Rampage (Ruthless Tendencies Series Book 4)

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Rampage (Ruthless Tendencies Series Book 4) Page 14

by D. M. Burns

  Opening his bedroom door, I peer out with one eye through the gap and see no sign of him down the long hallway. Bolting through the door, I tiptoe with rushed movement to his massive living room. My eyes squint through the blinding light shining in from his Godlike view.

  My breath catches in my throat because this skyline picturesque sight is stunning in nature. It’s enough to compel you to sign a contract on the place without anything else being offered up in this overtly beautiful penthouse.

  “Jesus…” I whisper.

  My feet move forward in a trance-like state and I place my hand on the glass while peering out in appreciation. Taking a moment to soak the beauty in then I back away. I spot my purse on his bar along with a breakfast spread unlike any I’ve ever seen before.

  I move in that direction and my eyes scan over the entire bar's contents that are filled with breakfast goodies with silver platter tops. Shifting my shoes to the side, I lift each individually covered plate that provides a new treat and has my taste buds salivating. From pancakes to waffles. Scrambled eggs to omelets. Croissants to French toast. Bacon to sausage. As well as side dishes of fresh fruit.

  But it’s the handwritten note at the end of the bar that catches my attention the most. With my shaky freehand that is now sweaty, I pick it up and read the expressive masculine script that I know to be Slade’s.

  Pretty Girl,

  I have a few things to attend to this morning but please enjoy the breakfast. Knowing you like I do; you’re probably freaking out-STOP. Last night will not be our last anything.


  Rubbing the texture of the card between my fingers, I bite down on my lower lip wanting to believe those lovely words written out. Without thought, I close the note up in my palm, grab the strawberries because that’s just a sad shame to waste those and scurry to his elevator for escape. I slide my heels on one by one then punch the button that opens the doors immediately and I step inside.

  I’m not sure why my heart is hammering in my chest, but it is. It’s like an uncontrollable freight train barreling through my body. I mean, it’s just Rampage, right? No big deal.

  Then again, he ordered all that food, right? But he apparently felt the same as me. Hell, the guy left his own pad in order to avoid the morning after bullshit. So, I’m not alone in my mad dash to get out. Jesus, I feel like I’m having a full-on panic attack. Calm the fuck down LENA. I fan myself with my free hand.

  I just need to get to my apartment and soak in a hot bath for a few hours or maybe days. I refuse to allow myself any lingering thoughts on the idiot that I truly am. Nope, not doing it. I might as well smile and pretend that this doesn’t change things, right? Shit…

  I swipe away the fresh coat of sweat covering my forehead. Thank God it’s Saturday. Hopefully, Jules won’t see me fleeing the fornication scene while wearing the night before clothes and sporting this new thoroughly fucked fashion look that’s scrolled across my face. Or worse, run into me smelling of slut mixed with lust perfume. It’s wafting off my body like Chanel’s latest and greatest release.

  Soaking in my tub, that incidentally could fit into Ramp’s five times over and still leave room for ten other bodies, I mindlessly stare at my prune-like toe as it turns the faucet on and off in a neurotic rhythm. My body is fully engulfed and relaxed around the steamy waves of water. It’s heaven in the form of liquid and exactly what I need.

  Finding myself second-guessing whether or not I should’ve left a response of some kind behind for Ramp keeps popping in my head like a well-lit neon sign. But really… What does one say? Uhm, thanks for the literal bigfoot dicking. Or maybe, it was an adventure to remember with your dick. Or my favorite thought, maybe we can hump it out again sometime when my southside girl recovers. Jesus Christ.

  All of that is exactly why I’m glad I was hell-bent on simply getting my ass gone. I’m sure I’d still be standing at his bar with half-empty eaten trays of food and pen in hand. A blank canvas in front of me with no sensible words scribble out. That white sheet of paper mocking me like the fool I am. Speaking of trays of food, I still have those strawberries in the frig for later. Shit, pull it together Lena. Why am I obsessing?

