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Havoc Page 28

by E. Phillips Oppenheim



  At precisely a quarter past four, nothing having happened in themeantime but a steady rush of business, Laverick ordered a taxicabto be summoned. He then unlocked his safe, placed the pocket-booksecurely in his breast pocket, walked through the office, anddirected the man to drive to Chancery Lane. Here at the headquartersof the Safe Deposit Company he engaged a compartment, and down inthe strong-room locked up the pocket-book. There was only now thedocument left. Stepping once more into the street, he found thathis taxicab had vanished. He looked up and down in vain. The manhad not been paid and there seemed to be no reason for hisdeparture. A policeman who was standing by touched his hat andaddressed him.

  "Were you looking for that taxi you stepped out of a few minutes ago,sir?" he asked.

  "I was," Laverick answered. "I hadn't paid him and I told him towait."

  "I thought there was something queer about it," the policemanremarked. "Soon after you had gone inside, two gentlemen drove upin a hansom. They got out here and one of them spoke to your driver,who shook his head and pointed to his flag. The gent then saidsomething else to him--can't say as I heard what it was, but itwas probably offering him double fare. Anyway, they both got inand off went your taxi, sir."

  "Thank you," Laverick said thoughtfully. "It sounds a littleperplexing."

  He hesitated for a moment.

  "Constable," he continued, "I have just made a very valuable depositin there, and I had an idea that I might be followed. I have stillin my pocket a document of great importance. I have no doubtwhatever but that the object of the men who have taken my taxicab isto leave me in the street here alone under circumstances which willrender a quick attack upon me likely to be successful."

  The policeman turned his head and looked at Laverick incredulously.He was more than half inclined to believe that this was a practicaljoke. Were they not standing on the pavement in Chancery Lane, andwas not he an able-bodied policeman of great bulk and immense muscle!Yet his companion did not look by any means a man of the nervousorder. Laverick was broad-shouldered, his skin was tanned awholesome color, his bearing was the bearing of a man prepared todefend himself at any time. The constable smiled in a non-committalmanner.

  "If you'll excuse my saying so, sir," he remarked, "I don't thinkthis is exactly the spot any one would choose for an assault."

  "I agree with you," Laverick answered, "but, on the other hand, youmust remember that these gentlemen have had no choice. I steppedfrom my office direct into the taxi, and I proposed to drive straightfrom here to the place where I shall probably leave the otherdocument I am carrying with me. Why I have taken you into myconfidence is to ask you this. Can you walk with me to the cornerof the street, or until we meet a taxicab? it sounds cowardly, but,as a matter of fact, I am not afraid. I simply want to make sureof delivering this document to the person to whom it belongs."

  The constable stood still, a little perplexed.

  "My beat, sir," he said, "only goes about twenty-five yards furtheron. I will walk to the corner of Holborn with you, if you desireit. At the same time, I may say that I am breaking regulations.How do I know that it is not your scheme to get me away from thisneighborhood for some purpose of your own?"

  "You don't believe anything of the sort," Laverick declared, witha smile.

  "I do not, sir," the policeman admitted. "Keep by my side, and Ithink that nothing will happen to you before we reach Holborn."

  Laverick was a man of more than medium height, but by the side ofthe policeman he seemed short. Both scanned the faces of thepassers-by closely--the police-man with mild interest, Laverickwith almost feverish anxiety. It was a gray afternoon, pleasantbut close. There seemed to be nothing whatever to account for thefeeling of nervousness which had suddenly come over Laverick. Hefelt himself in danger--he had no idea how, or in what way--butthe conviction was there. He took every step fully alert,absolutely on his guard.

