my favorite, but only when I’m talking about you.” He winked and she chuckled.

  She stood and smoothed her hand downs her jeans, then joined him on the other side of the desk. “Part of me wants to tell you you’re being a caveman with all the ‘mine’ business, but the rest of me is really grateful. Thank you so much, Jack.” She lowered her head and kissed him, marveling at how easy it was to be with him, and how comfortable she was already.

  They talked for a little while longer about recording music and what he’d learned as he’d installed the equipment, and then he came with her to the bar, sitting at the corner of the counter with his laptop plugged in. Once Holly opened the bar for the night, he kept one eye on the door and one on Ivy, always seeming to know exactly where she was, which she loved. By the time the night was finished, Jack had recorded some clips of her playing live with his phone and posted them on social media, along with information about the New Year’s Eve party.

  Holly came up to the stage. “I like the new song. It’s great.”

  “Thanks. I felt like it took forever for it to come together. I guess I just needed some inspiration.”

  “Jack’s pretty inspiring, then?”

  “Yeah. How about Vaughn?”

  “How about him what?”

  “You know what I mean. He’s got eyes for you, sis.”

  Holly shook her head. “I have too much going on to get romantic with anyone, even a sexy bartender.”


  “I didn’t mean sexy.”

  Ivy couldn’t help but laugh. “I think you did, and that’s okay with me. There’s nothing wrong with having fun, and there’s definitely nothing wrong with finding a great guy to spend time with.”

  Holly glanced over her shoulder and Ivy lifted her gaze to find both Jack and Vaughn watching them. Ivy waved and smiled, but Holly turned stiffly back around to face her. “Just be careful.”

  “Jack’s a great guy.”

  “Even great guys can break hearts.”

  “I promise to be careful, but I’m not worried about Jack. He’s wonderful, and I think Vaughn is pretty cool, too. You deserve a happily ever after.”

ou’re such a dreamer.”

  * * *

  By the time New Year’s Eve rolled around, Ivy was fast falling for Jack. He wasn’t just sexy and sweet, he was smart and supportive. She’d spent time every day at his place in the little studio, learning how to use the equipment and recording music. He’d even made a sign out of construction paper and hung it on the bedroom door – of course it read “Ivy’s Amazing Music Studio.”

  True to his word, he hadn’t pressured her in the least to move things forward physically. Although she was crazy about him, she enjoyed taking the time to get to know him. Every time he shared a personal story, she felt them grow a little closer.

  She didn’t normally wear anything different on the nights she performed at the bar, but since she’d been seeing Jack every night, she’d started to dress sexier just for him. She could always tell when he liked what she was wearing because his eyes would grow darker and more golden-looking. For that night, she’d gone shopping at one of her favorite stores and picked up an outfit that was a step up from her usual jeans and cute top. The miniskirt was covered with silver sequins, which she paired with a tight white tank topped with a black leather motorcycle jacket. She slipped on her favorite black heeled boots and curled her hair to give it more volume.

  Holly knocked on the open bedroom door. “Hey, wow! You look great.”

  Ivy smiled as she turned around to face her sister. “I thought sparkles and New Year’s Eve went hand in hand.”

  Holly looked down at herself and chuckled. She’d chosen leather pants and a sparkly gold tank. “Great minds think alike. Are you nervous about tonight?”

  “Yes and no. I always get a little nervous when I perform, but knowing we’re maybe going to have a larger than usual crowd tonight makes me more anxious.”

  “You’ll be great. You always are.”


  “And Jack is doing amazing things for us on social media. Last night was the biggest crowd we’ve had in a while, and I think we’ll have even more tonight.”

  “Are you ready with your new drink?”

  “Heck yeah. The Fresh Start is going to be a hit, I’m sure.”


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