  Corralling the bubbles closer to my chest, I secretly wonder where Ramp ran off to this morning. Does he really want to see me again? I groan and sink under the water. I’m so fuck.

  chapter 16 - rampage

  Rounding my way through Renegade Investigations, I open Renegade’s door and smirk from ear to ear as Asia squeals out in shocked surprise. Renegade swiftly steps in front of his very naked and beautiful wifey. I can appreciate the view, but it makes me feel a certain type of way. Maybe it’s because she’s the mother of Raid and Zaid, not sure. It just feels wrong.

  “Motherfucker, you need to learn how to knock,” Ren growls.

  “Motherfucker, you need to learn how to lock a door.” I chuckle as I slowly turn around. Asia is a lethal little woman. A badass little trained ninja of combat. I’m more scared of her than I am of Ren.

  “Brown sugar, you have got to remember to lock the door. Between this asshole and Rage, there’s no such thing as privacy.” Renegade says.

  “Well, I thought I did.” She says.

  “It’s nothing I haven’t seen before and believe me, I’ve seen a helluva lot more variety than that prick you’re married too.” I chuckle while staring at the door.

  “Being a whore is nothing to brag about, you dick.” Ren grits out.

  “Where are the boys?” I ask acting like it’s just another sightseeing sex-filled day in the damn neighborhood.

  “They're with mom and dad.” Renegade answers.

  “It’s okay now, Ramp. I’m dressed.” Asia says. “I’ll see you later at home and we’ll pick up where we left off.” She coo’s at Ren. He snatches her up and plants a heated kiss on her that leaves her swaying toward the door.

  “Call me once you get home, brown sugar.” He calls out.

  “Okay, baby. Love you.” She says as she passes me by. Right before Asia steps out of the office she leans in and plants a kiss on my cheek. I hear Ren growl and I give her a wink. “Come by and see the boys. They miss their uncle.” She pats my face then slips out the door.

  “Bye, sexy.” I do it to fuck with my twin, but it produces a giggle out of Asia. I raise my eyebrows at my asshole brother.

  “What was that all about?” I ask.

  “I don’t want my wife’s lips anywhere near yours.” He falls down in his leather chair, straightens his tie then steeples his hands together and shrugs.

  “Everything good? Rance working out alright?” He asks.

  I nod my head. Besides me, Rance is the guy that I’ve had watching over Lena ever since she strolled back into town. I didn’t bother to tell Renegade why I needed him. That’s irrelevant.

  “I can’t remember the last time that I’ve seen you in anything less than a GQ business suit.” He tosses his hand out at my choice in casual clothing which is fair better than most of his business suits. I move in front of his desk and take a seat.

  “Yeah… Well, I was in a hurry. I’ve got a lot of shit to see about today. Tell me something.” I say and he nods. “Back when we were kids…” I start but he cuts me off.

  “Does this have to do with a certain hot little redhead that happens to be working with you now?” He chuckles.

  “If you’d shut the fuck up and stop interrupting, you’d find out.” I clear my throat. He arches his brow at me in a shocked gesture.

  Honestly, I’m on edge and I’m not even certain why because I know this fucker never touched Lena. I shift uncomfortably in my seat. This is something that I never brought up to my brother. I was fucking pissed and burned beyond recognition on the inside from that believed betrayal of fuckery that played out years ago. Might I add, wrongfully but how was I to know that what I saw with my own eyes wasn’t actual reality. I was hurt by him but crushed by Lena, deeply.

  “Ice your ball sack down, asshole. Rebel tol
d me she was at Aces Down now. Brogan’s doing, yeah?” He quirks his eyebrows in amusement.

  “What the fuck went on between you two back in middle school?” I grind out from between clenched teeth. I’m not in the mood for idle chit-chat.

  The flames are burning hot in the pit of my stomach. Even though I know after last night that they never slept together, that’s not what this asshole eluded to all those years ago. Plus, I saw him climbing into her bedroom window. Truth be told, I’ve never wanted him nowhere near Lena, ever.

  I saw her first.

  I kissed her first.




  “What the fuck are you talking about?” He looks genuinely confused.

  “I saw you climbing into her window that summer I stopped talking to her. Then you came home that night bragging about fucking somebody, but I know damn good and well it wasn’t Lena.” I lean up and place my elbows on my knees. My toe is tapping out an antsy rhythm of anger.