  They were almost within sight of Holborn when a cry from thebystanders caused them to look away into the middle of the road.Laverick only cast one glance there and abandoned every instinctof curiosity, thinking once more only of himself and his ownposition. With the constable, however, it was naturally different.He saw something which called at once for his intervention, andhe immediately forgot the somewhat singular task upon which hewas engaged. A man had fallen in the middle of the street, eitherknocked down by the shaft of a passing vehicle or in some sort offit. There was a tangle of rearing horses, an omnibus was makingdesperate efforts to avoid the prostrate body. The constablesprang to the rescue. Laverick, instantly suspicious and realizingthat there was no one in front of him, turned swiftly around. Hewas just in time to receive upon his left arm the blow which hadbeen meant for the back of his head. He was confronted by a mandressed exactly as he himself was, in morning coat and silk hat,a man with long, lean face and legal appearance, such a person aswould have passed anywhere without attracting a moment's suspicion.Yet, in the space of a few seconds he had whipped out from onepocket, with the skill almost of a juggler, a vicious-lookinglife-preserver, and from the other a pocket-handkerchief soakedwith chloroform. Laverick, quick and resourceful, feeling hisleft arm sink helpless, struck at the man with his right and senthim staggering against the wall. The handkerchief, with its loadof sickening odor, fell to the pavement. The man was obviouslyworsted. Laverick sprang at him. They were almost unobserved,for the crowd was all intent upon the accident in the roadway.With wonderful skill, his assailant eluded his attempt to close,and tore at his coat. Laverick struck at him again but met onlythe air. The man's fingers now were upon his pocket, but thistime Laverick made no mistake. He struck downward so hard thatwith a fierce cry of pain the man relaxed his hold. Before hecould recover, Laverick had struck him again. He reeled into thecrowd that was fast gathering around them, attracted by whatseemed to be a fight between two men of unexceptionable appearance.But there was to be no more fight. Through the people,swift-footed, cunning, resourceful, his assailant seemed tofind some hidden way. Laverick glared fiercely around him, butthe man had gone. His left hand crept to his chest. The victorywas with him; the document was still there.

  At the outside of the double crowd he perceived a taxi. Ignoringthe storm of questions with which he was assailed, and the advancinghelmet of his friend the policeman at the back of the crowd,Laverick hailed it and stepped quickly inside.

  "Back out of this and drive to Dover Street," he directed. Theman obeyed him. People raced to look through the window at him.The other commotion had died away,--the man in the road had got upand walked off. A policeman came hurrying along but he was justtoo late. Very soon they were on their way down Holborn. Oncemore Laverick had escaped.

  A French man-servant, with the sad face and immaculate dress of aHigh-Church cleric, took possession of him as soon as he had askedfor Mademoiselle Idiale. He was shown into one of the mostdelightful little rooms he had ever even dreamed of. The wallswere hung with that peculiar shade of blue satin which Mademoiselleso often affected in her clothes. Laverick, who was something ofa connoisseur, saw nowhere any object which was not, of its sort,priceless,--French furniture of the best and choicest period, astatuette which made him, for a moment, almost forget the scenefrom which he had just arrived. The air in the room seemed asthough it had passed through a grove of lemon trees,--it was freshand sweet yet curiously fragrant. Laverick sank down into one ofthe luxurious blue-brocaded chairs, conscious for the first timethat he was out of breath. Then the door opened silently andthere entered not the woman whom he had been expecting, but Mr.Lassen. Laverick rose to his feet half doubtfully. Lassen'ssmall, queerly-shaped face seemed to have become one hugeingratiating smile.

  "I am very glad to see you, Mr. Laverick," he said,--"very gladindeed."

  "I have come to call upon Mademoiselle Idiale," Laverick answered,somewhat curtly. He had disliked this man from the first momenthe had se
en him, and he saw no particular reason why he shouldconceal his feelings.

  "I am here to explain," Mr. Lassen continued, seating himselfopposite to Laverick. "Mademoiselle Idiale is unfortunatelyprevented from seeing you. She has a severe nervous headache,and her only chance of appearing tonight is to remain perfectlyundisturbed. Women of her position, as you may understand, haveto be exceptionally careful. It would be a very serious matterindeed if she were unable to sing to-night."

  "I am exceedingly sorry to hear it," Laverick answered. "In thatcase, I will call again when Mademoiselle Idiale has recovered."

  "By all means, my dear sir!" Mr. Lassen exclaimed. "Many times,let us hope. But in the meantime, there is a little affair of adocument which you were going to deliver to Mademoiselle. She ismost anxious that you should hand it to me--most anxious. Shewill tender you her thanks personally, tomorrow or the next day,if she is well enough to receive."

  Laverick shook his head firmly.

  "Under no circumstances," he declared, "should I think of deliveringthe document into any other hands save those of Mademoiselle Idiale.To tell you the truth, I had not fully decided whether to part withit even to her. I was simply prepared to hear what she had to say.But it may save time if I assure you, Mr. Lassen, that nothing wouldinduce me to part with it to any one else."

  There was no trace left of that ingratiating smile upon Mr. Lassen'sface. He had the appearance now of an ugly animal about to showits teeth. Laverick was suddenly on his guard. More adventures,he thought, casting a somewhat contemptuous glance at the physiqueof the other man. He laid his fingers as though carelessly upon asmall bronze ornament which reposed amongst others on a table byhis side. If Mr. Lassen's fat and ugly hand should steal towardhis pocket, Laverick was prepared to hurl the ornament at his head.

  "I am very sorry to hear you say that, Mr. Laverick," Lassen saidslowly. "I hope very much that you will see your way clear tochange your mind. I can assure you that I have as much right tothe document as Mademoiselle Idiale, and that it is her earnestwish that you should hand it over to me. Further, I may inform youthat the document itself is a most incriminating one. Its possessionupon your person, or upon the person of any one who was not upon hisguard, might be a very serious matter indeed."

  Laverick shrugged his shoulders.

  "As a matter of fact," he declared, "I certainly have no idea ofcarrying it about with me. On the other hand, I shall part with itto no one. I might discuss the matter with Mademoiselle Idialeas soon as she is recovered. I am not disposed--I mean no offence,sir--but I may say frankly that I am not disposed even to do asmuch with you."

  Laverick rose to his feet with the obvious intention of leaving.Lassen followed his example and confronted him.

  "Mr. Laverick," he said, "in your own interests you must not talklike that,--in your own interests, I say."

  "At any rate," Laverick remarked, "my interests are better lookedafter by myself than by strangers. You must forgive my adding,Mr. Lassen, that you are a stranger to me."

  "No more so than Mademoiselle Idiale!" the little man exclaimed.

  "Mademoiselle Idiale has given me certain proof that she knew atleast of the existence of this document," Laverick answered. "Shehas established, therefore, a certain claim to my consideration.You announce yourself as Mademoiselle Idiale's deputy, but youbring me no proof of the fact, nor, in any case, am I disposed totreat with you. You must allow me to wish you good afternoon."

  Lassen shook his head.

  "Mr. Laverick," he declared, "you are too impetuous. You force meto remind you that your own position as holder of that document isnot a very secure one. All the police in this capital are searchingto-day for the man who killed that unfortunate creature who wasfound murdered in Crooked Friars' Alley. If they could find theman who was in possession of his pocket-book, who was in possessionof twenty thousand pounds taken from the dead man's body and withit had saved his business and his credit, how then, do you think?I say nothing of the document."

  Laverick was silent for a moment. He realized, however, that tomake terms with this man was impossible. Besides, he did not trusthim. He did not even trust him so far as to believe him theaccredited envoy of Mademoiselle.

  "My unfortunate position," Laverick said, "has nothing whatever todo with the matter. Where you got your information from I cannotsay. I neither accept nor deny it. But I can assure you that Iam not to be intimidated. This document will remain in my possessionuntil some one can show me a very good reason for parting with it."

  Lassen beat the back of the chair against which he was standing withhis clenched fist.

  "A reason why you should part with it!" he exclaimed fiercely. "Man,it stares you there in the face! If you do not part with it, you willbe arrested within twenty-four hours for the murder or complicity inthe murder of Rudolph Von Behrling! That I swear! That I shallsee to myself!"

  "In which case," Laverick remarked, "the document will fall into thehands of the English police."

  The shot told. Laverick could have laughed as he watched its effectupon his listener. Mr. Lassen's face was black with unutteredcurses. He looked as though he would have fallen upon Laverickbodily.

  "What do you know about its contents?" he hissed. "Why do yousuppose it would not suit my purpose to have it fall into the handsof the English police?"