  “Holy fuck… WOW! Are you kidding me right now? Is that why you turned off all those years ago? You dropped me like I wasn’t shit.” I scrunch my brows at him. It’s true, we were never close after that. I pulled back from him, period. It was the only way I knew how to deal without gutting my twin in his sleep. “It is, isn’t it. Son-of-a-bitch. You really did love her, didn’t you?”

  “You know what… It doesn’t matter. Fuck it.” I stand from the chair and start for the door.

  “Brother… Hold up a god damn minute.” He says.

  His voice sounds strained. Sorta like what I’ve envisioned over the years it’d sound like under my punishing grip while I choked the life out of him. I stop in my tracks, look up at the ceiling, and deep breath through my nose.

  Don’t kill him. Mom and dad would never get over it. However, Rebel’s demented mind would probably switch over into survival mode and help me dispose of the body. Rage would be pissed off for a while, but he’d come around eventually. But Asia will slice and dice my balls if I left her to raise that dose of double trouble on her own. Plus, the guilt would propel me to step in and help out with Raid and Zaid. Their good little kids and they need their father. He clamps his hand on my shoulder and I turn to face him.

  “Ramp, she had a cousin that visited every summer. Cat or Katrina, whatever the fuck. Hell, it’s been so long ago I don’t remember her name. Anyway, that’s who I went there to see and yeah, I dicked her, but not Lena.” He rubs the back of his neck seemingly embarrassed. “Fuck, I’m so glad I don’t have twin girls. Payback is going to be a motherfucker.” He chuckles then looks to me. “I knew you had it bad for Lena. Hell, she loved you something fierce too, man. But brother, I never touched her. As a matter of fact, she barged in on me with her cousin and threatened to rat us out.”

  “Holy shit,” I whisper.

  I swipe my hand through my hair. I want to whip his ass and hug this less attractive looking bastard at the same time. This is the type of insight that’s both pleasure and pain mixed together. Want to talk about being gutted all over again just in a different way. I missed out on so many years with her. I was cruel to her in ways that even brother-dicking wrongs wouldn’t justify. I’m a total piece of shit.

  “That’s why you distanced yourself from me and cut her off altogether, yeah?” He asks.

  “Fuck, brother.” I shrug my shoulders. He shakes his head in disbelief then walks back to his desk leaning against it and crosses his arms. “Shit, Ren. Damn, I’m sorry.”

  “Is that why you fucked Isabella? To get back at me.” He asks.

  I knew that was a sore spot for him. I’m about to break some shit down for him that’s going to blow his mind. I might be a man whore but I’m a loyal little fucker when it comes to my family even if I believe they’ve fucked me over. I couldn’t do the same to him. Wanted to, but no.

  “I never slept with her, Renegade. We just told everyone that because of what I thought I saw that night. It was a bullshit rumor, but I never touched her.” He smirks at me and shakes his head.

  “You’re a better guy than I. Because this is a fact, you touch my wife and I’d kill ya.” He smirks. “You love her, don’t you?”

  “Love is a strong word, brother. But yeah, Asia is a sexy slice of sin.” I smirk and he growls at me. Running my hand through my hair, I let out a long sigh. I’m not ready to admit all this shit to Ren, let alone myself. “Life is damned complicated right now with the club, brother. The fact remains, I did some pretty evil shit to her after that night.”

  “Deflecting, huh?” He chuckles knowingly. “Yeah, well the heart could give a shitless whether your calendar is full or not. One thing I know is life is too fucking short to spend it without the one you love. Consider that for a moment. Now ask yourself, have ya wasted enough time?”

  “Okay, father,” I say. It’s time to close up shop on his parenting insights.

  “You were a dick pretty much to her all through school until we had to transfer out with Rage. I remember that girl walked to the house every day for months on end to see you just to get drove home by mom. Jesus.” He says.

  “This coming from the guy who brutally busted Asia’s non-existent balls.” He shakes his head yes. He was a bastard to that woman too. “Listen, I’ve got other shit to do. Uhm, sorry about the last decade or so.” I say.