  "I can see no reason whatever," Laverick answered, "why I shouldtake you into my confidence as to how much I know and how much I donot know. I wish you good afternoon, Mr. Lassen! I shall be readyto wait upon Mademoiselle Idiale at any time she sends for me. Butin case it should interest you to be made aware of the fact," headded, with a little bow, "I am not going round with this terribledocument in my possession."

  He moved to the door. Already his hand was upon the knob when hesaw the movement for which he had watched. Laverick, with a singlebound, was upon his would-be assailant. The hand which had alreadyclosed upon the butt of the small revolver was gripped as thoughin a vice. With a scream of pain Lassen dropped the weapon uponthe floor. Laverick picked it up, thrust it into his coat pocketand, taking the man's collar with both hands, he shook him tillthe eyes seemed starting from his head and his shrieks of fear werechanged into moans. Then he flung him into a corner of the room.

  "You cowardly brute!" he exclaimed. "You come of the breed of menwho shoot from behind. If ever I lay my hands upon you again,you'll be lucky if you live to whimper about it."

  He left the room and rang for the lift. He saw no trace of anyservants in the hall, nor heard any sound of any one moving. FromDover Street he drove straight to Zoe's house. Keeping the cabwaiting, he knocked at the door. She opened it herself at once,and her eyes glowed with pleasure.

  "How delightful!" she cried. "Please come in. Have you come totake me to the theatre?"

  He followed her into the parlor and closed the door behind them.

  "Zoe," he said, "I am going to ask you a favor."

  "Me a favor?" she repeated. "I think you know how happy it willmake me if there is anything--anything at all in the world that Icould do."

  "A week ago," Laverick continued, "I was an honest but not verysuccessful stockbroker, with a natural longing for adventures whichnever came my way. Since then things have altered. I have stumbledin upon the most curious little chain of happenings which everbecame entwined with the life of a commonplace being like myself.The net result, for the moment, is this. Every one is trying tosteal from me a certain document which I have in my pocket. I wantto hide it for the night. I cannot go to the police, it is toolate to go back to Chancery Lane, and I have an instinctive feelingthat my flat is absolutely at the mercy of my enemies. May I hidemy document in your room? I do not believe for a moment that anyone would think of searching here."

  "Of course you may," she answered. "But listen. Can you see outinto the street without moving very much?"

  He turned his head. He had been standing with his back to thewindow, an
d Zoe had been facing it.

  "Yes, I can see into the street," he assented.

  "Tell me--you see that taxi on the other side of the way?" sheasked.

  He nodded.

  "It wasn't there when I drove up," he remarked.

  "I was at the window, looking out, when you came," she said. "Itfollowed you out from the Square into this street. Directly youstopped, I saw the man put on the brake and pull up his cab. Itseemed to me so strange, just as though some one were watching youall the time."

  Laverick stood still, looking out of the window.

  "Who lives in the house opposite?" he asked.

  "I am afraid," she answered, "that there are no very nice peoplewho live round here. The people whom I see coming in and out ofthat house are not nice people at all."

  "I understand," he said. "Thank you, Zoe. You are right. WhateverI do with my precious document, I will not leave it here. To tellyou the truth, I thought, for certain reasons, that after I had paidmy last call this afternoon I should not be followed any more. Comeback with me and I will give you some dinner before you go to thetheatre."

  She clapped her hands.

  "I shall love it," she declared. "But what shall you do with thedocument?"

  "I shall take a room at the Milan Hotel," he said, "and give it tothe cashier. They have a wonderful safe there. It is the bestthing I can think of. Can you suggest anything?"

  She considered for a moment.

  "Do you know what is inside?" she asked.

  He shook his head.

  "I have no idea. It is the most mysterious document in the world,so far as I am concerned."

  "Why not open it and read it?" she suggested; "then you will knowexactly what it is all about. You can learn it by heart and tearit up."

  "I must think that over," he said. "One second before we go out."

  He took from his pocket the revolver which Lassen had dropped. Itwas a perfect little weapon, and fully charged. He replaced it inhis pocket, keeping his finger upon the trigger.

  "Now, Zoe, if you are ready," he said, "come along."

  They stepped out and entered the taxi, unmolested, and Laverickordered:

  "To the Milan Hotel."


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