  “I have firsthand experience in doing dumb, evil shit. That’s why I’m throwing this knowledge out there. You’ll figure it out though. But all seriousness, we should’ve had this talk long ago, brother.” He pushes off his desk, walks over to me, and flat out clamps a hug down. For once in a long god damn time, I return it. “We good now?” He asks.

  “Yeah, brother; we are.” I take a step back.

  I feel like a tremendous weight from my shoulders has been dropped right here in the middle of Renegade Investigations. I’ve lost years with my twin, but I’ll make it up to him. When my phone buzzes in my pocket, I break the brotherly bonding bullshit, shift the device out of my back pocket, and look at the screen.

  “Gotta take this but I’ll be by later in the week to see the boys, yeah?” I say.

  “Alright. Bring Lena out with ya too. Asia, Reese, and Alex would love to add her to their weekly drink festivities. Just warn her in advance about our little THC bud pusher that is Reese’s Pieces. She’ll have her in the backyard huffing and puffing all over the place.”

  We both chuckled because it’s the truth. Reese would burn a blunt with an off-duty cop while going over all the scientific reasons, that have yet to be proven, of why weed should be legalized. The only known fact about Reese’s Pieces high is her munchie aftermath for pickles and crunchy peanut butter.

  Rounding out of Ren’s office I press the green light and answer the call. “Carter.” I bark out into the phone.

  “Sir, I hate to bother you but it’s important,” RJ says.

  chapter 17 - rampage

  Getting sidetracked before I have time to finish out an undisturbed conversation with my brother is nothing new to me. Aces Down is a demanding beast but I knew that way before I took it on. RJ is capable of handling most everything so when he reaches out, I know my presence is needed.

  The tone in his voice is disturbing and tells me shit is twisted in a bad kinda way. I rarely ever get this warning call without it ending violently for whoever’s responsible. Instantly my business side slides into place along with the Grim Reapers stone face.

  “Who is it?” I ask.

  “Sir, it’s Crellan Haze.” RJ’s voice is hushed but the dread lacing his words is heard loud and clear.

  “You know he’s a part of the Royal Diamond Club.” That’s slang for, he’s a part of the underground crew and a let it ride kinda guy. “How much is he in for?” I ask.

  This would be new territory for Crellan. He’s not a gambler. Plus, if he had a gambling problem that bastard has the bank to back it up. This guy is a sadistic killer with zero fucks for the aftermath.
A brutal nightmare for anyone that steps out of line in the underworld.

  “No, sir. That’s not why I’m calling.” His voice is strained and hesitant.

  “RJ, he didn’t clear a deck, did he?” I ask.

  That’s terminology for bagging a body in Aces Down. A line that he had better not cross in my club, my sacred ground. It’d warrant his quick descent to hell. A place he rightfully deserves.

  “No, sir. He’s soliciting the staff about Miss. Carter and he’s requesting to speak to you.” RJ whispers. Those words are like a stab wound to my eyes jolting my interest. This is the type of attention that I was worried about. “Something that I know we have strict guidelines for. No one is to obtain personal information for our staff but he’s persistent. The employees are tiptoeing around him and quite honestly he’s not relenting with the subject matter.”

  “I’m headed that way, RJ. Tell Mr. Haze that I’ll be there in less than five minutes and I’ll be more than happy to entertain him.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I cut the call, slide into my Mercedes-Maybach Exelero, and toss my phone into the passenger’s seat. I knew Lena struck a chord with that fucker the night of the party. She unknowingly triggered his fascination, turning his crazy demented side on, and propelling it into overdrive. Things are about to turn wickedly violent for that motherfucker in a destructive Rampage kind of way. She’s not a part of the equation.

  Stepping off the elevator into Aces Down’s lower lobby, I hustle forward. I had to change into more appropriate attire, it’s expected. I believe the caliber of a man speaks loudly through presentation. My appearance screams Boss of the house, which I am.

  I was a little disappointed to find Len had taken off but anticipated it all the same. That’s alright because I plan on seeing her shortly. Crellan’s post-party presence is really pissing me off. He should be back in New York by now because he sure as hell is not doing his job. This entire ploy has slapped me off my schedule. Detouring my plans for the rest of the day spent with a certain redhead escapee is going to end badly where this guy is concerned.


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